
089, bold and thick-skinned

The light ball turned into sparkling gold powder and sprinkled on the unconscious fog wind. Thousands of hands had disappeared, but Huang Qi still stood still, with her mouth slightly open and a frightened expression on her face.

"What's going on? Who is she? Don't beat around the bush. Who can't say it directly?" Tang Xiaotang's heart was like a cat scratching, and he urged him anxiously.

Huang Qihui was still in a great shock and couldn't speak. Situ Yan hesitated to say, "I'm so scared. Isn't it Nuwa?"

No one denies it, that is to say... the little girl is really Nuwa, one of the three emperors, the highest goddess in the fantasy world, and the mother of all sentient beings? Are you kidding!?

"Shouldn't Nuwa be an adult? How can he be a child?" Tang Xiaotang can't believe all this. The little girl who just took away the Kunlun mirror... Is she Nuwa? I actually met and talked with the god of one of the three emperors, and was rewarded with a Nuwa grass by her. Oh, my God, this wall is a dream, isn't it a dream?

Zhujin casually leaned against the tree and said, "Who told you that Nuwa looks like an adult? When I knew her, she was like this. She hasn't changed at all for more than 3,000 years, and even her tone of voice is exactly the same as before."

After saying that, he ignored the three frightened juniors and turned to rescue Ao Ye, who were trapped.

Ao Ye was very sorry for not being able to help. Tang Xiaotang couldn't help comforting him again before sending them out of school.

After this battle, the first day of the long vacation is over. The sky is full of stars, overlooking the quiet land. 60% of the students in the school are not there, or go home or travel. Z campus is rarely quiet.

"I'm not busy going back. I want to eat grilled squid." Just as he was about to turn back to the dormitory, Zhujin said calmly.

Tang Xiaotang looked at his mobile phone. It was almost eleven o'clock and said, "I can eat it tomorrow. It's not early. I'll take you to eat tomorrow." Situ Yan was surprised and guessed that he was driving herself and Huang Qi back first. Maybe she had something important to say to Tang Xiaotang, so she pushed Tang Xiaotang's shoulder understandingly: "Go ahead, how can you let Lord Zhujin go back to sleep hungry?" Waved his hand and left first.

Huang Qi scratched her head: "Well, can you wait for a moment, Xiaotangtang, lend me five minutes... no more than three minutes."

Zhu Jin raised her eyebrows and said nothing. Huang Qihui pulled Tang Xiaotang to the tree beside her, took out a ball of things from her pocket and stuffed it into her hand.

"What is this?" Tang Xiaotang pinched the headphones. He thought he was worried that he didn't have headphones and really sent a new pair of headphones, so he said, "You really sent it. No, I bought new headphones." It needs to be pushed back.

Huang Qi blocked it back and pointed to the headphones: "This is what you lost last time."

Tang Xiaotang took a closer look and was really his original one. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Did you find it when you went to Huxin Island just now?"

Huang Qi shook her head and whispered, "No, I found it last time I went there. I'm afraid you won't take it out if you quarrel again."

Tang Xiaotang was silent. Huang Qi continued without waiting for her to ask, "What was fished out of the water can no longer be used. It was probably accidentally dropped when she went to the island. Find a trash can and throw it away. Just pretend that you haven't bet. Lord Zhujin seems to have forgotten it.

"Hmm." Tang Xiaotang nodded sullenly, put away his headphones, said goodbye to him, and took Zhujin to have supper.

The night market without students is much more deserted. Only an iron plate squid shop is still open. Tang Xiaotang bought ten skewers in one go. He didn't eat it himself and just helped him carry it.

Zhu Jin was honest and rude. She swallowed a series of three or two bites. Before entering the school gate, the night snack was swept away. Tang Xiaotang bought him another cup of roasted fairy grass without red beans. The two walked back silently all the way.

Although Huang Qi asked her to throw away the headphones and pretend that the bet didn't exist, if she lost, she would lose. If the teacher lost the debt, she would be very unhappy. Isn't it very disrespectful for the teacher to pretend that she lost?


Zhujin was busy eating and drinking, and asked vaguely, "What?"

Suddenly lost the courage to admit, Tang Xiaotang lowered his head with his hands behind his back: "It's nothing. Can you let her take away the Kunlun Mirror like this? Lianqi doesn't want to give it to her. There must be some reason why she has to do it.

Zhu Jinjin's eyes were slightly weak and glanced at her: "Isn't that what you just wanted to say?" But he didn't ask, "Of course it's not good, but if you don't give it to her, can you keep it? At the beginning, Fuxi just didn't want Nuwa to get it, so he sent Lianqi to hide here with Kunlun Mirror.

"Is there anything special here?" Tang Xiaotang looked at the distant mountains and really didn't remember any allusions mentioning this southern Fujian coast.

"It's not special. It's just that there is the person Nuwa hates the most in Lu Island. Nuwa has always wanted to kill him, but Fuxi didn't allow it. She only imprisoned the person and didn't tell her the location, so that she has been looking for it like a headless fly."

Tang Xiaotang didn't understand: "Fuxi and Nuwa are the same three emperors. Don't they have a good relationship? Why don't you let her kill the enemy?"

Zhu Jin threw the empty cup into the garbage can on the roadside and said lazily, "Fuxi used to like Nuwa, but Nuwa didn't like him. You can understand that the enemy of the rival is a friend, so if Fuxi wants to protect this ally, he can't let Nuwa revenge."

Tang Xiaotang nodded enlightened, and Zhu Jin suddenly added: "Actually, Nuwa didn't like Fuxi at first. After all, there were only a few people on the ground at the beginning of the creation of the world. Fu Xi was also good-looking and the head of the three emperors. It's strange that he was blamed for pretending to be reserved and reserved. He picked flowers and put them by Nuwa's bedside every day. For more than a hundred years, he didn't leave a name. Later, he was picked up by another nobody and was caught by Nuwa after sending it only once. They were together. Fu Xi suffered a dumb loss. Naturally, he refused to give up and couldn't find a reason to kill, so he had to find another way.

"It turns out that there is such a thing," Tang Xiaotang couldn't help laughing. "Teacher, do you know clearly that you had a good relationship with the three emperors and five emperors in the past? Is Fuxi your eldest brother or his eldest brother?

Zhujin ignored her jokes, but said, "Master taught me that feelings are bold, careful and thick-skinned. If you don't talk nonsense, put it back with a sack first, cook ripe rice, and finally fall in love for a long time. If you don't love, you will fall in the end."

When he said this, he looked at the bright and dark North Star in the sky, and his expression seemed to be missing something, and as if he was regretting and melancholy.

Tang Xiaotang seemed to understand something and nodded slowly: "Good women are afraid of pestering men, not to mention that in ancient times, women had no social status. If they lost their chastity, they would either marry or die. There is no third way."

Zhujin smiled and said nothing.

When I walked all the way downstairs to the dormitory, Tang Xiaotang suddenly felt something was wrong.

At that time, Fuxi couldn't chase Nuwa, but was pried into the corner by an unknown soldier. Later, the unknown soldier was killed. Fu Xi protected this man and only imprisoned him under Lu Island, that is, the guy who could stir the sea with one hand mentioned before Ao Ye.

Before the Huahai incident, the teacher once said that someone wanted to untie the seal of Hou Ji, that is to say, Nuwa wanted to release the man at that time... But this time she asked for the Kunlun Mirror again. Didn't she intend to kill that person?

After a while, Tang Xiaotang was confused. What on earth is Nuwa going to do?

When tidying up his backpack before going to bed, Tang Xiaotang found a pile of photos given back by Huang Qi in the evening and picked out the only group photo from it.

The expression in the photo is extremely exaggerated because it is crumbling. The rabbit is domineering. A quarter of the picture is occupied by the virtual shadow left by it and it flying. Poor Huang Qi's body is blocked most of it, and her head is also stuck outside the camera, as if it is very sad.

Tang Xiaotang giggled at the photo. Qin Mengmeng came over curiously to see what she was doing. As a result, he saw that the table was full of photos of Huang Qi. Suddenly, his whole body was messy in the wind and grabbed her shoulder and shook it violently: "Tang! Small! Tang! You eat alone again--!!!"

"Ouch!" Tang Xiaotang was almost twisted by her neck and quickly gave way. "Don't shake it. If you have something to say, I'll give it to you. I won't leave any of them. You can take them all. Oh, don't shake your neck and it will break!"

Qin Mengmeng's boyfriend still has a double degree class today, so she didn't go home and waited for the train to go to Wuyi Mountain tomorrow morning.

Tang Xiaotang touched his neck with lingering heart: "Mengmeng, don't do this. I'm complaining for your boyfriend."

Qin Mengmeng rolled his eyes and said, "He knows that he is still the outreach minister of our support club."

After a thunderbolt, Tang Xiaotang instantly scorched outside and tender inside and pulled out his ears: "What are you talking about, the support club? Whose support club?"

"Who else, of course, is the little prince's support club!" Qin Mengmeng continued to be excited without any sense of discord, "We are worried about the girls who don't know what rewards to use to help him win votes. This is great! - Why do you have another one in your hand? Didn't you say you won't keep it? Give it to me quickly!"

Tang Xiaotang quickly turned over the photo: "I can't see this face. I'll keep it for fun."

Qin Mengmeng looked at it and didn't rob it. She happily rushed to the computer with a pile of photos to share with the members of her support club.

Tang Xiaotang was ironic by her. He looked at the only remaining photo in his hand and carefully put it into the photo frame.

"Okay, leave a souvenir. We will be separated in the future, and there are photos to remember." Tang Xiaotang straightened the photo frame and comforted himself in his heart.

Before going to bed, she climbed into the space to water the fairy grass, and Zhu Jin was lying on her side by the spring and sleeping quietly.

Tang Xiaotang tiptoed over, reached out to his face and shook it without response. He poked his arm again, but there was still no response, so he was sure that he fell asleep and squatted down behind him.

"Teacher, I found the headphones. Sure enough, they didn't fall off when we took the group photo."

Zhujin was indifferent, and the snow-white rabbit ears also fell meekly, looking like she was really asleep.

Tang Xiaotang squatted quietly for a long time before saying, "Teacher, I like you."

Zhujin's eyelids moved slightly. Relying that she would not be found with her back, she still lay on the ground and pretended to be dead.

"I know that my qualifications are not good and I missed building a foundation. The only hope for becoming an immortal is Nuwa grass, but I didn't eat it by mistake," Tang Xiaotang didn't realize that he was actually pretending to sleep and continued to say to himself, "But I don't regret it. I won't eat it myself again."

"Xiaoyan said that you won't like me, and I also hope... you won't like me, because you can live happily, more important than myself."

After saying that, she lowered her head and seemed to want to kiss Zhujin's face. Zhujin's breathing stagnated and almost couldn't help opening her eyes and jumping up.

However, before he had decided, Tang Xiaotang withdrew.

The footsteps disappeared behind his back in a panic, and Zhujin still closed his eyes, but punched the ground angrily.