Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 52: Mercenary Union (continued 3)

The upgrading of the trade union is no longer in the consideration of Yun Feiyang. As long as the union can be established, it is the only thing Yun Feiyang can do for the King of Fighters at this stage of strength. Therefore, these data are too lazy to remember. They are lazy. Where they can't be lazy, they should be more diligent than others, but they must not be let go where they can be lazy.

"And now there are no more than 100 S-level unions in the whole mainland, and the more famous is the top ten unions in the mainland, which are the closest to the past for more than 60 years.

Light, darkness, wind, fire, water and earth, but there is only light and no union. When talking about this, Lu Xiaodie was also a little sad. Her two sisters were also light attributes, but they didn't want to join some small unions. They always dreamed of having a light attribute warriors to lead. After that, it will no longer be despised by other attribute warriors, because of the decline of light attributes, light attribute warriors will also be despised by other elemental warriors.

Unconsciously, I have come to the gate of the mercenary union. Standing in front of the gate, the flow of people is also a little dense. After letting everyone, Yun Feiyang gently walked in with his sisters.

"There will be in the future!" Yun Feiyang felt Lu Xiaodie's depression and touched her head. Her tone was very light, but people dared not ignore it.

Don't understand Yun Feiyang's words, Lu Xiaodie looked at the boy who was half a head taller than himself and could guarantee himself. After passing the lobby, many people looked at Yun Feiyang, because it was rare for two women to be next to Yun Feiyang. Moreover, some people also greeted the two sisters. It seems that Lu Xiaodie and Lu Xiaoyan are still very popular.

The lobby of the mercenary union is still quite spacious, as big as a courtyard, which can accommodate at least thousands of people at the same time without looking crowded. There is no need to doubt the strength of the mercenary union, even if it is more generous in the city of heaven, so it can be seen from here that the strength of the mercenary union is extremely strong.

Originally, he wanted the two sisters to rest on the empty table, but Yun Feiyang had caught a glimpse of the uncle who was stunned by him leading a group of people in, so Yun Feiyang had nothing more to say. Directly pull the two sisters forward, and there is a bar in front of which there is a bar that looks like a bar, and several people are busy. It seems that the mercenary union is also quite good at business, and the bar pub has come to its own.

In the corner of the bar, there is a window that looks like a window, where an old man is doing nothing and tasting ale.

The two temples are white, and the hair like weeds is also pale, but the wrinkled face looks a little ruddy. I don't know if it is caused by drinking or its own strength. The most important thing is that the bright eyes let Yun Feiyang know that this old man is not simple.

"Grandpa Hu is the person who accepts registered mercenaries and form unions by the mercenary union, and he is also in charge of helping people release tasks and helping mercenaries and trade unions take over tasks."

"Grandpa Hu loves us very much!" This sentence was interrupted by Lu Xiaoyan and let Yun Feiyang know that this old man should not be a fierce person.

When he came to the window, Mr. Hu, who had looked like an alcoholic, also noticed the arrival of someone, and a ray of light from the corners of his eyes did not escape the perception of flying clouds.

"It turned out to be Xiaodie and Xiaoyan. Are you two here to take the task or hand in the task?" Seeing the two sisters, Lu Xiaodie and Lu Xiaoyan, the old man looked very happy and ignored Yun Feiyang.

"Grandpa Hu, how dare we take on the task now? It's Brother Feiyang who wants to register as a mercenary, and we are coming with him." Lu Xiaoyan's mouth is very sweet, and it seems that she also loves this old man very much.

Brother Feiyang is very intimate. The old man heard that Lu Xiaoyan actually called Yun Feiyang his brother. Knowing Lu Xiaoyan's character and family, the old man looked at Yun Feiyang like a liar.

Yun Feiyang knew that the old man loved the Lu Xiaodie sisters very much, and he was not annoyed by the old man's view of Yun Feiyang, and there was no announcement.

"No, Grandpa Hu. It was the people of the First Legion of the Wild Wolf Union who chased me just now and beat them away. Lu Xiaodie understood the meaning of the old man's behavior and said it quickly.

"Yes, yes, Grandpa Hu, those are very hateful. Brother Feiyang will help us, otherwise we will suffer again!" The little head was crazy, and Lu Xiaoyan exaggerated the facts for the performance.

Knowing the reason of the matter, the old man looked at Yun Feiyang suspiciously and finally became friendly. "Thank you very much, my little friend, otherwise the two girl will suffer again."

"No, no. It's what I should do to help Xiaodie Xiaoyan.

"Ye�, the character is very good. You are here to register mercenaries. Well, it was free to register mercenaries, but you have to pay a silver coin for the mercenary badge, so I will waive your silver coin.

If you don't mind, you can just call Xiaodie and the old man Grandpa Hu. And if you want to register a mercenary, you need to fill in some information. Come here and have a look. If there is no problem, just fill it in according to the information. If you don't understand, just ask me.

"Thank you, Grandpa Hu." Yun Feiyang hurried forward to look at the form, which is to fill in the name, age, nationality and so on.

It was done after a few times and handed it to the old man.

"Name: Yun Feiyang

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Nationality: Kingdom of Heaven

Attribute: Light

The old man read out the information filled in by Yun Feiyang and looked at Yun Feiyang. He did not see any difference in his performance. Then he picked up a badge and injected it into it through an instrument on a special table. Then, he handed it to Yun Feiyang.

Look at the badge made of metal blocks, its shape is similar to an oval, but it is not, because the corners are somewhat like stairs. In the middle is a person, but the form is vague and it is not clear who it is.

"You have to collect this, because you have to use this mercenary badge to hand over the task, and the badge has many functions, such as saving money and withdrawing money. It's very convenient. If the task is a bonus reward, it will be directly injected into your badge. If you want to get the money, you can go to the bank to get it. If it's not yourself, you won't get it. And in some places where identity needs to be confirmed, the badge is also OK, which can be said to be a symbol of your identity. After the old man handed it over to Yun Feiyang, he instructed the wonderful use of Yun Feiyang's badge.

It turned out to be used like this. It seems that there are still many badges obtained by registered mercenaries! No wonder you have to carry tens of thousands of yuan when you go to the auction. It's really convenient to use this. When Yun Feiyang saw a mercenary badge that was like a bank card, no, better than a bank card, he liked it very much.

"Also, what did the union establish?" Yun Feiyang has not forgotten the main purpose of coming to the mercenary union today.

Establish a union? Do you want to establish a union? The old man looked at Yun Feiyang suspiciously. At the age of 15, he had reached the level of general, which was already very good. However, the upper level of war generals are not warriors who have not established trade unions, but they are not as young as clouds, and their attributes are still light attributes.

"Yes, I want to establish a union." Although the words are plain, they have indelible persistence.

Hearing Yun Feiyang's confirmation, the old man no longer hesitated and continued to take out a form for Yun Feiyang to fill in, "It takes 50 gold coins to establish a union. The old man, I don't have that much right to let you free."

"Thank you, Grandpa Hu."

"Brother Feiyang wants to establish a union!" Lu Xiaoyan was so shocked that she opened her sexy mouth, and even the lady's appearance was completely gone. Lu Xiaodie was also surprised. She was surprised and happy to hear that Yun Feiyang was also a light attribute like them.

Is what Feiyang said in the future that there will be now? Lu Xiaodie finally remembered what Yun Feiyang had just said, although the president at this time was only created by a 15-year-old boy, and he was only a warrior at the rank of general. But this boy is flying, so Lu Xiaodie believes that this guild will definitely bloom its brightest side on the mainland in the future!