
064, nothing can help

"Yaya said she didn't want new clothes or cake. She just wanted her mother to take her outside to see the flowers blooming. Her mother didn't say anything and cried all night."

Situ Yan sighed: "There are no flowers to see in the spring in X city, so you don't hesitate to drag the whole islanders to accompany the burial, and you also want to fulfill Yaya's last wish?"

"I didn't! I just want Yaya to see the flowers bloom," the little demon clenched his fist tightly and argued loudly, "I don't want anyone to be buried with me! Yaya definitely doesn't want to! Don't frame me!"

"We framed you?" The rabbit sneered rudely, "Are we all full?" You can see what the X city has been destroyed by you. The deformation of doors and windows is a trivial matter. Do you know that the person trapped in the car was almost crushed into a big pull skin? If it hadn't been for Situ Changqin just now, the whole island would have sunk! No more! Your Yaya doesn't have to wait for bone marrow at all. She feeds sharks directly in the sea--"

Tang Xiaotang covered the rabbit's three-petal mouth with a palm, let it scratch its hand crazily, held it firmly, and said, "We didn't frame you. What the teacher said was the truth. You tell us, how could you think of using this method to let Yaya see the flowers bloom? Who told you, or did you see something? ?"

The little demon curled his lips, looked between the three rabbits in front of him, and said reluctantly, "I met a little girl who taught me to do this."

Four voices asked almost at the same time, "What kind of little girl?"

After solving the raging flowers and vines all over the city, Situ Changqin was sent out gratefully by the mayor, declined the kindness of the car and walked back alone.

There are still petals on the wide Lujiang Road that have not been cleaned. The owner of the Situ family, who is nearly 2,000 years old but still has a charming appearance, is blowing the sea breeze and walking forward, as if waiting for something.

"Are you the little maid who followed the son of the Suiren in those years?" The beautiful voice of the girl came from behind.

There was no surprise on Situ Changqin's face. He stopped and did not look back: "It's me. I dare to ask your name. Where is Xianshan? Why do you ignore the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people on Lu Island?"

The girl laughed and sounded like a silver bell. She said, "I don't have it. It's too late for me to love them. How can I hurt them?"

The rooftop of the inpatient building of Zhongshan Hospital.

"It's... so tall and his hair is so long," the little demon couldn't stand four pairs of wolf-like eyes to force a confession and honestly said, "with a round face, wearing a tattered white skirt and a wreath on his head."

"Oh..." The three people brainstormed one after another. Situ Yan's British thinking built a little angel in classical oil painting. Huang Qihui's traditional oriental thinking built a wild girl with a wicker and a vest skirt. Tang Xiaotang gave full play to the strange imagination in ethnic minority areas and built a ride on a big A little fairy in the mountains on the back of a green cow.

Only the rabbit narrowed his golden eyes and asked doubtfully, "Wreath?" I seem to think of something.

Lujiang Road.

The girl giggled and greeted affectionately, "Don't be afraid. At least I've seen you twice. You are the maid of the bearded girl. Can I still eat you? Turn around."

Situ Changqin still did not look back and said lightly, "Do you know what the consequences will happen if you untie the seal of Hou Ji? Even if there is more time to ask the island residents to flee from the shelter, Ludao is destroyed. I advise you to give up as soon as possible, otherwise I will not ignore it even if my arm is used as a car.

The girl turned a deaf ear and still insisted: "Turn around."

The rooftop.

The rabbit asked very seriously, "What does the wreath on the girl's head look like? What kind of flower is it? Do you recognize it?"

The little demon tried to recall and described it in uncertain words: "A kind of purple flower, which I haven't seen before. I can't name it. There are five petals, with three white stamens in the middle, probably... such a big one!" It circled its index finger and thumb and rounded it.

The rabbit gasped in an instant, and his whole body trembling. Tang Xiaotang was shocked by it and hurriedly asked, "Teacher, what's wrong with you?" No, it's okay... It's okay!" The rabbit quickly recovered from the unacceptable shock and jumped out of her arms, "You wait here, don't go anywhere!"

With that, it turned into a red light and flew towards the southwest.

"What's the matter? Did the teacher find anything?" Tang Xiaotang's second monk was confused.

Lujiang Road.

Situ Changqin finally turned around slowly and looked at the girl standing not far behind her.

The eight or nine-year-old child is tall, wearing a white vest skirt, and his hands and feet are ** in the warm and cold sea breeze in early spring.

Her face looks young and innocent, her smile is sweet, her black and shiny hair is long, and a circle of vine wreath is worn on her forehead, and the dark purple five-petal flowers are in full bloom, as if she has endless vitality.

Situ Changqin's eyes were almost round. She could hardly believe what she saw. She wanted to open her mouth and couldn't make a sound. She retreated and couldn't move half a step. She could only look straight at the girl who was not as tall as her waist, and her whole body was stiff.

"Oh, the annoying fox is here again," the girl suddenly shrugged her shoulders regretfully. "I wanted to catch up with you, but forget it. I don't want to be chased by it all over the mountain again. See you later!" As soon as he turned around, the purple light flashed and his body had disappeared from where he was.

Situ Changqin took a breath, stepped back two steps, and leaned against a tree.

Then the red light fell, and the rabbit fell at her feet and stood up and shouted, "Hey, old woman! This time, it may not be good. I just asked the little demon, and it sounds like that man is manipulating this behind his back! - Old woman? Situ Changqin, I'm talking to you!"

Situ Changqin was pale and speechless for a long time. The rabbit was keenly aware of something and asked, "You... have you seen her?" Situ Changqin nodded with difficulty and still looked at the place where the girl had just stopped. Her eyes were empty, as if her soul had been taken away.

... Well, this thing is more troublesome than expected, and even she came.

The rabbit smells a little smell left in the wind, which is indeed the same as in memory.

...It seems that what happened in those years is far from over.

When she returned to the hospital, Situ Yan had borrowed a wheelchair. Huang Qihui pushed Tang Xiaotang down the rooftop with her. The three were looking for Yaya's ward according to the little demon's guidance.

"Teacher?" Tang Xiaotang was used to seeing the rabbit that suddenly appeared on his leg. He just lay down as soon as it appeared. It was a little abnormally quiet and asked a little uneasy, "Where did you go just now?" Why are you so depressed when you come back?

The rabbit flattened her ears and let her touch them, lazily without saying a word.

The little demon pointed to a ward door in front of him: "This is it."

The card on the door of the ward seemed to be newly replaced and had no name. Situ Yan looked in through the glass window on the door and didn't see anyone inside. She asked very strangely, "Is it really here? Why is there no one inside?"

"That's it. I can't get it wrong." The little demon was not big enough, so he could only put his face on the ground and look in through the crack of the door.

At this time, as soon as the door of the next ward opened, a doctor came out while taking off his mask. Seeing them, he asked, "Who are you looking for?" Situ Yan explained her intention, and the doctor sighed and said regretfully, "You are late. The patient Tan Liya passed away last week and should be at the funeral home now."

The three of them were shocked: "What? Did he die last week?

The doctor looked at them puzzledly: "Is it strange? She was seriously ill and had no matching bone marrow. The hospital paid a large amount of treatment for her, but in the end, they still failed to keep her. We have tried our best.

"We don't mean that!" Tang Xiaotang hurriedly waved his hand and explained, "We... actually saw on the Internet that she needed help, so we came to see if we could help a little, but we didn't expect it to be late. It's a little... um, a little unacceptable."

The doctor looked at her legs in plaster and was very touched. He said, "I'm still in a wheelchair and thinking about helping others. Alas, if everyone had been like you, the matching bone marrow would have been found long ago." With that, he shook his head and sighed and walked around them.

There was silence in front of the ward. The three of them didn't know what to say at this time, but the rabbit saw too much about life, old age, illness and death. Yun Danfeng said gently, "If you die, die. It's better to die than to live and suffer."

This sounds ruthless, but it is also true. Instead of being tortured by illness, it is better to die happily, but the person who loves her is still alive in the world, and the next decade or so will be spent in pain.

Tang Xiaotang suddenly remembered what Situ Yan said the night her leg was broken.

Two unequal lives should not go together at all, otherwise, a hundred years later, one is still flourishing, and the other is green and white snow. How sad it is.

Maybe the idea that you have always wanted the teacher to stay by your side is wrong.

Cremation also has to wait in line. Situ Yan took advantage of some connections at home in X City to hear about the cremation of Tan Liya, and still pushed Tang Xiaotang in a wheelchair to see her off together.

Tan Liya's mother was dressed in a cleaner's uniform and her eyes were red and swollen. She was accompanied by colleagues of about the same age, or comforted her with good words or tears. She didn't see Tan Liya's father.

"I heard that Yaya's father also died very early. Although the construction site boss lost a sum of money, but... You know, not much, especially later Yaya was still ill." Situ Yan whispered in Tang Xiaotang's ear.

Tang Xiaotang squeezed her lips and nodded and said, "Her mother is really not easy."

Almost all the funeral home are Tan Liya's mother's company colleagues. When they saw strangers pushing wheelchairs in, they cast surprised eyes.

Tan Liya's mother came forward with the help of her colleagues, choked and nodded, "Thank you for coming to send Yaya. Thank you for your help all the time. Thank you!" He almost knelt down, and the people next to him quickly helped him.

"We came too late and didn't help," Tang Xiaotang's heart was also bursting with tears. While holding back his tears, he opened the bag on his leg and took out the clean cloth doll from it. "This is elegant. I took it back to wash and mend it. The craftsmanship is not very good... Let it accompany it. Yaya, let's go together."

Since he heard the news that Tan Liya had passed away at the door of the ward that day, the little demon never said a word, and he didn't even move. Like an ordinary doll, Tang Xiaotang took it back to the hospital, sewed an arm for it again, and bitten the broken and torn place on his body one by one. It was repaired, the stitch method was lame, and it could be seen, and then it was washed clean with soap. Even the few woolen hairs were carefully braided and tied with bows.

Someone helped take over the doll, and the staff of the funeral home sent it and Tan Liya's body to the incinerator and turned into one in the blazing flames.

Tan Liya's mother has been lying on the ground crying. She has completely lost her spiritual support after losing her husband and daughter. She really doesn't know how to live in the future.


Situ Yan was wiping her tears and turned her head when she heard the sound: "What's wrong?"

Tang Xiaotang licked his dry lips and said, "I figured it out. You're right. There is no possibility between me and the teacher. It's another matter whether he likes me or not. Since I like him, I shouldn't let him be sad about my death in the future. That's not good. I'd rather he forget me in the future and live happily."

Situ Yan said nothing and stretched out her arm to hug her.

It's always easy to die, but those who live will always suffer.