
Chapter 73: Wind and Rain are coming

Xiao Yan looked at the two pieces of information on the spacious table. Walking around the council chamber, Shi Baosheng and Xue Bi, the staff officer of the Central Army, Xiao Yan had already told them these two pieces of information. There are not many words of intelligence, but it is shocking to read, "Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan are suspected of mutiny, and time to be investigated." Another "Wanyan Zongbi led 5,000 golden soldiers to attack Jiankang."

Seeing Xiao Yan keep walking around the council chamber and looking at Baosheng and Xue Bi, Baosheng first said, "General, you don't have to worry too much about these two things. With our current strength of Jiankang, it is more than enough to deal with these two things."

After listening to Baosheng's words, Xue Bi nodded and said, "Mr. Chen's words are not worth it. The general doesn't have to worry at all."

The two thought that Xiao Yan was worried about these two things, so they walked around here.

Xiao Yan listened to the two and looked at them, as if they couldn't help laughing. They felt very uncomfortable. After a while, Xue Bi couldn't help asking, "But what do you think is wrong with what we said?" In fact, the two felt that there was nothing wrong with what they said.

Xiao Yan finally stopped laughing, took a few more steps, and said, "There is nothing wrong with what you said. With our current strength, not to mention 5,000 golden soldiers, even 100,000 more, we can maintain it for a period of time. As for Miao and Liu, we don't need to worry about them. There are so many troops near Lin'an, which should not cause too many waves. He seemed to meditate for a while.

"I'm thinking that Wanyan Zongbi came to Jiankang near the end of the year. It seems that he has sent us a gift. How should we treat him well as hosts?"

The two were stunned and immediately realized that Xiao Yan was trying to get some oil and water from the golden soldier, and immediately laughed.

Baosheng thought in his heart that it was indeed the reincarnation of his grandfather. He was different from others, but he could say it in one word. However, Xue Bi was thinking, "This apprentice accepted by the marshal is really different. I don't know what the marshal thinks. On second thought, if it weren't for the strange idea, he would have dared to rush thousands of miles to Jiankang with a thousand people. I can't help admiring Yue Fei's vision of people."

However, Xiao Yan set the tone. Baosheng and Xue Bi are both veterans in the army, and this little thing will not be difficult for them at that time. The two pondered a complete plan and came out. Xue Bi wrote the record, and Baosheng dictated: "30,000 garrison outside the city immediately rushed back to the city and wait for the dispatch. The 5,000 garrison troops stationed in Shangyuanmen took 2,000 soldiers to withdraw all the grain and materials from Shangyuanmen and stationed on the spot in Shangyuanmen. The remaining 3,000 led the army in the city every day. Once the golden soldiers came to attack, they were only allowed to defeat. They quickly withdrew from Shangyuanmen and the 2,000 garrison troops under the city and retreated to Jiangshan military camp together, all under Zhang Xian's control.

paused for a moment and waited for Xue Bi. After seeing the speed of Xue Bi's writing to keep up, he then said, "Yang Zaixing, the guard of the East Gate, is the deputy commander. After withdrawing from Shangyuan Gate, he closely monitors the movement of the East Gate. Before receiving new orders, he is only allowed to refuse the enemy and the city wall, and is not allowed to go out of the city to kill the enemy. Wang Gui, the commander of the water army, led the existing sailors to the north gate river to hide and ambushed, waiting for orders to be ready to attack at any time. Xiao Qi, the commander of the North Gate, is responsible for covering the operation of the navy and is only allowed to refuse the enemy and not to go out to meet the enemy. Ximen Fat Fish and Fat Dragon are only allowed to refuse the enemy from the city to meet the enemy. Hou Ying led the Youyi army and set up fishing boats to patrol between the Yangtze River and Jiangxinzhou to observe the situation of the enemy. He was not allowed to receive the enemy and only observed from afar. I and Lord Xue are stationed in the central army and adjust the plan at any time.

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Yan, which meant what he thought.

Xiao Yan nodded and said, "The plan is detailed. This is the only way for the time being, but..."

When the two saw Xiao Yan's words, they hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan shook his head and said, "There's nothing wrong, but I have nothing to do!"

The two smiled at the sight of the situation, which seemed to be a little meaningful.

"General, don't worry. Once there is a mutiny in Lin'an, the general, as the commander of Jiankang's garrison, must send troops to the king. However, the timing of sending troops should not be early, and it is easy to make others doubt. You will know whether they are accomplices. Even if they are not accomplices, they will leave words for the future. They know that some people are going to mutiny, why If you don't inform the court earlier, one sentence of disloyalty to the court is enough. It's late. There is a suspicion of watching the wind. Is it going to be wall grass? So! We should seize the opportunity, preferably three or four days after the mutiny. At that time, the golden soldiers just captured Shangyuanmen. When the golden soldiers attacked, Jiankang also took out a limited number of troops to go south to the king of Qin. At that time, even if we can't make much benefit, we won't lose any harm at most. And it's the general who leads the team himself. Today's official's suspicion should be somewhat gone!"

Xiao Yan heard that something was wrong and nodded. I have a little more admiration for Baosheng and Xue Bi, and it is not easy to think about Modo in a hurry.

Before he spoke, Baosheng said, "The general's master, Miss Yue's uncle, is also in Lin'an. It's better to take Miss Yue with him, lest she is in Jiankang and her heart is in Lin'an."

Baosheng and Xue Bi knew that Xiao Yan and Yue Lin had a strong relationship, so they took this opportunity to merge public and private to deepen their relationship. Xiao Yan understood the meaning of these two people, and did not twist like some people. He said generously, "Thank you two." A pun, I don't know whether to thank you for your assistance or success. Anyway, it's all there!



Zong Bi finally got the opportunity. Xiao Yan's men have a Shenfengwei who specializes in spying on intelligence, and Wanyan Zongbi has been in the military for a long time and knows the importance of knowing himself and his enemy. He also has a "hunting falcon" who specializes in spying on military situation. Through the information transmitted by the falcon who have been ambushed in various parts of the Southern Song Dynasty, Xiao Yan aroused the suspicion of the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty today and wanted to transfer him back. Lin'an, Wanyan Zongbi analyzed that Xiao Yan must have no intention of fighting at this time, and the frequent mobilization of Jiankang soldiers and horses in recent days seems to prove this, and most of the people have been transferred to Nancheng. Wanyan Zongbi and his staff analyzed for a long time and only came to one conclusion. Xiao Yan seemed to be guarding against the south. Is he going to rebel?

I can't control that much. Wanyan Zongbi knew that his opportunity had arrived, so he ordered to take a boat near Shangyuanmen tonight and attack Shangyuanmen. Wanyan Zongbi planned very well. He laid down the Shangyuan Gate, stood firm, and then sent more troops and horses to the court to attack Jiankang City as a stronghold. The prospect seems to be good!

Shangyuanmen is located in the northeast of Jiankang, which is the first gateway for Jiankang's frontal defense of Jinbing. After Shangyuanmen is Jiankang's east gate, and to the south is Jiangshan and Xuanwu Lake. As soon as Shangyuanmen is broken, the whole Jiankang City leaked in front of Jinbing.

Zong Bi stood in the bow of the boat and looked at the Shangyuan Gate in the distance, like the beard of a dragon, winding by the river. Jiankang, I'm here again."