
140, heart disease still needs cardiac medicine

As soon as the wind fell ill, Su Zhishui became a pig's face again. After more than ten years of concealment, he still came to help.

After learning the truth, Mrs. Su was furious. Without saying a word, she kicked Xiyan out of the Su family door and took Su Zhishui to her for several hours.

However, things are far from over. The mocking wind has been in a coma for more than 24 hours, and all the vital signs are extremely weak. Even the 100-year-old ginseng of the Su family can only temporarily delay his death. The instruments in the intensive care unit are constantly refreshing frightening data, with a heartbeat of no more than 50 beats per minute, and there are The trend is getting slower and slower.

"If it goes on like this, you will really die," Tang Xiaotang looked in with a glass window, as if he saw Zhujin's poisonous life hanging on the line at the beginning, and he was very sad. "Is there no way to let him live?"

Prisoner Niu and Baxia also looked at their sick brothers with a complicated expression. Their nine compatriots never thought that one of them would die first, or for this reason.

The first Wu stood aside in a white coat and sighed, "His sense of survival is extremely weak. He simply doesn't want to wake up. Unless there is a medicine to come back to life, it is really hopeless."

All four people are silent. Not to mention the medicine for rebirth, there is, but it is also outside their knowledge, and there is no way to find it.

The fold line of the electrocardiogram is so weak that it seems to become a straight line at any time, reflected in everyone's eyes.

"Why are you still here? Do you still think it's not enough?" Ahui's disgusting scolding came from the direction of the elevator. The four turned their heads and saw her coming with a insulated lunch box in one hand, spitting at Xiyan, who also carried the lunch box next to her.

Xiyan's head hung almost close to her chest and bit her lips. She did not retreat because of her sarcastic words. She slowly rubbed in front of them and handed the lunch box to the prisoner cow tremblingly, sounding like a mosquito fly: "I made some food, if you don't mind..."

Ahui immediately mocked again, "Take a break, lest you get in the way, right? If it hadn't been for the prisoner's cow, you would have been beaten into meat sauce.

"Ahui, stop talking."

Ahui is difficult to eliminate Xiyan. If she had said her feelings to the mockery at the beginning, she would not have kept harassing other people's marriages in order to cover up the husband and wife's different rooms, then there would not always be an indissoluble knot between Ahui and First Wu. First Wu knew this well and only symbolically persuaded him.

Since the incident, Ba Xia blew his beard and stared at Xiyan. Today, he was no exception, but as soon as he moved his toes slightly, the prisoner Niu immediately smelled something wrong and raised his hand to stop him: "Don't mess around." Then he pushed away Xiyan's lunch box: "Miss Xiyan doesn't have to be like this."

Xiyan said, "It's all my fault. I dare not ask you to forgive me. I just want to do my best to do something for him, otherwise my conscience... will be uneasy."

"With all due respect,'s the prison cow is much calmer than the bully, but this does not mean that he has forgiven the woman who has caused so much mockery. "Even if you wash and cook for us for the rest of your life, what's the use? If you still only think about yourself and are afraid of being condemned by your conscience, then I don't think you need to do it. I will personally avenge the third brother.

Xiyan's head was almost buried on the ground, and she was trained by a few words of the prisoner cow.

At this time, the attending physician of Mofeng came to check the room. After registering the instrument data, he called the first Wu to the side and whispered a few words. The latter pointed to this side and said something. The attending physician nodded and came back: "Which of you are the patients's family members?"

Xiyan raised her hand almost reflexively before grabbing the prisoner cow and hegemony: "I am! I'm his wife!"

The attending physician said, "The patient is not too seriously injured, but his will to survive is weak, which is very dangerous. Since you are the patient's wife, I suggest you stay by the bedside and tell him more happy things he likes, and let him rekindle hope. This is the only thing we can do at this stage."

Xiyan's haggard face suddenly glowed: "Yes! Shall I go in now?" As soon as the attending physician nod her head, she immediately opened the door and rushed into the care unit, so fast that no one had a chance to stop her.

He asked unhappily, "Brother, will it be counterproductive to let her in? Third Brother should hate her to death, right?"

The prisoner cow shook his head slightly and stared at the ward through the glass window: "Do you know why the third brother can hide it from the Su family, but only she can't hide it?"

He was stunned and grabbed his scalp: "No, I don't know, why?"

"I still don't understand, because the mocking wind also likes her," Tang Xiaotang rolled his eyes and said, "Falling in love with someone who should not be loved or can't be loved. That kind of pain makes him and Su Zhishui have a completely different attitude when facing Xiyan. Of course, it can't be hidden."

He nodded as if he didn't understand, and looked inside the glass window.

Mocking Feng was dressed in a sick uniform, lying quietly in the middle of various instruments, snow-white disease**, with an infusion tube inserted in the back of her hand. Xiyan was rubbing his arm to keep him warm while shedding tears and didn't know what she was saying.

The sweetest, happiest, bitterest and most painful thing in the world is just love.

Tang Xiaotang couldn't get involved in the hospital, so he said goodbye to everyone and returned to school. Less than three days after he left, so many things had happened. Tang Xiaotang originally wanted to go back and have a good rest. After the ocean is mature, he will go to Nji Mountain to find the bi. Who would have thought that in these three days, the school has also turned upside down.

"What? Break up?"

When Tang Xiaotang returned to the dormitory, Wen Ting was browsing the forum and casually asked, "How are you and the first one?" The answer turned out to be "We have broken up" and almost slipped on the steps to bed.

Wen Ting stared at the screen and said flatly, "Why are you so surprised?"

"Can you not be surprised?" Tang Xiaotang is going crazy. "What can't you say? You have to break up. You've only been together for a few days? It's been less than a month!"

Wen Ting is still so teve: "So what? And divorce on the wedding day. I'm not suitable for him. Breaking up is the best choice."

Tang Xiaotang didn't know what to say. Wen Ting pointed to the JD shopping bag on her desk: "I'll pay for your new mobile phone and see if you like it." Just so lightly changed the topic.

Alas, the amount of information in the past three days is so large that his CPU may not be able to bear it. Tang Xiaotang shook his head and sighed again and climbed to sleep.

As soon as she slept until dusk, Wen Ting didn't know where she went. Tang Xiaotang cooed with hunger and cooked a handful of noodles in the seal to satisfy her hunger, and then slowly got out of bed to study the new mobile phone.

First Wu is an electronic idiot. In fact, Tang Xiaotang is just a little better than him. It took him more than half an hour to adjust the desktop ringtone or something. He was about to stretch upstairs to make hot water to make coffee, and his mobile phone suddenly shook.

Who is so accurate? He called as soon as he changed his mobile phone. Tang Xiaotang quickly put down the kettle and grabbed his mobile phone to check, but it was not a call, but a dense Missed call text message.

"The walking corn called at A time the day before yesterday."

"The walking corn called at B o'clock the day before yesterday."

"The walking corn called at C time the day before yesterday."


"The walking corn called at X o'clock today."

More than 30 call prompts made her hands numb, and Tang Xiaotang's heart was broken. Didn't Wen Ting tell the two guys where she was after breaking up with the first one?

Thinking about it, the mobile phone vibrated again. This time it was a call. What flashed on the screen was the sand row endorsement photo sent back by Huang Qi last time in C City. Tang Xiaotang took a deep breath and was ready to be pierced by the magic sound. She connected: "Hey..."

The opposite side didn't make a sound for a long time, and Tang Xiaotang carefully said, "Hey?"

The other end of the mobile phone was silent for another minute, and Huang Qi finally became weak and asked, "Little Sugar?"

"It's me..."

Waited for a few seconds, but there was no expected roar in her ear. Huang Qi replied, "It's okay." Then I hung up the phone.

His abnormal behavior made Tang Xiaotang more worried, and the water did not hit. He dialed back again. Huang Qi answered back. She accompanied her and asked carefully, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. I'm very busy here. I'll call you later."


Before he finished a sentence, Huang Qi hung up the phone again.

Tang Xiaotang was stunned by her mobile phone for a long time. Why did she change when she didn't see Huang Qihui for three days? The tone of her voice was different from the past. Is there anything else that happened besides her disappearance and the first thing that made Wen Ting break up?

I wanted to call the first to ask, but I was afraid that he could not extricate himself in the shadow of love. Just as Tang Xiaotang was at a loss with his mobile phone, Wen Ting came back.

Wen Ting held a plastic bag in her left hand, three plastic lunch boxes in it, and a 2.5-liter bottle of Sprite in her right hand.

Tang Xiaotang looked at her inexplicably.

"Xiaotang, you got up, just in time. Let's watch a movie together," Wen Ting shook the lunch box in her left hand. "The vermicelli rolls, chicken feet, and beef tendons are all your favorite food!"

Tang Xiaotang shivered inexplicably and had a bad feeling: "You, you went down to buy me dinner?"

Wen Ting smiled gently: "Of course, you are so tired that you have nothing to eat in the canteen. Xiaoyan can tell me to take good care of you."

The gentler she is, the more upset Tang Xiaotang is and hesitates not to go there.

"Chairs are brought here, and there are water glasses. Let's watch a movie while eating - look, it's loaded." Wenting opened the lunch box, sprinkled with chili powder on the hot barbecue, and the aroma came to her nose. Tang Xiaotang was originally full, but as soon as she smelled the greedy worm came up again, she dragged the chair and sat down.

Wen Ting unscrewed the Sprite bottle cap and poured her a cup of cup. Tang Xiaotang's eyes fell on her computer screen through her arm and saw three shocking white words in the upper left corner of the screen - the hair corpse.

Then... Then there was no more. Anyway, after watching the movie for more than an hour, Tang Xiaotang did not eat anything except holding the water cup in his hand. The three boxes of barbecue were swept into Wen Ting's stomach alone and drank more than half a bottle of Sprite. Its mighty was only in imagination.

Tang Xiaotang looked at the subtitles at the end of the film and burst into tears in her heart - take me to see such a disgusting horror film. Is this what you call taking care of me?? Xiaoyan, Mengmeng, help...


The forbidden word vertical and horizontal shook my face... Dare to ask you, without the prominence of the word [vertical and horizontal], will you think crooked? I was shocked when such an evil person passed on the manuscript!