
203, the doom of the country of clouds

The Kingdom of Chaoyun is not far away, about eight thousand miles away from Daze, but Fortunately, it is close to Sansi Kingdom. The two are only separated by a Liusha River. Sansi Kingdom is in the northwest and Chaoyun Kingdom is in the southeast.

Tang Xiaotang asked Xiyan to take care of Huang Qihui, and then dragged Zhu Jin on the road.

This flowing sand river is not the one in Journey to the West, but a real "flowing sand" river. The river is dozens of feet wide, and the riverbed is covered with yellow sand as fine as salt. It is usually motionless. Once it rains, it will become the appearance of flowing sand. **, which is very spectacular.

When they came to the river, it happened to rain.

The autumn rain is like gauze, covering the fields, and the yellow sand is rolling eastward. The route may be straight or curved, and even spiraling. Looking down from the sky, the color is deep and light, and the lines are changing rapidly as if they are spiritual, like a super-long picture scroll, winding on the ground.

"It's so beautiful!" Tang Xiaotang tilted her head and clamped the umbrella between her ears and shoulders. She adjusted the angle of her mobile phone with both hands and tried to pat her in various ways, "Go a little further."

Zhujin flew in mid-air with her, and she couldn't open her eyes because of the heavy rain. She said impatiently, "You move faster. Are we here to do business?"

Tang Xiaotang took a few more pictures before reluctantly put away his mobile phone: "What a rare beautiful scenery. It's done. Let's go."

The two flew to the other side of the river. Tang Xiaotang climbed down to the ground. Zhu Jin shook the water on her body, sneezed, and her nose flowed out. Tang Xiaotang laughed and drew a tissue to wipe it for him, saying, "You sneeze like the husky I saw on Weibo."

"What! Do you dare to compare me to a dog?" Zhujin waved her paw, "Oh!" Unfortunately, he was cursed and rebounded again, and his hair stood up all over his body.

One person and a fox were fighting, and a city gate not far away suddenly opened. More than a dozen soldiers in armor ran out boastfully. Four of them pushed the cart, which was covered with straw mats, and they didn't know what they were carrying.

Zhu Jin turned back to human, blew his nose fiercely, and then kneaded the paper towel into a ball and threw it into the sand river. In an instant, a large amount of mud and sand rolled away the paper ball.

"Don't litter and pollute the environment." Tang Xiaotang pushed him towards the city gate.

"Wait! Look over there." Zhujin was staggered by her and her eyes fell on those cars.

The soldiers carefully surrounded the cart and blocked his sight, but they could still be seen removing the straw mat. As soon as the cart was lifted, the things on it slipped into the sand river and were swallowed up in an instant.

Although it was only for a moment, Zhu Jin still saw what they threw into the river.

"Teacher? What's wrong?" When Tang Xiaotang turned around, there were only four overhead cars left, and she didn't see anything.

"It's okay," Zhujin said perfunctorily, and then immediately changed his words, "No, wait, let's see what they are going to do next."

Tang Xiaotang looked back at the soldiers blankly.

After they poured things out, they still didn't mean to leave. The heavy rain interfered with their sight. Tang Xiaotang's eyes hurt when they saw it, so she asked, "What's wrong with them? Is there a problem?"

The soldiers gathered together and didn't know what to say. Some people waved their arms violently and seemed to quarrel. So far away, she could only hear some "...impossible!" ...Wife and child!" ...There is still a way!" Such a few words are getting more and more confused.

Zhu Jin looked solemn, his lips squeezed into a word, and stared there motionlessly.

After a while, one of the people in the group shouted, "Enough! Think about your family. If we don't do this, they will die!"

Even Tang Xiaotang heard this sound and unconsciously opened his eyes: "What are they talking about? Teacher, can you hear it clearly?" Zhujin did not answer and continued to look at them intently.

The soldiers finally calmed down. Some people covered their faces with their hands, and the rest also lowered their heads, which seemed to be very painful.

The man who just shouted went to the river bank, closed his eyes and jumped into the flowing sand.

"Ah!" Tang Xiaotang was so scared that he screamed, and the man was going to die! A gust of wind blew around him, and in the blink of an eye, Zhujin had already raised the man's arm and took him to the shore.

"Captain!" Captain, are you all right?" The group of soldiers were frightened by this scene and gathered around and asked with concern. Tang Xiaotang also rushed over: "What the hell is going on? Why did you commit suicide?"

The man who was rescued was also dressed as a soldier, with a beard. He looked like he was in his 40s. The mud and sand was very embarrassed. His face could not tell whether it was rain or tears. Only his voice was very sad: "Why did you save me!" If I don't die, my wife and children will die!"

Zhujin coldly crossed his arm: "If you really want to die, you won't raise your hand."

The soldier sobbed, covered his face and cried loudly. The other people around him also looked painful, either twitching, or crying silently, making Tang Xiaotang at a loss: "What the hell is going on? Don't cry yet, you...what the hell are you..."

The youngest of the soldiers looked only in their teens and said, "We all have to die... We don't die, and Your Majesty will not let go of our families."

"Your Majesty?" Tang Xiaotang was even more surprised, "Does Your Majesty mean the emperor?"

All the soldiers lowered their heads to wipe their tears and did not answer. Zhujin lost her patience and shouted angrily, "Have you cried enough? It's still a man, it's all rest! Tell me exactly what's going on! Who are the four bodies you dumped into the river?

The captain with a beard was the first to stop crying and asked while wiping his face, "Who are you?"

Before Tang Xiaotang said anything, Zhu Jin rushed to answer, "We are the envoys sent by Lord Daze Shaohao. If you have any grievances, you can say it. Lord Shaohao will make the decision for you."

As soon as the group heard it, they all looked happy: "Really? Great! Saved, saved! Finally, someone came to save us!"

Zhujin looked at them gloomyly with her arms. She immediately stopped the cheers of others and said tentatively, "It's a long story. Why don't we talk about it in another place?" It was raining heavily, and standing by the river was really not suitable for a long talk. Zhujin nodded and agreed. He immediately led the way to the front and led everyone to a teahouse in the city to sit down.

"Where does this start? Let's start with the Qinglong coup more than a hundred years ago.

He attentively filled Zhu and Tang Xiaotang with hot tea, then licked his lips and told the story: "Lord Emperor Yu has ruled the country of Chaoyun for 4,000 years. Our ancestors have lived here, and they all know that he is a good monarch who is diligent and loves the people, and everything he does is for the good of the people. However, if you want most people to live a good life, you have to sacrifice a small number of people, right? Lord Diyu has been fighting between the poor and the rich. In the past thousand years, the contradictions between him and dignitaries and rich businessmen have intensified. Finally, when my grandfather was still young, there was a Qinglong coup in the country of Chaoyun.

"When I was a child, I heard from my grandfather that Lord Diyu suddenly decided to implement a new policy, prohibiting private usury, prohibiting the private sale of salt and iron, and prohibiting the sale of children and daughters. Of course, we ordinary people shouted for good, but those rich people strongly opposed it. They gathered up and cut it. Shanglu forced Lord Diyu to abolish the new policy. Lord Diyu had no choice but to compromise temporarily. Unexpectedly, a thousand-year-old flood occurred in the country of Chaoyun.

"Those landlords and businessmen suffered losses in the new policy. As soon as they saw the opportunity to make a fortune, they all made money crazily like red eyes, and a bucket of rice was enough to buy five cents of silver! In addition, they also made usury and forced the poor to take their wives and daughters to pay off their debts before they came out. After the flood receded, nearly half of the people in the country of Chaoyun died, only 20% drowned, and the rest starved to death!"

"Lord Diyu decided to open a new policy in order to restore people's livelihood, but in the past, the treasury could no longer provide money and food to implement the new policy. The rich no longer supported Lord Diyu. They all closed the door and cried poor. The poor saw no hope and thought that this new policy was just a cover, so they raised the anti-flag and wanted to push The rule of Lord Fandi.

When Tang Xiaotang heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised: "How can they do this? Lord Diyu has worked hard for thousands of years, and you all turned your back on him just because of one failure. What is this!"

An soldier smiled bitterly and said, "The girl hasn't suffered at first glance. Let me tell you, it's not that our ancestors were ungrateful, but that we really can't live on that day. If you don't rebel, you will only starve to death. Any benevolence, morality and etiquette are worthless."

Tang Xiaotang was still anger in his heart. Zhujin said, "The people also have the suffering of the people. Don't stop and listen to them continue."

Then the beard said, "In order to quell the rebellion, Lord Diyu personally went to the rich merchants in Wangdu to borrow food and was even rejected. In the end, in anger, he washed the king's capital with blood and killed all the rich merchants who did not want to borrow grain."

"You deserve it!" Tang Xiaotang cursed.

He laughed: "The girl is really straight. Yes, those rich businessmen are indeed happy when they died. Lord Diyu confiscated their property and distributed them to the people, which soon put down the rebellion. Rich businessmen everywhere were afraid of the sharp sword in his hand and had to suppress their dissatisfaction and obediently hand over the money and food in their hands. However, Lord Diyu's behavior was very contrary to heaven. After the rich people who died under his sword, they held a grudge and kept buying assassins into the palace. The generals in the court resigned for fear of becoming ghosts under the knife in the future. Lord Diyu had only ordinary soldiers like us who met assassins almost every day. If the attack were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have died at the hands of the assassin.

"Since then, Lord Diyu has never had a smile on his face."

Zhu Jin squeaked her mouth and said, "You have been talking about it for a long time, but you still haven't told us what happened to the bodies you poured into the Liusha River."

The beard was silent for a moment, and a soldier beside him whispered, "That's the maid of honor who was bitten to death by your majesty."

The two gasped at the same time, and Tang Xiaotang almost thought he had heard it wrong: "You said...bitten to death? It's not killed, killed, accidentally injured, but bitten to death?

sighed and nodded: "We also know that no one will believe this. To be honest, we are all bodyguards in the palace today. When we passed by the garden, we accidentally witnessed the scene of Lord Diyu biting the close maid to death, although we have vowed not to do it. Tell others, but thinking that the palace guards have disappeared one after another over the years, they also know that they can't be spared, so they want to protect their families with death.

When he said this, Tang Xiaotang felt even more strange: "Diyu is a human being, not a beast. How can he bite people to death? If he goes crazy, how can you escape unharmed?

The youngest soldier said, "Your Majesty is not crazy. He is very sober, which is more terrible because he is sober."

Zhujin asked, "How do you know he is sober?"

The soldier replied, "Your Majesty was stunned when he saw us, and then let go of the body in his hand. He ordered us to dispose of the body as if nothing had happened, and did not warn or threaten us not to say it. If we hadn't witnessed him biting the maid's neck, we wouldn't have believed him at all. Killed."

Zhujin nodded silently, and Tang Xiaotang touched his arm: "Teacher, what do you think? Is Lord Diyu crazy or sober?"

"Crazy people are often the most sober," Zhujin replied calmly, then put down the tea bowl and got up, "Let's go and see the emperor."