
Chapter 93: The Sscapegoat of Jinghua

Xiao Yan led everyone to gallop all the way under the leadership of Ma Rouji, an old man. Even if this cavalry is a horse and a good horse, it has been running for more than half an hour.

Now that the chaos in Lin'an is at the beginning of the beginning of the chaos, there are many soldiers patrolling and maintaining public security in the city. Xiao Yan's people and horses have run all the way, and those street patrolling soldiers have no time to react. When Xiao Yan comes to his senses, he has already gone, but this must be the imperial city of the Southern Song Dynasty, so the guards of patrolling all walks of all walks of life have seen or received news. It surged from everywhere to the place where Xiao Yan ran.

Chaotianmen, the first gateway in the palace, usually hundreds of officials wait outside Chaotianmen, and the gate is heavily guarded, which is also given by Bai Miao and Liu. It turns out that the Jinwu guards standing guard in this place seem to be majestic, but in fact they are just a decoration and facade. In the palace, the imperial power is supreme. Who is impatient and dares to break through at will. After the mutiny, the guard was much stricter, but no one took it seriously. It was just a decoration.

When Xiao Yan arrived, it was almost time for the court. Most of the officials have rested in the reception pavilion outside the Tianmen Gate.

Pick up the official pavilion, called the pavilion. Originally, it was set up for foreign officials to wait for the emperor's call, but now it has actually become a resting place before the hundreds of officials in the court. It is a small quadrangle courtyard in Jiangnan style, with more than 30 houses and a larger one in the middle. The attendants of the pavilion provide tea, as well as some snacks for those who don't have time to eat breakfast. Others are just a temporary resting place.

Over time, this has also become the place where hundreds of officials reached some kind of agreement before the dynasty and the distribution center of the highest authority, from which some of the highest secrets are transmitted.

Today is the day when the emperor receives the generals of King Qin's army. Liu Guangshi, Wang Jun, Lv Yihao and others have long led some of his high-ranking subordinates to wait in the reception pavilion. They are now the focus of attention, and everyone knows that today's reception is to reward merit, so these people are surrounded by some familiar officials with warm greetings.

Xiao Yan and others came to the place of an arrow outside Chaotianmen, waved their hands to stop, looked back at the patrol soldiers and horses behind them, searched everywhere, suddenly lit up their eyes, and smiled at Ma Rouji. Wu Zhan and his two subordinates have arrived.

"It's not slow." Xiao Yan said easily.

Ma Rouji knew that Xiao Yan entered the city this time to make a big noise. He had just told him about Wu Zhan's situation, so Xiao Yan took Wu Zhan as his first target. He has now crossed one heart. At worst, he will die. If there is no Xiao Yan, he will also die. Before he came, he still went up and down. Instead, he made up his mind. Xiao Yan is his savior now.

"General." As soon as Ma Rouji was about to speak, Xiao Yan instructed Ma Rouji to go to the team.

Ma Rouji knew that Xiao Yan didn't want him to appear, so he looked gratefully at Xiao Yan's silent horse and slowly walked into the crowd.

Wu Zhan rushed up in a hurry. He was angry. At this time, when he saw Xiao Yan waiting there, he didn't know what to say for a moment. Knowing that Xiao Yan looked at him coldly, he suddenly found that his momentum had unconsciously suppressed.

This is the time of the upper court, and there are still many civil and military officials waiting for the upper court. When they see this kind of love brother whispering, no one comes forward.

It's not easy to be an official these days. No one will be a hero until you see the situation clearly.

Looking at Xiao Yan's compelling eyes, Wu Zhan regretted that it would not be good to sleep more at home. He had to come out to patrol the city and hide such a thing. Originally, the escape of Miao and Liu made him panic all day long. At this time, when he saw Xiao Yan's stable appearance as Mount Tai, he was also beating in his heart, but the matter had come to him, and it was impossible not to face it.

He coughed gently, covered up the embarrassing situation just now, and shouted, "Xiao Yan, who has no king's law, breaks into the city without authorization, acts like a conspiracy, and the crime cannot be punished."

Looking at the sergeant who rushed around, he seemed to be bold. He pointed to Xiao Yan and ordered, "If you don't take it down for me."

Wu Zhan's official position at this time was the commander of the imperial army responsible for guarding the gate and public security patrol of Lin'an City. His power was not small. According to the court system, at least one-third of the forbidden army outside Lin'an City belonged to Wu Zhan. It was also within his authority to let the soldiers take Xiao Yan.

But in the past, after the mutiny of Miao and Liu, although the forbidden army in the city was not damaged, most of them had been scattered into the army. Only a few people were still in the forbidden army, but they were also panicked every day. They were afraid that a small shoe would be thrown and smashed off their heads that day, which was simply low-key. It can't be lower.

The current forbidden army is still nominally the forbidden army, but in fact, it is put together by the kings and soldiers and horses outside the city. In fact, Zhao Gu belongs to his own troops in order to contain each other.

After all, Wu Zhan was the nominal leader's direct superior. Someone still moved under his order, but when he saw that everyone did not move, he shrank back instead.

So a dramatic scene appeared. Wu Zhan gave an order, but in the eyes of outsiders, it became a few steps back by all the sergeants, as if his order was a life-threatening charm, and everyone was hiding!

Wu Zhan's face turned red in an instant, and I don't know what he was thinking. Xiao Yan came to make trouble. Wu Zhan was just like an appetizer before dinner. Xiao Yan didn't want to waste time and didn't allow everyone to react. An arrow taken out a ** bow and shot on Wu Zhan**'s leg. The horse hurt and retreated. , lie forward.

The distance is so close that no one would have thought that Xiao Yan would shoot without even saying hello. He fell in front of the horse and put his foot on the horse's stave. Fortunately, his skills were still agile, otherwise the horse would have to be trampled to death or crushed to death. Before he recovered from his gray face, his face crackled and slapped several times, and this time he was even more dizzy.

His two attendants reacted and got off their horses and went forward. Their hands were not next to the knife handle at their waist. Several bright steel knives had been put on their necks, making them dizzy.

Wu Zhan came to his senses and closed his eyes hard and opened them. Xiao Yan's hateful face was in front of him. He couldn't wait to peel him alive. He just wanted to do it. What's the matter? He couldn't move. His hand had been pressed behind his back by the two people.

"Shi can be killed but not humiliated." Wu Zhan didn't even know how he said something strange to support the scene.

Xiao Yan, as always, showed his amiable smiling face. In Wu Zhan's eyes, he was indeed a drawling face and came to Wu Zhan.

"It's you who humiliate!" With the voice, there was a crisp slap in the face.

The onlookers just saw Wu Zhan being slapped in the face, but only Wu Zhan heard a sentence in his ear: "I came to trouble Qin Hui because I didn't have anything to do with you. Who wouldn't let you have eyes and take the initiative to send it to your door? Just warm up!"

Wu Zhan doesn't know how to think about this sentence without tears. Then another sentence came to my ear: "Don't blame me. Maybe you will be blessed by misfortune."

If Wu Zhan's eyes could kill people at this time, Xiao Yan would have died a long time ago. If I do this, I will be blessed by misfortune. Xiao Yan's ancestors and the elders of the 18th generation should have been greeted by him regardless of men, women and children.

This is Wu Zhan's current idea, but when he met Xiao Yan many years later, he finally understood why Xiao Yan said so. After all, life is not important.

Xiao Yan turned around and looked around, saw the doubtful eyes of the people around him and smiled.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar face, and the smile that was still shaling appeared on his face.