Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 46: It's terrible to be uneducated

I don't know how to enjoy the delicious food, but my mind has turned to where it is.

Time passed quickly. Several hours had passed since Liu Feixue left, and they waved their hands to feel the strength of their bodies. Just now, when Liu Feixue was still alive, she didn't even investigate her own situation, so she took advantage of this time to feel her magic.

"Ha ha, as I expected, the Li family helped themselves again in a few days."

"The upper level of generals." After feeling the power of the upper level, although it has only been upgraded to the next level, it has taken another step away from my goal.

After eating and drinking enough, his body has returned to normal, so there is no need for Yun Feiyang to continue to recuperate. Looking at the whole room full of things that girls have, Yun Feiyang originally wanted to tell Liu Feixue about changing rooms, but when he thought that Liu Yuquan didn't mention it when she left, Yun Feiyang still didn't go to find this mold.

"Now that my strength has just improved, it is useless to practice hard. Let's make up for my knowledge of the Elvina continent." Seeing that there were some books all over the room, Yun Feiyang remembered that he was determined to learn the knowledge of Elvina mainland because of Qin Yun, so he acted immediately.

I walked past and came to the bookshelf first. Looking at each book, it was a little old. Maybe it was a book from a long time ago. It can be seen that there is no dust on it, and it can be seen that the owner of the house is also a person who often reads books.

Pick up a book casually, and the cover is also very old-fashioned.

The three simple words of God of War List seem to have magic, which seems simple but extremely deep.

Like dragon flying and phoenix dancing, the brushwork is profound, and Yun Feiyang doesn't need to think much about it to know that this must be a strong man's calligraphy and painting. After looking at it for a quarter of an hour, Yun Feiyang woke up as if there was still a seal of the author's soul.

"This is the God of War List, which records the roster of the strong in the continent of Elvina!" Yun Feiyang's hands trembled slightly. Although he is not a real mainlander of Elvina, Yun Feiyang, who has lived for several years, is still a warrior. It can be imagined that there is still awe of the strong, especially the strong man who stands up to the sky.

Slowly opened the first page, and the two people of "Sky List" came into view. When Yun Feiyang was eager to see who the strong man on the mainland was, he was at a loss.

There is no name under the two words "Sky List." This is impossible! Is it the problem of this book? Yun Feiyang took a closer look and found that the book was a little incomplete, but it was not a complete God of War List!

Urgently wanted to prove his ideas, Yun Feiyang did not look closely, but just turned over. To Yun Feiyang's disappointment, every page is blank and there is no handwriting.

turned to the last page with disappointment.


"Long Xiangtian, Fang Wulin, Xie Kun, worry-free, worry-free..." Yun Feiyang looked down quickly and saw that there were only a few names left after tens of thousands of people.

"Qin Yun, the clouds are flying."

"Haha" Yun Feiyang actually saw his name on it and thought back, "There is no mistake. Qin Yun's name may still be understood on it. One day he heard Bai Lao say this. Then your name is not so fast on it!"

In order to verify it, Yun Feiyang looked at it carefully again. Huangtian lived up to his expectations. Finally, Yun Feiyang saw the date of the landing in the small characters below, Ervina Continental Calendar 2012/2/16.

"I fell! It turned out to be a few days ago. What made such an old book to coax people!" Yun Feiyang finally understood why his name was on it, so he looked back at his name. With tens of thousands of names, he was the last one.

"I didn't expect to get the first place as soon as I got on the list. It's really good!" Yun Feiyang said depressedly, "This should be the list of people!" This book is so broken that it doesn't even have a title. It's really..."

Previously, Yun Feiyang heard Qin Yun talk about the list. The list did not mean whether the strength was the highest, but that his strength improved quickly before the age of 25 and the promising fighters were recorded on it.

And the time of my appearance is ready to be on the list a few days before the God of War list is to be updated. Generally, the God of War list is updated once a month. The people on the list are not strong, but there are also powerful people, and they have challenged the people on the list.

The number of people on the list is very large, reaching tens of thousands, but the number of people on the list is very few. I heard that there are only 100, and this news is only heard from Qin Yun. Yunfeiyang doesn't understand the specifics, and Qin Yun doesn't know much about this.

And the people on the land list are all strong people, and only those on the land list can run rampant on the mainland! That is, when the lord of a country sees them, they are all equal!

This is what fighters dream of, and they can be on the list!

"And Tianbang, but I haven't heard of it..." Qin Yun said at that time.

"Land list..." Yun Feiyang muttered that he was extremely excited, but now he completely calmed down. According to his speculation, his parents must not be simple people, so Yun Feiyang wants to find out some clues from the "Land List" in the God of War List to see if there are people with the same surname as him, so it is easy to find them in the future.

Just now, it was completely like the excitement of a child to see his parents, but at this time, it was completely quiet like the Dead Sea.

No trace of his parents was found. Yun Feiyang was just depressed and calmed down. He didn't think it would be easy to find his parents now. But Yun Feiyang is confident that he will find his parents.

As long as your parents are not unknown, there will be traces of your parents when you go to the whole Elvina continent, so you can find them.

So there is no need to worry at all now, and the most urgent thing is to improve your strength. Parents are at least strong on the list. Yun Feiyang has this feeling in his heart, which is his trust in his parents as a child.

And parents are the strong on the list, so what is the power that has no strength to compete with? Then I don't dare to find the traces of my parents now. Everything should be based on improving my strength, and at least my strength must be on the "Land List" to have the strength to find out where my parents are.

and Liu Feixue...

Yun Feiyang's mind turned to Liu Feixue's fairy-like person. Although she only stayed for a few minutes, her shadow firmly rooted and sprouted in her mind, from a small sapling to a big tree that coexists forever.

Being with her seemed to be my wish, and my whole heart calmed down. At first, Yun Feiyang thought that Liu Feixue had done something to himself, but after observing for so long, Yun Feiyang had to give up such a stupid idea. Because she was embarrassed that the fairy-like Liu Feixue could have such an idea, because at that time, she seemed to see through what she was thinking, as if she was like a meteor in her mind.

From seeing the meteor to Liu Feixue, my mind was completely grasped, making me feel as if I had a dream that was so unreal. Let yourself think that you are really dead, these clips only remain in your mind.

But for such a long time, let yourself know that this is not a dream, not, but real.

Next, Yun Feiyang was thinking about what he had to do with Liu Feixue, but he had no way of knowing it at all. He thought that his head was about to rise, and he had the impulse to chase him out and ask to the end. However, Liu Feixue looked back at Qiushui and the information she could get from it was that "it's not the right time" and stopped the impulse.

So, Liu Feixue at least knows what her relationship is, but now she doesn't let herself ask. After all, your strength is not enough. If your strength is strong enough, there must be no power to stop it...

Yun Feiyang was brought to the sky by the thought of God of War List...