
020, if you love him, he will die (red ticket plus update)

Zhujin said there was a way, and Tang Xiaotang also rested obediently and sat by the spring and watched.

Zhujin picked up the little sunlight bird, raised it to a height level with his sight, pinched its little head and looked at himself. The little sunlight bird didn't know why, and was pinched by him to squeak.

Then Zhujin raised her hand and threw it out.

"Teacher!" Tang Xiaotang was almost scared by his behavior and quickly rushed to pick up the little sunlight bird.

The little sunlight bird was stunned, and its fat body twitched a few times before squeaking.

Fortunately, he didn't fall to death. Tang Xiaotang just breathed a sigh of relief and covered a shadow on his head. Zhujin took the little sunlight bird away again. Teacher! You will kill it!" She quickly turned around to grab it. Zhu jin raised her head and a half, and Tang Xiaotang couldn't reach it. She could only climb his arm and try to save the little sunlight bird.

"If you can't fly, you can't fly. You don't have to be so cruel!"

"Listen, girl," Zhujin let her hang on her arm and jump her feet in a hurry, completely unmoved. "All the birds in nature use this method to educate birds that dare not fly. Is it a bird to jump on the ground all her life? Falling to death is also its fate. get out of the way!"

Despite Tang Xiaotang's objection, he threw the little sunlight bird out again.

Tang Xiaotang shouted: "I can't fall any more! It has only been born for a few days and will be killed by you! You should also learn step by step, and you can't become a fat man in one bite!"

Zhu Jin clasped her wrists with one hand to prevent her from causing trouble, and picked up the little sunbird that was trembling with fear in the other hand: "When it sleeps, it will forget how miserable it was thrown today. Learning other things can be step by step, but it can't fly. Be sure to throw it until it will fly."

He was so strong that Tang Xiaotang couldn't break away, and his wrist was also pinched by him. Seeing that the little sunlight bird was thrown into a mess, his claws only twitched, and his heart was so painful that he raised his foot and kicked him: "Let go of me! You are so cruel!"

"I'm cruel?" Zhujin hummed and smiled, lowered her head and looked at her, "natural selection, the law of the jungle, this is the law of survival."

Tang Xiaotang couldn't refute it, so he had to look at the little sunbird raised above his head with anxious eyes.

Zhujin said indifferently, "To force it to fly is to love it."

With a shake of the wrist, the golden fluff turned into a parabola and was thrown far away and submerged in the dark.

Tang Xiaotang opened her mouth wide and her whole body was stiff.

However, the next moment, the dazzling golden light lit up, the darkness retreated with fear, and the visible area expanded to the width of a swimming pool.

The golden light source is like a retrograde meteor, slowly rising into the air, illuminating the dark sky. The blue sky like the outside world has swept away the long-standing depression in the sealed space.

The little sunbird finally flew up. Under its shine, the withering fairy grass slowly regained its vitality and straightened its waist. The seedlings of Sifang grass couldn't wait to spit out a bud.

Tang Xiaotang looked at the sky, and the dazzling sunshine gave her an impulse to cry.

Suddenly, two hands covered her eyes.

"It's time for you to go to dinner," Zhujin's voice sounded as plain as water, as if she was not happy at all because the little sunbird flew. "There is a public class in the evening, please call the name."

On the first day of creation, God said that there should be light, so there was light, and life was bathed in the glory of God and grew up.

With the sunshine of the small sunbird, the fairy grass in the nursery grew very well. Sifang grass bears seeds, and the snowflake grass spreads a large area. Seven or eight single plants grow in the orange grass. The fluffy seeds are blown by Zhu Jin's bulging cheeks and float everywhere.

Tang Xiaotang wrapped a small bag of Sifang grass seeds and planned to give them to the female ghost as a reward. For this reason, he made a special phone call to ask Tang Qiuzhe for the receiving address.

Tang Qiuzhe seemed to be very busy on the other end of the phone, but he was not angry with her suddenness. Instead, he said, "I went to Chaoge Mountain last month to bring you some seeds of mermaid tears. I'm going to send them to you when I go to X City in a few days. Why don't you come out for dinner?"

"Okay, okay, I also have a story to tell this time!" Tang Xiaotang happily agreed.

The rabbit squatted on the ground to eat spicy hot pot, and its golden eyes narrowed.

... What's so good about that little white face? I'm so happy every time I call.

After class on Thursday afternoon, Tang Xiaotang received a phone call from Tang Qiuzhe and came to the school gate excitedly, but he heard the girls around him talking about it.

"Look over there, which college? Why have you never seen it?"

"Handsome~~ It's much better than those crooked dates in our department!"

"Is it really a student? It looks more like a teacher. I don't know if he can listen to his class."

"Would you like to ask him if he would like to join the club? He must be a bunker in Hanfu.

The rabbit was obviously bored with these chatter sounds. Seeing that Tang Xiaotang couldn't find anyone, he lazily suggested, "Over there, you are stupid. Won't you be curious to hear other people's comments?"

Tang Xiaotang then followed everyone's eyes and found Tang Qiuzhe in the focus area.

To be precise, Tang Qiuzhe's dress today is indeed quite different. In the past, he appeared in front of Tang Xiaotang, with a white shirt and a three-piece suit, standard European dress, but today outside the door of X, he is wearing a black Zhongshan suit!

That's right! The Zhongshan suit is famous for its many pockets! That's a rare Zhongshan suit than Hanfu, which is only available in old photos!

Tang Xiaotang bent down and picked up her chin and put it back, and then walked forward crying and laughing: "You... why are you dressed like this today?"

Tang Qiuzhe laughed and said, "I went to meet the owner of the Situ family in the afternoon. As a junior, in order to show courtesy, I have to do what I like."

Recalling the two meetings with Situ Changqin, the nearly 2,000-year-old woman was wearing a cheongsam, and Tang Xiaotang nodded with deep understanding.

Tang Qiuzhe is nearly 1.8 meters tall, which is very in line with the criteria for choosing a spouse for college girls. In addition, he is handsome and exudes an elegant gentleman. This is very rare in colleges and universities. No wonder so many people are staring at him.

"Lord," the female ghost floated over from across the road. "There are many small restaurants opposite."

Tang Qiuzhe nodded: "Let's eat casually in the small restaurant. What does Xiaotang like to eat?"

The corners of Tang Xiaotang's mouth twitched slightly: "Anything is fine." The Yellow Emperor would be ashamed of himself if he regarded the female emperor as a wayfinder.

So the three of them stood together on the roadside and waited for the green light. During this period, the students passing by kept talking, nothing more than praising Tang Qiuzhe for being handsome, criticizing that Tang Xiaotang was too short and not beautiful enough, and cynically saying that the eyes of good men had fallen into the cesspit.

Tang Xiaotang is deeply innocent about this - I thank you for his cousin, and your brain tonic is too offline.

"The beauty is a disaster, affecting the fish in the pond." The rabbit said boredly.

Tang Qiuzhe smiled helplessly and apologetically when he heard the words. Tang Xiaotang stretched out his hand to poke the rabbit's face and said angrily, "How much can you get better? How dare you talk about him?"

When she sat down in the small restaurant and waited to eat, Tang Xiaotang handed the carefully wrapped Sifang grass seeds to the female: "The seeds you sent me last time are ripe, and these grass seeds are for you." The woman thanked faintly and took the paper bag and put it in her arms.

Tang Qiuzhe asked with surprise, "Are you familiar with it so soon? Sifang grass is ripe twice a year, and it takes at least six months to harvest. Where did you plant it and how did it grow so fast?

"Ah, this..." Tang Xiaotang hesitated and didn't know how to answer, so the rabbit grabbed it: "It's planted in a can, bask in the sun during the day and at night. Of course, it grows fast."

Nonsense... If it really grows fast in this way, do you still need hybrid rice? Tang Xiaotang muttered in his heart and did not expose the rabbit's lie, because when it was still in the crystal cluster, he said that it was not allowed to talk about the sealed space. Although it was not clear why, the agreement should always be kept.

Tang Qiuzhe seems to believe: "This kind of thing is also common to reproduce faster in a different environment." Then he took out a small box and handed it over. "This is the seed of mermaid tears. I'm afraid the can is not big enough. You have to buy some pots."

Tang Xiaotang opened the box and saw that a seed was as big as a longan core, purple, black and purple, like pearl lifts.

The rabbit squinted and said, "The saliva is running out! The tears of mermaids can't be eaten indiscriminately.

"Huh? Is it poison?" Tang Xiaotang frowned and vaguely remembered that what he saw in the book was not written like this. This should be a kind of poison-removing herb, right?

"The poisoned person will get better with the tears of a mermaid, but if a healthy person eats it, he will immediately die of piercing his internal organs." Tang Qiuzhe smiled and explained that his family was engaged in the fairy grass business, and he also knows all kinds of fairy grass.

The rabbit was slightly dissatisfied with him stealing his limelight, but when the fragrant sweet potato came up, it immediately took care of nothing.

Tang Xiaotang told Tang Qiuzhe the story of Huaqiong and Meili. Of course, he concealed the part where he was looking for the daylight bird and got the sunbird egg. Originally, he casually asked the meaning of Mei Li's words before his death without any hope, but he didn't expect Tang Qiuzhe to know.

"As early as thousands of years ago, human beings had not learned to make a fire. After the sun went down, the earth was dark. Now we may not be able to imagine that the darkness without light is actually very desperate," Tang Qiuzhe said while drinking cold beer. "So human beings at that time desperately prayed to the sky and begged for the sun. Don't fall down, ask for light and don't abandon them. Hearing their call, Xihe Goddess opened the way between the fantasy world and the present world, and let the sunbirds dispel the darkness and benefit mankind.

"Nine sunbirds were ordered to come to this world. At the beginning, they were indeed loved by human beings. Human beings offered pigs, cattle and sheep as tribute to them, asking them to stay in this world forever and not leave. The sunbirds won this honor and were full of a sense of achievement, so they gave up returning to the fantasy world and decided to stay forever.

"But the day and night life soon made human beings feel tired, irritable and painful. The gradual depletion of water sources and the gradual degradation of vegetation have made human survival face an unprecedented crisis. Therefore, some human beings have come forward and pleaded with the sunbirds to leave and return the night to them. They have been unable to do so in the vanity of the heroes of salvation. Of course, the sunbirds disagreed, so human beings no longer give them tribute, hoping to expel them with hunger and indifference.