
Chapter 128: Resolution to go north

Entering the first year of Shaoxing, Xiao Yan knew that some history has changed with his emergence, but he now does not know why the history of his life will be different from now. What he is more worried about is how much history will change because of its emergence. He doesn't know, but he doesn't have time to think about it now.

Now there are two things that give him the biggest headache. One is Wanyan Zongbi, the marshal of the enemy's left army captured a few years ago. He repeatedly wrote to Lin'an. Unexpectedly, he just praised him a few words without pain. As for how to deal with it, he didn't say a word. The second is that Jin sent a challenge letter after the Spring Festival, and Song and Jin each selected ten of their own warriors to fight for martial arts.

The condition for victory is that if the Song Dynasty wins, the Song Dynasty will release the captured Jin soldiers, including Wanyan Zongbi. If the Song Dynasty wins, the Jin Dynasty will sign a non-aggression treaty with the Song Dynasty and return the five prefectures and ten counties in Jiangbei, including Tokyo, which are now under the jurisdiction of pseudo-Qi Liu Yu.

This condition can be seen at a glance by people with a little common sense that the states and counties in Jiangbei can now be said to be thousands of miles away. Jin can't wait to return it to the Song Dynasty as soon as possible, and this non-aggression treaty is even more nonsense. A group of generals in the Song Dynasty here are fully prepared for the Northern Expedition! Compared with the current strength of Song and Jin, the Song Dynasty is a little weaker now, but the momentum of the two countries is positive and negative. It will take less than a few years. Even if there is no need to fight, I'm afraid that the State of Jin will obediently return these places.

As for that agreement, it is simply bullshit. Jin Guo has never been trustworthy. If he breathes, the agreement will be a piece of waste paper, and it will definitely be faster than turning over the book.

However, Zhao Gu, who is in Lin'an, is very interested in this proposal of the State of Jin. Under the residual power of the State of Jin for many years, he has been hiding in Tibet all day and can't live in peace. Now he finally has the opportunity to celebrate Ann's birthday, which is not too happy.

So a three-day imperial edict and a five-day imperial edict urged Xiao Yan to do this matter. After seeing that Xiao Yan was not very active in this, Zhao Gu, who was in Lin'an, even wrote an empty check regardless of his ancestors who were not a royal family surnamed Zhao, who could not be awarded the title of king. If Xiao Yan could defeat the State of Jin in this competition, the court would add him as The king with the opposite surname is not the prince, but the king directly.

Xiao Yan waited for everyone to arrive and told the matter again. After saying that, he took out an imperial edict and smiled bitterly, "This is the third imperial edict after the New Year!"

Zhou Ting is usually humorous, and he also looks sad. He said, "Marquis, it seems that the court is determined to make peace with the State of Jin!" I also heard that Qin Hui is recovering. In a few days, I may come to Jiankang to supervise this matter.

This is the first time we have heard the news of Qin Hui's recovery. As soon as Zhou Ting finished speaking, everyone looked worried. Everyone knows who Qin Hui is and it was Xiao Yan who brought him down. This time, Zhao Gu did send him to Lin'an. The reason is worth pondering.

Seeing everyone's sad faces, Xiao Yan cheered up and said, "I have an idea. Let's listen to it."

"What's your idea? Tell me." The fat dragon and the fat fish asked urgently.

"Even if there is no peace in the martial arts competition, we can't lose to the State of Jin, and we have fallen into the power of Song, but there is no benefit in winning, so I don't know what to do when I think of it, we will make peace."

"Match, hmm! There is no need to fall to the power of the Song Dynasty or sign a collegial agreement. Ma Guangzu shook his head and said.

"Yes, in Jin Guo's challenge book, only the conditions for victory and defeat are mentioned, and what to do is not specified. I think it's okay." Zhou Ting said.

"However, this is not what we want to do." Lu Chen said solemnly, "We must have the confidence to win absolutely to dominate the war."

When everyone heard Lu Chen's words, they all felt very reasonable, and the hot atmosphere just now fell into meditation again.

"This is not difficult. This is the list of warriors that Jin is going to send." Chen Baosheng has now replaced Wang Yuangui and Wang Yuancheng to take over Shenfengwei. After his rectification, the efficiency of Shenfengwei is much higher than before, and it is also much more loyal. What he holds in his hand is the information recently transmitted from Jiangbei.

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be invincible. Now the candidates for warriors in the Kingdom of Jin are already known, which means that there are more chances of winning.

Since it has been prepared for a long time, it will be easy to do. Besides, there is nothing absolutely stable in the world. After discussion, Xue Bi wrote to Lin'an on behalf of Xiao Yan, saying that after the selection is completed, they can leave for Jiangbei as soon as the messengers of the imperial court arrive.

Originally, everyone did not agree with Xiao Yan's territory to go to the State of Jin, which was too dangerous, but Xiao Yan insisted on going, and Xiao Yan had to immediately arrange for Yang Zaixing in Zhenjiang to gather new ships all the way north along the sea and go straight to the nest of the State of Jin after he left.

The garrison of Jiankang gathered in the south of the Yangtze River, making a posture that they were ready to attack at any time, and they could send a small force from Jiankang to Jiangbei to harass the Jin people appropriately.

And contacted Yue Fei in Xiangyang, and the Xu brothers in Sichuan all lined up on the border of Song and Jin to make a look at Jin.

Everyone was worried that this would anger the State of Jin, which made him jump over the wall in a hurry. Finally, Chen Baosheng solved the puzzle for everyone.

Now Jin Guo can be said to be a strong and middle-aged man. For the sake of Xiao Yan in a district, he is causing war. I'm afraid they absolutely can't afford it. The more they make a posture to prepare for the Northern Expedition, the safer Xiao Yan and other people are.

Originally, Jin was going to prepare for this competition in Tokyo, the ancient capital of the Song Dynasty, but Xiao Yan took the initiative to propose that this competition must be held in Yanjing, the capital of Jin, and there is no room for this.

Jin Guo originally wanted to be in Yanjing, but they were afraid that Xiao Yan would not dare to come, so they set up the competition place in Tokyo. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan really offered to stay in Yanjing, which was in the middle.

In fact, the reason why Xiao Yan thought of Yanjing is that he still has a secret hidden in his heart, but he can't say it with anyone, but when he wrote to Lin'an, he took the initiative to ask Wang Lun to go to Yanjing with him. The reason is that Wang Lun has been to the State of Jin many times and is familiar with the local customs, and can provide them with Less help.

Zhao, who is in Lin'an, said that you want Wang Lun to go. Except for himself, I guess he will find a way if you want Empress Dowager Meng to go.

After all the arrangements were completed, Xiao Yan waited for Qin Hui to come, but he was not waiting. After all, this was deep into the hinterland of the State of Jin, and Qin Hui, a pillow tiger, may bite him at any time. What should be done is still necessary.

On the surface, Xiao Yan's group is 30 or 40 people in addition to the 18 guards. Even with Qin Hui's entourage, there will not be more than 100 people, but Chen Baosheng almost sent most of Shenfengwei to Jiangbei this time. He wants to ensure Xiao Yan's absolute safety. Yang Zaixing was also ready to go to the sea and go all the way north after Xiao Yan left.