
Chapter 3 Two People and Money

In this temporary shed built by fisherman. The thousand people temporarily recommended three people to follow Xiao Qi to see Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan sat in the innermost part of the shed. Xiaoqi and Fat Fish sat on his left hand, while the three people who came in were sitting cross-legged opposite Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan looked at several people in front of him. Two of them were about thirty-four or five years old and had dark faces. At first glance, they were people who had been working outside all year round. When they came to Xiao Yan, they still looked shocked. Is it true? Both of them are craftsmen in the craftsman workshop set up by the government in Lin'an to make warships.

And another 24 or 25-year-old person attracted Xiao Yan's attention. Although his face was plastered with some dust, his look had always been as usual, as if what had happened just now had nothing to do with him, and occasionally his eyes could flash a sharp murderous atmosphere.

Like a man who has been on a battlefield for a long time. When the three of them were conspicuously looked at, the two older people occasionally looked at Xiao Yan or around, but their eyes flashed. But this younger one only looked at Xiao Yan calmly. However, these three people may have the same idea. Why is this village owner so young?

"Dare to ask what this big brother is called." Xiao Yan asked? The two Xiaoqi had already said, and Xiao Yan only asked the young man. I didn't dare to be the owner of Xiaozhai. Yang Tai, a native of Longyang, Hunan Province, came to the south of the Yangtze River to beg for food because the government had no way. Unexpectedly, he was abducted by the Jin people. Fortunately, the owner of Xiaozhai rescued him, and he was very grateful. After saying that, they stood up and bowed to Xiao Yan with their fists. When the two saw Mrs. Yang get up, they also quickly got up and bowed. Seeing this, Xiao Yan also got up and hugged his fist and said, "Brother Yang, you don't have to be so polite. Brother Yang and others are blessed. Xiao just did it by hand."

Yang Tai saw that Xiao Yan's group of people were not old and were a little contemptuous. At this moment, he saw Xiao Yan's words in an orderly and organized manner. Although he was a bandit, he did not have any bandit. I couldn't help but put away my contempt and said, "The Lord of Xiaozhai is too polite. Anyway, our lives were given by the Lord of Xiaozhai. The kindness of dripping water should be reciprovenated by the spring. When they came, everyone discussed it. Now that the golden soldiers are brutal, coupled with the corruption of the current government, the people have no way to live. Everyone recommended us and other three people to come to see the Lord Xiaozhai and ask Xiaozhai to be the chief. We will be accepted. We are willing to follow the owner of Xiaozhai in the wind and rain. Let's talk about it. Take the three of them and kneel down to Xiao Yan.

In fact, Xiao Yan had this idea before they came over, but he didn't know how to do it for a while. After all, there were only a dozen people on his side. Unexpectedly, everything was a little unexpected today, and these people took the initiative to rely on themselves. And when Xiao Yan saw Mrs. Yang, he spoke and did things, neither arrogant nor humble, and had rules and laws. I must have read books for several years. Looking at the two, although they were a little panicked, they could calm down, otherwise they would not have been selected by everyone.

Let's talk about today's incident. It won't take long for so many people to be leaked out. There are only a few birds around me. If you have a life to earn this money, you are afraid you won't have to spend it. Thinking of this, Xiao Yan turned his heart. I'm about to talk. The three people knelt on the ground and saw Xiao Yan silent. They thought that Xiao Yan did not want to take us in. They said together, "Master Xiaozhai, please take us in." Seeing this, Xiao Yan just took advantage of the donkey to stretch out his hand to help the three people and say, "In this case, Xiao is willing to share the joys and sorrows with everyone. He thought deeply about what Xiao Yan said when the bandits or the eldest brother in the novels of future generations said: everyone will be a family in the future. You are all older, and call me Brother Xiao in the future. Either brother or little brother is OK.

Yang Tai and the three agreed when they saw Xiao Yan and spoke politely, which was different from the murderous bandits they imagined. Although I want to be a bandit, I am also forced to be helpless and always feel uncomfortable. Now seeing Xiao Yan speak so politely, it seems that he still has a trace of expectation for the occupation of bandit. After the three got up, Xiao Yan said to Xiaoqi and the fat fish: "Go ahead and bring them here. Remember to be careful. There was too much movement just now. Don't get into any trouble.

Xiaoqi and the two agreed to go out. At this time, the two older people said, "Master Xiaozhai might as well let us go." "Okay. Then he said to Xiaoqi, "A few of you go to the river to have a look and see if there is any food to bring back to entertain the brothers for a while." Several people agreed and left separately. Xiao Yan and Mrs. Yang were left in the shed. Outside the shed, there was a fat dragon leading several people to watch Wang Lun outside. It calmed down at once. Then Mrs. Yang didn't say anything. Xiao Yan saw that the scene was a little cold, and he just wanted to find someone to discuss how to fish up the things in the sunken ship

. By the way, I also took a look at Mrs. Yang's ability, so I asked, "Brother Yang, since we are already a family, I won't hide it." Then she told Mrs. Yang how to plan and how to implement the plan. After hearing that Rao had seen the world before, she was also shocked by their bold actions. More than a dozen people dared to touch the golden fleet. Just before Mrs. Yang had time to digest what had just happened, Xiao Yan took Wang Lungang again. After repeating what he just said, and looking at the calmness when Mrs. Yang first came, his expression was as staring at the boss as Xiao Yan after hearing Wang Lun's words, his mouth was open that he could see the back alveolar teeth, and his face was flushed. My brain is dizzy. The two eyes are straight.

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he saw Mrs. Yang's expression and didn't say anything. Just looking at him. After a long time, Yang Tai took a long breath, patted his head with his hand and said incoherently, "Xiao, little brother. The village owner, Yang is too rude, but the village owner, what he said is amazing. Xiao Yan saw that Mrs. Yang came to her senses and smiled, "Brother Yang, I just heard it. I'm more shocked than you are now."

Yang Tai calmed down again and said, "Since you are the owner of the village, believe in Yang!" Xiao Yan reached out to stop Yang Tai's words and said, "I just said that it's a family, so you don't have to be polite."

At this time, Xiao Yan suddenly thought that the old bandits used to worship after drinking and eating meat on TV. He was Xiaoqi and other brothers in the cottage. If the old bastards came out this time to let the cottage know that I had made a lot of money, and if he only relied on himself, he would not be born by them. Swallow it. Although there are so many people coming all of a sudden, it looks scary at first glance. But after all, I'm not familiar with it. In case, if I don't listen to the command, I will be very proud. Yes, I will worship. Anyway, I won't suffer losses with just a few words. But I can be one more person. Since you want to attract people, you should be sincere.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan said with a sincere expression: "Brother Yang, Xiao Yan's words changed from Brother Yang to Brother Yang. Although we met for the first time, it was fate to meet. I think it's really the same as when we met Brother Yang. Brother Yang will call me Brother Xiao in the future."

Yang Tai was also a cheerful person to see Xiao Yan speak sincerely, and discussed such an important matter with him at the first meeting, so he no longer shouted happily: "Brother Xiao." Then he said, "Brother Xiao, since you believe in me, I won't be polite to Brother Xiao. Let me think about it. I'm afraid that the front team of the Golden Dog dares come to the rescue after getting the news. Moreover, I heard that the Golden Dog invaded the south this time. The back of the Golden Dog is only three days away from here at most. If he If we learn the news of the urgent march, we may be able to do it in less than two days. With our current manpower, we can't make too much noise. Even if it's only three days, it's impossible to get things away safely.

After saying that, Mrs. Yang fell into meditation again and felt that this matter would not work anyway. OK, Brother Yang, don't worry. Xiao Yan comforted, "If it's half a month, is enough?" That's enough," Yang Tai didn't want to answer. After answering, he felt rushed, "How could the golden dog give us so long?" Xiao Yan smiled faintly and said, "Golden Dog may not be able to come for a month. I'm worried about letting other villagers around here know, so I said half a month." After saying that, Xiao Yan stopped when he saw that Yang Tai wanted to speak, he knew that he didn't believe his words, but Xiao Yan couldn't say that I had crossed over in later generations. I knew that Jin Bing would be blocked by Han Shizhong for more than 40 days. This can't be said.

So he didn't ask, and then said, "I know Brother Yang has questions. From now on, you will gradually know. Now I don't know if half a month is enough." If it is properly allocated, it may not take so long. Yang Tai said. Well, this matter will be handled by Brother Yang. Don't be in a hurry to think about it now. There is one more thing. As soon as Mrs. Yang heard that there was still something else, she looked at Xiao Yan and said, "Brother Xiao, just tell me that since she saw me, Mrs. Yang didn't hesitate." Seeing Yang Tai's serious look, Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Brother Yang misunderstood. I don't know if I dislike it when I see Brother Yang. I want to tie Jinlan with my eldest brother. I don't know if he can deny me as a little brother."

After hearing this, Mrs. Yang was moved and felt that although Xiao Yan was small, he was full of sincerity. Looking at Xiao Yan, he said, "Brother Xiao's words moved Yang. I am a person in trouble. Brother Meng Xiao looked up to it. What else do I have to say? In short, Mrs. Yang's life will live and die with Brother Xiao from now on."

Xiao Yan didn't expect his proposal to make Mrs. Yang react so strongly. Since he came here, he has never had family affection, and Xiao Yan was also moved at this moment. At the same time, he felt a little guilty about his impure purpose. But the emotion can be expressed, and the guilt can't be said to death. Otherwise, before you pay homage, you may be killed by Mrs. Yang. As soon as the words are said, it's simple. This is in the wilderness, not at home. Is the form simpler? Of course, I don't want to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but I still have to say that I want to die on the same day of the same year. Then hug each other and you pat me with tears and call me a good brother. I'll pat you again and call you big brother full of emotion. Hug for a while, and then drink and eat meat according to the conditions. After a few days, you can't take care of yourself. The worship ceremony is over. From then on, brothers are like brothers and sisters, and women are like clothes.

Who knows how many people have misled Liu Bei's prodigal.

Although the ceremony is a little simpler, the feelings have been added a lot. The two then discussed how to take out the things of the sunken ship, and called Wang Lun over and asked some details. Of course, although it is a brother, things like Huang Chao's treasure can't be said. Soon the two made a detailed plan.

After discussion. Seeing that Xiaoqi also led them here, Xiao Yan had to say a few words of welcome and other nonsense, and then everyone also said something like thanking Xiao Yan. Just go through the procedure. Of course, we had to have a meal in the end, but when Xiaoqi got the cooked meat, Xiao Yan found that if there was meat to eat, these people really didn't have any nonsense. Originally, if bandits don't eat and drink well, who will do it? After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Yan did not be polite to these people and took them separately as agreed with Yang Taixiaoqi.

Ten days later, in a remote port of a tributary of the Yangtze River. Xiao Yan looked at the hundreds of boxes full of gold, silver and jewelry in front of him and was worried. Who said that if you don't have much money, you won't oppress people. Where to put so much money, you can't go back to Shuizhai. But it has been two days here. It can't be too long. It's easy to make mistakes. Thinking about the past ten days, it was basically smooth, and several people who were enthusiastic about money were also solved on the spot with his big axe. But now, although there is a lot of money, this thing can't be eaten as a meal, and the food and drink of more than 1,000 people a day is not a small amount. Fortunately, there is a lot of dry food that has begun to be prepared, otherwise you can really guard this pile of gold, silver and jewelry and starve to death.

"Hey." If you have a lot of money, you will be worried! Xiao Yan shook his head and sighed.