
Chapter 123: falcon

"Marquis, you can get to Jiankang in half a day." Gao Zhan rode in front of the horse and said excitedly.

"Good! Finally going home." Xiao Yan was also very excited at this time, but he looked at the sky and thought for a moment and said, "I won't go back today. If we go further, we will rest in Majia Town for a night."

"Good!" Gao Zhan agreed and led several people to arrange it first.

Two days ago. After the imperial meeting, Xiao Yan arranged to catch up with Jiankang after the incident in Lin'an. Finally, he was about to arrive, and he couldn't help but be relieved.

Whou Mansion in Lin'an has become another contact point of Shenfengwei in Lin'an under the arrangement of Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan still tried to bring out the 180 people waiting for Song Wuge before leaving. Among them, Xiao Yan was even more surprised. Song's sister-in-law's sister-law's fish restaurant next to the West Lake turned out to be found by Song Wuge Song for a long time. Wife.

Xiao Yan couldn't help sighing at that time. The two were close at hand, but they couldn't see each other for a long time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help looking at Fifth Brother Song with an excited face and asked, "Five Brother, it's not my fault that I couldn't let my fifth sister-in-law come to Jiankang together this time."

"Without the marquis, I don't know when I can meet her." At this time, Song Wuge officially belonged to Xiao Yan, and his words became polite.

One person talking while walking. There was not much meeting, so he arrived in Majiazhen. Gao Zhan had already arranged it at this time. After everyone arranged it, Xiao Yan calmed down and suddenly thought that he had not had a good conversation with Yue Lin in the past two days. He just wanted to go and thought about it, and it was dark. This was easy to cause discussion in the past, so he suppressed his mind, but After asking about the situation of Gao Zhan, especially Xue Bi and Sun Ge, he knew that he was fine, so he also ordered Gao Zhan to rest quickly and hurry up tomorrow morning to try to get to Jiankang at noon.

This is a post station set up by the imperial court, but in recent years, the Jin people have invaded the south, and Majia Town is the only place to go south. Therefore, the post station here is full of war. After the Jin people retreated to the north, the court sent Yicheng. However, in recent years, Majia Town has repeatedly suffered from war, and several Yicheng have died in the war, so no one is willing to come to this place. I'm afraid that this Yicheng has no backer. When he was sent here, he was full of complaints all day long. There were several small officials sent by the court, but this place was called the post station. In fact, not to mention horses, there was not even a donkey, so the little officials sent by the court had already slipped away, leaving only the two of Yicheng.

It is said that if this Yicheng's hometown was not in Jiangbei, and his hometown had been destroyed by the war and there was no place to live, he would have left long ago.

Xiao Yan has actually paid attention to this place for a long time. According to Jiankang, there are still more than 100 miles, which is the only way to the south gate of Jiankang.

Although Xiao Yan felt very tired at this time, once he remembered something, he couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and thought of turning around outside. As soon as he walked to the door, a slight sound spread into his ears, and Xiao Yan was refreshed.

I flashed into the curtain by the door, listened carefully and looked around.

Since he left Lin'an, he has been restless. He always feels as if someone is following him. He sent Langya to check several times but found nothing. Originally, he thought he had arrived near Jiankang, so he was relieved.

"C click" again. This time, Xiao Yan heard it clearly on the roof. Xiao Yan gently looked up at the roof.

Since the vitality in Xiao Yan's chest flowed into the meridians of the body, Xiao Yan's eyesight and hearing has become more sensitive. Xiao Yan secretly calculated, slowly approached a window in the house, opened a hole with the saliva of his hand station, and looked out carefully. There was no movement in the courtyard. Now Xiao Yan doesn't know where the wolf teeth are, but Xiao Yan must know that several people will be around.

Xiao Yan now has enough confidence in himself. Even if he is defeated, he can support others. What he is worried about is others, especially Yue Lin and Sun Xue. The rest of them live together, and only three of them are alone.

When the idea changed, Xiao Yan had an idea. He looked out carefully against the small hole for a while. After making sure that there was no one underground, Xiao Yan gently tore off the curtain, slowly dug the hole in the window, and gently stuffed the cloth out. When it was more than a foot outside, he quickly pulled it in. After three times, Xiao Yan slowly took back the cloth. Hide in the window and look outside.

Sure enough, Xiao Yan guessed that the wolf tooth man found that Xiao Yan's series of actions were originally done by hand, indicating that the enemy should not act rashly.

After a while, there was abang outside, and he knocked three times. Then someone shouted, "Anti-bandit and anti-theft, be careful of fire candles."

There is not even a person around this post station. It is estimated that Yicheng usually focuses on the sky, which will knock on the bangzi, and Xiao Yan also heard that it was the sound of Gao Zhan, and it was not the bangzi. Who knows what he got from!

But this did tell Xiao Yan that he knew and was ready.

Xiao Yan was released and thought about what kind of person was. He tiptoed to the edge of the pillar in the room, gently pressed it, like a civet cat and rushed to the beam silently. On the beam, Xiao Yan gently came to a corner along the beam, listened for a while, nodded his head, and then protected his head with his hands and feet. A little on the beam.

Xiao Yan guessed correctly. There was indeed someone on the roof. At this moment, he was lying on the roof listening to the movement of the house. Suddenly, there was a big hole in the roof, and a man came out of it.

In a hurry, the people on the roof were shocked. One of them couldn't help asking, "Who is it?"

Xiao Yan laughed and said, "I should ask you this."

At this moment, the wolf teeth and the guards lying under the ground are also surrounded by lights.

There are six masked people in black on the roof, holding long knives coated with shading materials and forming a circle on their backs.

Just as Xiao Yan was about to speak, several people rushed over with a shout.

Xiao Yan was stunned. He didn't expect that there was really no one who was not afraid of death. He shouted, "Catch alive."

He was afraid that the brothers below would shoot these people with a crossbow, but Xiao Yan looked at the people's moves and knew that these people were not his opponents, but it was also a little difficult to capture them alive. Thinking of this, he suddenly stamped his feet and with a crash, and Xiao Yan's people were gone.

The six people were stunned. They originally wanted to pester Xiao Yan or capture him as a hostage. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan was so cunning that he didn't take it at all and slipped downstairs.

There is no hesitation. These people looked at each other, also learned from Xiao Yan, and came to escape from the roof.

But they are not as lucky as Xiao Yan. Although they arrived in the house, Xiao Yan had already arrived in the courtyard. Several people saw Xiao Yan leave, and their eyes showed fear.

"Fal hunter." As soon as Xiao Yan went out, Xue Bi said to him.