
127, the truth in the tomb

Fang Yu endured his grief and wiped his tears and replied, "The elders in the village said that Shennong was buried in this mountain, and the entrance to the mausoleum is over there. In recent years, strange people often came to the village and asked us to move out. They also said that the cliff mountain would collapse. Everyone thought it was sensational and that foreigners wanted to steal the treasures in Shennong's tomb. , deliberately scared us to leave, so that they could do it.

Sure enough, there was something strange. Tang Xiaotang thought that the so-called strange person was probably not small. What did he know? Maybe he was just for the good of the villagers, or he might really peep at Nuwashi, so he asked, "Did all these strange people leave later?"

Fang Yu did not answer, and Lvzhu replied weakly, "They were all killed by the three grandfathers."

Tang Xiaotang and Xiaoyue shuddered, and Lvzhu said, "The bodies were also sent into the mountains, and Hongzhu saw them with their own eyes." Looking at her sister, Hongzhu nodded fear.

"All this is really incredible. Who gave them such confidence to kill under the eyes of God?" First Wu asked incredulously.

Fang Yu sighed and said, "It is said that among the ancestors of the villagers, there was a royal envoy of the Empress Nuwa. His hometown was hit by a locust, and the man took everyone over the mountains to Biya Mountain. There is no winter here. There is no winter here, and the crops are very good. More than a dozen families live here. The man gave the order not to get close to the mountain over there. At first, the villagers did not know the reason, but later the man died. The young people in the village were curious and went to the mountain to see it before they found the mausoleum.

Lvzhu also said, "My father also told me about this. The imperial envoy left a message before he died, saying that there was a blessing of Shennong's soul here, so that everyone should not go out, let alone let outsiders hit Shennong's tomb. If anyone dares not listen to the advice, he will be killed."

The more they said, the more panicked Tang Xiaotang became. He always felt that there were not only Nuwa stones hidden in the Shennong Mausoleum, but also other secrets. She took a look at the first Wu. The first Wu seemed to be thinking the same thing, so she asked her, "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Before Tang Xiaotang answered, Fang Yu hurriedly stopped him: "I can't go! It will be cursed!"

"You have been cursed," Xiaoyue said coldly. "You have been confined here by that man. For future generations, there will be more children who lack arms and legs and can't see. In the end, the whole village will become hell on earth."

Tang Xiaotang wink and motioned Xiaoyue not to say anything, but Xiaoyue ignored her and said to herself, "He let you reproduce here for generations. He just wanted someone to guard Shennong's tomb and not be excavated. He didn't think about what your descendants would become like if it went on like this!"

The unprovoked injury made her emotional and impetuous, so she simply stood up and walked out: "You stupid people who are so stupid that you can believe in his nonsense, good or bad, and you can't leave. Xiaotang, leave them alone. We went to the mountains to find things. We are not here to mind their own business. They are willing to stay, so let them live and die here!"

"Xiao Yue!" Tang Xiaotang chased her out of the door.

Green Pearl lowered her eyes and thought for a moment and waved to Hongzhu. Hongzhu came to the bed and held her sister's hand. Green Pearl said to her, "You follow them, take them to the mountains, and then let them send you out. Don't you often say that you yearn for those interesting things outside? Follow them and don't come back again."

Red bead showed a sad expression, squeezed her mouth and shook her head vigorously. Green bead gently stroked her cheek and whispered, "Go, you're still young and your hands and feet are fine. Don't be trapped here." Hongzhu still refused, and Fang Yu said, "Mister Hongzhu, don't worry. When Lvzhu recovers, I will take her down the mountain to find you. You leave a mark along the road. After we come out, find a place to settle down and live together."

Hongzhu reluctantly agreed, reluctantly let go of Luzhu's hand, got up from the bedside, nodded to the first martial arts, and asked him to follow him.

"Well, take care of yourself." First Wu arched his hand and followed Hongzhu out of the hut.

Red beads familiar with the terrain led the way, and the group quickly found the entrance to Shennong's tomb.

Thousands of years later, Shennong's tomb has almost collapsed in the wind and rain. The exquisite stone carvings have been broken into several pieces, covered with weeds and vines. The inscription has been covered with thick moss and no words can be seen.

The steps at the entrance of the mausoleum are very spacious, with a string of footprints printed on the mud. The two-inch thick tomb door has been smashed, which is enough for an adult to go in and out.

The first Wu's face is a little ugly. After all, it is his ancestral grave. Naturally, he will not be in a good mood if he is broken into in such a rude way.

He held a short knife in his hand, motioned the three girls to follow him, and took the lead on the steps.

"Hongzhu, don't go in. In case the grave robber is crazy, it will be troublesome to start." Tang Xiaotang said.

Hongzhu herself was also timid, so she nodded and agreed. She sat down on a stone next to the tomb. Tang Xiaotang stuffed her with a whistle and said to her, "If there is danger, blow it in your mouth and blow hard. We will come out to save you." Hongzhu obediently took it and made a gesture to make them be careful.

The tomb road is very long, extending 45 degrees downward. The first martial arts used a flashlight and took pictures while walking. The stone walls on both sides were smooth, and there was no sign that the mechanism had been operated. Tang Xiaotang rubbed his arms, which were full of goose bumps. The dark and depressing environment made her nervous and said, "That roar in the afternoon. Could it come from the tomb?"

"It's unlikely that the sound is shouted in an empty place, and..." First Wu carefully stepped down, "That sound is too loud. If it comes from the tomb, it can't be so loud."

Xiaoyue walked at the end and asked, "What can make such a big roar? No matter how much the lion and tiger roar, it won't make that sound. It's still so far away. If you stand in front of it, you have to roar and faint."

Tang Xiaotang said strangely, "Is it that big? Why do I feel like it's okay, just the roar of ordinary beasts.

Xiao Yue smiled and said, "You must have used too many headphones and your ears have deteriorated."

"Shh!" First Wu seemed to have found something and urgently asked them to stop chatting and bend down to listen.

They have reached the end of the tomb road. A stone wall crossed in front of them and divided the way into two. The first Wu squatted at the foot of the stone wall to listen. Tang Xiaotang also came over and held his breath, but did not hear anything. He asked, "Is there any sound?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a crazy roar from the other side of the wall. Although there may still be a certain distance because of the barrier of the slate, it is no longer harsh, but the sound can still be heard very loud, which can be described as a shocking Thunderbolt.

Xiaoyue heard it without bending down, and her face changed slightly: "Is it the guy during the day? Did he break into the underground palace?

The first martial arts made a decision and chose the road on the right and ran over: "Go!" Tang Xiaotang and Xiaoyue also followed immediately. The three of them ran wildly in the dark corridor. The range that the flashlight could illuminate was very limited. There seemed to be endless turns in front of them. For a while, the crackling footsteps overlapped and repeated, as if countless people were running.

Tang Xiaotang said in distrust, "This is a maze. Mr. Wu, you can't run around like this. Why don't I find a way?"

The first Wutou didn't look back and said, "Anyway, I don't know where the road is, and where to go."

The two girls were so funny that they had to follow him like a headless fly. After turning a few corners, there was a dead end in front of her and there was no way.

"I said no." Tang Xiaotang held the wall and gasped and looked at him helplessly.

First Wu stretched out his hand and pushed the wall, motionless, and looked up and down with a flashlight. He didn't find any way, so he had to admit that he had taken the wrong way.

She wanted to go back, but Tang Xiaotang found that her way had changed. The last corner they turned to the right, and the first corner was to go out was to the left, but when she reached the end of the corridor, she found that the corner turned to the right.

What's the matter? Did you remember it wrong?

"This wall is alive," Xiaoyue squatted at the intersection and touched the ground. "Look, this is the mark I made when I came. We turned in from here, but now it's a wall." There was a turning mark she carved on the ground, and the end of the arrow was swallowed up by the wall.

Tang Xiaotang swallowed his saliva with a little fear and said, "Mr. Wu, you are the descendant of Shennong. Can you say hello to him and let us out?"

The first Wu smiled, hit the wall with his shoulder, and replied, "I can't do this kind of work. I have to be done by an yin and yang master. I can only see a doctor."

While speaking, the roar just now appeared again. This time, it was much closer. Xiaoyue and Yiwu covered their ears with their hands at the same time, with an expression of spitting blood, but Tang Xiaotang was very calm and asked in disbelief: "Is it really that loud? My ears are okay."

The roar continued, and the ground began to tremble. Tang Xiaotang hurriedly scratched the wall like a gecko and howled, "What's the situation? Hey, the resonance is not so exaggerated, is it?"

In the deaf roar, the stone walls on both sides of the corridor began to move, rubbing with the ground and making a sound. They seemed to run away out of fear. The walls at the corner separated and retreated quickly. In a short time, all the walls around them shrank away, and there were only boundless in the empty underground palace. Darkness.

Xiaoyue sat on the ground and pressed her chest and kept vomiting. The first martial arts was a little better than her, but her face was also quite ugly. Her forehead was full of sweat, and she was pinching the acupuncture point at the tiger's mouth to relieve her discomfort.

"This wall is really alive. It's amazing..." Tang Xiaotang has nothing to pick up, and the surroundings are so empty that she has a cold illusion.

"It's mostly...to prevent theft..." First Wu covered his mouth and felt uncomfortable.

Xiaoyue vomited and gasped and said, "It is said that the son of the Dragon mocked the art of civil engineering and invented something called the echo wall. I guess it's... this."

The sound wall? This is really a strange name. Is it a wall that will escape if it is too loud? Tang Xiaotang thought.

Suddenly, a strange voice interrupted: "Who are you?" The voice was loud, like a thunder in this quiet underground palace, and even Tang Xiaotang was shocked.