
024, return my dream

The red fox shook the water on his head: "Sea monsters are gregarious animals. There must be leaders nearby who land together. I'll go and have a look."

"I'll wait here?" Tang Xiaotang asked tentatively.

The red fox hesitated and said, "Forget it, it's dangerous to leave you here. Come up." Tang Xiaotang immediately smiled, climbed the railing and turned out, rode on its back, and the pouring rain immediately poured her cold.

Tang Xiaotang shivered and hugged the neck of the red fox: "Teacher, please fly steadily and don't fall me halfway."

The red fox said angrily, "There's a lot of nonsense! Believe it or not, I'll throw you down from here now. Speaking lightly, he jumped to the slightly lower boy's dormitory building on the opposite floor, and then took off several times and rushed to the roof of the canteen. He stopped steadily and turned his head proudly and asked, "How's it going?"

Tang Xiaotang couldn't help laughing and nodded: "Teacher is a good mount, be careful in front!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large stream of water rushed to the front, as if it had been shot by a high-pressure [vertical and horizontal] water gun. The red fox leaned back, and Tang Xiaotang was lifted off and fell from the crack in the middle of the roof.

"Wo girl!" The red fox roared and tried to pounce on the place where she fell, but the roof washed by the heavy rain was already slippery, coupled with the strong wind of the typhoon, which made people's hairy, and its feet almost slipped and rolled down the roof.

"I'm fine..."

Tang Xiaotang answered at the top of his voice and drowned in the rainstorm.

The decorated roof of the North District canteen is like a fallen ladder. When she rolled down from the gap just now, her hands danced wildly and grabbed a "ladder" and hung in the air several meters away from the terrace on the fourth floor.

The splashing water hit her hand, making her arm, which had little strength, even more unbearable. When she thought she was going to fall, there was a sad and angry roar in the storm: "Give me back my dream... Give it back to me!" His wrist cooled and was dragged up by a force.

The red fox stood in the void and shouted angrily behind her: "Let go of my supper!"

It was a sea monster with a pleated face that raised Tang Xiaotang to the roof. She stood on her back foot, cut Tang Xiaotang's arm with her front paws, and at the same time put a sharp animal bone against her neck and made a posture to stab it in: "Don't come over!"

The red fox was so angry that he had no choice but to stay still and stare at them.

"So what... Let's talk about it, okay?" Tang Xiaotang felt that the tip of the bone was like the tip of a knife. She was afraid that she would shake her hand and finish playing. She quickly persuaded her in a good voice, "Do you want your dream? Is it the one where a child was taken away from his mother?

The aging sea monster was shaking violently for some reason, and even Tang Xiaotang trembled like a sieve.

The sea monster gasped and asked, "Are you also a dream? No, this smell... Are you human?"

Seeing that she was still rational, Tang Xiaotang took a little thought and admitted, "I'm a human being. You calm down first. Mengqi ate your dream, and then I don't know why you vomited on me again. If you want, you can take it back, but we have no grievances. Can you take this bone away from me?"

The sea monster was a little moved by her. Just as she was about to let go, the red fox opposite looked ready to go, as if it would jump up and bite her throat at any time, and immediately put the broken bone back: "Let the fox go away!"

Tang Xiaotang was poked in pain and quickly shouted at the red fox, "Teacher, can you step back a little, or I will poke her to death." The red fox was angry and helpless. He gritted his teeth and retreated to the end of the roof, and still did not dare to stare this side for a moment.

... If I had known that stupid girl had been brought out, I could have eaten this salted fish now! Although it doesn't look good?

I probably felt that this distance was safe. The sea monster slowly loosened the broken bone, pointed to Tang Xiaotang's temple and gently dragged it out. A milky fluorescence escaped from her head and was taken back by the sea monster.

There will be no more dark circles under his eyes. Tang Xiaotang breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his shoulder that was twisted by her and asked, "Isn't Mengqi a grudge against the Hailong family? How can you go to the sea to eat your dream? You are the woman whose child was robbed in the dream? It doesn't look like it, no, it doesn't look like it.

Although the woman in the dream is not very beautiful, she is at least young and beautiful, far from the old sea monster woman with seaweed and wrinkled face in front of her.

The sea demon said coldly, "Since you are a human, don't ask too much. If you manage too much business, you will only short-live yourself."

Tang Xiaotang thought for a moment and said seriously, "You are so obsessed with this nightmare, which proves that it is very important to you. Even if it will make you painful, you don't want to forget it. Don't you want to do something to make the nightmare have a happy ending?"

The sea monster is still unmoved: "It's none of your business, and you can't help."

Tang Xiaotang wanted to say something more, but the red fox in the distance caught a glimpse of the flaw and rushed over like an arrow. He opened his blood basin and bit the sea demon's waist. The sea demon let out a sharp scream and splashed blood from his abdomen pierced by sharp teeth.

"Teacher, wait a minute!" Tang Xiaotang hurried to pull the fur of the red fox. "She's just came to retrieve her dream. There is no malice."

The sea demon was so painful that he tried his best to break the red fox's teeth. Tang Xiaotang was also begging for mercy. The red fox finally reluctantly spit her on the roof. The heavy rain quickly washed the wound, and a stream of mixed blood flowed down.

Tang Xiaotang wanted to find something to stop her bleeding, but she only had a pajama and was soaked. She couldn't take it off, so she had to ask awkwardly, "Teacher, she... won't die, will she?"

The red fox said in a bad tone: "Why did you die? With such a heavy rain, the wound will grow well in a moment."

Sure enough, the wound on the belly gradually healed in the rainstorm, and finally returned to its original state without leaving a scar.

The sea monster struggled to get up and leave. Tang Xiaotang couldn't help saying, "Don't you want to get your son back?"

The sea monster who was about to jump off the roof stopped.

"I am the descendant of Miss Yanru, the tracker. If you want to find your son, I can help you, really." Tang Xiaotang sincerely extended a helping hand, but the sea monster just said coldly, "No need" and jumped off the ground, mixed among the group of sea monsters, and slowly retreated.

Red Fox said disdainfully, "I cried so ugly at the beginning, but now I still put on airs to be tall, bang!"

Tang Xiaotang muttered, "Teacher, don't say that. Maybe she has a last resort?"

The red fox roared angrily, "What if she has a hard time, don't care about her death!" Dare to touch Taisui's head. If she dares to come to you later, I will bite her head!" He lay down again and said, "Why don't you come up quickly? If you get caught in the rain this night, you will die of illness!"

Tang Xiaotang has completely got used to it. He knew that he was worried about himself, so he climbed on its back with a smile and said, "If I die of illness, no one will plant fairy grass for you." The red fox hummed, kicked his back paws, and flew back to Lingyun Tower on the roof of the snow.

Back to the dormitory, everyone was still sleeping. Tang Xiaotang trembled and took clean pajamas from the wardrobe, took the campus card and rushed into the shower room. As soon as the hot water was turned on, there was a feeling of rebirth.

"Hey, girl." Just as he was about to take off his wet pajamas, the rabbit's voice came from his feet. Tang Xiaotang was so scared that he almost jumped up. His arm touched the hot water pipe and hissed.

"Teacher! Why did you come in!" Tang Xiaotang wiped his face and bent down to look at each other angrily.

The white-haired and soaked rabbit looked funny and embarrassed and was squeezing in through the gap under the door: "Of course, it is to bathe you fool!"

"This is the girl's bathroom!"

"Oh, so you sent me to the boy's bathroom to wash?"

Tang Xiaotang couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to reach for the plastic bag for her clothes: "I'll go next door to wash it."

The rabbit didn't allow it. He jumped up and hugged her thigh: "The shower is too high for me to wash alone."

Tang Xiaotang got angry: "Then what on earth are you going to do!"

The rabbit held the hem of her nightdress and waved it: "Of course, let's wash it together. Wash your hair clean. I'm going to squat on your head."

Tang Xiaotang was directly angry and laughed and held the hem of his nightdress to avoid being dragged away by it: "Teacher, don't joke! I'm a girl. How can I wash it with you? Let go quickly. After washing, I'll go to the ninth floor to get hot water to wash for you.

"Why is it impossible," Rabbit said shamelessly. "You wash yours and I'll wash mine. I'll just lend you your head to squat down, or you wash it for me first."

Compared with no human rights and no dignity, it is obvious that it is more cost-effective to choose the former, so Tang Xiaotang obediently served it to wash comfortably, sent it out, and then dared to take off his wet clothes.

After changing into dry pajamas, Tang Xiaotang returned to the dormitory happily, took medicine to prevent colds, and then sat on the chair to wipe his hair. His eyes accidentally glanced at the rabbit squatting in the nest. Somehow, he felt something was wrong, so he leaned over: "Teacher?"

The rabbit raised his eyelids to look at her, turned around and took his buttocks to look at her.

I've been waiting for you to take a shower, and you still give me your ass! Tang Xiaotang was angry and picked it up with his ears. Because there were outsiders in the dormitory, the rabbit did not dare to struggle and pretended to be dead in her hand.

Tang Xiaotang took a breath and was about to scold. Suddenly, he found a dark color under the rabbit's pink little nose. He reached out and wiped it. It turned out to be blood.

"Teacher, you--" Tang Xiaotang simply didn't know what to say, "You peek at me taking a shower? Still, nosebleed...you, you..."

The rabbit rolled his eyes and looked at her: "Who peeked at you taking a shower? I don't want to see your 360-degree figure! I ate too much grapefruit and became angry!"

Tang Xiaotang immediately stared at him with double contempt: "Two or two, Yuzu is a clear fire. Do you think I don't know? Rhes are not terrible, but they are afraid that hooligans are uneducated.

The rabbit snorted heavily, stretched out his tongue and licked his nostrils to eliminate the evidence.

Tang Xiaotang was amused by the cute way it licked his nose. He looked at it casually when he wanted to see it. Anyway, it was not much different from being wet and not wearing it before, so he was too lazy to see it like it. He put it back in his nest and peeled a piece of grapefruit and put it in front of it.

"What are you doing?" The rabbit asked angrily.

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "I'll reduce the fire for you."

"Tang Xiaotang! You are tired of living!"