There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 17 Extermination of the Village

Chapter 17 The whole village is destroyed

"What's wrong? Son!" Looking at the collapsed mountain in front of him and the cave that had been covered with rocks, Su Xiaotu was also a little shocked. Seeing Li Hua's solemn face and frowning, he asked worriedly.

"Rabbit!" Li Hua paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and said reluctantly, "Go back to the deep mountains you used to practice!"

"No! The rabbit will follow the prince!" Hearing Li Hua's words that he wanted to leave by himself, Su Xiaotu was stunned for a moment, and then reluctantly ran to Li Hua's side, pulling Li Hua's hand and said stubbornly, "Don't drive the rabbit away. The rabbit's life was saved by the prince. The rabbit should follow the prince!"

"Why are you following me! I saved your life, and you also brought me to this cave. We are clear. What's more, I'm a human, you're a monster, and monsters are all unintentionally. Sooner or later, you will want to harm me! So, please stay away from me and go back to your rabbit nest. Li Hua was cruel, shook off Su Xiaotu's hand, closed his eyes, and turned his head, so that Su Xiaotu could not see the tears that were about to fall in his eyes.

Li Zhongtian tried his best to suppress the magic blood sect Ouyang old demon escaped. Through the information inherited by Li Zhongtian, Li Hua knew that he had a big game this time.

When Li Zhongtian suppressed Ouyang Jin, he first used a seal called "Guizong's blood leads to lead the dust secret" to seal Ouyang Jin's cultivation, so that his cultivation was suppressed from the end of the disaster to the early stage of Yuanying, and then completely sealed Ouyang Jin at the bottom of the mountain with the jade pendant of "entering demons and no way" Department.

The conditions for using the "Guizong Blood Intracts the Dust Secret" are particularly harsh. It needs to be led by half of the blood of the caster's whole body to exert its power. If you want to completely unlock this seal, the only way is to obtain the remaining blood of the caster. If the caster is dead, it can only slowly accumulate blood power from the direct and collateral blood relatives or descendants of the caster to unlock the seal.

At the same time, what worries Li Hua most is that the castee has the ability to recognize the bloodline, that is to say, the released Ouyang Jin can find the descendants with the bloodline of the Li family, and then restore his cultivation by sucking their blood.

This is also the reason why Li Hua wants to drive Su Xiaotu away. Ouyang Jin has just escaped from the seal. As long as he understands the key to the seal, he will try his best to find the descendants of the Li family with the blood of the Li family. Therefore, Li Hua's current situation is particularly dangerous. In the face of a demon sect suzerain who once reached the end of the disaster and now has the Yuanying period, even if Li Hua has the jade pendant on his chest, he is not sure that he can escape, let alone protect Su Xiaotu beside him. But as long as Su Xiaotu leaves him, there is absolutely no danger. In order to protect Su Xiaotu, Li Hua can only say harsh words to let her leave.

"The rabbit will not harm the prince! Rabbit will never hurt the prince..." After listening to Li Hua's cruel words, Su Xiaotu was shocked, afraid, and said with tears.

"Let's go! I don't want to see you again!" Li Hua once again coldly shook off Su Xiaotu's entangled hand and ran away by himself. He was afraid that if he stayed for a while, Su Xiaotu would see the strangeness in it, and then he would not leave him. While she runs away from her sight and stays away from her now, even if she wants to find herself, she can't find herself.

"Son..." Looking at Li Hua's distant back slowly being swallowed up by the woods, Li Xiaotu stood in a daze, tears rolled down his face, and muttered, "Son, why don't you want rabbits? Rabbit... Rabbit likes the prince! Rabbit is a good monster. Rabbit really won't harm the prince! Rabbit, the rabbit will never pinch the prince's nose anymore! Rabbit..."

"Ah! Ah..." Li Hua ran around in the mountains and forests without direction, and tears in his eyes rolled narrowly from his face. Although she only got along with Su Xiaotu for less than a day, her real smile, pure appearance, kind heart, and the way she pouted "Rabbit, rabbit" has been deeply imprinted in her heart.

After running around in the mountains and forests for a while, Li Hua finally calmed down a little. Thinking that Ouyang Jin can identify people with the blood of the Li family, all the villagers in Lijia Village are in danger. The more I thought about Li Hua, the more shocked I became. I couldn't wait to fly back to the village to tell everyone to hide.

However, he followed Su Xiaotu to find this cave from the mountain temple halfway yesterday, and he couldn't remember the route at all. Now after his random run for a while, he is completely lost in this deep mountain forest.

What should I do? What should I do? Li Hua was anxious to rush around in the forest. If he didn't go back to the village in time to inform everyone to hide, in case Ouyang Jin found such a village full of descendants of the Li family, the consequences would really not be thought about.

"Little brother...little brother..." When Li Hua was at a loss, a distant cry came to Li Hua's ears. Li Hua listened carefully and it turned out to be Li Hao's voice.

"Brother Hao! I'm here... Brother Hao..." I heard Li Hao's voice clearly, and Li Hua also called Li Hao loudly to let him know his position.

"Little brother, little brother, I... I found you!" Guided by Li Hua's voice, Li Hao quickly ran over from the end of the woods, and the two brothers soon met again.

"Little brother, why did you suddenly die last night? The village head woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't find you. He was so anxious that he couldn't find you everywhere, so we had to rush back to the village overnight and mobilize some people in the village to go up the mountain to find you!" As soon as Li Hao saw Li Hua, he said smoothly.

"Brother Hao, stop talking and take me back to the village quickly. There is something important!" Li Hua didn't have time to explain to Li Hao, but asked Li Hao to lead him back to the village quickly.

On the way back to the village, Li Hua briefly explained to Li Hao the seriousness of the current situation. Li Hao was so shocked that his chin was about to fall off. If Li Hua hadn't shown him the collection function of the jade pendant on his chest, Li Hao would have thought that Li Hua was evil and full of nonsense!

When Li Hua showed Li Hao the collection function of the jade pendant, he was surprised to find that after integrating the new jade pendant, the world inside actually had vast land, which was no longer just a vast area of white everywhere, but now these lands are still bare and nothing. . Li Hua doesn't have time to study the new changes of jade pendants, but he found that jade pendants can be received in his body as if they had been lurking in his body for nine years.

Because he was in a hurry to go back, Li Hao took Li Hua on the mountain road, but went straight across the woods to Lijia Village. Li Hua had to hold a sword and keep splitting the thorns and bushes in front of him to make the journey faster.

When they finally returned to Lijia Village, both of them were stunned. What Li Hua was most worried about happened. The Li family's village was full of corpses, and all the bodies had a common feature, that is, they all became dried corpses.

"Mother! Mother..." Li Hao found his mother's body in a place and held his mother's stricken body. Li Hao cried bitterly.

Listening to Li Hao's crying, Li Hua thought of his parents. Thinking of the mother who brought herself to this world, feeding herself full of love, helping herself learn to walk, feeding herself one by one, and sewing clothes and trousers for herself one by one, Li Hua, who had never been loved by her mother in her last life, really enjoyed Li's love. There is also the father who forced himself to recite Confucian classics with a teaching whip all day long, and scolded himself for being incomplea, but often read his poems and literature for a long time. The strict love from his father also made Li Hua, who had never experienced his father's love in his previous life, deeply feel the greatness of his father's love.

There is also the child daughter-in-law Li Xiuer, who has been holding herself and shouting "little father-in-law, little father-in-law" since she could walk. She is also the first girl to treat Li Hua as her own man. Although Li Hua often feels that Li Xiuer treats her like her younger brother, Li Xiuer still makes Li Hua's childhood full of joy and happiness.

Thinking of these and looking at the miserable scene of corpses in front of him, Li Hua held a sense of anger in his heart. Why was he an orphan in his last life? In this life, he could not have the life that ordinary people had, and had the fatherly and maternal love that ordinary people had. Why, why did God let himself experience it? Such a tragedy?

In the final analysis, Li Hua knows that he is too weak. There is no strength to protect the people he loves around him, so whenever danger comes, he can only watch his relatives and loved ones get hurt.

"Ah!" Li Hua was so angry that he waved his sword in his hand and cut it randomly. The sharp sword cut iron like mud, breaking all the houses and trees that Li Hua had cut.

Just when Li Hao cried bitterly and Li Hua went crazy, the wind suddenly rolled around, and a bloody breath came to his face. A blood-red hand came out of nowhere and grabbed Li Hua, who was swinging his sword crazily. Li Hua's swinging sword touched the sound of the hand and was thrown out by the blood-red hand.

When the hand approached Li Hua's neck, the jade pendant hidden in Li Hua's body also flashed out, once again forming a turquoise mask to protect Li Hua. However, this layer of turquoise light mask broke directly under the blow of the blood-red hand, and the blood-red hand passed through the protective mask and grabbed Li Hua's neck.

"Ouyang Old Devil! Don't hurt..." Just when Li Hua suddenly experienced such a change and already had the idea of dying, a golden sword flew down from the sky and cut the blood-red wrist with a sword. As soon as his hand was in pain, he actually let go of Li Hua and withdrew.