
Chapter 62: There is no danger

Although Zhang Xian, Yue Xiao'e and Yue Lin didn't know what Xiao Yan's shout meant, they were all experienced and reacted very quickly. The short knife brush at the waist was pulled out, and the brush suddenly fell on the fat monk's neck.

The fat monk didn't expect several people to react so quickly. When he realized that he saw three bright knives on his neck, he couldn't help stammering and couldn't speak. Xiao Yan did silently step back and stared at the tall Maitreya Buddha statue.

"Who the hell are you? If you pretend to be a ghost here, don't blame Xiao for being rude if you don't show up." Xiao Yan stared at the Buddha statue and said.

The wide hall only has the echo of Xiao Yan's words, but there is no echo.

Xiao Yan turned around, looked at the fat monk with a cold breath and said, "I'm going to answer you. There is a lie to cut off one of your fingers." He paused and said, "Who the hell are you? What's the matter with the shock in the ground just now?"

The fat monk with a pale face just now showed a trace of joy and curled his lips and said, "Xiao Yan, you'd better let me go, otherwise." With that, he pouted around.

The four people looked around and their faces changed greatly. I don't know when a lot of people in black flashed around this wide hall, holding * that is only available in the army. There is a blue light on the crossbow, and you can see that it is poisoned at a glance.

"Ouch." Just as the fat monk showed a happy face, the knife light flashed, and one of the fat monk's ears burst out with blood and was cut off by Xiao Yan.

"I said, if you don't answer me, cut off a finger. Not only don't answer my words, but also threaten me, then cut off one ear first, lest you get in and out of the other." Xiao Yan's voice was extremely cold.

The fat monk didn't expect that Xiao Yan was still so fierce in the encirclement. After his ear was cut off, he only gasped and looked at Xiao Yan speechless for a moment. Xiao Yan didn't care about him. He turned around and looked at the Buddha statue and said, "If you don't come out, this master, I'm afraid..."

Zhang Xian and the other three were also shocked by Xiao Yan's hand, but they recovered their composure in an instant. After years of military training, they were used to the bloody storm and had already put life and death aside. So Zhang Xian winked at Yue Xiao'e and Yue Lin, and the two continued to hold the fat monk, but he came to Xiao Yan with a knife. Xiao Yan and Zhang Xian winked at each other and looked at the Buddha statue silently. For a moment, the hall was surprisingly quiet, only the fat monk's ears ticking and bleeding out and uncontrollable moaning.

The blue crossbows around and the blood-faced monk formed a sad picture in this empty hall.



The sky gradually darkened, and two green lights shone in the eyes of the statue of Maitreya Buddha, and then a ferocious laughter came out. Xiao Yan, you..." The voice came from the Buddha statue. Without finishing his words, he suddenly stopped screaming, "You..."

It turned out that the green light had just come out. Xiao Yan fell out into the eyes of the Buddha statue with the short knife in Zhang Xianyi's hands, and shot into the two green lights one after another.

When Zhang Xian winked at Xiao Yan, although he was a little hesitant to see the knife in Xiao Yan's hand fall out, he immediately fell out. With the light and darkness in the hall, Xiao Yan roared when his eyes were affected by the moment, "Pretend to be a ghost."

rushed to the Buddha statue. When the people in black around him reacted, Xiao Yan and Zhang Xian had hidden behind the Buddha statue, which was the only dead corner in the hall, and Yue Lin and Yue Xiao'e quickly dragged the fat monk to the bottom of the Buddha statue after Xiao Yan drank. The monk stood in front and temporarily got rid of the dilemma of being attacked on all sides.

This is just a matter of the blink of an eye, and suddenly the current situation has become comparable.

After Xiao Yan and Zhang Xian came behind the Buddha statue, it was very spacious. The back of the Buddha statue is hollow, and the two eyes of the Buddha statue are inlaid with two green crystals, which have been shot through by the knives of the two people. A pool of blood in the Buddha statue continues along the Buddha statue to a wall behind. The two knew that there was a mechanism behind them, but they did not dare to move. Just hide behind and stare at the group of people in black below. Holding a cold sweat for Yue Xiao'e and Yue Lin, he was a little relieved to see them hiding under the Buddha statue. Xiao Yan looked around his brain at a high speed and thought about countermeasures.

At this time, Gao Zhan's anxious shouts sounded outside the door. With a rapid footsteps coming in, Xiao Yan was about to call Gao Zhan's attention, but when he was distracted, he saw that the people in black around him had disappeared. Then the hall lit up, and Gao Zhan led a group of people and Xiao Qiyang to rush in again.

As soon as he entered the hall, Gao Zhan was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and then anxiously asked where Xiao Yan had gone. Seeing Xiao Yan and Zhang Xian dodging from behind the Buddha statue, they choked and said, "The last general is not well guarded. Please punish the general."

Xiao Yan helped Gao Zhan up and said with a smile, "Fortunately, you are clever and didn't follow up, otherwise it would be really a big deal." Then he came to meet Xiao Qiyang again.

After Gao Zhan stood outside the door and saw Xiao Yan and others enter, he also felt that this place was a little strange and did not look around.

After Xiao Yan's bad sound, Gao Zhan was shocked. Just as he was about to enter the hall, he saw the little monk he met when he came to wave to Gao Zhan in the corner of the hall. Gao Zhan wanted to follow the little monk and came to the door. The little monk did not make a sound and then hid in the temple. Gao Zhan didn't care so much at this time. He ran to the place marked when he came. He happened to meet Xiaoqi and Yang Zaixing. He didn't talk about it in detail, but just said that Xiao Yan was in danger. As soon as they heard the shock, they rushed to the temple. There was no resistance along the way, which made the three of them even more anxious until they saw Xiao Yan's hanging hearts. It just fell down.

Seeing everyone's anxious look, Xiao Yan's heart was warm and coy, smiling and making amends for everyone. At this time, the fat monk also changed the care of others, and Yue Xiao'e and Yue Lin looked guilty. Xiao Yan knew that the two were embarrassed because Xiao Yan was in danger. Xiao Yan smiled at them and showed that it was okay. Then he ordered everyone to search around.

After a while, after waiting for everyone to return, he knew that there were several hidden doors around the hall. Those black crossbowmen just now went in and out of these secret doors. After hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded and was about to order the search of the secret door behind the Buddha statue when he saw a sergeant escorting a little monk in. At first glance, it was the little monk just now. Xiao Yan heard Gao Zhan talk about the little monk, so he motioned the sergeant to release him.

walked to him and asked, "Master Zhiqing, thank you for your advice, please..." Xiao Yan didn't finish his words.

Zhiqing suddenly knelt down and cried, "Ask the general to save the abbot and all the brothers!"

PS: The update is unstable during the double festival, and I apologize to all the friends who care about the hegemony of the world. And thank you to my friends who have always cared and supported Yi Fan. Today, I would like to present a small chapter. This book will continue to be updated from tomorrow. Please continue to support me. Thank you to all my friends.

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