
Chapter 66: plebis

"Lord Xiao finally woke up!" As soon as Xiao Yan opened his eyes, he heard Baosheng's old and caring voice.

The eyes that had just opened were not used to it. The eyes were too bright. Xiao Yan only felt that the eyes were full of golden light, and the eyes that were so open were closed again. I had to close my eyes and ask, "Where is this?"

After saying that, I just wanted to move, but I didn't expect a torn pain in my back. "Ouch!" Lying on the ground again.

Slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and muttered, "Am I dead!" Seeing the golden scene in front of him, he added, "Is this in heaven?"

"Master Xiao is too worried. If you have Maitreya's body protection, how can you die! This is in the world. The donor Xiao was just hit by a crossbow arrow, and his chest and abdomen were shaken and fainted. The old man has pushed the palace to live blood for the donor. As long as he rests for a while, he will be fine.

Xiao Yan heard that it was okay. He was relieved, closed his eyes again, slowly adjusted his breathing, and took a rest. Baosheng did not disturb Xiao Yan when he saw this, but just recited some scriptures in a low voice.

Xiao Yan moved slowly. Although it still hurt a little, he was able to get up and sit up slowly by himself and look around again.

When he turned to a statue hanging on the wall, Xiao Yan was stunned. In addition to the difference between clothes and head, this person is exactly the same as himself, but his face looks bigger than himself. I couldn't help asking, "Who is this?"

Bao Sheng, who closed his eyes and recited the scriptures, slowly opened his eyes, "The real body of Maitreya Buddha, Master Fu, Amitabha Buddha!" With that, he stood up and saluted the Buddha statue.

Seeing Xiao Yan's confused face, Baosheng motioned Xiao Yan to take a break first, and then tell him what happened just now. At this time, Xiao Yan was full of doubts about how he was still in the mood to rest, so he eagerly asked Baosheng to say it quickly.

It turned out that Xiao Yan was dragged in by Baosheng just now. Instinctively, Xiao Yan pulled the curtain hanging on the wall in order to support his balanced body. Unexpectedly, this curtain saved Xiao Yan's life. The curtain was pulled down and hung on Xiao Yan's back. Although the crossbow arrow shot in from the outside shot on the curtain, I don't know what the curtain was made of. The close crossbow arrow could not be penetrated, but after all, it was too close. Although the arrows could not be penetrated, the impact force was still It's very big, which shocked Xiao Yan all of a sudden.

Xiao Yan was looking at the curtain over and over again. There was nothing strange about it, but he felt a little smooth and soft when he bought it. Not only did he ask strangely, "Master, you can know how this thing is woven."

Before Xiao Yan woke up, Baosheng had seen it several times and didn't know what it was. Looking at the arrow shining blue on the ground, he knew it was a poisonous arrow. Seeing this situation, only Amitabha sighed that Xiao Yan's life should not be given up.

When he saw the portrait of Master Fu, he did not mention the shock in his heart. Even Amitabha had no time to shout, but said foolishly, "The reincarnation of Maitreya, the saint came down to earth..."

Bao Sheng believes in Buddhism and is beyond doubt, but he is also doubtful about this kind of reincarnation in the depths of his heart. Seeing Xiao Yan, he just felt that Xiao Yan seemed to be a little different from ordinary people. In addition, Xiao Yan inadvertently saved the monks of the whole temple, so Bao Shengyi wanted to thank Xiao Yan, and the other also wanted to confirm that there would be no real reincarnation. So he came here with Xiao Yan, but now Baosheng's skeptical belief in himself suddenly rose to an unimaginable level. Now Xiao Yan is like a fairy going down to earth for Baosheng.

Seeing Xiao Yan's question, Bao Sheng sighed, "Lao is not just something, but since Xiao..." Baosheng now suddenly doesn't know how to call Xiao Yan. If his ancestor really came down to earth, wouldn't Xiao Yan be more than many generations taller than himself?

Seeing Baosheng muttering, Xiao Yan didn't know why, but he didn't ask. Baosheng had to vaguely say, "But since it is a life-saving thing, please take good care of it." Baosheng felt that since the reincarnation of Buddha, everything here is yours, and you will know it when you become enlightened.

After listening to Baosheng's story, Xiao Yan became interested in this curtain. Unexpectedly, he could block the crossbows close at hand. I'm afraid that knives and guns can also block them. If you can make a dress and wear them on your body, then... When you come to the Southern Song Dynasty, you will basically get used to everything, that is, fight a war and wear dozens of pounds. The armor is simply miserable, but it can't be worn. Well, I finally don't have to wear that heavy armor anymore. Xiao Yan unconsciously smiled when he thought of this.

Seeing Xiao Yan smile, Baosheng thought that Xiao Yan had thought of something, but he did not dare to ask again. In case it was a chance, it could not be leaked.

just whispered, "Over there."

Xiao Yan followed Baosheng's hand and hoped to go. Under the portrait of Fu, there was an incense case. Under the incense case was an incense burner more than two feet high. I don't know what was inside. After so long, my friend's green smoke floated out. Xiao Yan looked at Fu's portrait and had a sense of intimacy, like a long-lost relative.

Xiao Yan knew that the meaning of Baosheng just now was to ask Xiao Yan to come forward to worship. Xiao Yan stepped forward, picked up three incense sticks from the incense case, lit them and worshipped a few times, inserted them into the incense burner and knel and kneled on the futon. After worshiping, Xiao Yan looked up at Fu Dashi's portrait and was about to get up, but it seemed that the person in the portrait blinked his face and the smile on his face was even stronger.

Xiao Yan turned out to be a policeman, a typical atheist, but such strange things happened. Xiao Yan was psychologically prepared for some gods and ghosts that he did not believe in. Although the person in the portrait seemed to have moved, Xiao Yan was just awe, but he was not surprised. Looking up at the portrait with a smile on his face.

"Disciple Xiao Yan, if you have to meet a fairy, please give me some advice." Xiao Yan wanted to ask the fairy to tell him why he wore here, but Baosheng was on the side, so he had to point out the mystery. Fortunately, if you are a fairy, you will understand the origin of Xiao Yan. If you pretend to be a ghost, you can say it in vain.

Xiao Yan knelt there and felt that the person on the painting moved, and Baosheng, who knelt behind him, looked different. After seeing Xiao Yan's visit, a wisp of golden light slowly covered Xiao Yan's body from the portrait. Xiao Yan's every move was extremely majestic in Baosheng's eyes, and his words came out through the golden light. Baosheng, who was kneeling behind, was so excited that he was about to faint and finally saw the real Buddha.

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he looked at the portrait in front of him. The man in the painting did not say anything. A wisp of golden light came out of his chest and went straight to Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan instinctively dodged, but did not dodge. He only felt that a heat in his chest was full of his whole body. When the heat rushed to his head, a few lines of words appeared in Xiao Yan's mind.

"The predecessor of grass dew, the back of the scar. This side is now destroyed, and the country is even more divided. The vast red dust is bitter, and the pine yin does not remember spring. On his birthday, Donghai returned to his true body.

Xiao Yan was inexplicably and asked. His brain roared and fainted again. Before he fainted, he seemed to hear Baosheng shouting something!




"Wake up, wake up."

Xiao Yan opened his eyes, the figure shrugged, and the sight in front of him gradually became clear. The indoor candlelight flashed at night.

"Brother Xiao, you scared us to death." Yue Lin looked anxious.

"General Xiao, boss, Brother Xiao." The people in front of us inquired one after another, and each looked anxious. There was also a man with a blue and purple face on his face. Seeing Xiao Yan wake up, he squeezed forward to protect Amitabha Buddha, but his hand reached over and carried Xiao Yan's pulse. His expression on his face was also happy and worried. He was uncertain. I don't know what he was thinking about.

The impatient fat fish fat dragon was about to ask, but was stopped by Lu Chen on the side. After a while, Langzhong loosened his hand hitting Xiao Yan's pulse, stood up and kept walking indoors, as if there was something difficult in his heart. The person in the room was anxious. While looking at Xiao Yan lying there, he kept turning his neck and watching Lang Zhong walking around.

"Hey!" Fat fish finally couldn't help shouting, "What's going on with my boss? Haven't you been beaten enough?" With that, he was about to roll up his sleeves and move forward, and the fat dragon on the side also echoed. It seemed that the blue and purple on Lang Zhong's face was beaten by these two people.

"Don't make trouble, listen to what Wu Langzhong said." Xiaoqi drank the menacing two people first.

Seeing that everyone looked anxious, they smiled shyly and muttered, "Aren't you worried!"

"The pulse is peaceful and should be a sign of health. But the three focal points are strong, which should be the image of the rising kidney fire, but there is no obstruction in the six internals. On the contrary, the bloodline is smooth, which is strange!" Lang Zhong slowly muttered,

"Poor acid, what are you muttering! Just say that if you have nothing to do, it's over." Fat fish's words were approved by everyone.

The man was shocked and said quickly, "It should be all right."

"Rory, I think you just owe a beat." Feilong couldn't help saying something.

When everyone heard that Xiao Yan was fine, they couldn't help laughing. Seeing the fat fish and fat dragon's cannibalizing appearance and Langzhong's face, they couldn't help laughing.

Lu Chen came to Langzhong, took out an ingot of silver and handed it over, "I'm really sorry. Lu apologized to the two of them first. After General Xiao was completely cured, he would like to thank him."

When Langzhong saw that Lord Yin came in person, he quickly pushed his hands out and hurriedly said, "General Xiao dare not take back Jiankang as our benefactor. He is a trivial matter and dare not accept the reward."

Lu Chen thought that although this Langzhong was a little pedantic and still knew something, he still handed it over. He couldn't help but put the silver in his hand and arranged someone to take Langzhong down to rest.

Xiao Yan looked at the situation in front of him and didn't know where to start.

Where is this? I asked casually.

"Amitabha." Baosheng's voice came over.

Xiao Yan lifted the quilt and lifted his coat for a while. Yue Lin hurriedly turned around when she saw this. Although everyone didn't know why, they did not shy away. Xiao Yan did see clearly, and the neat Narita shape on his chest showed nine golden scars.

"Oh, my God!" Xiao Yan shouted and fell on the couch again.

PS: The protagonist originally came through time, and the novel brought a little fantasy at the beginning, so he added a little magic in these chapters, which does not conflict with the history of this story. It is also to add a little specialness to the protagonist, and also paves the way for some of the following plots.

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