
136, kick the restaurant

Baxia's eyes changed, thought for a while, and asked, "Is it because of Kuntongyin?"

Tang Xiaotang nodded: "Isn't it?"

The bully was silent again, and Tang Xiaotang then hit the railway while it was hot: "Don't think about it, new enemies and old grievances will be repaid together. Imagine that I'm just following the teacher as a handyman, and I will be chased by her thousands of miles away. You take advantage of the teacher's absence to occupy his cave. If the senior sister knows, hum..."

This finally made the bully make up his mind. He grabbed a few hairs on his head and nodded slowly: "I understand, in order to avenge the third brother and not to be killed back in the future, I will help you."

"Oh, big brother, I'm looking forward to your words!" Tang Xiaotang happily rushed up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't talk so strangely!" He blew up his hair and shouted.

In ancient times, dragons gave birth to nine sons, each of which was different. The nine dragons born after the death of ancient gods and dragons all had their own skills. For example, prisoners were good at fun, good at fighting, and their quick thinking could break strange cases. Pu Lao roared for a hundred miles. He was the sixth son of the dragon. He was born with copper skin and iron bones. When Da Yu ruled the water, It was with his magic power that crashed into the canal and dredged the flood.

However, each person has his own life and has the same achievements in water control. Gonggong sealed the water god, but the hegemony was given the four words "turtle-haired rabbit horn" by Emperor Fuxi to show ridicule. Otherwise, he would not have a grudge against Zhu Jin, let alone be entang's debt collection... cough.

Of course, Tang Xiaotang chose him not only because he is not afraid of iron claws and is familiar with thousands of attack routines, but more importantly, he is really too handsome. Tens of thousands of people look down on his body and will never use soul-eating on him!

"Hajiu!" The bully in the seal sneezed inexplicably.

When Tang Xiaotang arrived at Chaoge Mountain and carefully looked for an opportunity to sneak into Qingyao's former cave, the current mockery was explaining why he became the head of the Su family under the coercion of his eldest brother.

"In fact, this matter is too far away. The first Su family I came into contact with was a craftsman who participated in the design of the Sui Grand Canal in the Sui Dynasty. His name was Su Qisheng," Zoufeng closed his eyes and recalled. "He was the third son of the Su family at that time. He was not under pressure to inherit the family business. He liked civil engineering as much as I did--oh Now it should be called architecture. I met him and became good friends. Later, the old man of the Su family died, and his eldest son and second son fell ill one after another. Only he was called home to borrow the position of the head of the family because he was away from home and escaped the epidemic.

The prisoner cow was silent as he drank tea.

"Su Qisheng was very depressed after returning to Su's house, because divination was not his good, so one day I told him that if you really want to go out for a walk, then I will pretend that you are here to cover up. You go out for a few days and go home early. At that time, Su Qisheng was only in his early 30s. He thanked me happily as soon as he heard it, and then went to play. Such a thing happened several times, and I gradually figured out some of the rules of their family. Su Qisheng occasionally taught me divination in case he continued from time to time until his death, and we hid it from the Su family for 30 years.

"After Su Qisheng died, I left the Su family. Later, hundreds of years later, I met his great-grandchildren, Su Minghui. Like his ancestors, Su Minghui also likes architecture. I felt very related to him, so I became friends with him, but..." he mocked, suddenly A wry smile appeared, "Su Minghui was not as lucky as his ancestors. He only lived 22 years old. When he died, his son was just one month old. Before he died, he called me and his wife to bed and begged me to pretend to be him like Su Qisheng in those years until their children grew up at the age of 16."

The prisoner Niu looked over suspiciously: "Have you agreed? I just wanted to ask, if you pretend to be the Su family, you won't even accept their wives and concubines, will you?

laughed dryly: "Hey, big brother, what are you saying? Am I that kind of person? Su Minghui died at the age of 22 and his son Su Ling was 16 years old. Except for a reconstruction and design of the Su family's house, I didn't do anything, and I have never touched his wife. My friend's wife can't be bullied. I still understand this truth.

The prisoner nodded, and his eyes were still full of distrust. He always felt that there was something in the mockery, as if he was hiding something - this was the eldest brother's intuition.

"When Su Ling became an adult, I pretended to died violently and left the Su family. It was not until 17 years ago that I visited my hometown again that I met Su Zhishui, who was only nine years old at that time. Everything seems to have fallen into reincarnation. I became the shadow of the Su family for the third time, but this time... I was in a little trouble.

The prisoner cow immediately asked, "What's the trouble?"

The mocking eyes avoided unnaturally: "Su Zhishui has a child daughter-in-law, who has been inseparable from him since she was a child, and it is very difficult to deceive."

Fantasy world. Chaoge Mountain.

Tang Xiaotang hid in the grass, holding her breath and observing the little demon guarding the door, looking for flaws.

Are you afraid? Isn't it here to take revenge? Just rush in directly. I'm not afraid of her!" Ba squatted behind her and patted her chest disapprovingly.

"I'm not afraid, it's that Xiaoyue fell into her hand," Tang Xiaotang quickly covered his mouth to prevent him from saying anything. "Do you know that the girl in black that followed me and Nuwa last time, we have to rescue her first, otherwise she will use Xiaoyue as a hostage. Are you sure that you won't hurt Xiaoyue when you fight?"

He sneered and pushed away her hand: "That's not easy. Look!" Despite Tang Xiaotang's obstruction, he jumped directly out of the grass and kicked the little demon guarding the door to the edge of the sky.

"Listen to the people inside! You have come to seek revenge! If you are afraid of death, you can continue to nest. If you have guts, come out and fight with Grandpa!"

Naturally, his voice is not as powerful as his fourth brother Puluo, but his name is loud enough. At least he is the son of the dragon and the god of Shouyang Mountain. With this shout, all the little demons on half of the mountain came out to watch the fun. In the past, the little demons under Qingyao's command were scared to death by his powerful kick just now and were in a hurry. Rush in to report.

Tang Xiaotang understood that he was attracting other people's attention so that he could have a chance to sneak in and save people. He didn't see that this guy was not stupid. He thought he didn't even understand the meaning of the words written on his back. He was a reckless man.

As soon as the gate of the cave sounded, he immediately handed over a look. Tang Xiaotang understood and flashed into the cave door at the moment when the door opened and pretended to be Qianqian, who pretended to be Qingyao, rushed out.

There was also a little demon in the cave door. As soon as he saw someone breaking in, he would shout. Tang Xiaotang waved an electric fly and flipped to the ground in a crackling sound. Then **, relying on the memory of the last visit, he went straight through the long cave to Qingyao's bedroom.

Qianqian changed a body and became a woman again. Although her face can be covered, the physical differences can't hide the eyes of the little demons. She can only do everything by herself, and she will no longer let others step into the bedroom. And she took Xiaoyue back and only dared to be imprisoned in such a place without outsiders.

"Dominance, you and I have no grievances. Why do you come to make trouble?" Qianqian raised his iron claws with one hand, pointed at him with two fingers in one hand, and lied with his eyes open.

He looked at her with a "yo" and laughed, "Is this still Su Daji, who was a beauty in those years? Look at that flat chest, and it's about to catch up with the cliff in front of your cave."

Qianqian's eyes turned and immediately realized that it must be a helper invited by Tang Xiaotang, so he sneered: "I don't know what you're talking about. Is it Tang Xiaotang's dead girl who instigated you? She dares not come to die, but drags you to cushion her. You really believe her nonsense. You really live up to the name of the stupid mountain god in the fantasy world. I admire you!"

He spit and put on an empty-handed posture: "The shrew is capable and has the guts to compete!" You hurt my third brother, and this hatred is woven. I will never forgive you today. Drink--!" Take the lead in slapting her.

Qianqian said that he was stupid, but he knew very well that he was born with divine power. He would definitely be patted into a meat pie, so he immediately jumped up in the air, avoided the fierce palm wind, waved his iron claws with his backhand, and took straight to the door.

The palm failed, and the internal force directly hit the two iron doors of the cave. With a loud noise, the ground shook the mountain, and the iron plate more than three inches thick burst into powder.

Tang Xiaotang in the cave went all the way through the customs. The little demons who were guarded cried and rushed through the long cave. As soon as they stepped on the small bridge, the ground trembled and almost fell into the water.

She hurriedly supported the bridge railing and rushed across the river, then kicked open the wooden door and broke in. She immediately saw Xiao Yue trapped by the Kunlun mirror.

"Xiao Yue!" Tang Xiaotang hurried forward to help her up, but was knocked out by the golden light projected by the Kunlun mirror hanging in mid-air, and the back of his head hit the leg of the chair, knocking her eyes with stars.

Xiaoyue has been exhausted and collapsed to the ground by the divine power of the Kunlun mirror. At this time, she heard Tang Xiaotang's voice, just like seeing the shipwreck of the lifeboat, forcibly supporting her upper body: "Xiaotang, you can count..."

Tang Xiaotang waved her hand to signal that she didn't say this first. She walked to the edge of the boundary and tried to tiptoe to reach the Kunlun mirror.

The Kunlun mirror was too high to reach, and it would hide, making a buzzing threat while hiding. As soon as Tang Xiaotang touched the golden light, he immediately bounced her off rudely. After falling four or five times, Tang Xiaotang was angry, jumped up and slapped the electric fly, knocked the Kunlun mirror to the ground, and turned around a few times. The golden light was dim and stopped.

"Don't drink a toast," Tang Xiaotang scolded, and then hurried to help the weak Xiaoyue, "How are you? Can you hold on? I'll take you to Mr. Wu now.

Only when the golden light dispersed can I see that Xiaoyue's lips are even black, and now she is even more blue and her cheeks are sunken, as if she is terminally ill. She held Tang Xiaotang's hand and gently shook her head: "My demonic power has been and has been almost dispersed by the Kunlun mirror... Leave me alone, take the Kunlun mirror... ”

"What are you talking about! I'm here to save you. That broken mirror has nothing to do with me!" Tang Xiaotang hugged her and was about to drag her to the seal.

Xiao Yue said angrily, "Xiaotang, listen to me..."

Tang Xiaotang said stubbornly, "Don't listen. Listen until you get better." He forced her to move into the seal.

Then what should I do? Tang Xiaotang ran to the nursery, picked a few strings of soft fingers, and pulled out all the remaining orange grass. He ran back like the wind, opened Xiaoyue's mouth and stuffed it.