There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 2 Child Daughter-in-law

Chapter 2 Child Daughter-in-law

"The cool breeze is sexual, and the autumn moon is boundless. Thanks to my Sijiao's mood is like a year. Although I'm not a jade tree in the wind, I'm unrestrained and handsome, I have a broad mind and strong arms!"

On the high hill, in front of the dense grass, under the handsome tree was a teenager leaning on a dog tail grass in his mouth, wearing a simple self-made hat made of weeds and talking nonsense.

Yes, this teenager is Li Hua, who was a desperate orphan on the earth in his previous life. He traveled through this life and began to be reborn.

It has been nine years since he came to this new world, and Li Hua also has some understanding of the world. What disappointed him was that his cheap father Li Bai was not the poet Li Bai who created the immortal children's song "Silent Night Thought", so the world was not the Tang Dynasty where he was on earth in his previous life.

After several years of field investigation and in-depth analysis, Li Hua came to a very important conclusion: his father Li Bai is neither a romantic talent nor a rich official eunuch. It's just a very ordinary poor scholar. Li Bai, who has been tried many times, barely taught a few students to read in the village school for a living. Li's family earns some money by sewing and washing clothes for others, so the life of Li Bai's family is still very difficult.

What makes Li Hua more depressed is the name. In his last life, the name of Li Hua was casually given to him by the director of the orphanage. First, there is no allusion, second, second, it is not elegant, and third, it has become the protagonist that often appears in English composition. It can be said that the name Li Huawei carries a lot of bloody and tearful accusations. But I didn't expect that after rebirth, it was still called this name, which is not how disgusted Li Hua is. It's just that when Li Bai's father named himself, he actually pinched it. "Hua Zhang" is called Li Hua. Wouldn't it sound better to be called "Li Zhang"? However, Li Hua was relieved when he thought about it a little. If he really called other names, it might be more difficult for him to adapt, so he would be at ease.

"Brother Li Hua...Brother Li Hua!" Just as Li Hua leaned against a big tree and covered his face with a homemade straw hat, feeling the fragrance of flowers and plants around him. When he was about to be drowsy, a silver bell-like shout from not far away woke him up in an instant.

"Brother Li Hua, brother Li Hua!" After a while, I saw a young girl open the grass more than a person high, patted the grass on her body, and sighed. Seeing Li Hua leaning against the big tree, she was happy. She hurried over, pulled up the lazy Li Hua, frowned and shouted, "Brother Li Hua, go back to the school quickly! Your father just came back from the county and will go to the school soon. If you are not in the school and run out without permission, he will definitely beat you again!"

Li Hua stretched out unhurriedly, took off the straw hat covering his face, opened his eyes slightly, looked at the young girl in front of him, and muttered to himself, "That cheap father also deserves to discipline me. There is not as much ink in his stomach as me!"

Although Li Hua was not a top student in his last life, his Chinese was first-class. In the lonely days in the orphanage, in addition to following the master playing Wing Chun, he soaked in the small library of the orphanage and read some "Four Books", "Five Classics", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius". He was also proficient in poetry and songs. During the college entrance examination, he also got a high score in Chinese and classical Chinese compositions before he could barely pass the book. Three types of schools.

Occasionally **, Li Hua can also be spiritual and write poetry. And his cheap father, who studied hard in a cold window for more than ten years, only took a scholar exam, and then stopped walking. However, Li Hua has no intention of looking down on his father. In fact, he still admires this cheap father. Although his father can't get into the examination, he is well versed in those Confucian classics. It can be said that he is memorized, but he doesn't know how to learn and apply them.

When it comes to Confucian classics, Li Hua has to admire the great saint Kong, even in this alien world. Li Hua is sure that the world he lives in now is not any known dynasty on earth, but the articles of those scholars who take the imperial examination are still the Confucian classics he came into contact with in his previous life.

Because of this, Li Hua has been arranged by Li Bai to recite these Confucian classics in his humble primary school since he was a child. Li Bai can't get into the exam and always hopes that his son will get ahead. However, although Li Hua has the memory of his previous life and it is effortless to learn these, he can't bear to recite those rigid articles all day. Therefore, he often sneaked to the mountain behind the school when Li Bai was away, leaned under the big tree to enjoy the cool, and then slept comfortably.

As for the young girl in front of him, Li Hua smiled secretly in his heart when he talked about her. This is the child daughter-in-law given to him by his parents, called Li Xiuer. She is 12 years old this year and three years older than Li Hua, which is in line with the saying that "female junior holds gold bricks".

The concept of favoring boys over girls also exists in this world, especially in the countryside where Li Hua is located. Most girls receive some betrothal gifts when they are raised until they are five or six years old, and then give them to others as child brides. Li Xiuer is still related to him. She is the granddaughter of his grandfather's brother, but the people here don't pay attention to the fact that this close relative can't get married. Instead, they pay attention to "fat water does not flow to outsiders" and "kidding" and so on. Li Xiuer has been staying at Li Hua's house as a child bride since she was five years old.

At that time, Li Hua was only two years old. Not long after he was able to speak and walk, he was hugged by the naughty Li Xiuer and shouted "little father-in-law" and "little father-in-law". Li Hua was still a virgin in his last life. He was thinking about how to save his wife's capital all day long. In his life, although he was born in a poor family, at least he had a father and mother, and even his wife had been booked in advance.

What's more, Li Xiuer is not bad-looking. Her long hair, melon seed face, white and red skin can be broken. The twinkling eyes under the willow leaves' eyebrows reveal simple cuteness. At first glance, she is a beautiful embryo.

"Brother Li Hua!" Seeing Li Hua staring at herself in a daze, Li Xiuer still had a halal, smiled, gently pushed Li Hua and said, "What are you looking at? Why don't you go back quickly? Your father will beat you if he can't see you when he comes back!"

Originally, Li Xiuer was going to call Li Hua "little father-in-law", but Li Hua's father Li Bai is at least a scholar. It is not decent to let the child daughter-in-law call her son "little father-in-law" and "little father-in-law", so Li Xiuer is not allowed to call Li Hua the "little father-in-law" before marrying Li Hua, and only "Brother Li Hua". It made Li Hua depressed for a while, and he didn't know how many times he cursed his cheap father.

"I'm looking at my little lady!" Li Hua gently stretched out his hand to wipe off the saliva with his sleeves, and obscenely wanted to touch Li Xiuer's face, but was quietly dodged by Li Xiuer.

"Don't do this. Let your father see it and talk about you again!" Li Xiuer turned her head shyly and whispered annoy.

"Haha, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so my father can't take care of me!" Li Hua smiled, took Li Xiuer's hand and ran down the mountain.