
098, you can die for her (red ticket plus update)

The campus of X University has always been one of the tourist attractions in X City. Primary school students have spring outings, take wedding photos in studios, and even tour groups visit this place. It can be said that there is no off-season all year round.

The most famous scenic spot is naturally the Qunxian Building, but unfortunately, it is under repair. Although the four auxiliary buildings on both sides are slightly inferior, they are still masterpieces in Nanyang architecture. Female students in long skirts come from the other end of the corridor with textbooks, which can simply travel to the last century.

In contrast, the newly built teaching building with Songen Building as the main body is the Z campus, with red tiles and white walls, which are the so-called "wearing suits and straw hats" Chinese and Western buildings, which are also a holy place for countless tourists to take photos.

Furong Lake, Science and Art Center, Lu Xun Statue... Step by step, Huang Qi pulled Shu Xia back and walked in front of her. Like a pair of real lovers, the photographer followed behind to find various angles and clicked wildly.

patting, Shu Xia lowered her head and turned over her bag: "My mobile phone rings. I'm sorry to answer the phone." Then he covered his ears and ran to one side.

After a while, she ran back, but instead of going back to Huang Qi, she came to Tang Xiaotang: "My mother sent Yu Guanyin. You can go and get it with me."

"Eh?" Tang Xiaotang was stunned and quickly refused, "No, I--" Shu Xia couldn't help grabbing her wrist and dragging her away.

Situ Yan, who had been vaguely feeling something wrong since before, frowned and thought, "When did she call her mother?"

Wen Ting was by her side and recalled the words. It seemed that she really didn't see any phone call from her, so she asked Huang Qi, "Sister Shu Xia has always been with you, right? Did she call her just now?"

"No, what's wrong?" Huang Qi sat back on the grass drinking water and asked puzzledly.

Situ Yan's expression suddenly became serious: "Then how could her mother know that she had lost Xiaotang's amulet and called to say that the things had been delivered... Did her mobile phone really ring?"

Huang Qi thought about it carefully and replied, "It seems that no, I didn't hear it. It was she who said that her mobile phone rang, and maybe it was adjusted to a vibration."

Situ Yan asked the photographer and makeup artist again. They were not sure whether Shu Xia had called or sent a text message before. At this time, Qin Mengmeng suddenly said amazingly, "Wait a minute, isn't Sister Shu Xia from Hubei? How could her mother send Yuguanyin here so quickly?"

As soon as her words came out, Situ Yan gasped and threw her backpack to Wen Ting: "Xiaotang is in danger! Hurry up!" He chased him first.

The remaining five people couldn't touch their heads for a moment. Although Huang Qihui was still a little confused, since Situ Yan said that, she proved that she had found something, so she immediately stuffed it to the makeup artist: "Please give it to you!" Keep up.

In their paradoxical moment, Tang Xiaotang has been pulled across several intersections by Shu Xia, and a tunnel entrance appeared at the end of the road.

"Where are we going?" Tang Xiaotang's sports is already quite good, but she was almost dragged all the way. Shu Xia's strength was amazing. She clasped her wrist like iron claws and said without looking back, "My mother drove here and has entered the tunnel. We can just meet her."

You don't have to run so fast, do you? Tang Xiaotang thought a little depressed and thought that we were being chased by zombies.

Shu Xia dragged her into the road.

The Furong Tunnel is nearly three miles long, and there is no sunshine all year round. At the moment when he rushed into the tunnel, Tang Xiaotang was stimulated by the temperature difference. Looking at the white semicircular exit at the end, his mind was shaken and he noticed that it was inappropriate.

I couldn't see my head straight, and there was no car coming at all.

She looked back and saw two restricted stone piles at the entrance.

There is no traffic! Why did Shu Xia lie to herself that her mother drove over?

As soon as she hesitated, she couldn't keep up with her footsteps. Shu Xia felt her hesitation and slowed down. Her hand still held her tightly. When she turned her head, she smiled very familiarly.

"I didn't expect it, little sister." Shu Xia's gentle face showed a gorgeous smile belonging to Fuxiang.

Tang Xiaotang was shocked and suddenly pulled back. Unfortunately, Fuxiang was so tight that she couldn't break free.

"You are more easy to deceive than my sister said, ha ha," Fu Xiang pulled her closer and put his arm around her back with the other hand. "How could Master like you? It's really strange."

"What did you do to Sister Shu Xia! Get out of her body!" Tang Xiaotang got goosebumps by her. He wanted to get out of self-defense, but he was afraid of hurting Shu Xia's body. He was not the opponent of Fuxiang at all.

Fuxiang held her waist firmly with one hand and approached her: "At this time, you still have leisure to worry about others. You are indeed a good person. But don't worry, although your senior sister's health is not bad, I still look down on her. Although I'm a little sorry for her, who will make her the most suitable person for breaking the amulet?

Tang Xiaotang has heard Situ Yan's shouting from the other end of the entrance. He knew that she must have found something wrong and was trying to catch up with her. As long as she could drag it for a while, wait for her to come...

is coming... what can I do? Fuxiang is also a monster who has lived for more than 2,000 years. In terms of cultivation and combat effectiveness, ten Situ Yan are not enough to stuff her teeth.

Fuxiang gave a "tut" and turned her back and cut her left hand to prevent her from summoning Zhu. At the same time, she raised her right hand and turned into a cold knife on Tang Xiaotang's neck.

Situ Yan had already chased him in sweat, and Fu Xiang shouted harshly, "Don't come here! One more step forward and I will kill her!"

Situ Yan braked sharply and stopped: "Don't mess around! Let Xiaotang go. When did she offend you? Why did you hurt her?

Fuxiang's mouth was upturned and smiled lightly: "It's not easy to offend, but I can't allow others to take away things that belong to me. The senior sister is right. Master may not be hers, but it can never be anyone's. I think so."

Tang Xiaotang's shoulder was almost dislocated by her, and her throat was against the blade, and she would cut her skin with a little force.

Situ Yan secretly put her hand into her pocket, and Fuxiang immediately became alert: "Raise your hand! Don't think I don't know what you want to do. You are the descendant of Suiren and want to subdue me with a talisman?

The only skill was also seen through, and Situ Yan didn't move, so she had to raise her hand: "Let Xiaotang go! What do you want?"

Fuxiang smiled and said, "I can't let her go. All I want is her..."

The tip of her tongue slowly licked Tang Xiaotang's cheek, which instantly made her stand up all over her body.

"What about the body of..." Fuxiang said ostentatly, "Although it's a little ugly, who makes the master like it? There are also sea dragon balls, daylight birds, and Sinan. Oh, they are all good things, and I won't lose it."

Tang Xiaotang gritted his teeth and said, "I won't give you my body even if I die!"

Fuxiang twisted her arm again, and Tang Xiaotang was so painful that he couldn't speak.

"It's not up to you." Fuxiang said, escaping from Shu Xia's body. Tang Xiaotang was wrapped in light blue smoke. Without the obstruction of the amulet, it was easy to invade the body of an ordinary person.

Situ Yan was so anxious that she was about to cry. If she didn't move, Tang Xiaotang's soul would be swallowed up and moved by her. Tang Xiaotang may be killed by her throat and be in a dilemma.

"Little Sugar--!" Huang Qi also chased after him. Seeing that the situation was wrong here, she immediately turned around and ran back.

The feeling of another soul breaking into the body can't be described as a horror, as if the family broke into a stranger and was forced into an irrevocable corner. Tang Xiaotang felt that his hands and feet were losing consciousness one after another. If it goes on like this, Fuxiang will not take away the control of the body soon. Then...then you may be oppressed into the depths of your subconscious mind, like fog, or be driven out and become wandering souls. The most terrible end is to be swallowed up, just like Su Daji.

Don't die like that! She tried her last bit of strength and turned her neck in an attempt to cut off the throat of the artery.

However, as soon as the blade cut the skin on the surface, a man appeared in front of him, firmly restraining Shu Xia's hand holding the knife.

"Your inferiority is really hard to change." Zhu Jin almost squeezed out of the depths of her throat, and her golden eyes were full of anger, which was enough to burn everything.

Fuxiang has completely integrated into Tang Xiaotang's body and manipulated her expression to laugh: "For the time being, I will understand this as Master is praising me. If you want it, you have to fight for it yourself. This is what you taught me back then."

Zhujin roared, "I didn't teach you to do whatever you can! Get out of the girl's body immediately!"

Shu Xia, who lost her soul, collapsed, and the knife also fell to the ground with a bang.

Tang Xiaotang has never had such a feeling. Her consciousness can no longer manipulate her body. Her eyes are bright and dark, and the voices in her ears are intermittent. She knows that she is going to die, not the death of her body, but the destruction of her soul. The power of Fuxiang keeps shrinking, and even her five senses are about to be completely taken away.

"Old... Master... Kill... I..." I couldn't see anything in front of me, so I could only try my last bit of strength and plead.

Even if you die, you can't give her your body! Such an unscrupulous woman will continue to harm countless people in the world!

"Wo girl!" Zhu Jin listened to her dying cry, her heart was like a knife, roared, and grabbed her throat with both hands. "Even if I die with you today, I will never let you hurt her!"

After saying that, he gathered all the demonic power and risked his life to force the soul of Fuxiang out.

The power of a demon fox who is as old as the five emperors, even if there are only 70% or 80% left, the power released by all is also very horrible. Before Fuxiang can fully control the new body, he was almost suffocated by him, and even Tang Xiaotang's face showed a painful expression: "Master, for... Doesn't she even... want her life?"

"Yes!!" Zhujin completely lost his mind and had only one idea in his heart to protect Tang Xiaotang from surviving, and the rest was not important.

Fuxiang made a sad shout and complained unwillingly, "You love me!"

Zhu Jin's expression was ferocious and without saying a word. The blue veins in both hands burst out, emitting dazzling red light all over her body. The white jade rabbit she was attached to could not withstand such a strong demonic power, and it burst into a powder.

Situ Yan was scared and screamed: "Xiaotang!"

With the same soul, Fuxiang is far from Zhujin's opponent. He was dragged out of Tang Xiaotang's body by the neck and turned into a blue-gray ball of light.

" Let her go!" Huang Qi rushed back to the entrance of the tunnel with a reflector, and the ghost-exorcism artifact was in her hand. The strong sunlight in the hot summer was suddenly reflected into the tunnel, covering two entangled light balls, one red and one green.

Then Qin Mengmeng and the other four people who came only heard a dying scream, and the dazzling red light shot out of the tunnel. The brightness was so strong that all the people present were blind in an instant.

When the red light fades, there is no more green and red light balls in the tunnel, but the white jade crumbs are crystal clear and silent.