
Chapter 36: Wanyan Zongbi

Three hours, the Jin people did not take the initiative to launch a large-scale attack, but were covered by shields. A group of people pushed small trench carts near Jinchuanmen and Shence in the north of Jiankang

Fill the moat little by little, Xiao Yan ordered the archers to aim at those people and shoot hard, but first, the golden people don't seem to be in a hurry, and second, the gang led by Xiao Yan are just some people and mercenaries. It's good to be able to pull the bow. How can they be accurate? I can only watch the golden man fill the moat in front of these two doors little by little.

Xiao Yan knew that when the moat was filled, it was when the golden man officially launched an attack. In order to slow down the time of the golden man's attack as much as possible, Xiao Yan had no choice but to use the stone cart that he wanted to use until the golden man made a big attack, wrapped pieces of fist-sized stones in cloth, stained them with tung oil, and lit them towards people. The group threw it over, and as long as it was hit, it would at least be seriously injured and set on fire. As soon as these dozen catapults worked, the shields in front of them were immediately killed, and the rest of them retreated when they saw the situation was not good. Those people also ran to the back when they saw no cover.

Taking advantage of the temporary retreat of the golden man, Xiao Yan ordered people to quickly bring the prepared firewood and tung oil to the city, while ordering the people gathered in the city to disperse and hide. Because once the Golden Man fills the moat, it means that the horn of attack will be sounded. The best way to cover the siege in ancient times is to throw stones and bows and arrows, especially the most lethal to the defenders on the top of the city.

While preparing in the city, many people in Jin Jun's camp have come out of the back, pulling a cart of equipment. Sure enough, these people are busy for a while. Without a column of incense, a catapling car was installed. Xiao Yan carefully counted about 100 and all of them The 250-pullar catapult has a very long range and takes more than 300 steps. Looking at the simple catapults made by craftsmen in the city around me, they can shoot more than 50 steps away at most.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but jump. There are more than 100 stone throwers. I'm afraid that there are not many stone throwers in the whole Jin Kingdom. This time, he pulled out so many at once. Was there a mistake in judgment before? As soon as the Jin people came up, they had to attack. Xiao Yan couldn't help but pick up their eyebrows and bones at this time.

Looking at everything in front of him, the existence of these cataplings will be the key to whether they can defend Jiankang City. His eyes can't help but turn to Zhongshan in the distance. Since the Jin people came, they have stationed nearly 10,000 troops at the foot of Zhongshan, and sent scouts to the mountains several times to search. He didn't know the people led by Wang Yuancheng. Where did they hide? So many people were stunned and didn't find them. These people may be the key to defending Jiankang City in the future, but now should we pull them out in advance and destroy these cataplings first? In case the training effect of these people is not good, what if they come out early and attack can't be done?" Xiao Yan couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Woo-woo... Xiao Yan was pulled back to reality by waves of horns and finally came. Brothers, are you afraid?" Xiao Yan looked at the people around him who had entered the battle for the first time in his life and saw that everyone's face was a little nervous, but he could not see fear in his eyes. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." At first, it was the voice of several people, and then a sound spread across the whole city like a huge wave. The sound of the word "not afraid" actually overshadowed the sound of the enemy's horn.

On a slightly higher earthen bag under the city, three people stood staring at Jiankang City in front of them and listened to the sudden waves on the top of the city. They frowned unconsciously and said with a worried face, "Why is the morale of these southerners so high all of a sudden? ." The speaker was a middle-aged man in his 40s, dressed in golden armor, with a white face and a beard under his jaw.

"I heard that Jiankang City was attacked by a group of waterfei this time. It seems that it was this bandit who encouraged it." A rich man dressed in the civilian clothes of the State of Jin replied.

"General, the supervisor, according to the officials, although the southern people are prosperous, according to our insiders, these people are just a group of temporary recruited ordinary people. To put it bluntly, they are a group of mob. No matter how high the morale is, how can they be compared with the iron horse of our great gold country."

The man looked at the two and continued, "This time they took the initiative to give up the natural danger of the Yangtze River, so it can be inferred that this group of water bandits rely on only on the grain and fod ordnance we left in the city, if

Make a strong attack. Although this will cause a greater loss, it can shock this group of southerners the most and shock them psychologically. It has reached what the southerners often say about subduing people without war.

These three are Wanyan Zongbi, the marshal of the right-wing army who attacked Jiankang, Wanyan Chang, and Zhao Yuan, the counselor of the army.

Zhao Yuan is one of Wanyan Zongbi's most trusted staff. Every time he goes on an expedition, he must take Zhao Yuan with him. Seeing Zhao Yuan's words, Wanyan Zongbi meditated for a moment and said, "What Mr. Zhao said is very true, but these gangs can defeat me 5,000 gold soldiers with this in their hands. There must be a mystery among them. Before the enemy's situation is clear, it is still stable. Properly. In addition, this time the court was captured because of Xiangyang, and someone attacked me in front of the emperor. Fortunately, I had a little skill in the court at ordinary times, so the emperor was not responsible for it, so this battle of Jiankang should not be neglected at all. After saying that, he sighed for a long time.

Zhao Yuan also knew that there were also many parties in the Jin Dynasty, and the main war faction led by Zong Bi and the autocratic faction led by Zong Panzong Jun were incompatible. The pseudo-Qi regime supported by Xiangyang's loss of Zong Bi collapsed, and the loss of Jiankang led to a lot of attacks on Zong Bi. If it hadn't been for the strong recommendation of Shang Shuyoucheng Wanyan Xiyin, it would have been hard to say what would have been like for Zong Bi. Looking at the supervisor Wanyanchang and Zong Bi on the side, they are looking at each other, and they don't know what they are thinking when they are staring at the Jiankang City in front of them.

Zhao Yuan thought of this and coughed gently and said, "Your Majesty, this battle of Jiankang is conducive to a quick decision. First, the second part of the Southern Dynasty and South Korea has just broken through Xiangyang, and the morale is booming, and both of them are good at using troops. Once they learn that our army is attacking Jiankang, they will not sit idly by. As long as the two send a small number of troops to harass Jiangbei, the food and fodder supply of our 100,000 troops will be affected, and our army will be affected this time. It is inevitable that there are not many troops left in Jiangbei. Once they are seen by the two, they will take advantage of the situation to threaten Zhongdu. In the situation of the court, they will definitely ask the emperor to urgently recruit marshals to return to the north to protect Zhongdu. Then the best time for us to recover Jiankang will be wasted. Once the Southern Dynasty awakens and sends a powerful future to guard Jiankang, I'm afraid that the Yangtze River will become our chasm. I don't know when we will have such an opportunity again in the future. At this time, please explain more to the court.

Wanyanchang couldn't answer Zhao Yuan's words and coughed dryly: "Mr. Zhao, this is reasonable, and I will definitely report to the court to the emperor." Speaking of this, Zong Bi looked at it and said, "But Zong Bi has to make his own decision on this military matter. Although I am a supervisor, it is not convenient for me to intervene in the march." Wanyan Wang pushed the words back intact.

Zhao Yuan and Zong Bi cursed secretly: "Slipery head." Obviously, it is constrained everywhere, but it is said that it is inconvenient to intervene here.

Zong Bi saw that Wanyan refused to accept this, but sighed secretly. He said, "Go on with the order, according to the original plan, first try to find out the details of the city."