
124, unknown suffering

"I am a descendant of Shennong. I came back to sacrifice my ancestors." First Wu did not panic to avoid the edge and took over the words.

"Desendants of Shennong?" The girl looked at him suspiciously and didn't see any fame. She had to give up. "Don't casually inquire about the Shennong Mausoleum in the village. If you are caught, you will be beaten to death."

The first Wu and Tang Xiaotang suddenly became cold, and their backs were cold. They coincidentally thought that they were just an old man just now, and they wanted to be replaced by a young and strong man. Maybe they had become disabled.

The girl said again, "I won't tell you where the mausoleum is. You can regard the whole Biya Mountain as a Shennong mausoleum to be sacrificed, and it's the same everywhere."

As soon as the curtain sounded, the girl in the red skirt ran out of the room. The girl in the green skirt shook her arm and made a few vague tones in her mouth. The girl in the green dress glanced at her and said, "Aren't you afraid? Why did you come out again?" The girl in the red dress begged twice, and the girl in the green dress said lightly, "You don't have to beg me. I have my own plan."

It turned out that the girl in the red dress was a mute. No wonder she didn't say anything just now, Tang Xiaotang thought.

The red skirt girl saw that the plea was ineffective, so she had to drop her head and go back to the room. Then the green skirt girl introduced herself: "Just now, that was my sister. My name is Lvzhu. My sister's name is Hongzhu. She can't speak. Just now, she came back and told me that an outsider came in, so I picked you up."

Tang Xiaotang asked sympathetically, "Are you two sisters alone at home? Will life be very inconvenient?

Green Pearl sat down in the chair, with a little more sadness in her smile: "What can we do if it's inconvenient? Our sisters were born dumb and a lame. The villagers said that it was because my mother was not clean and the people outside... They said that she defiled the gods, so she gave birth to a freak like Hongzhu and me and didn't kill us to sacrifice to the gods. That's right. Who else do you expect to take care of us?

Tang Xiaotang realized that she had said something wrong and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry! I didn't know I would mention your sadness..."

Lvzhu is generous: "I know you are unintentional. It doesn't matter. I've heard a lot of unpleasant words. Three of you came in total? I may not be able to live at home. I asked Hongzhu to move some thatch to lay the floor..."

Tang Xiaotang immediately said that she could solve it by herself. Lvzhu was suspicious, so she had to perform a live performance of the entry and exit seal, and took two pieces of her own pickled sausages to Lvzhu as a meeting gift. Green Pearl was stunned and asked stammeringly, "Are you really the descendants of Shennong? Is it an immortal?

"Only he is a descendant of Shennong," Tang Xiaotang pointed to the first martial arts. "And we are not immortals. It's just a little trick. I can't explain it clearly."

Lvzhu saw the expression of the living fairy and muttered, "It turns out that there is really a fairy art that disappears out of thin air. I thought that girl was talking nonsense..."

The first martial arts keenly captured the information revealed in her words: "Have you ever seen a fairy? What kind of fairy? She... She can't talk. How can I describe it to you?

Lvzhu settled down, cleared her mind, and said, "Although Hongzhu can't hear or speak, she can see your mouth shape and know what you are talking about, can also read and draw. As I read and guessed, she shook her head when she guessed wrong. If she guessed correctly, she nodded, which inferred from this."

The first Wu was about to ask what the fairy looked like when a woman shouted loudly outside the door: "Green bead girl, come out!" Green Pearl had to wait for a while and go out to see people on crutches.

Tang Xiaotang couldn't help but be curious and came to the window to have a look. She found a 40 or 50-year-old woman standing outside the yard with a big mouth and thin lips. At first glance, she was a person who liked to talk very much. The mountain is closed, and people are self-sufficient and wear similar clothes, but they can't see the identity of the woman. A bag in their hands seems to be quite heavy.

Green beads stepped out of the threshold and asked, "What's wrong with Aunt Fang?"

When the woman who was called Aunt Fang saw her coming out, she immediately called out: "I said, can you not eat swan meat all day long? Don't look at yourself, is it worthy of my family? Don't seduce men by looking good-looking. You have known that your mother is not a good thing, and you are really not a good thing when you were born!"

Tang Xiaotang in the room almost couldn't help it and rushed out to argue with Aunt Fang. What did she say? What happened to her congenital disability? Why did the toad want to eat swan meat? Fortunately, Xiaoyue pressed her shoulder in time and whispered, "Don't go out. Miss Green Pearl should be able to solve it by herself."

Sure enough, Green Pearl replied neither humble nor arrogantly: "Brother Yu and I really love each other. He doesn't care if I have a disability and is willing to be good to me all my life. I will also serve him all my life and have children for him. You are his mother. Why don't you care about your son, but come to my door to make trouble? Isn't it because our sisters are easy to bully?

Aunt Fang was so angry that she couldn't say a complete word. Finally, she threw the bag of things in her hand at her feet: "Here are these white rice for you! Do you hear me from my son in the future?"

Lvzhu didn't look at it and smiled contemptuously: "I won't want anything from you, nor will I leave Brother You. Unless he doesn't want me one day, you can't break us up."

Both coercion and inducement were ineffective. Aunt Fang really couldn't do anything about her. She slapped her thighs with both hands and sat in front of Luzhu's house and cried: "My God! Why am I so miserable? It's unreasonable!"

When she cried, her neighbors were shocked. In a short time, there were several circles of people in front of the green pearl's house. Aunt Fang cried and grabbed her hair and beat the ground. She really cried heartbrokenly, but the onlookers just whispered to each other, and no one came forward to help or comfort her.

From the onlookers' conversation, Tang Xiaotang can probably hear some eyebrows. It's nothing more than Aunt Fang's son is young and handsome. Many girls in the village like him, and Aunt Fang's men die early. He points to his son to marry a daughter of a rich family, and he can also live a good life. It's a vulgar evil mother-in-law's play. Code.

"Take the things back. If your Fang family doesn't want me, just let the Fang men talk." Lvzhu watched her cry coldly for a while. When she was tired of crying, she put down such a sentence and turned back to the room.

A slap could not be heard, and Aunt Fang was also tired and couldn't cry. The onlookers felt boring and dispersed one after another.

Green Pearl returned to the table: "Where did you say just now?" He was so idle that it was as if the shrew crying in front of the door had never happened at all. Sure enough, it was much more unpleasant and practiced.

"Speaking of what immortals look like." Xiaoyue reminded.

"Well, the girl said that once she went to the mountain to pick up bacteria and met a strange man more than eight feet tall. The man looked very burly, but he was very gentle. He asked her who she was and if she was lost. At that time, Hongzhu was timid and turned around and ran away. Later, after more than a month, she met him by the river. The man gave her a The bouquet of flowers also told her a lot of anecdotes outside.

Lvzhu smiled and held her hand. Her hands were full of cocoons, which was caused by the use of crutches for many years and the hardships of life.

She said, "Hongzhu and I have been scolded as unclean children since we were young. The villagers said that because our mother stole the man outside and blasphemed the gods, so God punished our sisters. Everyone looked down on us. After our parents died, the more people were willing to talk to us. Hongzhu felt that the man was a very kind person and liked to sit and listen to him. Sometimes when she nodded, the other party would feel very happy, and then she was also very happy.

"At first, I thought she was talking about who was in the village. Later, I learned that this person was not a person in our village at all, but a person outside. I was afraid that Hongzhu would be cheated by the man outside like my mother, so I asked her not to talk to that person again, but the girl said that the other party was not a bad person, a fairy, and could fly. It will disappear in an instant."

Green beads rubbed their cheeks and still a little unbelievable: "How did you get in? At the beginning, I thought about leaving here with red beads, but I didn't know where the road to the ancestors went up the mountain. They were surrounded by cliffs and couldn't be turned over. I can only endure like this in my life, and I don't know when it will be the end."

Tang Xiaotang explained, "Do you know there is a cave on the mountain over there? There was ice everywhere inside, and we came through there.

Green beads were stunned: "Is the cave open? I've been there once... It's so cold that I didn't go deep..." Then I remembered that last night, the villagers said that a large spring water gushed out of the cave. It must be Shennong's manifestation. Today, I went to the entrance of the cave to worship and understood, "Is the ice in the cave melted? I heard from the old man in the village that the ice in the cave existed hundreds of years ago and has never melted.

Tang Xiaotang really doesn't want to explain why the ice melts, otherwise mentioning the little sunlight bird will raise countless questions. It's endlessly, and simply pretends to be stupid: "Really? There was not much ice left when we went in.

Lvzhu lowered her head and thought, and Liu Yexiu frowned slightly, as if there was something she couldn't figure out.

"Bear by the way, Miss Green Pearl, I have a few questions about the illness of this village and your sisters. I don't know if it's convenient?" Yiwu was silent for so long and suddenly asked.

Green Pearl looked at him in a STEND: "You... You are a descendant of Shennong. Is there any way to cure me and Hongzhu? No, I'll forget it. If possible, would you please help my sister? She is good-handed. If she can hear and speak, no one will dislike her anymore!"

The first martial arts looked solemn: "If you ask me now, I can't answer you. You answer my question first, and then I will check for you and Hongzhu girl to see if there is a cure."

Green Pearl nodded quickly: "Ask me, I will definitely answer you!"

"Are your parents related by blood?"

Green Pearl was stunned and didn't react, but Tang Xiaotang suddenly realized and blurted out: "Inbreeding!"

Inbreeding is an extremely backward social phenomenon. Long before the formation of ethics and morality, human ancestors found that the closer the blood relationship, the lower the survival rate of the offspring, multiple deformities, disabilities and IQ defects. Until thousands of years later, the high development of human civilization. Medical research has The breakthrough proved the relationship between inbreeding, genes and genetic diseases.

The closer the blood relationship is, the higher the probability of offspring suffering from genetic diseases. The most typical is that the hemophilia of royal families in many countries spread in Europe, which is the end of continuous marriage in order to maintain the purity of blood.

Green Pearl nodded stiffly: "My father and mother are cousins."

The first Wu said again: "If I guess correctly, most of the people in this village are related by blood, right? Two generations, or three generations, a total of such a little big place, such a little people, genetic mixing, genetic probability... How many generations have you lived here?

"No, I don't know..." Green bead was scared by his expression, "What's wrong?"

The first military commander sighed and said, "You need to leave here. If it goes on like this, more deformed children will be born."