
197, kidnap OR run away from home

Zhujin scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks: "What are you going to do first? Find a girlfriend for the Huang family?"

Tang Xiaotang laughed, and even Qin Mengmeng couldn't help interrupting: "As soon as he was disappointed in love, he introduced his girlfriend to him. Is it a little damaged?" No, it's not to introduce him, or there is no need for immortals and monsters. Our beautiful women are just a big car," Tang Xiaotang waved his hand and smiled. "It's a blind date for Lord Zhuan. Hurry up and tell me if there is any. As long as it's not ugly or bad, they can give a name and let them choose by themselves when they meet."

Zhujin was surprised and asked: "How many thousands of years old do you want to introduce a blind date?" He can't find it himself? According to his conditions, rich and handsome, how many women are waiting to get married and need your help?

"Oh, this detailed explanation will be explained later," the bell sounded, and there will be class in ten minutes. Tang Xiaotang accelerated his pace and ran, "I'll go to class first!" You take your time to think about it and take notes, or contact each other first. We will have a blind date on the weekend!"

Zhujin was left behind again and stood in the square sulkingly.

He felt that his life was like a coffee table full of cups and utensils. Whenever he thought he would be better, he was ruthlessly slapped to the bottom of the valley the next second. Before he enjoyed enough dependence on Fuxiang, he was abandoned or even betrayed by her. As soon as he decided to live a comfortable life with the girl, he died in the hell in the blink of an eye. This time was better. The girl took a lot of effort to bring him back, but she couldn't touch Nuwa's way, just like the queen of Zhu Zi Kingdom in Journey to the West.

Zhu Jin broke his fingers and calculated. The more desperate he became. After being robbed by the hegemony once, there were not many fairy grass left in the seal, and he was squandered by Tang Xiaotang in various ways - although they were all legitimate uses, he would not be angry, but when he came back from death, he still felt unprecedented when he saw the nursery nearly twice shrinking. Collapse.

30 years is based on the output of the old nursery, but if calculated according to the current scale, 50 years... No, it may take 80 years to recover to its original state! At that time, Tang Xiaotang was already a toothless old lady. Maybe she would hang up in advance. Oh, leak!!!

... Be sure to get some fairy grass and come back to plant! Absolutely! Must!

After rubbing his fists for a while, Zhujin thought about going to the island in the middle of the lake to find the fog wind and blackmail him again.

Unexpectedly, when he went to the island, he not only saw the fog wind, but also an acquaintance - General Hai Ci Shuang. The two were talking in a low voice. Ci Shuang looked very anxious, holding a helmet and rubbing his short purple hair with one hand.

"Why did you get together?" Zhujin walked up the hillside. The two turned their heads to see him. First, they were shocked, and then they both reacted. Cishuang arched his hand and said, "Lord Zhujin is still sunny? Congratulations."

Zhujin nodded casually, and even if she returned the gift, she was not polite. She asked directly, "Look at your eyebrows. What's wrong?"

Cishuang did have a sad face. When asked by him, he sighed even more: "This should not have bothered you two. Your Highness... is missing."

Missing? Little white dragon?" Zhujin touched her chin thoughtfully, "Are you so angry that you ran away from home?"

Ci Shuang's face suddenly turned into tomato color. Without thinking, he must have heard what Tang Xiaotang said. The corners of his mouth twitched for a while and reluctantly defended: "No, Your Highness... A few days ago, the Dragon King of the South China Sea said in front of his ministers that he wanted to abolish the prince and stood up for his Highness, which was strongly opposed. The situation was very complicated. I quarreled with His Highness about this matter and left for a while. When I came back, his room was empty, and there was no one in the southeast two seas.

Zhujin nodded: "That's still angry with you."

Cishuang was anxious, and his tone was not polite: "Don't joke! Your Highness is not a child. How can he run away with me for three days and nights! The Dragon King of the South Sea suspected that the prince kidnapped him, hid him somewhere, and asked someone to put the prince under house arrest. Now the whole Dragon Palace is in chaos. The prince's uncle surrounded the residence of the Empress Miaocheng and threatened to kill the Empress as long as the prince had any damage!"

Wu Feng comforted him, "General Cishuang, don't worry. I'll let someone go to the mountains to look for it." With a whistle, a halior flew from the mountain forest. The fog wind whispered to it, and the hali turned around and flew up the mountain again.

Zhujin still had an expression and said, "I think he is so angry that he ran away from home. Why don't you think about where he will go with his temperament?"

Ci Shuang was so angry that he didn't want to pay attention to him directly and walked around the open space on the island anxiously.

While waiting, Zhujin tempted him to go up the mountain to dig a few low-level fairy grass, all of which were not much better than snowflake grass. Then the fog wind went back to wait for the news. After planting fairy grass, Zhu Hui lay flat in the seal and slept. When Tang Xiaotang came to ask him to have lunch after class, he had completely resigned. The matter of frost has been forgotten in Java.

That night, Cishuang was fruitless, so he had to squat at the crossroads and wait for Tang Xiaotang like a husband stone, trying to borrow Si Nan.

"Teacher, you are too much. Why don't you tell me if this happens!" Tang Xiaotang was stopped on the way to self-study at night. After listening to the reason, she asked angrily.

Zhujin clearly made a loss and didn't admit it: "This is not a big deal. The child runs away from home in anger and will naturally come back in a few days. Now it's just a waste of money to worry. The more you worry about him, the happier he will be!"

Ci Shuang was so angry that his face turned pale. He clenched his fist and looked like he wanted to rush up and beat him. Tang Xiaotang wisely stopped between the two: "Don't be impulsive. Now is not the time to fight. Find the person first." Then he abducted Zhujin and asked him to take Sinan.

Zhujin handed Si Nan with a stinky face. Tang Xiaotang was about to take it over when he heard Ci Shuang say, "Let me do it, okay?"

Tang Xiaotang was quite surprised: "Do you want to come by yourself? Everyone can only ask one question in their life. You have to think clearly.

Ci Shuang nodded deeply, and Tang Xiaotang withdrew his hand and asked him to ask Si Nan by himself.

They stand on the shaded path by the north gate. Occasionally, students who ride bicycles pass by and never look at them. It is a very quiet corner. Cishuang's eyebrows were still twisted into twists, his eyes closed, and he held Si Nan motionless for a long time.

Zhujin whispered in Tang Xiaotang's ear, "Do you think his expression is going to be be beheaded?"

Tang Xiaotang rolled his eyes helplessly: "Teacher, can you feel a little nervous? Ao Ye may really be in danger."

After a while, Ci Shuang opened his eyes, stuffed Si Nan back without saying a word, and silently turned around and left. Tang Xiaotang was puzzled: "Oh, what's the result? Have you found it? Where is he?"

Ci Shuang turned his back to them, and his back seemed to be a little hunch, and his voice was muffled: "Si Nan said that I know where he is and doesn't need his guidance." Then he walked away heavily without waiting for Tang Xiaotang to ask.

"...What, why does it sound similar to Miss Yan Ru's situation at that time?" Tang Xiaotang muttered dissatisfiedly.

"So I said that the little white dragon just ran away from home." Zhujin still insists on his opinion.

Is it really just like this? Tang Xiaotang always felt that he didn't believe it, but he couldn't find a basis for rebuttal, so he had to ask Si Nan by himself.

Si Nan said, "Not to mention whether he ran away from home or was kidnapped for the time being. That dream clearly knew where the little white dragon was, but he refused to admit it and did not look for it. He had to work so hard to find people everywhere and wasted a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's really pedantic."

Tang Xiaotang seemed to understand. Zhujin asked alertly, "I said, girl, you don't have to mind your own business, do you? It was agreed to go to Daze this weekend. Don't do anything else.

"No, since General Cishuang knows where Xiao Bailong is, he will still go to find him sooner or later. I'm just a little worried." Tang Xiaotang said heartily.

In a month, the forest outside the yard has basically grown. Zhujin wanted to make furniture by herself, but she was afraid that the tiger would not become a dog. After wasting wood, she would be laughed at by Tang Xiaotang. She decided to entrust it to the mocking wind after arriving at Daze, so she was particularly looking forward to Daze's trip and didn't want to delay for a second. .

Looking at Tang Xiaotang's wandering appearance, she knew with her heels that she must not help but want to stir it in. Zhu Jin weighed it in her heart for a long time and finally said in pain, "Well, look like that. You're going to grow hair for a day regardless of nothing. You can go if you want to go before it's dark now."

"Yeah! Teacher, you are so kind!" Tang Xiaotang was in full bloom and came over and kissed him in the face.

Zhujin was stunned by the kiss. Before she could react, Tang Xiaotang had already shuttled to the East China Sea with time and space.

"... Shit!" The anger finally turned into a sad complaint.

When they arrived in the South China Sea, as Cishuang said, the prince's uncle and the dragon king Aorun had become water and fire, holding each other's weaknesses in their hands, staring at each other, and no one dared to move a little. Ci Shuang ran for another day, and his whole body looked extremely haggard, with a string of blisters on his lips, and he was seriously inflamed.

Tang Xiaotang did not go to see the Dragon King and the Dragon Concubine, nor did he ask the prince's uncle. Since Si Nan said that Si Shuang knew the whereabouts of Ao Ye, the only breakthrough to break the deadlock could only be on him.

However, whether Tang Xiaotang came straight to the point or knocked sideways and used all his strength, Ci Shuang just refused to reveal half a word. He was forced to simply not even say any rebuttal. He sat on the jade steps in front of the gate of the Dragon Palace and was terribly silent.

"Kid, you think clearly," Zhu Jinbai wasted time here. As soon as she opened her mouth, it was a threatening word. "Originally, this was about your Dragon Palace, and I don't care about it, but now the girl has tried her best to persuade you for a long time. You just don't want to say it. It's the master's apprentice who is easy to bully, right?"

Cishuang is still like a stuffy gourd, motionless.

Zhujin's five fingers were bent and his joints clicked. Tang Xiaotang's scalp was numb in an instant: "Teacher, what are you going to do?"

"Let's go, if he doesn't say anything, naturally someone will say, let's ask another person," Zhujin's eyes flashed with a fighting light. "When we find the person back, if the Dragon King doesn't beat you, I will do it myself."

Tang Xiaotang couldn't touch his head at all, and was shouted by Zhujin and strode into the Dragon Palace.