
Chapter 33: Warning

These people were originally from water bandits. If you let him write and write, you might as well kill them. But if you let him curse, it's like a fish entering the water. Which blade is more than enough? When Wei Dayong ordered to pick out a few loud voices to stand on the gate of the wall and scold, many people still looked at each other at first. When Wei Dayong roared a few voices and then said that if they came to attack the city, he would go back to the village to reward 50 taels of silver. When the big guy heard the scolding, there would be rewards. Who wouldn't do this kind of good thing? For a moment, the group was turbulent, and they all came to the city with their voices and began. Some people who did not have a round exercise with their own people on the spot. It was not until Wei Dayong asked them to do it in batches that it was considered "calating people's anger".

After all, the water bandits led by one-eyed old seven and Tianjian monks on the lake are not as convenient as on the shore. Although hundreds of boats are crowded forward, they can't all go to the front after all. At the beginning of this scolding battle, there can still be exchanges. You can greet me and I will serve your mother, but after all, it is not as good as Wei Dayong's side. Fully prepared, after the second round of people here go up. They still keep those people, not to mention scolding, it's difficult to breathe. So when the elders of several leaders, such as the one-eyed old seven and the Tianma monk, especially the female elders, greeted Zeng... I don't know how many generations of elders finally couldn't help but start to order the attack, and that's how it all began.

After several rounds of each other's attack and defense, Wei Dayong looked at the sky and felt that the scene was almost done, so he ordered the brothers guarding the village to retreat, causing them to escape. After all, the one-eyed old seven were in the lake. When they caught up with the shore, Wei Dayong and those people entered the inner village early, for Bring them in and leave some copper money on the way.

In front of the Neizhai Gate of Lianyunshuizhai has already been built into a large square by Xiao Yan. It is usually used as a training ground, with about four or 500 mu. More than 10,000 one-eyed old seven water bandits have boosted their morale after taking down the Qianzhai. Some of them have abandoned boats and landed on the shore. They came to the square in front of the inner village aggressively. Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but I didn't expect that the defense of the inner village was much tighter than the former village. After several more attacks, there was no result. Seeing that it was late, I suspended the attack and commanded his men to camp.

"Military, you see, this mob is so chaotic, why don't you let me take people out?" Wei Dayong asked.

At this time, Mrs. Yang was standing on the gate of the wall of the former village with the big and small leaders of the water village and looking at the water bandits in the square in front of him. In the east and west, they were in a mess. You could hear the curses below. Either you said that the food was not good or that there was no wine, and the leaders of each village scolded their own people. It is said that there is no camp to camp, that is, the leaders of each village also have a tent, and the rest are sitting in the open air.

"You all have seen whether a team has combat effectiveness or not. Although there are many of them, if there are 500 well-trained cavalry, you can defeat them effortlessly. Therefore, a team is not many people, but in refinement. This requires more training at ordinary times. While watching, Mrs. Yang took the opportunity to train some soldiers for the people around her, which is also a live class.

These big and small leaders may not be able to pay attention to it when they usually tell them. Now when they look at everything in front of them and hear what Mrs. Yang say, they feel very reasonable, and they can't help but nod and say yes.

After a while, Yang Taijian almost said what he said. Looking at the sky, she turned around and looked at Li Gui and asked, "Master Li Zhai, are you ready?"

"It's all ready, just waiting for the military division to order." Li Gui replied.

"God has the virtue of life, it depends on whether they can grasp it!" Yang Tai sighed and said, "After all, they are all poor people. As long as they don't stubbornly resist, let them go."


Yang Tai stood on the wall and tried the wind direction, called the soldiers beside her to order it, and the soldiers hurried down the tower. After about half a column of incense, a thick smoke rose from the wall of Lianyunshuizhai, and Mars was mixed in the middle. At night, it could be seen very clearly. After a while, there was also a thick smoke on the lake in the distance, and slowly approached in the direction of the square. It turned out that it was smoke on several boats.

From summer to summer, the area of Jingchu is basically dominated by the southeast wind, especially the southeast wind on the lake at night. At this time, most of the water bandits in the square were asleep, and only a few sentries were also sleepy, but they paid attention to the side of the village gate and did not care about the lake at all. When the boats on the lake were about to approach their boats, some people on the boat were woken up by smoke. They walked to the board and saw Thick smoke floated from the lake and quickly shouted, "It's on fire. The enemy is attacking." The people on the shore also woke up, but soon the whole square was covered by thick smoke. These water bandits were like headless flies. From time to time, there were bursts of screams and scolding in the thick smoke. At this time, there was a burst of rapid sound of gongs and drums and bursts of shouts on the wall of Lianyunshui Village. The group of people didn't know what to do, and there were bursts of crying and begging for mercy.

This thick smoke lasted for about an hour. After the smoke dissipated, Mrs. Yang came to the wall and looked at the messy appearance below and a group of leaders of Shuizhai. Wei Dayong laughed breathlessly and said, "Military, look, that group of rabble is in such a mess."

Mrs. Yang also smiled and said, "This is a warning to them. If you don't repent, don't blame me for being rude."

"At the beginning, the military division should not be polite to them. These people can't change their eating shit. You see, when they come to their senses, they will definitely come to attack our water village." Zhou Cheng'an said hatefully.

"The military division is ready. If they still die, then let them taste the fire." Li Gui inserted a word in the back.

Yang Tai nodded and said, "Find a few loud voices to tell them what we mean. They have their own choice whether to live or die."

The sky has brightened slightly, and the thick smoke has slowly dissipated. The one-eyed old seven and Tianying monk looked at everything in front of them. They didn't know whether to cry or laugh. They checked the personnel. It can be said that there was no damage except that they collided with each other and trampled on their own people after the chaos. Fortunately, they knew the chaotic appearance in front of them and the expressions on everyone's faces to know the current morale. It was extremely low. At this time, I heard someone shouting on the wall of the fortress. As soon as I heard that it was a warning first, the bandits below couldn't help but retreat.

A group of water bandit leaders such as one-eyed old seven and Tiansha monks have not yet started this battle. First, they turned around. If they go back like this, they will all lose face. More than 10,000 people come out and go back so grayly. How can they live in Dongting Lake in the future? If it doesn't work, we have to fight. At this time, these gangster leaders unanimously decided.

Looking at the chaotic appearance below, it slowly calmed down. Yang Tai knew that it was impossible not to fight. He turned around and ordered. Seeing that everyone said that they were ready, he said, "It seems that they won't hurt them. They don't know how to repent." Yang Tai looked at the slowly attacking bandits raising their right hands and suddenly shouted, "Let go."