Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 338 Battle of Blood Pool 2

The third volume of the seven-star mysterious demon suddenly rises

Chapter 338 Battle of the Blood Pool (2)

"Hey, I heard that a Taoist friend abducted a female monk from outside because of the magic treasure a few days ago. It seems that Taoist friends should have practiced a lot of such a skill on that woman. Hahaha...." The seemingly kind-looking Qinglijushi leaned there and looked happily at the play of the bedside below, covering his mouth and smiled. The kind of clever smile, which was almost far from the man's wind, made Jiyang, who peek in the crack of the stone, suddenly have goose bumps all over his body, and his face showed an extremely strange god. Come on.

Why does this young resident look more like a woman? He muttered coldly in his heart, and Jiyang couldn't help but be wary of the seemingly kind-looking young resident. This man seemed to have any plans for him, which made him really have to be careful. And looking at the appearance of these two people, it seems that they are not ordinary people. They are both split bodies, but I don't know who they are. Thinking about the various reasons in his heart, Jiyang quietly leaned his body against the stone wall behind him and stopped looking at the high platform. Some highly cultivated beings were extremely sensitive. Even if they looked at them, they would have a little feeling. Jiyang did not dare to say whether these two were like this. In short, there is no big mistake. In this strange cave, he does not want to provoke these two people, and the painstaking pool now seems to be just an extravagant hope. At this time, he can't help thinking about how to leave here.

At this time, the Taoist surnamed Wang, whose hands were constantly swimming on the body of the beautiful fairy Miaoman, suddenly smiled strangely. He grabbed the most plump part of the woman and laughed fiercely: "Although I brought back the girl of the qi period, unfortunately I happened to meet this door at that time. The young master was robbed by him. Damn, he wasted a good furnace tripod in vain. The Taoist surnamed Wang smiled in a low voice. Although his words were full of regret, there was no regret on his face. Instead, there were bursts of playful colors, as if there were some other indescribable things in it. On the stone statue, when Qingli Jushi opened his mouth and wanted to ask, the Taoist surnamed Wang turned around and talked about another thing: "Ice soul Taoist friend, this time we are led by the flesh and blood of two gasification monks with the body of enchanting yin and the body of Tongyang. At that time, as long as we draw out the blood ghost of this blood pool, treat the old man. Sealing its soul into that magic treasure, this blood pool is also a Taoist friend. Hey hey, such a strong blood evil spirit is enough for Taoist friends to cultivate the magic power of the blood god light to a great success.

"Creation to great success? Gea, with such a strong blood evil spirit slave's blood god light is really a little likely to be cultivated to great success. Hearing this, the Qinglijushi was stunned at first, and then covered his mouth and laughed quite charmingly, which was enough to make people unable to sleep for decades.

However, the Taoist surnamed Wang seemed to be unaware of this. Instead, he smiled and wanted to say something, but at this time, the change suddenly appeared. Suddenly, a huge bloody claw protruded out of the blood pool that was just constantly bleeding, and rushed to the gorgeous fairy without warning. The forehead of the Taoist surnamed Wang was quietly grabbed.

Before the claws came, the Taoist surnamed Wang felt that there was a bad wind on his face, and at the same time, a strong bloody air penetrated into his brain from his nostrils and almost smoked him to death.

"There is no blood sacrifice in the body of the charming yin. How can the blood ghost come out?" With an extremely angry roar, the Taoist surnamed Wang's face was extremely frustrated and was about to retreat to the shore. At the same time, he fiercely pushed the gorgeous fairy with her body, whose body was already unconscious, to the sharp claws. He flew up to the stone platform in an instant. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and wrapped it, and suddenly there was a thick black gas from it. Two black shining shields floated out of his body and blocked him. At this time, he did not hesitate to roll up the clothes on the stone platform and put a set of black robes on his body. He reached out and patted them. The two black lights quietly slipped out of the cuffs and turned into two dark short swords in front of him. Floating.

At the same time, the blood claw was like a broken bamboo, passing through the body of the Yanling fairy** without hindrance. A short scream in the mouth of the Yanling fairy was opened by the blood claw, and the broken flesh fell into the blood pool, and at the same time, a thick The extremely black light rushed out of the minced meat and instantly turned into a ghostly sword and shot into the sky.

"Puff" two soft sounds, and the two black shields, which could hardly be blocked, were directly penetrated by the sword. In an instant, they shattered and turned into countless black gas and slowly drifted away.

At this time, the sword suddenly trembled, turned a big turn, and shot directly towards the top of the cave, as if he wanted to break through this place and escape directly.

As soon as he saw the little sword about to fly away, the face of the Taoist surnamed Wang, who was originally a little shocked, suddenly panicked. He hurriedly reached out to stretch some spells to stop him. At this time, the blood claw came towards him with bursts of scarlet blood. Seeing that this was about to catch his face, he did not allow it at all. What magic power did he use again?

Under the change of his face, the Taoist surnamed Wang gritted his teeth and turned his backhand to cross each other fiercely, making a crisp sound, and then turned into two black lights flying out of his hands and suddenly cut off the bloody claws that were almost about to catch his nose, making a loud sound, making a strong momentum. It flew violently.

At this time, the little sword was almost flying to the top of the cave. Seeing this, the face of the Taoist surnamed Wang suddenly became extremely difficult to look. This magic treasure was not easy for him to come by. If he really failed like this and let it fly away, he would probably regret it. Almost all his money was poured into this. On top of a magic treasure, if something really happens to this treasure, then all his efforts will be in the end forever.

And when the face of the Taoist surnamed Wang was extremely ugly, an extremely strong golden light suddenly lit up in the sky. At the same time, a feminine and delicate sound came. I don't know when the Qingli priest who was sitting on the stone statue had already flew high, and a golden bowl full of several feet in his hand. Throwing a black sword that was about to escape and covering it, allowing the sword to rush left and right in the golden light of the bowl and make a sound like gold and iron, but it could not break the defense of the bowl at all.

At first sight, the ugly face of the Taoist surnamed Wang suddenly became ecstatic.

"Bingyun Taoist friend, thank you for your help. I, Wang, am very grateful!" With that, there was a long roar. The black sword, which was still rushing left and right in the bowl, suddenly trembled gently, and then there was a very strange burst of black gas, which actually stood still in the void. Then the Qingli resident smiled gently, reached out and pressed the bowl, and the whole bowl instantly The little sword was completely wrapped in it, fell down fiercely, and directly hit the thick and abnormal platform, which was actually sealed directly.

"What's the matter? As long as Taoist friends still remember the benefits of promising a concubine. Qingli Jushi put on his robe and smiled faintly. Then his whole body turned into a streamer and fell directly to the side of the Taoist surnamed Wang. At the same time, a small jade mirror floated out of his hand, and a strong cold light shot out of the mirror and instantly fell on the bloody claws entangled with the two short swords. Above.

As soon as the cold light fell on the giant claws, a layer of heavy and unusual cold air suddenly rose, and the blood claws suddenly turned into a lifelike bloody ice sculpture and remained motionless in mid-air.

At this time, the two short fights floated in an instant, and the two tones immediately cut the blood claw ice carving into dozens of sections and turned them into ice crumbs on the ground.

The red ice crumbs looked shocking, and a strong and almost inexorable evil spiritual power fluctuated in it. Even the Taoist surnamed Wang and the Qingli Jushi couldn't help shivering and looked at each other, and both of them looked shocked.

"Wang Daoyou, it seems that the strength of this bloody ghost is a little bigger than we expected." At this time, Qingli Jushi no longer regained that charming color. His face was cold, and a black spiritual realm was suspended in front of him, and his face was full of solemnity.

The face of the Taoist surnamed Wang beside him is also not very good-looking. This action seems to have a situation that they did not expect. They seem to underestimate the real strength of the blood ghost in the blood pool, that is, the strong evil spirit emitted from this pile of debris under their feet is definitely not an ordinary virtual elixir monk. I'm afraid that the strength of the blood ghost parasitic in this blood pool has greatly exceeded their expectations, so how can the Taoist surnamed Wang, who was holding everything not look heavy? How to be in a bad mood?

At this time, hiding behind the stone, Jiyang, who restrained his breath and almost imperceptible, suddenly opened his eyes when he saw the extraordinary black sword rushing out of the broken body of the Yanling fairy. He was not interested in paying attention to the life or death of the Yanling fairy. Naturally, it was naturally that surprised him. It seems that this magic treasure is clearly the magic weapon that flowed out at the auction he participated in ten years ago. At that time, this magic treasure attracted an ancient demon in the Jiedan period to grab it. Jiyang still remembers that there were two virtual elixir masters guarding the secret city in the secret city at that time. They went to fight together, but finally returned from the injury. Judging from the situation at that time, nine out of ten, this magic treasure fell into the hands of the ancient demon. Jiyang had a deep impression of the ancient demon, especially the situation of finally abcroachment of Long Xueyan together.

If this magic treasure was really taken away by the ancient demon at that time, then now the identity of the Taoist surnamed Wang is ready to come out.

At the thought of this highly possible speculation, Ji Yang's heart suddenly hung up and no longer dared to move at all.

Naturally, there is no awareness of the existence of another person behind the boulder. At this time, all their minds have paid full attention to the blood pool that keeps rolling like boiling.

At this time, the blood pool kept turning out one by one on the surface of the pool, bursting, making a crackling sound. At the same time, a strong blood gas surged out of these ruptured blood bubbles and merged into the already sticky air, and the smell of blood in the whole air suddenly raised to an extreme To the point of horror.

Under the extreme vigilance of the Taoist surnamed Wang and Qingli Jushi, the frequency of blood bubbles in the blood pool was getting faster and faster, and there were one or two low and long roars faintly coming from the blood pool, making the faces of the Taoist surnamed Wang, who were already grim, more solemn.