
Chapter 25: Helpless

In the evening, Jiankang Dongcheng is next to a small tributary of the Qinhuai River, but it is lively at this time. It seems that it has not been affected by the occupation of the Jin people at all. People come and go, hotels, brothels, casinos, and businesses as usual. It is indeed the capital of emperors.

Xiao Yan, Yang Zaixing and Ding Sheng Xiaoqi are in an elegant building on the second floor. This restaurant is run by Wang Yuangui, and it is also a time-honored brand in Jiankang. The name is Wang Ji's old shop. Although the name is not brilliant, there are many people in the store. The downstairs of the building is full. If it hadn't been for Xiao Yan's late, there would have been no place.

Xiao Yan sat in the main seat and saw that the dishes were served. He picked up the glass and said, "Brother Yang, it's really a blessing for me to know you. If you don't mind my brother, I will drink this cup."

Xiaoqi and Ding Sheng also picked up the cup: "General Yang did it."

Yang Zaixing couldn't help but be a little moved when he saw Xiao Yan's rudeness. He picked up the cup and didn't say much: "Thank you, Lord Xiaozhai, I did it." The same neck drank down.

"Okay, okay, refreshed." All three said.

Xiao Yan picked up the wine pot and poured wine for Yang Zaixing first. Finally, when he arrived, he said to himself, "Brother Yang, as soon as we are, Brother Yang, don't say the owner of Xiaozhai on the left and the owner of Xiaozhai on the right, just call me brother."

Yang Zaixing himself is a straightforward person. He was not polite to hear Xiao Yan say this: "Okay, since my brother said so, I'm not polite."

Although Xiaoqi and Ding Sheng don't know why Xiao Yan is so polite to Yang Zaixing, Xiao Yan has always done things unexpectedly, so he is not surprised and polite to Yang Zaixing.

If you want to know that it is Yang Zaixing is just a nobody. Of course, Xiaoqi and Ding Sheng don't know, but Xiao Yan is different. Later generations' evaluation of Yang Zaixing is too high. The general of the Yue family army, the first in the Southern Song Dynasty**.

However, although Xiao Yan wants to bring Yang Zaixing over very much, he also knows that although such a fierce man is not famous yet, the arrogance in his bones is still different from others. He is still a group of bandits. Such people would rather be aggrieved in the official family and generally unwilling to devote themselves to bandits, just like Lin in the Water Margin. Chong is the same, not being forced to be helpless, and it is not easy to be a bandit.

After testing and there was no result, Xiao Yan stopped talking. He just drank and chatted with everyone. However, although it was a chat, Xiao Yan still made Yang Zaixing's eyes with thousands of years of knowledge. Even Xiaoqi and Ding Sheng were dizzy.

I can't help but have more admiration and fear for Xiao Yan. Is there fear because of mystery? I don't know who said it, but it makes sense.

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I looked around. Where was it? Then I looked at myself. The clothes I had not been washing for more than a month had disappeared. It was replaced by soft silk underwear, snow-white bedding, and a clean room. Xiao Yan still had a severe headache at this time, and his throat seemed to smoke. He saw the bedside. There was a kettle and got up to pour a glass of water to drink. Unexpectedly, a voice came from outside the door: "Master, you are awake. Can I come in?"

When Xiao Yan heard Wang Yuangui's voice, he answered, "It's Shopkeeper Wang. Come in!" With the sound of the door, Wang Yuangui came in with a bowl and said, "Master, have a bowl of porridge. You drank too much yesterday." Xiao Yan thanked and picked up the bowl and drank it. It was glutinous rice and white fungus porridge, which was sweet and delicious. He drank the bowl and put down the bowl and was about to ask. Unexpectedly, Wang Yuangui wanted to know what Xiao Yan wanted to ask: "Zhaizhu, Xiaoqi Zhaizhu and the Yang Ye are still asleep. Ding Zhaizhu went to the city early in the morning. Why don't I call you?"

Xiao Yan waved his hand and said, "Let them sleep. What time is it now?" It's almost noon." Wang Yuangui returned. Ah, after sleeping for so long, it seems that I really drank too much.

Xiao Yan got up and got out of bed but couldn't find his clothes. Wang Yuangui took out a set from the cupboard at the head of the bed and handed it to Xiao Yan, saying, "I took the village owner's clothes to wash them and haven't dried them yet, but I rushed to make them overnight. I don't know if the village owner's clothes fit well. Xiao Yan didn't say much. After wearing them, he felt very suitable. He was dressed in soapy shorts, and he felt a lot of energy.

Wang Yuangui was also a little stunned at this time. It's really a Buddha wants gold clothes and clothes. From seeing Xiao Yan, he looked like a gray face, and until yesterday, he was no different from a begling. At this time, he dressed up with a trace of heroism and a long figure, especially those eyes, dark and deep, with the corners of his mouth. The smile suddenly made people feel close, but there was also some awe-inspiring and inviolable look.

Xiao Yan looked at Wang Yuancheng's dull expression and smiled, "Shopkeeper Wang, what are you thinking?" Wang Yuancheng suddenly came to his senses and said, "I can't recognize the small dress of the village owner."

Xiao Yan smiled and asked, "Is there anything outside?" Ah-oh." Wang Yuancheng replied, "My eldest brother came and didn't come when he saw that the village owner was still sleeping, and several officials were also waiting for the village owner."

Xiao Yan heard this and said, "Okay, then you can call in those officials first and tell Uncle Wang that I will come to him in a while." Good village owner." Wang Yuangui answered that he was about to leave, and Xiao Yan stopped him again: "It's almost noon, and I'm still a little hungry. Shopkeeper Wang, go and arrange for a while for us to eat and talk. Come here together."

In a while, four people led by Lu Fuyin came in. Xiao Yan knew that these people were military and political leaders of Jiankang.

"Master Xiaozhai woke up, what a disturbance." As soon as Lu Fuyin entered the door, he said with a flattering smile and said, "The matter of giving porridge to the people has been arranged. More than 60 porridge factories have been set up in four cities, east, west, north and south. A notice has been posted yesterday. We went to inspect this morning. About 100,000 people have gathered, and there may be more tomorrow."

Xiao Yan was stunned by this. He couldn't help but look at these people and said to himself, "These officials still have some skills. If I want to do it, it's not as good as them. If these people are really honest, how can Song do this?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help laughing at them and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Xiao Yan took the people first to thank his parents and officials. Xiao Yan knew that they didn't come here for this matter, so he asked, "Is there anything else for Lu Fuyin?"

Lu Fuyin took out a fold from his arms and handed it over awkwardly. Xiao Yan didn't understand what was going on when he came over for a moment, and looked up and smiled at several people. At this time, these people turned red. It's strange that these officials are usually as thick-skinned as the city wall.

Xiao Yan didn't want to bow his head and seemed to understand after watching Xiao Yan. Yesterday, Xiao Yan whispered to the Lu Fu Yin that as long as they did a good job in helping the people this time, it would be up to them to write and give them all the credit for recovering Jiankang City and the captured golden soldiers, otherwise the Lu Fuyin would be so happy when he heard it yesterday.

Since the beginning of the reign of the Song Dynasty, the Taizu Emperor has been trained to share the world with scholars, so these literati have never looked down on generals, but since the founding of the Song Dynasty, there have been continuous wars. Therefore, although the status of military generals is not as good as civilian officials, they cannot be separated from generals. Today, the role of generals is greater. Gradually, this The idea of suppressing some civil officials, for the sake of the country, today's officials have to reuse military generals. Whenever they fight against the Golden Man, they will not hesitate to win a lot of rewards. If a city is recovered, it is possible to be awarded the title of king and marquis. What's more, Jiankang is the first line of defense against the golden soldiers, and there is also the natural danger of the Yangtze River. The court has always taken Jiankang and Xiangyang. As the mainstay to resist the Jin soldiers going south, Xiangyang City supported Liu Yu's pseudo-Qi regime after it was occupied by the Jin people, which has always been a thorn in the heart of the imperial court. This time, Jiankang was taken down by the Jin people in one stroke, which led to the Jin people's invasion to the south. Unexpectedly, today, if anyone can recover Jiankang will not only lose the city in front of him. The crime is gone, and great contributions have to be made.

Xiao Yan gave himself this great achievement lightly. Can't he be excited? However, the flower sedan chair was carried by everyone, so Lu Fuyin immediately summoned these people to discuss. Originally, everyone was hateful and afraid of Xiao Yan. But this time with such great credit, everyone can't help but change Xiao Yan. Besides, there is still a handle in people's hands. Can you still have a temper if I don't give it to you? As soon as everyone discussed this matter, it should not be urgent or not to have many dreams, so they wrote a letter to the court overnight and brought it to Xiao Yan early in the morning. If Xiao Yan had no objection, it would be 600 miles faster. No, 800 miles would be better.

Let's not talk about these court officials. Writing a medal to fool the court is a compulsory course for entering an official position. If you can't even do this well, go home. Don't stand in the pit and don't shit.

So a cluster of articles is called Xiao Yan's hands. There are some classical Chinese in this chapter. Xiao Yan can't understand it, but the general meaning is still understand. It's nothing more than reversing black and white. He singles out a few people who died in the battle as golden spies. How did these living fight against the golden soldiers and finally tried their best to be captured, but they were unyielding and vowed to die. How to endure humiliation and bear the burden in prison? , how to fight stubbornly with the enemy and so on. In the end, after being inspired by themselves and others, some people abandon the secret, and how do they and others fight in blood, fight back the money, and recover Jiankang? Of course, this abandoned secret people will definitely die in the battle. Otherwise, the officials will take people to see me in a word, where to find this, and finally bring this sentence. It has received strong support from many patriots and so on. Of course, this patriot refers to Xiao Yan. I hope the court will greatly reward these patriots.

After reading it, Xiao Yan handed over the fold and didn't say anything for a moment. Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't say anything, Lu Fu Yin thought that he had exaggerated his credit. Xiao Yan's credit was small and said, "What do you think is wrong with Xiao Zhai? Shall we change it again?"

"No, that's it." However, Xiao Yan thought for a moment and asked, "These so-called golden spies..."

When Lufu Yin saw Xiao Yan, he suddenly asked and did not dare to hide it: "The owner of Xiaozhai can't explain the loss of Jiankang, but these people are familyless people and will not implicate others. The rest of this person who died in the war will be listed one by one."

After saying that, Xiao Yan didn't know whether Xiao Yan accepted this explanation. Xiao Yan sighed and said, "That's it. In the future, you will find an opportunity to reprove them and set up a monument, so that they won't fall into a reputation under the nine springs."

"Okay, okay, be sure to follow the arrangement of Xiaozhai." Hearing Xiao Yan say that, he agreed. How unhappy these people were, they quickly agreed.

"I have no choice!" Xiao Yan finally sent them away and walked out with a sigh.