
092, I didn't say I wanted to go

When Tang Xiaotang opened her eyes, it was already midnight. She was lying in the dormitory **, and her stomach was purring with hunger.

I was about to turn over and get out of bed to find something to eat. As soon as I tried hard, there was a strong soreness in the muscles all over my body. The muscles on my waist were even cramped because of unconscious force. Tang Xiaotang suddenly shouted "ah" and quickly lay flat.

"Wake up?" There was a sound from the pillow, a snow-white ball, and the rabbit had been squatting beside it.

Tang Xiaotang slept in a muddle and completely forgot what happened during the day. Seeing it beside him, he couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, why are you squatting here and not going to bed?"

The range of turning his head was large, and the muscles on the back of his neck also jumped with pain. He couldn't help moaning: "Oh, have I been stepped on by a hundred grass and mud horses? Why does it hurt so much?"

The rabbit came over and arched her face with its wet nose: "I'm sorry, girl."

Tang Xiaotang apologized inexplicably by him: "What's the matter, teacher? I'm sorry in the middle of the night. Didn't you have a fever?" I wanted to touch its forehead, but I couldn't even lift my fingers, and the whole human figure was paralyzed.

The rabbit hummed and rubbed against her face: "You almost died just now."

Tang Xiaotang blinked and said "Oh" in a frenze, but still didn't react: "It's just that I almost didn't die. Is there anything that happened to me that almost died? Apologize or something, unlike the teacher's style, shouldn't you scold me for being stupid?"

"Are you not angry at all?"

"What are you angry about?"


"Say, why are you angry? Did you let the mud horse step over me?"

The atmosphere suddenly became funny, and the rabbit hit her angrily: "What a mess!" Then he sighed with infinite emotion, "Woman, you can't be too short-tempered. If you don't have a temper, others will bully you. You don't like to hold grudges. Good people and bad people have to help, and you don't know if you suffer losses."

Tang Xiaotang is most afraid to listen to these. What kind of good people have no temper. He quickly begged for mercy: "Ok, okay, I remember it. I will change it slowly in the future. I'm so hungry that my stomach hurts. Can you let me eat something first?"

The rabbit sighed again, jumped out of bed, turned into a human, and turned out a few bags of egg yolk pai from her cabinet and threw them into the bed.

"I'll do it myself!"

"Less wordy, can you move?"

The food was thrown up. Zhu Jin climbed up the steps again, sat horizontally with her**, tore open the package and fed her. Tang Xiaotang refused all the time, but was gorgeously ignored by him. An egg yolk pie was directly stuffed into her mouth, and there was only a whining protest.

After eating an egg yolk pie, the body's sugar returned to normal, and his head began to function normally again. Tang Xiaotang remembered the bloody head that was inexplicably scolded in the morning: "Yes, you yell at me inexplicably during the day, and now you should feed me food."

Zhujin sneered angrily.

The single bed in the dormitory is only one meter wide, and there is a Tang Xiaotang lying there. It seems too narrow to sit alone. Zhu Jin bent down, curled up with a pair of long legs, and adjusted his posture several times, which was still quite uncomfortable.

"Water." Tang Xiaotang straightened his neck and applied.

"Don't get carried away, say please!" Although she taught her a lesson and poked her head fiercely with her fingers, Zhujin still climbed down and poured water for her.

Here comes the question, how to drink it? Tang Xiaotang lay in ** and couldn't even move his fingers. The water in the cup was too full, and there was a danger of spilling all over the bed.

Zhujin's eyes turned, licked her lips maliciously, and asked, "Master, feed you?"

The hair on Tang Xiaotang's back suddenly stood up. If his hand could move, he must have shake it desperately: "No, no, I'll drink it myself!" He moved his arm with difficulty and wanted to sit up little by little.

Zhujin didn't say anything good or bad. The cup came to her mouth and contained a large mouthful of water.

Tang Xiaotang struggled for a long time and didn't get up. He looked at him furryly for fear that he would really feed water to mouth.

"Guru." The old man drank the water by himself.

Tang Xiaotang was relieved and a little disappointed. Zhujin drank half a cup of water and raised it above her mouth: "Ah..." Tang Xiaotang opened his mouth obediently, and the cool water flowed down to relieve the obstruction in her throat.

"Fuxiang is still in the seal and won't leave."

Tang Xiaotang was shocked by this sentence, and the water also sprayed out, but he didn't have the strength to draw a paper towel to wipe it.

The beads of water also splashed on Zhujin, but he turned a blind eye and turned to the water glass in his hand and looked nowhere: "I thought that one day I would see her or her descendants again, just like the Tang family, I wanted to eat her meat and skin them alive, but when she really stood in front of me, she cried bitterly because of regret. When I snot, but... but I can't hate it."

Tang Xiaotang is a very dull person, but she is particularly sensitive in this matter. Perhaps it is because she thinks too much and is too deep. Although the master, Qingyao, Situ Yan, including Si Nan, did not speak very clearly, she still guessed early that the person the master was looking for that day who betrayed Zhu Jin was called Fuxiang.

The one who can turn against Zhujin was Tang Youxin in the past, but now one more may only be an accomplice in those years.

"I can't hate it anymore, which means that I don't want to kill her and don't hold grudges?" She asked.

Zhujin nodded silently.

"What about Tang Youxin and Brother Qiu Zhe, do you still want to drag them over and whip the corpse?"

"Of course! That's a matter of time, especially the little white face. I not only want to whip the body, but also let his soul fly away and never live!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhujin realized that he had been tricked, reached out and made a move to pinch you to death. He grinded his teeth and said, "You have a long ability. You don't even dare to plot on me."

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "Teacher, you don't hate it anymore. You haven't hated her at all. You still like her, right?"

Zhujin was silent, and she said, "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. It's better. It's good to be willing to look back. Will you go with her? Find a place with high mountains and forests to live a small life while practicing? It sounds pretty good."

Zhujin still doesn't say anything.

Tang Xiaotang squeezed his lips and asked, "Will you leave the seal for me?" Even if you can't have fairy grass in the future, it's good to sprinkle some fertilizer and let me plant two flowers. If you can't dig a pond to raise a few ducks, or be a warehouse, it's actually quite good. You don't have to drag a suitcase when you go out.

Zhujin still looked at her in silence and felt that she was trying to hide something in the noise.

"Teacher? If it doesn't work, you can at least say a word." After talking for a while, Tang Xiaotang had nothing to say, so he had to ask him.

Zhujin didn't answer and asked, "What are you going to do after I leave?"

Tang Xiaotang thought about this question hundreds of times and answered without thinking, "What else can I do? Study hard. It's good to be a translator or a teacher after graduation, and then wait to get married and have children, and then be a house slave for a lifetime, car slave, like an ordinary person."

Zhujin stopped talking again. Tang Xiaotang couldn't see through his mind and was afraid of saying something wrong, so he could only accompany him without saying anything.

Time passes slowly, and every second seems to have been infinitely long. It feels like a long time, but it's just a few breaths.

"I won't go with her." It seemed that she had finally made up her mind. Zhujin drank up the little water left in the cup and took a breath.

Tang Xiaotang was stunned and could hardly suppress the sudden ecstasy. He stammered and asked, "Huh? Why? Don't you like her? Don't you want to be with her, cultivate immortals and farm together?

At this time, Zhu Jin took a few tissues to wipe the water she had just choked out, and her voice was numb: "She is dead. Not long after I was sealed by Tang Youxin, Qianqian also imprisoned her with a demon refining pot. Now it's just a soul. She can't avoid the first day of the first lunar new year. She can't avoid the fifteenth. Sooner or later, she will be black and white impermanence. I found that I fell to the house."

"Ah..." Tang Xiaotang was not surprised by this answer. He didn't even have time to care how he knew that Qianqian was still alive. He only read a layer of meaning. "If you hide in the seal, will be all right? Teacher, is that what you mean?"

"No, actually..." "If that's the case, just say it directly. I said I just want it and just want to think about it. Of course, you take it away if you need it. I won't be so wayward and have to hold on."

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "Anyway, it's not mine and will never belong to me. Other than that, I don't seem to be able to help you."

This words suddenly pierced Zhujin's heart like a thorn. He gritted his back teeth and struggled to say, "Can you not be so stupid? It's so stupid that people can't stand it! I said I wouldn't go with her, but I won't go with her. What's the matter? Do you still want to drive me away?

Tang Xiaotang was silent for a moment and still said, "Anyway, you have to leave sooner or later..."

"You have to leave sooner or later!" Zhujin suddenly blew up, dragged her out of the quilt, grabbed her and shook her in her hand, "Where are you going? Huh? No one cares where I'm happy to stay! No one cares if you hear it or not!"

Tang Xiaotang was caught in his hand like a pocket and shook his head dizzy, but his eyes lit up: "Teacher, do you want to stay with me all the time?"

Zhujin hummed and looked left and right: "It depends on your mood. Anyway, you won't live for a few years. I won't leave until I've played enough."

What does it mean that she can't live for a few years? As if she were a terminally ill patient, Tang Xiaotang thought funnyly, and she was happy. Thinking that she would die in a few years, she couldn't help feeling empty and subconsciously said, "You'd better go."

"Huh?!" Zhujin immediately stared, standing like a pair of rabbit ears and horns.

"I'm just a mortal, living for a few more decades at most. If you stay by my side, won't you be sad when I die in the future?"

Zhujin was dumb for a moment, but she couldn't answer half a word.

...This girl, when it comes to her own death, how does she think about whether others will be sad or not, will she think about it for herself?

...how could there be such a stupid person!

"So teacher, you still," "don't talk nonsense! No one can change the decision I made!"

The feeling of hating that can't be iron is stuck in my chest, like pressing a boulder, which is breathless. Zhujin threw her back on the pillow impatiently: "If you want to die, it depends on whether I agree or not!" What about poor qualifications, huh? I will pull back Nuwa, pick two flowers on her head, and then feed you to eat them. At that time, you won't die even if you want to die!"

"Listen, I said for the last time that I haven't played enough and won't go with anyone! Don't think about dying. If you dare to die, I will turn the hell upside down! All sins are on you alone! Do you understand?"

Tang Xiaotang almost vomited blood in his stormy roar and quickly agreed: "I understand!"