
034, touched the mold (red ticket plus update)

Tang Xiaotang has always been an activist. Since he has the idea of planning the sealing space well and the support of Zhujin's "implicit" and awkwardness, it naturally needs to be implemented immediately.

The two people have no idea about pastoral planning, and Zhu Jin is even too lazy to use his brain. He lies on the edge of the spring and shouts impatiently, "Why are you making it so complicated? It's good to be in a grid. You can't fly. It's useless to get a flower."

Tang Xiaotang did not dare to be careless at all. He sprinkled white lime powder all the way to mark the drawn drawings. First, he circled the place near the spring squarely, and then drew a path that could accommodate two people to walk side by side in four directions. From the perspective of the high-altitude sunbird, it was a square and a cross. The frames are stacked together.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, Zhujin saw that she was busy and rarely felt a little ashamed. She got up and picked up the pile of things she threw beside her.

The white wooden fence used for the decoration of some boutiques is of average quality and feels that it can be broken with a little force; the written signs are also equipped with colored simple strokes, and the wooden stick below is sharpened and can be inserted into the soil; the new small watering pot and a one-meter-long shovel, and even a rake.

"What did you do with this to learn from Zhu Bajie?" Zhu Jin smiled and lifted the iron rake and swung it.

"Of course, it's for turning over the ground," Tang Xiaotang patted off the lime powder in his hand and picked up the fence to insert it. "It doesn't matter if the snowflake grass grows close to the ground. After the grass like the orange grass is seeded, the teacher only eats the leaves but not the roots. Turn over the soil and burys the roots deep as fertilizer. - Be careful not to sprinkle it on your head. ."

Zhu Jin snorted and smiled, as if to say that I was such a stupid person. The three-pound rake weighed twice in his hand, and suddenly scratched through the air, dragging out a silver light and waved it.

Tang Xiaotang unconsciously stopped the work in his hand and looked up in a daze.

Zhu Jin swept away the idleness of the past, and was in high spirits. His body was like a disease. His long hair fluttered like fire. His clothes flew like clouds. In the blink of an eye, he played several ways, one grid, one blow, one hook... The action was as free as flowing clouds and water. An ordinary iron rake appeared in his hand, like an ancient god soldier. The rake reflects the sunlight, like a flexible and cunning claw. One second is still thousands of miles away, and the next second may hit the door.

I have never seen him play tricks, Tang Xiaotang almost dumbfounded and opened his mouth slightly until he showed off enough and stood still.

Zhu Jin pulled the rake and cast a proud look, waiting to be praised by her.

"Teacher..." The nervous system connection is normal. Tang Xiaotang finally came to his senses and asked suspiciously, "Are you Zhu Bajie?"

Even after more than ten steps away, the murderous atmosphere on the opposite side still made her tremble and quickly changed her words: "No, no, no, no, I mean, you will definitely not be Zhu Bajie! Of course not, but you dance the rake very realistically, that... Well, I mean, you are much more handsome than Zhu Bajie. Wu Cheng'en must be jealous of you and wrote a pig with a nail rake.

Zhujin was so angry that he exploded: "Bullshit! Do you think he may have seen me? The dead girl who bullied her master and destroyed her ancestors, come and spank her!"

Tang Xiaotang didn't dare to go there. He shrank back and said, "Teacher, you are so awesome! Are you the founder of the rake door? How many apprentices have you received? There must be a lot of peaches and plums all over the world. Are they still alive? Introduce it to me and get to know each other? Teacher?"

It seemed that she had been poked to the pain spot by her words. Zhu Jin was silent in an hour. She threw the rake in her hand and came out of the seal.

Tang Xiaotang was confused and quickly chased out. Seeing that the rabbit formed himself into a snow-white ball and huddled motionless in the nest, he looked a little pitiful. He couldn't help but be full of sympathy and said, "Teacher, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well or in a bad mood? Sorry, I shouldn't have talked nonsense. Don't be angry, okay?"

Situ Yan, who was practicing soft penwriting, listened and smiled: "I really admire you, Xiaotang, but you have the patience to serve Lord Zhujin. In the past..." Suddenly, she realized something and shut up.

"What was it before?" Tang Xiaotang smelled something wrong in the air and turned his head to ask.

Situ Yan shrugged her shoulders: "It's nothing. If Lord Zhujin is willing to tell you, you can ask him directly. What Lord Changqin said may not be true. People and monsters have different positions, and there are times when their judgment is wrong."

Tang Xiaotang became more curious: "What the hell is going on? There must be a keyword for independent search."

Situ Yan blinked her right eye mysteriously: "The key words are on you."

Tang Xiaotang was further confused by her taboo.

For lunch and dinner that day, the rabbit just ate a bite or two and didn't move. Even Tang Xiaotang went out to buy spicy hot pot, which seemed to be out of its sight.

The food can't please it. Tang Xiaotang really has no idea.

Thinking about it, they have known each other for five years, but Tang Xiaotang found that he knew almost nothing about Zhujin's past. More than 1,700 years ago, he was sealed in space by Tang Youxin. What about before that? In the past two thousand years, what kind of person he was, what kind of life he lived, who was around him, and what he had experienced...

Tang Xiaotang thought bluntly that he had never been curious. Is it because the teacher was too fierce to ask?

As Christmas approaches, the weather is getting colder and colder, and fewer and fewer people are reading in the morning on the hillside. Tang Xiaotang is also tired of the feeling of the cold wind coming to his face and goes to class on foot. It will be warmer after a walk.

The rabbit simply stopped going to class, so Tang Xiaotang, who was used to getting up early, suddenly became much more bored on the way to class.

After one or two classes on Monday, Tang Xiaotang took a whim and changed the direction of the Moon Bridge. She was very surprised to find that a red flower planted by the bridge was still blooming in the cold wind. She couldn't help marveling: "It's winter solstice and it's still blooming..." So she stepped forward.

When arranging the nursery, she specially prepared a bunch of explanatory signs, which were affected by the ubiquitous plant instructions in the school. When she saw that there were also instructions in front of the red flowers, she curiously went to open the leaves to check.

The silver instruction board says: Zhu Jin, also known as Fusanghua, is an evergreen shrub of the mallow family, which blooms all year round.

Tang Xiaotang's mouth twitched. Obviously, it was the first time he saw such a domineering variety "all year round" and was shocked.

"It's also a beautiful opening this year." Suddenly, an old voice came from behind him. Tang Xiaotang was shocked and turned around. He didn't know when there was a tall old man standing behind him, holding a pear wooden cane in his hand, squinting and looking at the flowers kindly.

When did the old man come behind him? There was no sound of footsteps at all. Tang Xiaotang bulged his eyes and looked at him. The old man wore a simple blue cloth jacket and had a sparse beard. He was just an ordinary old farmer. Although the Z campus was located in a remote area, there were still many fishermen nearby. The old man walked in and fell down. It's not surprising.

"Does the old man come to see this flower every year?" The Z campus has been built for only four years, but the old man's words vaguely give her a feeling that she has spent decades.

The old man nodded with a smile: "Yes, after watching it for decades, this land was assigned to build a new campus for X University. It took me a lot of effort to cut off the strongest branch from the original plant and keep it. When it was almost repaired here, it was transplanted back. Thanks to the child's tenacious vitality, it did not lose its vitality. ."

Tang Xiaotang nodded and asked, "Does this flower have any special significance to you?"

Looking at the fiery red flowers, I couldn't help thinking of Zhujin's long gorgeous hair, which is really just like his name.

"Yes, and it is irreplaceable. I have lived half the earth, and the only thought is it." The old man stared at the leafy Zhujinhua with loving eyes, as if looking at a child and grandson under his knees.

The old man asked coldly, "Little girl, do you also like this flower?"

Tang Xiaotang was slightly stunned. Before she could answer, the old man pointed to her left hand hanging beside her and said, "Is this flower mark on the back of your hand? Is it born?"

Can he see it? Tang Xiaotang subconsciously covered the back of his hand.

The sleeves of the winter coat are very long. When he stands down, only four fingers will be exposed. The back of his hand is completely close to the sleeve. How could he know that there is a hibiscus on the back of his hand?

Aware of her nervousness, the old man smiled kindly and said, "I happened to see it when you opened the branches and leaves just now."

"This is..." Tang Xiaotang hesitated, "It's a birthmark. You didn't say that I didn't notice the shape of the flower. It's true if you take a closer look.

The old man did not doubt that he was there. He smiled, and the cold color in his little eyes flashed by and said lightly, "You and I are predestined. I'll teach you something. Come on." I waved my hand.

Tang Xiaotang inexplicably followed the old man and walked through the Moon Bridge along the path by the drainage canal to Furong Lake upstream.

"It is said that one day is a teacher and a father for life, and the apprentice should be filial to the master. On the other hand, the masters in the world are mostly short-protected, don't you think?" The old man walked slowly in front of him on crutches.

"The son with dysentery is good for himself." Tang Xiaotang did not dare to get too close to him. He always felt that there was something wrong with the old man.

The old man nodded: "You're right. I have taught countless apprentices for most of my life. They are all like my children. When I was a child, they were naughty and chased me for this and that. But when I grew up, they all left one by one and went to accept apprentices, do big things and talk about love, but none of them came back to see. I'm an old man."

Is this a teacher? Tang Xiaotang asked carefully, "Has the old man brought a lot of apprentices? The craftsmanship must be very good, right? What kind of person are you?

The old man stopped on the uninhabited path, turned his head, and squinted at her.

Tang Xiaotang was puzzled and looked back at him doubtfully.

The old man whispered, "Look into my eyes, little girl, what you think of, say it."

In an moment, it seemed that a domineering and powerful force caught Tang Xiaotang's mind, making her unable to look away.


New guess =v=Who is this old man? The name is also a long-term problem, which will not be revealed until the fourth volume, but because it is actually not very important, the reward is a double update the next day.