
055, what a great man has done

Zhujin nodded: "It can be said, no, to be precise, Tang Youxin hopes so much that he will seal me up and send it to the world and beyond the fantasy world. Then as long as he dies, no one will find my whereabouts. But who is the master? How can he be at his mercy? I spread all the demonic power in a controllable category and controlled the wandering trajectory of the seal, so that it is not too far from the world. In this way, there is a one-in-tenthousand chance that I can communicate with life outside the seal and get the opportunity to escape.

Is it an opportunity? Tang Xiaotang thought, is it tears? I remember that the teacher did say that he woke him up in a fierce tone. Now it seems that he is so excited that he can't wait to jump out and shake his neck, shouting "Finally someone has come to save me" or something...

"Of course, there is a price. The seal has oppressed and eroded my demonic power, so I can't recover all my power. Because of the lack of demonic support, it presents an aging form. If you don't appear, or appear later, I may be completely assimilated by the seal and lose myself. Consciousness - that's the purpose of Tang Youxin.

Tang Xiaotang nodded and said with lingering heart, "Fortunately, we met early. Well, fortunately, I insist on going every year..."

This dead pig's behavior of not being afraid of boiling water was deeply despised by the Tang family at the beginning, and he also felt ashamed, but today when he heard this, he suddenly felt very happy. Maybe he had his own destiny.

Zhujin turned around and smiled at her, which was very rare. Since Tang Xiaotang met him, he had hardly seen him smile. Zhujin's daily expression was nothing more than dazed, worried and angry. Even if he laughed, it was mostly ridicule.

But this smile is different from the past. It is a smile from the bottom of my heart and even with a little gratitude.

He didn't completely take slavery for granted. Tang Xiaotang thought that many of his previous thoughts had disappeared in this simple smile.

"The seal is in the wilderness - everyone knows this, but no one has ever seen what the wilderness is like," Zhujin pulled her forward again. "I just looked at it and had to say that it was really surprising."

"What's it like?" Tang Xiaotang looked from below and could only see a dark hole, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

Zhujin hesitated before answering, "All the images of a person's first half of his life are in front of him for ten thousand years. What he thinks of will see."

Tang Xiaotang wanted to ask him what he saw, but when he frowned slightly, he thought it was not a happy thing, so he gave up the idea of asking and said, "Then don't block it. When I fly in the future, I will go up and have a look. My father said that there were a lot of embarad things when I was a child. I need to confirm it."

Zhu Jin sneered at her words: "I want to know how embarrassed I was when I was a child. It's enough to look in the mirror. The hole must be blocked, otherwise it's hard to say what will happen.

"You should not dare to come again." Tang Xiaotang thought that he meant that the nursery would be destroyed.

But he didn't expect Zhu Jin to look serious and said resolutely, "Although his father is blessed by the ancient dragon, he can shuttle from the wilderness, but the hegemony is only a small role in the final analysis. The wilderness is the original form of the universe. Pangu awakens in chaos, divides the world, and creates everything. The wasteland is the cradle of all sentient beings. If you allow that cave I don't care about it. Maybe one day there will be some monsters in the wilderness. When I get in, a hundred of them are not enough to stuff people's teeth.

Tang Xiaotang smacked: "It's so horrible, let's block it."

However, there was always a subtle feeling in her heart, as if something great had happened. This premonition was not realized until two days before the start of school that she went to the police dog team to say goodbye to Danzhu.

Because of his divine ability, he can heal himself. Danzhu's injury has basically healed and will be sent to serve in the Golden Triangle from next month. It will be difficult to meet again in the future, so Tang Xiaotang still took time to visit him.

was still meeting alone, but the location was changed to the yard. After listening to her story, Danzhu calmly said, "Oh, that is to say, you are going to make up for the sky."

To mend the sky? Make up the sky!

Miss Giraffe was stunned and suddenly reacted: "Hmm?! This... This, this is a little wrong. Isn't that what Nuwa did to mend the sky? And how can God mend it? Can it be covered with reinforced concrete?

That's not the skylight of the gymnasium, but the sky. Tang Xiaotang, who was sad, realized what a difficult task he had received.

The rabbit waved its front paws without nervousness: "Don't blow up the hair. The story of Nuwa mending the sky has been divided for thousands of years. It's not difficult to find a way. Try it one by one. If it really can't be, it's okay to cover it up. Nuwa also picked up a piece of ice to mend the northern sky. Who dares to blame her?"

Tang Xiaotang's 45-degree angle is full of cows - it's easy to say! It was the work of a great man to make up the sky. At the beginning, King Zhou fell in love with the statue of Nuwa and was sent by Su Daji, who was sent by Nuwa. If such a careful god mistakenly thought that he was also blaspheming her by collecting materials to mend the sky, wouldn't he be destroyed by the nine clans?

"I have also heard some rumors about Nuwa to make up for the sky in the reincarnation of the Central Plains. If you need Kunlun colorful stones, you can report my real name to Kunlun Mountain God Bai [Zhongheng] Ma Ciren. I have a little friendship with him, and I hope it will be helpful to you." Danzhu kindly extended a helping hand.

But Tang Xiaotang suddenly became curious about his name: "White [vertical and horizontal] Ma Ciren? What does this name mean? And your current name is Danzhu. Does the Tibetan name have any special meaning?

Danzhu hummed and explained, "Bai [vertical and horizontal] Ma means lotus, and Ciren means longevity. As for this life, Zhenzhen's father is a businessman, so he named me Danzhu, which means successful in her career."

Although Tibet is also part of the land of China, after all, it is remote, and even rabbits rarely come into contact with their culture. Then they asked with great interest, "Your original name is four words, but now there are only two words, simplified?"

Danzhu's expression twisted unnaturally: "Well, it's simplified."

When the two curious babies were convinced, the trainer came out of the room and shouted loudly from afar: "Nima Danzhu, return to the team!"

Tang Xiaotang: "..."

The rabbit "dong" and fell down from Tang Xiaotang's shoulder and lay on the ground with laughter: "Hahaha-hahahaha! Ni, Nima... Hahahaha, your master's surname is Cao, oh, it's so funny..."

The expression on Danzhu's face was even worse than crying, but she couldn't afford to provoke it. In addition, the trainer was still watching. In case a rabbit bit him to death, he was still unlucky, so he had to get up and walk there depressedly.

"Teacher, don't laugh." Tang Xiaotang still held his smile and had to take care of Danzhu's face to stop the rabbit, but the rabbit laughed so much that he couldn't listen to her words at all. After a while, he couldn't help pounding the table and laughing with the rabbit.

The short summer vacation was fleeting, and Tang Xiaotang dragged her luggage back to school. Needless to say, three kinds of transportation, sea, land and air were bombarded in turn. By the school gate, she could not even stand still. She squatted by her suitcase and called Situ Yan with trembling fingers, wanting her to pick her up.

As a result, the one who answered the phone was a maid, telling her that the young lady was unable to answer the monthly test. Tang Xiaotang had to hang up, and then hesitated to call the number book whether to call the rich Qin Mengmeng or Wen Ting, who was weak Liu Fufeng. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that the two of them could not help.

While being sad, a shade suddenly floated overhead, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saved the suffering appeared.

"Yo, isn't this Xiao Tangtang? Why don't you squat here and go back to the dormitory?"

It was obviously a sunny day, but Tang Xiaotang was shivering with the disgusting way of calling. Looking up, he stood in front of him with a sun umbrella and smiling like a flower. Isn't that the second and narcissistic Huang Qihui?

Z City in early March has begun to warm up. The sun is scorching at noon. It is not surprising that girls are afraid of tanning and holding umbrellas. Huang Qi went back to a boy with an umbrella. Tang Xiaotang wanted to complain a few words, but now he has no strength at all and can only hum twice to show his contempt.

Huang Qihui is wearing a snow-white sweatshirt and knee-length trousers today. She is obviously very casual, but she still has an aristocratic style. Coupled with her light skin, she looks refreshing and thorough, like a cool breeze.

In particular, Tang Xiaotang found that the sweatshirt fabric of this product was extremely light and translucent. Although he wanted to scold the "demon", he couldn't help blushing.

"Huh? You don't look right. Did you get heatstroke? Today, the highest temperature at noon in Z City is expected to reach 30 degrees. It is not surprising that Huang Qi replied with such a misunderstanding. As he spoke, he naturally stretched out his hand to test the temperature on Tang Xiaotang's forehead.

Tang Xiaotang was so scared that he quickly dodged and sat on the ground.

Huang Qi replied with an inexplicable face, and her outstretched hand turned into the action of pulling her up. Tang Xiaotang hesitated for a second and thought that he had to find someone to send him back to the dormitory anyway. How could he let go if there was free labor coming to him? So he took his hand and stood up dizzy.

"It's Huang Qihui!" Oh, it's really!" Hurry over, hurry up!"

A few girls who came from the snack street not far away saw this far away and made a series of surprise cheers. They all rushed over and directly squeezed Tang Xiaotang, who had just stood firm, to the edge of the sky.

Huang Qihui seemed to be accustomed to this fanatical attitude. She smiled decently and greeted them. The girls screamed crazily and took out their notebooks or something to ask him to sign. Huang Qi did not refuse to come back, patiently signed messages for them one by one, and even took photos with them. Retention.

Tang Xiaotang's whole body was petrified - hey, is this guy really so famous and popular? Why have you never heard of it after reading a book for half a year?

It was easy to send away the enthusiastic fans. Huang Daxing walked to Tang Xiaotang with a small flower umbrella on his shoulder and asked with a smile, "Beauty, do you want to sign it for you?"

"...is it signed on the check?"

"It's too much! Is my signature not as important as money?