
Chapter 126: Revisit the Old Place

Wang Gui looked at the model of a three-mout ship placed on the table by Xiao Yan. There was a cannon in the bow and the stern of the ship. The two sides of the ship were left with small mouths in the middle, and the top was an iron plate outside the convex curtain wall.

Wang Guijiu knew what it was while watching and praising it.

After a while, Xiao Yan took out a few small model boats, with only one sail, two ends wide in the middle, and no external mortar, and placed them around the big ship.

Everyone just thought it was very beautiful, but they didn't understand the mystery, but Wang Gui was an expert. He circled around these models several times and finally asked, "General, where is the oars of this thing?"

Xiao Yan laughed and said, "Lead Wang is indeed an apnominator, and he suddenly asked the point." With that, Xiao Yan reached out and picked up the upper half of the middle boat, revealing the mystery below. Rows of roller skates are arranged in three rows at the bottom of the ship, and there are 60 roller slides, which means that 60 people are needed to drive the big ship.

Seeing Wang Gui's puzzled, Xiao Yan explained: "This ship is mainly driven by the three big sails above, but in times of crisis, it can also be driven by wind and manpower to speed up the ship. There is a thunder cannon on each front and back of the ship, and there are 12 small thunder cannons on both sides of the hull. The ship is 36 feet long and 12 feet wide and can carry 500 people.

Then Xiao Yan pointed to the boat on the side and said, "This ship is small but extremely flexible. It can carry thirty-six people and is suitable for sneak attacks on the water."

"If we take a big ship and a few small boats, go to sea from the Yangtze River and go straight to the north to land in Shandong or Dagu. We don't want to break the city, but only want to harass us. Once the enemy finds it, we will take a boat and leave." Before Xiao Yan finished speaking, Wang Gui interrupted Xiao Yan's words.

He said urgently, "Then there will never be peace in the Kingdom of Jin."

At this time, everyone knew Xiao Yan's thoughts clearly and secretly, and they sighed in their hearts!

Finally, Xiao Yan agreed to Wang Gui's strong request that when the invincible fleet on the sea was in the water was when Wang Gui was the commander of this navy.

At this time, Jin Guo was powerless to march to the south, so he hurriedly wanted to make peace with the Southern Song Dynasty, so that he could rest and recuperate, refresh himself, and then invade the south when the time is ripe. However, this satisfactory calculation was destroyed by Xiao Yan. There was nothing they could do. The golden soldiers stationed along the river could only slowly retreat north.

But this is Xiao Yan's invincible fleet. It seems that Jin Guo's plan will fail again.

Seeing that everyone was meditating, Xiao Yan slowly said, "In terms of the strength of Song Jin now, although our Song Dynasty is slightly inferior, I, but the Song Dynasty occupies a rich place in the south of the Yangtze River. As long as the government is clear, it will recover in a few years, while the State of Jin is exactly the opposite. They were originally nomadic and not suitable for farming. And the pseudo-Qi Liuyu supported by the State of Jin only knows how to conquer and restrain. Now the whole north of the Yangtze River is desolate and full of exile.

Seeing that everyone was listening, Xiao Yan took a sip of water to moisten his throat and then said, "What's more, thousands of miles away, even our old capital, Tokyo is ten rooms and nine empty. If Jin Guo wants to recover his vitality, it is difficult to do nothing in ten years. What do you think will happen if we give him some more chaos in the middle?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Xiao Yan continued to say, "If it goes on like this, we don't have to go to the Northern Expedition, and Jin will go back to their hometown by itself."



The more people thought about it, the more they felt that the harassment tactics of the invincible fleet on the sea made by Xiao Yan were really wonderful, and they couldn't help praising them.

"If we send people to contact the rebels in Jiangbei on land, these exiles are like a pile of dry wood. Once they are burned, the consequences are unimaginable." Xiao Yan said another sentence in everyone's praise.

"If we send people to contact the rebels in Jiangbei on land, these exiles are like a pile of dry wood. Once they are burned, the consequences are unimaginable." Xiao Yan said another sentence in everyone's praise.

"Although this method is stupid and takes a little longer, it has benefited a lot for the people of the Song Dynasty." Xiao Yan is not only not excited at all, but also a little depressed.

"I don't know what the court thinks?" One sentence reveals the mystery.

Yes, no matter how good your plan is, it's useless if the court doesn't support it.

The momentary excitement was half extinguished by a basin of cold water. After half a sound, Lu Chen said quietly, "Do your best to listen to fate."

"Lord Lu said that I just need to seek more well-being for the people, so there is no need to look forward and backward." Wang Gui said.

"Well, we will divide the division of labor. At that time, everyone will take care of each other and strive to realize our big plan as soon as possible." Xiao Yan said loudly.

As the end of the year is approaching, Song Jin's form rarely appears in the dominant situation of the Song Dynasty, so the whole south of the Yangtze River is immersed in the celebration of the New Year. Xiao Yan was no exception. He was spoiled by a group of colleagues for a few days and got drunk every day. Finally, he couldn't stand it and found an excuse to come to Xingguo Temple on Zhongshan Mountain with Yue Lin, which was the place where Xiao Yan was in danger for the first time.

One is to avoid the drunken dream all day, and the other is that he wants to come here to explore the strange things that happened to him.

As soon as Xiao Yan entered the mountain gate, he saw a young Sami standing at the door. It turned out that it was the Sa Mi he saw for the first time when Xiao Yan was in danger. Xiao Yan casually said a few words to him and walked into the hall.

As soon as Xiao Yan entered the hall, he felt strange and asked, "Master, why is this temple so deserted today?"

"Homfert! The little monk doesn't know. Maybe it's the Spring Festival!" The young monk replied.

Xiao Yan saw it from his dodging eyes, and then looked back at the eighteen inseparable wolf tooth guards outside the hall, and he understood.

I couldn't help smiling and said, "I wanted to steal half a day, but let your little master busy for most of the day."

When Zhiqing saw that Xiao Yan understood, Nuonuo had no words in his mouth, and Xiao Yan was not asking. He worshipped the statue in the temple with Yue Lin. He got up and turned around and asked Zhiqing, "Master Zhiqing, could you please take me to the secret room? I have something to answer."

"Amitabha!" Zhiqing saluted and said, "The master said that the marquis was reincarnated by Maitreya and went by himself." Let's make an invitation posture and follow each other on the side.

As Zhiqing went all the way down to the secret passage, Xiao Yan was familiar with the road, but Yue Lin felt very mysterious. The three walked to the door of the secret room with twists and turns. Zhiqing was about to reach out and open the mechanism.

At this time, Xiao Yan felt an ominous feeling in his heart and reached out to stop Zhiqing.

said, "I'll do it."