
070, Anle Chair Detective

Due to the addition of one more person at the scene of the murder, Tang Xiaotang's suspicion suddenly eased most of it. Whether it was the captain who had been looking down on her or the six elders who wanted to take the opportunity to vent their anger, they could no longer press the charges on her with gold. So when Mr. Wu asked, they were all speechless.

Tang Xiaotang could only sneer at this.

As the head of the family, Mr. Wu is his guest, and he can only explain it, so he repeated the beginning and end of the matter, which is much more detailed than what he just said to Tang Xiaotang. Blessed, Tang Xiaotang also has a clearer understanding of the situation.

In short, Tang Qiuzhe worked conscientiously until dawn and looked at the time. Xiaoling, who should have come to report, was nowhere to be seen today. She thought she had overslept, so she ran to call her in person. Unexpectedly, she found that the door was unlocked outside her room and the people were missing. When she asked the rest of the family, they all said that they had not see her.

Although my old house has never dared to patronize, Tang Qiuzhe was still worried and asked the woman to search the whole house. As a result, she found Xiaoling, who was unconscious in the guest room, so the seriousness of the matter escalated. Tang Qiuzhe called 120 to call an ambulance and ordered the chief of the guard to check. The security of the old house was noisy, and the elders were woken up one after another, and they poured into the west courtyard one after another.

"Xiaoling is very reliable and enthusiastic about people. I really can't imagine that she will offend anyone and want to kill her."

When Tang Qiuzhe said this, Tang Xiaotang really couldn't help showing a contemptuous look. When he was seen by the guard, he was immediately as excited as a cat caught a mouse and pointed to her and shouted, "Young master, this girl just sneered! She was said a few words by Xiaoling at the door during the day. She must have been out of breath, so she killed Xiaoling!"

Tang Xiaotang immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Do you dare to find a more strange reason? If she hurt me a few words, I'm going to kill her. I don't know how many times you should die?"

"Don't quarrel," Tang Qiuzhe frowned and stopped the guard's plan to scold back. "Everyone has dispersed. What should we do? Brother Wu, Xiaotang, you two come with me."

An elder couldn't help saying, "It's not work. It should be handed over to the police..." "I'm the head of the family, and it's up to me whether I should give it to the police or not," Tang Qiuzhe was no longer as polite as yesterday and immediately refused this suggestion. "No one can leave the house until the matter comes out, otherwise I will treat you as yourself. First, if you understand, you will disperse.

The elders were all uncertain, but they could not openly resist the order of the head of the family, so they had to muttering and leave separately. As soon as they left, their disciples and long-term workers naturally did not dare to stay any longer, and they dispersed one after another.

"Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes." Tang Xiaotang said, as soon as she got up, she came to open the door, but she was still wearing pajamas, so she couldn't go out like this.

Tang Qiuzhe was not afraid of her running away. He nodded and let her change her clothes.

As soon as the door closed, Mr. Wu touched the back of his head and opened his mouth: "It turns out that this is the little Tang girl you have been talking about. Well, I met her yesterday. She is indeed a good boy."

Tang Qiuzhe smiled faintly: "Xiaotang has been a good child since he was a child."

The rabbit scolded arrogantly, "Who has been talking about her? Your ears are too big to make an echo!"

After Tang Xiaotang changed his clothes and came out, he hid under Tang Qiuzhe's umbrella. The three rabbits followed the stone path to the residence of the owner of the North Courtyard. Tang Qiuzhe pushed open a door and let them in, and then ordered the female guard not to allow anyone to approach.

"If you don't come for a few years, it's still the same as before." Tang Xiaotang looked around. This room was the banquet hall used to assess the disciples of the Tang family, but now it is idle. He pulled a screen to separate the tables and chairs and so on half, leaving only an Eight Immortal table in the center. A set of ginkgo leaf pattern aromatherapy on the table is the French blue porcelain that Tang Xiaotang will never forget.

Tang Qiuzhe, as his master, silently boiled water to make tea. When three cups of hot tea were placed in front of the guests, he raised his eyes and sat upright and said, "This matter is not small. Xiaoling is my secretary. She has been with me for many years and has never caused trouble, but now she lies in the hospital with uncertainty of life and death. Personally, I don't want to believe that there are murderers among you, but there are still some questions to ask. I hope you can understand and cooperate. If you don't want to tell me, you have to talk to the police.

Tang Xiaotang, who was eager to clear the suspicion, immediately nodded: "I understand, and I must cooperate. I know what I will say."

Mr. Wu touched the stubble that had not been shaved yet and asked slowly, "Can I have a look at the information you have now?"

"What information?" Tang Qiuzhe asked back.

"Of course, it's the first-hand information about the crime scene," Mr. Wu took a sip of tea with a smile and said, "You sent the injured away, and just tacitly allowed so many people to step on it at the scene. You must have taken photos and collected physical evidence a long time ago, right? Take it all out, and one piece of evidence is worth ten confessions. Maybe I will know who the murderer is after reading it.

Tang Xiaotang was shocked: "Is Mr. Wu a detective? Can you guess the murderer just by looking at the evidence?

Mr. Wu smiled modestly: "No, no, I'm just a reasoning enthusiast." Rabbit hummed and said, "If you are a detective, you will definitely get lost at the crime scene and can't go home." Yes, so I can only be an easy chair detective.

Seeing Tang Xiaotang's face with admiration, his mind seemed to be completely absent from the case, so Tang Qiuzhe had to introduce them now: "Xiaotang, this is the first family owner in Hanzhong, the first martial arts, and my senior when I was at Yale."

The owner of the first family in Hanzhong, a talented student of Yale and a descendant of Shennong, is... a road idiot????

Tang Xiaotang feels that this is definitely the most shocking news he has heard in the first half of his life. Is this the legendary day and the moon is full? God will close your window if you are too good?

"A trivial little man, Xiaotang girl is good," the shining first martial arts behind him held Tang Xiaotang's hand cordially and friendlyly. "Miss Xiaotang's name is like thunder. It's really an honor to see it today!"

It's an honor for your brother. It's my honor! Tang Xiaotang felt that his head was full of crows flying. He squeezed out a smile that was worse than crying and shook it back: "No, I haven't thanked Mr. Wu's medicine yet."

After being polite for a while, Tang Qiuzhe finally put the topic back on track: "The on-site certificate you just said... Yes, I have done it while waiting for 120."

He took out the small digital camera in his pocket, opened it and handed it over. The first Wu took it and handed it directly to Tang Xiaotang: "Come on." Tang Xiaotang waved his hand in shock: "How can this work? Mr. Wu, let's take a look first." I don't know how to use electronic products." ......”

How can God close your two windows? Roaring in his heart, Tang Xiaotang, who was calm on the surface, turned on the camera and brought up the photos. First Wu came over to watch with her.

From far to near, the photo carefully took a panorama of the crime scene, the traces of the ground, the traces under the corridor, the secretary Xiaoling's whole body, the back of the head wound... When he saw the bloody wound, Tang Xiaotang couldn't help covering his mouth and secretly celebrated that he had not eaten for so long.

The first Wu looked at it very seriously and asked her to enlarge the photos from time to time, compare them with each other, and then comment a few words.

"Although there are some blood stains on the wall, they are not the effect of flying away. It may not be the scene of the first case here. Of course, blood stains in the opposite direction cannot be ruled out and need to be reserved."

"The soil around is moist and soft, and the light is not very good, but if there are footprints, the water will be deeper and reflective. There are no such traces in the photo. Only a string of high-heeled footprints leads to the guest room. It seems that the murderer did not leave the mud or even come at the same time as her."

"Miss Xiaoling was hurt in the back of her head, proving that she was facing the murderer at that time, but she did not fall to the ground but lean against the wall. The murderer should have moved her. As for the murder weapon, it should not be a stick, but a metal weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to cut out such a deep wound. This will be studied later."

With his story, Tang Xiaotang's admiration is bursting with peach hearts in his eyes. As a Conan syndrome, there are living detectives around him, which is as beautiful as a dream. The rabbit was not interested in solving the case. He put his mouth in the cup and licked the water and reminded him, "Don't be too crazy. He is married."

Tang Qiuzhe sprayed out a mouthful of tea. Tang Xiaotang blushed and said crazily, "Teacher, don't save a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain!"

On the contrary, First Wu expressed his shyness with great face: "It's my honor to be appreciated by Miss Xiaotang. To be honest, I thought that no girl would like me except Ahui, hahaha~"

He hahaha, Tang Xiaotang has to follow hahaha, his expression is really want to cry without tears.

"Well, let's not talk about this," Yiwu pointed to the corner of the photo of the female secretary fainting on the wall on the screen. "Zoom in here to see what she has in her hand."

Tang Xiaotang enlarged the person's right hand in the photo and saw a small purple thing exposed in the mouth of the clenched fist tiger, which was like a flower but not very similar. He was thinking about it. Tang Qiuzhe, who sat opposite, took the initiative to explain: "What she was holding in her hand is a triangular plum, which is the pot in the yard." He also took out a tissue from his pocket and unfolded it. It was a pinched triangular plum.

The rabbit whistled happily: "Woman, you're done. Triangle Mei is the flower of X City. The face-changing woman must want to say that you are the murderer."

"Teacher, you can not talk!" Tang Xiaotang glanced at it angrily.

"I don't think so. Triangle plum is still six or seven meters away from our corridor. Miss Xiaoling can't climb over and pick flowers and climb back by herself, can she?" First Wu easily saw through this little trick, "Are Xiaoling's clothes wet or dry?"

Tang Qiuzhe replied, "It's dry, and the soles of the shoes are wet."

First Wu nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. Obviously, the murderer gave it to Miss Xiaoling. As for whether it was to blame Miss Xiaotang, it's hard to say. On the contrary, the scene of this attempted murder... Well, I always feel that there is a wonderful feeling.

Detective Anle chair touched his chin and fell into meditation. Tang Qiuzhe did not disturb him and asked him in detail about Tang Xiaotang's whereabouts last night. He was surprised to learn that Xiaoling actually fell off the key and walked away with her face. He asked about her previous attitude. Before Tang Xiaotang could cover it up, he was sued like a rabbit bamboo tube. zhuang.

"That girl is so outrageous! It's all money, and it's all money. He also warned the girl to stay away from you and say that you're her girl. Don't think about it. Shit! Can my apprentice have such a bad vision?