
076, immortal grass

Why did Brother Qiu Zhe poison the teacher?

Tang Xiaotang couldn't find a reason. Not only had no evidence, but even the reason was puzzled. It was the first time they met in K City. After that, although Zhu jin's tongue was vicious and hurt him several times, does this constitute a reason for killing?

I always feel that it's too far-fetched. If he did it on purpose, there must be other reasons, right? What will that be?

"Oh, there are actually broken soul grass here, and there are many."

In a panic, a strange voice suddenly came from the direction of the nursery. It sounded like a child who was only six or seven years old. Tang Xiaotang almost jumped up from the ground and grabbed the iron rake thrown aside and asked vigilantly, "Who?"

In the nursery of the orange grass, a little girl wearing a purple wreath and a white vest skirt is bending down to pick up a broken soul grass that she dug out and threw away, and looked around curiously.

At that age, Tang Xiaotang immediately remembered the mastermind behind the Huahai incident in X City not long ago, the mysterious girl in the mouth of the doll demon. When did she come in?

"Who are you?"

The little girl straightened up with a broken soul grass and smiled at her: "Don't be nervous. I'm just bored and pass by here by chance. Are you the daughter of that stinky fox? Don't be afraid, I won't bully you."

Although she said so, Tang Xiaotang still dared not approach. He held the rake tightly in his hand and guarded her attentively.

"Did you grow these broken soul grasses? What are you going to do to poison people? Seeing that she trembled slightly nervously, the little girl threw the broken soul grass in her hand with a smile, stepped out of the nursery with her skirt, walked a little farther away from her, sat cross-legged, and tried to convey her gentle and harmless meaning.

"I don't know those are broken soul grass," Tang Xiaotang wavered a little in her goodwill. In addition, Xiaoyue is beside her, and the seal has the ability to suppress demonic power. The other party should not attack him rashly, so he calmed down and replied, "The broken soul grass and the orange soft grass look like each other. I didn't distinguish it clearly, so I planted them together."

The little girl nodded with satisfaction and said, "There are not many people who can distinguish between broken soul grass and orange grass. It's not surprising that you confuse it. You plant... so many fairy grasses, do you want to alchemy?"

Tang Xiaotang didn't answer any more: "You haven't answered who you are, just ask why I told you."

The little girl suddenly laughed, and her laughter was as crisp as a silver bell, as if she had heard something interesting. She held her round cheek and said, "You want to know who I am, but I'm afraid to scare you!" Forget it, I won't ask you. Don't ask me who I am. Let me play here for a while, okay?

Tang Xiaotang didn't know whether to answer or not. What if she went crazy and stepped on the nursery into mud? It's hard to say. If a person's family turns against him, he may even take his own life.

Huh? You look very unhappy. What's wrong?" Seeing the anxiety in her expression, the little girl asked innocently.

"No, you won't ask." Tang Xiaotang answered absent-mindedly and picked up the small shovel to dig the broken soul grass in the nursery. The little girl sat outside the fence and looked at it with great interest.

When she dug up the orange grass nursery and sat down to rest, the little girl shook her head and said, "How old are you are? You are sad all day long. What can you do if you become an immortal in the future?"

Tang Xiaotang poked the soil on the ground with a small shovel and bowed his head and said dejectedly, "Don't mention it, I can't become an immortal. The teacher said that my qualifications are not good in the first place, and I have delayed the best foundation period. No matter how hard I practice, I can only ensure that I won't get sick and live more than ten years. It's boring. It's better to be a mortal. Be more relaxed."

The little girl suddenly realized: "Are you worried about not becoming an immortal?"

Tang Xiaotang shook her head and nodded again. Finally, she said, "What if she becomes an immortal? Isn't it the same thing that she will die? She will be stabbed to death by a knife, poisoned by medicine, and killed by bricks."

This made the little girl laugh and said happily, "Do you still want to have a pair of steel and iron bones that are invulnerable and invulnerable? Don't be too greedy, or you will suffer retribution.

"I know," Tang Xiaotang said, "I don't know anything. Even if I have an immortal body, it's meaningless. Not everyone who lives for a long time lives valuable."

The little girl slowly put away her smile, and her face showed maturity and vicissitudes that were extremely inconsistent with her appearance. She flashed away and returned to her innocent smile: "But you still want to be an immortal."

Tang Xiaotang stayed for two seconds and nodded with a self-deprecating smile: "Yes, I have always thought so before, dreamed of it, and wanted to live for tens of thousands of years, but..."

But what's the point if the teacher is gone and he lives for thousands of years?

At that time, I will just keep endless years, which is worth remembering. It's just three or five years.

"Don't be. Just think about it. There's nothing to be shy about." The little girl got up from the ground, patted the mud on her skirt and walked towards her.

She reached out and picked a small purple flower from the wreath and handed it over: "Here, this is for you."

Tang Xiaotang took it inexplicably: "Give it to me? What is this?"

The little girl tilted her head with a smile and said, "If you eat it, you will become an immortal. You won't grow old or die. How about living together with heaven and earth and everything at the same time?"

The corners of Tang Xiaotang's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the flowers in her hand and the people in front of her. She didn't understand whether she was serious or joking with herself.

Eat a flower and become an immortal? Is there such a good thing in the world?

"Eat it quickly!" When the little girl saw that she didn't move, she urged.

Tang Xiaotang was even more suspicious: "Why don't you eat such a good thing and give it back to me? I don't even know who you are. It's common sense not to eat what strangers give me."

The little girl pouted her mouth and put her fingers around the end of her hair, with an aggrieved expression: "I'll give you Nuwa grass. You don't eat it. If you don't eat it, give it back to me!" With that, he will reach out to grab it.

Female, femalewa grass?! Tang Xiaotang was shocked and subconsciously avoided her hand. The little girl didn't really want to grab it back at all. She threw her to the ground. As soon as her eyes turned, she reached out to scratch her armpit. Tang Xiaotang couldn't help itching. She suddenly screamed and laughed and rolled away from her.

It was so noisy for a while. The little girl had had enough fun. She clapped her hands and climbed away from her body, jumped back to the distance, and said, "I'm leaving. I'll come to play with you later."

"Wait! Who the hell are you?" Tang Xiaotang still held the little purple flower in her hand - which had been drooped in the play just now, but fortunately it was intact - she got up and asked loudly.

The little girl's figure went into the dark, leaving her with a sweet smile: "Guess?"

How does this make people guess? Tang Xiaotang thought with his face, looked at the flowers in his hand, lowered his head and asked the shadow under his feet: "Xiaoyue, do you know who she is?"

Xiaoyue broke away from her shadow and stood in front of her in the dark: "I haven't seen her, but if what she gave you is really Nuwa grass, she must be a great deal. Maybe she is one of the gods."

The upper god is a big concept. In addition to the three emperors and five emperors, it also includes the sun god Xihe, the moon god Wangshu, the rain god Yinglong, the wind god Feilian and other well-known characters in the world. The Nuwa grass is said to be one of the three emperors, the fairy grass where the falling hair of Nuwa falls to the ground and takes root and grow into root. Legend has the legend has the purification of bones and the improvement of cultivation. The effect of removing all diseases and detoxification - but it is just a legend. No one can tell whether Nuwa grass really exists. The girl in white said that this is Nuwa grass, or is it really Nuwa grass?

"Nvwa grass? Ah, it's true."

In the evening, the first martial arts came back from the fantasy world, held a basket of strange fairy grass, boiled it into soup and brought it to the bed in person. Tang Xiaotang asked casually, but he didn't expect that he answered very solidly, "The Nuwa grass does exist. The ancestor Shennong had a notebook before his death, which clearly recorded it. Although it is said that Nuwa grass does not exist in later generations, it is only because it is too rare.

Tang Xiaotang was stunned, and the first Wu asked with a smile, "Why do you think of asking this?" Want to become an immortal?" Tang Xiaotang hurriedly shook his head: "No, I just remembered that I heard that Nuwa grass can detoxify or something."

The first Wu nodded and said, "Nvwa grass can not only detoxify, but also have the effect of rebirth and immortality. At that time, Nvwa gave this grass to five mortals to reward their achievements in the turbid world. These five people are the five emperors, including their ancestors, and the legend of Nuwa grass was also born from this. Of."

It turned out that the legendary fairy grass was real. Tang Xiaotang put his hands behind his back, holding the little purple flower in his right hand, and his heart couldn't help jumping wildly.

If you really have Nuwa grass in your hand, then you can live an immortal by eating it? If you can live for thousands of years, are you qualified to like teachers?

Or did the little girl use her desire to become an immortal and give herself a poisonous grass to poison herself?

Is this little purple flower eaten or not?

Before she figured it out, the first Wu shouted in shock came to her ear:

"Who took the solid soul beads from his mouth?"

What is a solid bead? In those years, Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs but did not die. It all depended on this magic weapon given by Fuxi to protect the yuan god. Otherwise, even the strange herbs would have to wear intestines and rotten stomachs. What's more, Shennong was just a mortal at that time.

Although Shennong died, the solid soul beads were passed on to later generations. He was the first to study the art of medical alchemy from generation and hung the pot to help the world. In case of critical situations, he never hesitated to move out the magic weapon to save lives. He has not been in the pool for thousands of years, but now it has been lost under the eyes of the owner!

The whole old house boiled in an instant. Ah Hui, who was eating, came and shouted with tears, "How could it be lost? What did I ask you to do to watch you in the yard? Hurry up and look for it! If you can't find everything, kneel down to durian!"

The heirloom was lost, but the owner of the first Wu family still took the most important thing to save people. After handing over the matter of finding things to his wife, he personally rolled his sleeves to cut off the veins for Zhujin, sweating profusely. However, Zhujin's skin gradually appeared dead gray, and his nails also became dark. He was slapped in the back of his heart and spit it out. It's all purple-black blood.

Tang Xiaotang stood by the bed in a daze, her lips trembling, and she could hardly believe what she heard and saw.

He had been saved, but someone secretly took away the solid soul beads put in Zhujin's mouth, causing the poison in his body to spread again... Who is it and who has to kill him?

The first Wu stopped the needle in his hand. Even if he didn't say anything, Tang Xiaotang knew what the result was.