
Chapter 98: The shocking words of Jinghua

Xiao Yan glanced at the bosses in the hall with a face, and his face was still calm, but his own heart was far from as calm as it appeared.

"Can this little historical knowledge in my heart convince Zhao Gou? I'm not very sure, but the matter is approaching, and I have to shoot it like an arrow on the string." After slightly adjusting his mood, Xiao Yan knew what Zhao Gou wanted to hear most, but this was the last killer. He couldn't take it out at once. If he wanted to achieve his goal, he must stabilize his strength and shave it first.

"Yes!" Xiao Yan secretly decided to think of this and said slowly, "The Jin people are cruel and have repeatedly offended me in the Song Dynasty. Up to now, it's just that the people of the Song Dynasty have been displaced, fallen into half of the country, and in a corner of the south of the Yangtze River. It is our Song Dynasty ministers and secretly survive."

Sure enough, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Everyone knows these words, but no one dares to say them, but Xiao Yan speaks most people's heart. Xiao Yan's series of performances just now only made everyone feel that he was reckless and clever. To put it bluntly, he was a little clever.

But these few words said the grievances in everyone's heart. Although they were frustrated, they also made people's blood boil. Xiao Yan's words suddenly reversed his image in everyone's hearts. This typical patriotic youth with courage and flesh and blood!

But Zhao Guqi was not happy. He was still thinking about Xiao Yan's thoughts just now, but Xiao Yan suddenly made a 360-degree turn.

Looking at the ministers who whispered below, he coughed softly.

All who can stand here are human spirits, even the spirits. Looking at Zhao Gou's face, he knew that he was unhappy today, so he quickly shut up. At this time, many people below took care of Xiao Yan. Some people who watched the bustle just now even secretly decided that if Xiao Yan is convicted for a while, there is no way to protect him. I am also a man.

Xiao Yan's heart was like a mirror. He knew how Zhao Gou's heart felt now, so the words turned around: "This is not only my mood, but also everyone's mood, but also the mood of our people in the Song Dynasty."

paused and looked at Zhao Gu, who pulled down his face, and smiled secretly, "I can't say it here. I'm afraid if I go on..."

"Of course, I think the emperor's heart is the most clear and painful, but!" Although he didn't pay attention to Zhao Gu, he was also a little flatter after all, and his face softened a little.

Xiao Yan was confident, and sometimes he suddenly raised his voice and said, "But can we fight hard with the golden man? What we need to do now is to negotiate and seek peace.

The gap was so big that it just aroused the blood in people's hearts, and then a basin of cold water was poured on. It is estimated that the heart is not good enough. Sure enough, several older people, with a little pale faces and reach out to stroke their chests.

At this time, several people were eager to make accusations. If they hadn't seen Zhao Gu's face, I'm afraid Xiao Yan would have suddenly become a thousand people from the hot-blooded young man just now.

"My face is completely normal." Xiao Yan's heart is even more confident.

The words just now were urgent and fast, but now they are slow and slow: "Many of you here are veteran veterans. You should know what is the basis of the decisive battle between the two armies."

After stopping here and giving these people a chance to think, Xiao Yan continued with a sigh of relief: "In addition to knowing yourself and your enemy, I think a well-trained army and enough soldiers and horses are the basis for winning the decisive battle. So, what is the war? On the surface, it is a bloody battle in front of the two armies, and the strategy of the generals is actually a competition for the financial resources of the two countries.

Everyone may be used to Xiao Yan's jumping thinking. At this time, no one showed special emotions, but fell into deep meditation, regardless of literature and martial arts.

Xiao Yan's these can be said to be well known in today's society. Is it the national strength and economy? However, the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago was ahead of time. In the era when the strategy and wisdom of the commanders of the three armies decided victory or defeat, although some names would consider logistical supplies, their thinking was still limited to the whole army, and no one went back to consider the financial resources of the whole country.

Of course, this is not unexpected by the human brain, but caused by the system of feudal society. If you, a general who leads the war, consider the financial resources of the whole country, I'm afraid that the head on your neck will move, and over time it will become people's targeted thinking.

"You Xiao Yan!" Zhao Gu also adapted to his way of speaking and said with a smile, "Aiqing, don't think about it. Let's discuss it after Xiao Yan finishes talking." Zhao Gu saw that he was twisting his head and thinking about what Xiao Yan said.

Seeing that everyone came to their senses, Xiao Yan continued: "Let's put aside the struggle between the Song Dynasty and the Jin people. Let me talk about our emperor first."

The words were amazing, but it seemed that Zhao Gu and everyone were used to it, especially Zhao Gu. As soon as he heard Xiao Yan say that his heart came up, he could vaguely feel that Xiao Yan was exactly what he had just expected, so he leaned forward imperceptiblely. Of course, Xiao Yan saw it.

So I pinched it once and walked a few steps left and right before saying, "Our Song Dynasty is a country of etiquette, and the Jin people are barbarians. We pay attention to etiquette before soldiers, and we are famous."

"Isn't it famous for the golden people to occupy my land and kill my people, and we recover our homeland and save the people from water and fire?" One person couldn't help asking.

"This." Xiao Yan just wanted to explain.

"Shut up! General Xiao, please finish it. Xiao Yan was shocked. Although it was not a single voice, it was also neat. This was the voice of most people in the whole hall, and it was also mixed with Zhao Gu's voice.

The speaker didn't expect to react so strongly and scratched his head and stopped talking.

"The adult was actually right just now." Xiao Yan continued to ask, "But... This is just from your personal point of view. If everyone stands in the whole Song Dynasty, what is our current Song Dynasty? The two saints favored the treacherous cily in those years, resulting in the loss of half of the wall of the Song Dynasty, and he was also abducted by the Jin people. His Majesty was ordered to take the throne to calm people's hearts and lead his subjects to fight bravely. Only then did they temporarily have this stable situation.

Xiao Yan's face became grim.

"Your Majesty is kind and unwilling to blame his father and brother, and he silently bears this heavy burden, but we can't be ministers."

Xiao Yan raised his voice and continued to say, "You are humiliating. We are ministers to share your worries. One of the things I said is that the teacher is famous."

Xiao Yan paused for a moment, as if his heart was very heavy. "There is no doubt that our northern expedition is to recover our homeland, and the second is to take back the two saints and the relatives of the royal family who were abravated by the Jin people."

There was silence in the hall at this time. At this time, the people in the hall vaguely knew what Xiao Yan was going to say, and their hearts were raised to their throats.

"Your Majesty is kind and filial, and the second saint must abdicate when he comes back, but do we all have the heart to destroy the stable situation that we have worked hard?"

"No, I think everyone has the same idea as me, so please ask the officials of the Ministry of Officials to come up with a proper resettlement method."

It's not enough to say a word. At this time, it's a hole in the sky! Who dares to say this? You can't even have an idea! Xiao Yan said, and it was straight to the point and undisputed.

Zhao Gu sat on the wide dragon chair. Although he knew what Xiao Yan was going to say, once this layer of window paper was broken, it still made his heart beat. After a long time, he slowly straightened up and said, "Love you!"

After saying it twice in a row, he pulled everyone's hearts back. "Although what Xiao Yan said is a word of loyalty, I only temporarily take this position. Once my father and brother come back, it must be virtuous. There is no need to discuss this article."

These people are all fools! This is hesitating, so don't fool around. What's more, these people are Zhao Gu's confidants. What would they be like? What are they waiting for? So the Wenwu Dynasty pushed down the golden jade pillar and knelt down and knelt down in unison.

The posture of Song's establishment of Zhao Gu seems to destroy the country immediately, and there are even more excessive people whose heads are bleeding and crying. I guess my mother will not be tortured and sad after death.

At this time, Zhao Gu showed that he was extremely benevolent. He didn't say anything on his face and shouted anxiously, "You are forcing the palace, and you are rebellious." After saying that, he will leave.

Xiao Yan also knelt there with everyone, looking at everything in front of him and laughing secretly. Looking at Zhao Gu's expression, he was obviously happy, but his face seemed to be forced to do something very reluctant.

Qin Hui was even more excited: "As a minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, I disobeyed your order today. I will immediately recruit members to discuss and formulate the constitution."

He thought to himself, "Today, Xiao Yan got the biggest prize and won the holy heart. During this period, the officials did not like him. If he didn't show up, then..." You can use your toes to come out.

The Chongzheng Hall of the Song Dynasty suddenly became a sea of crying. If you don't know, you will think that Zhao Gou suddenly turned up.

"Emperor." An old and deep voice came from behind the dragon chair: "Everyone is dedicated to the king of the country! Don't be impatient and listen to everyone.

Zhao Gu seemed to sit back in the dragon chair reluctantly and didn't know what to say.

"Although the emperor is benevolent and filial, he pulled my old lady out, but my old lady intends not to interfere in the government, but today it is about the emperor himself, so let my old lady say a few words."

The voice was not loud, but it was low and majestic, and everyone put away their 'sad' expression and quietly stood up and returned to their respective positions.

"Qin Hui is the head of the Ministry of Ceremonies, and you are solely responsible for this matter." Seeing that Qin Hui promised to retreat, he said, "In the morning today, I seem to have heard that there is another topic that has not been done!"

Yes! At this time, everyone remembered and wanted to discuss the reward of the general of King Qin!

Zhao Gu also seemed to suddenly realize at this time and said, "I'm confused now. Let's put this matter aside first, my dear!"

Zhao Gu seemed to have deliberately adjusted his mood and said loudly, "Let's discuss the reward of the beloved ministers."