
084, he has changed

"Teacher, calm down. He has an artifact in his hand. It's useless for you to go. Hurry up! Do you want to be thrown upside down again?" Tang Xiaotang held his arm and did not let go, so that he would not be embarrassed again on impulse.

She was like a piece of cowhide candy. Zhujin tore it for a long time and couldn't throw it away, so she had to give up. She was still reluctant to say, "If I hadn't had less than 60% of my demonic power and lost my real body, would he have wanted to hold me? Miscellaneous!"

Tang Xiaotang echoed: "Yes, yes, he is a bastard. Let's not care about him. Let's go quickly and go." He pulled his arm and walked down the island.

The shame of defeat made Zhujin scratch his ears and cheeks for three days. Whenever Tang Xiaotang saw him, he had the word irritability on his head, and several short lines under his eyes, as if he hadn't closed his eyes for three days.

"Teacher? You don't want to be like this. It's common for soldiers to win or lose.

As the weather got warmer, the rabbit began to hang on her shoulder every day to listen to the class. Of course, it was not a good thing to have a low-pressure cloud at the extreme distance, so Tang Xiaotang tried his best to enlighten it.

"Although you are very strong and awesome, but they have an artifact in their hands. That's the Kunlun mirror. You can't win. Not to mention you, Chiyou has to lose all four feet. What's so angry?"

The rabbit ignored her and continued to exude a horrible aura. Tang Xiaotang said, "And teacher, you haven't lost. You lost to Tang Youxin and were imprisoned for 2,000 years. You haven't seen your IRA all day (Note: Japanese irritable mimicry) restless..."

Before she finished her words, the rabbit burst into thunder: "I didn't lose! How can I lose to that little white face! If they hadn't joined hands to set traps and poison the wine, how could I have been sealed by the fledgling and hairless little rabbit!"

"Okay, okay, no loss, no loss, teacher, you single-handed out the first place in the world, okay?" Tang Xiaotang almost fell off the bicycle by it.

Situ Yan, who pedaled the bicycle in front of him, interrupted with a smile: "About what happened back then, I have also heard Lord Changqin talk about it. Regardless of his personal emotions, Tang Youxin and that person's approach is really too despicable."

The rabbit said angrily, "It's also despicable to take personal emotions!"

Situ Yan had to laugh and stop talking about it.

This past has been mentioned countless times, but it has been pressed down to the surface. Zhu Jin didn't want to say it, so the people around her are also secretive. Tang Xiaotang, like most girls, has a gossipy nature. In addition, the words of the original master vaguely revealed a heavy inside story - the teacher was cheated by the person he liked - she So I want to know what kind of situation it was in that year, which could make Zhu Yuxin, who is already 2,000 years old, fall into the hands of Tang Youxin, who is still a stunned young man.

Unfortunately, the headphones were not found, and the rare opportunity was lost. I had to wait for him to speak willingly. I really didn't know that I couldn't wait to get them in my life.

Zhujin didn't forget to avenge the fog wind, but she lost 100 times after going to the demon artifact Kunlun Mirror. Tang Xiaotang still didn't want to see his defeat again and again. He just wanted to avoid the island in the middle of the lake as much as possible. Who knew that people were not as good as God. After school on the last day of April, he was about to take a walk back to the dormitory. They met the fog with the camera again.

"Sinky boy, stop--!" The rabbit rushed over like a cannonball. Before the fog wind could react, it was knocked out of the camera, thrown away a few meters away, and fell heavily on the ground. The students passing around were shocked and looked at the cute and violent rabbit with creepy eyes.

Tang Xiaotang didn't even have a chance to stop him, so he had to hurry forward to persuade him to fight: "Teacher, the fog is innocent now. Don't take advantage of people's danger. Get up quickly. Everyone is watching!"

The rabbit scratched the fog wind indiscriminately, so that his face was full of small wounds, and it healed at a very fast speed. The fog wind was beaten so much that he could not touch his head. He could only shout, dodge desperately, and shouted sorry, as if he was wrong when he had been beaten.

After scratching 180 times, the rabbit was relieved, but there was not even a scar on the fog wind's face. He insisted on saying what the difference was. Probably the timid young man cried with tears. Tang Xiaotang looked at it and felt that it was really evil. He was embarrassed to take out a tissue and handed it over: " I'm sorry, the teacher fell in the hands of your other personality before, and it hasn't been smooth. Are you all right?

The fog wind wiped his face, sucked his nose, turned around and climbed to pick up the camera.

The camera has not been fished in troubled waters, but the screen and lens have been cracked, at least for the time being. The fog wind clenched his sleeve and wiped the dust on the screen. His nose twitched and tears fell down again.

"Oh, don't cry. It's still useful to repair it, right? Teacher!" Tang Xiaotang couldn't persuade him, so he had to wince at the rabbit, "If you broke other people's things, why don't apologize quickly?"

The rabbit hummed arrogantly, twisted the beginning, and silently apologized? No way!

While wiping his tears, the fog wind whispered, "No, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have promised him. I'm sorry! Sorry for the implicated you! Sorry, I shouldn't have lived..."

Wow, this level is too serious. Tang Xiaotang quickly waved his hand: "Where is it? It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself too much. Camera... Can I help you fix the camera? The teacher broke it, and I'm also a little responsible. I'll fix it for you.

The hand was stretched out, but the fog wind held the camera tightly in his arms: "No, anyway, sooner or later, it will be discovered by Lianqi. Sooner or later, it will be bad. I'm sorry to trouble you!" With that, he held the camera and was about to get up and leave.

"Wait, do you mean Lian Qi?" The rabbit suddenly asked, "Is that the boy who lives in your body?" Did he tell you his name is Lian Qi?

The fog wind choked and nodded.

Tang Xiaotang asked curiously, "Who is Lian Qi? Is he famous?" Do you also know the teacher?

The rabbit shook his long ears and hummed and sneered: "No wonder he dares to lift the master upside down. It turned out to be the imperial envoy in front of Fuxi. The mountain was hard enough to pay attention to pay attention to me. - Hey, boy, why did Lian Qi share a body with you? Is the current body yours or his?"

The fog replied timidly: "It's mine. I promised to share a body with him, but I didn't expect him to go so much, and he is getting more and more excessive..."

"What does he usually do to you?" Tang Xiaotang's sympathy sprouted and couldn't help asking.

"He, he called me ugly, coward, and soundworm, and didn't allow me to come out to deal with human beings, saying that my sympathy was overflowing, and he also smashed several cameras."

This time, before Tang Xiaotang could speak, the rabbit leaked his sense of justice and jumped high: "What! There is such a thing! Who does he think he is? Isn't he Fuxi's lackey? Fuxi is dead, and he is still arrogant! And so are you. As a mountain god, you lent your body to a dog. Who are you worthy of!?

As it roared, the fog wind howled and apologized. It bowed like pounding garlic. Tang Xiaotang's eyes were dazzled and hurriedly stopped it: "Well, you two calm down. I didn't understand what the situation was after you said for a long time. How did Lian Qi and you get together? He borrowed your body to use it. You really Lend it to him? What if he does something bad?"

In this, Wufeng shook his head honestly: "He did not do anything bad. He said that his body was dying. Originally, he planned to return the Kunlun Mirror and let Fuxi Emperor choose another person to replace him, but he went to the fantasy world to know that Fuxi Emperor had disappeared more than 2,000 years ago. There was a rumor everywhere that the god was dead. Lian Qi did not dare to leave for too long. He was afraid of any accident, so he had to come back and then met me unexpectedly.

"Then grab your body for your own use?" The rabbit took the sentence as a matter of course.

Tang Xiaotang hummed, "That's what you have done, teacher."

Fog smiled shyly and continued to lower his head and say, "No, in fact, at first, he wanted to give me the Kunlun Mirror and then go to reincarnation by himself, but I was afraid that I couldn't do it well. I was just a small mountain god, so I lent my body to him. During the day, I was myself. When I rested at night, I let him go out. Come to the activity."

"At first, he was very polite and taught me a lot, but later I don't know why, he became more and more irritable, scolded me, threw my things, ran to turn against my friends, and slowly... no one would pay attention to me anymore."

Tang Xiaotang nodded with deep understanding and said sympathetically, "No wonder you always look lonely and keep apologizing. It turns out that such a thing has happened. What should you do now? Why do you let him continue to stay in your body? Xiaoyan said that this SLR is tens of thousands of yuan. It's a pity that it's broken. It's not easy for you to save some money.

The fog wind touched the tip of his sweaty nose and whispered, "In the past few years, I have built a school. I deliver takeaways for people every day. It's easier to save money than in the past."

God! Is it okay to send only 20 cents for a takeaway? Even if you remove the fraction and calculate 10,000 units of SLR, you will get 50,000 copies! Tang Xiaotang, a part-time student who delivers bicycle delivery, has never seen it. He only sends five or six copies at a time, and it also depends on the weather. There are many people who order it when the weather is not good. He grabs the opportunity with hundreds of hard-working students in the school. He will have to get at least two years without eating or drink...

Tang Xiaotang was simply awe-inspiring: "You are so awesome, and you not only bought one, but also fell a few... That Lianqi is really outrageous! You are still so arrogant with your body. What does it have to do with him if you like to take pictures? Just catch you and bully him. Wait and see, the teacher will definitely turn him to the ground in three moves!"

Rabbit shook his head: "That's... Hey, when did I promise to help teach him a lesson?"

"Don't you think it's okay, teacher," Tang Xiaotang squeezed his eyebrows. "And Z campus is surrounded by mountains and seas. What fairy grass are there in a large area of primitive forest? The fog and wind must know it well."

As soon as he heard that there was a fairy grass, the rabbit immediately came to his spirits: "Really?" The fog wind was stunned, but still nodded: "There are a lot of words such as Qixing vine and Long Wangguo..." "A deal! Come on, boy, do you want me to remove him into eight pieces or five horses? If you have any requirements, just ask!"