Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 86: Legend

It turned out that Lulin Town was originally called Longpan Town. It is said that in ancient times, a green dragon fell from the sky and turned into a Hengtian Mountains, and the dragon head was the mountain behind the town. Therefore, the town was named Longpan Town.

About a hundred years ago, a golden python came from nowhere, with its head like a basket and its eyes like lanterns, tens of feet long and covered with golden scales.

It is located in the green peaks more than ten miles away from Longpan Town, bathing and playing in the stream all day long.

It is harmless to humans and animals for a while.

I don't know, for some reason, the golden python, which was originally good in Qingfengjian, suddenly became crazy and began to attack humans and animals.

For a while, the whole dragon town was shrouded in fear. At first, the golden python seemed to have some scruples, just attacking people and animals around the green peak, so people did not go there.

But later, the golden python actually came out of the stream.

Hidden in the mountains and forests, he began to attack the people in Longpan Town unscrupulously.

During this period, the government also organized a hunt, but what people didn't expect was that ordinary knives and guns could not hurt it at all. The giant python swallowed up dozens of people in a moment.

After this hunt, it seemed to anger the golden python. Every half a month, it rushed into the town and devoured it as soon as it saw the living thing.

In order to avoid the attack of pythons, the villagers in the town began to flee in large numbers. In a few months, more than 70% of the people in the town, including those who were swallowed up by pythons.

Seeing that the Longpan Town was about to disappear, one day, a middle-aged Taoist priest with a pocket around his waist came to Longpan Town, which seemed to be specially for this python.

The Taoist priest asked several villagers in the town for some information about the python, and then went to Qingfengjian alone.

Some bold people in the town followed far away.

Half a day after entering the stream, the Taoist priest came out of the stream empty-handed.

It turned out that the Taoist priest did not find the python in the stream, and he didn't know whether the python happened to be there, or he escaped in order to avoid the Taoist priest.

After returning to the town, the Taoist priest took out a golden ball from his pocket and said that it was an egg laid by a python.

With this python egg, you can attract the python, and then set up an ambush to kill the python.

After that, the Taoist priest asked the townspeople to find a hidden place to hide, and then come out three days later. However, the Taoist priest took the golden egg to the red mud plain to wait for the python.

Three days later, the villagers in the town came out and saw nothing abnormal in the town. After another three days of uneasiness, nothing unusual happened in the town.

Some people began to worry about the safety of the Taoist priest, and they boldly ran to the red mud plain to look for it.

Only a large area of messy weeds and traces of fighting were found. Since then, the man has never appeared again, and the python has disappeared as a result.

In order to commemorate the righteous deeds of the Taoist, Longpan Town has been renamed Green Forest Town since then, and pine trees and maple trees have been planted throughout the town...

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, some people in the crowd were puzzled:

"So, the old mayor doesn't seem to have experienced that python. How can he know that the golden ball on the ground is a python egg?"

"Cough...cough..., the python disaster has been around for more than 120 years. Those who have experienced the disaster in person are no longer alive. I also heard from my father, who was one of the people who followed the Taoist and watched the python eggs."

"Is it the egg of the golden python? Ask the little girl where it came from."

The fat businessman said.

The little girl heard the fat man talking like this, and before anyone asked her, she hurriedly said:

"I found this ball by collecting wild bacteria on the black mud plain!"

While discussing with everyone, Yun Feiyang suddenly felt a fishy smell in the air, which was disgusting.

After the transformation of the body, the five senses are several times more ** than those of ordinary people, enough to feel things that ordinary people can't feel.

With a keen feeling, Yun Feiyang began to follow the smell to find the source of this fishy smell.

The dense crowd around emitted a dirty smell of sweat, and there was no trace of fishy air.

"There is nothing abnormal around, is it..."

Yun Feiyang's heart was full of excitement. He looked up to the sky, but this look made Yun Feiyang take a breath of cold air.

I saw a thick thing hanging on the small mountain peak standing in Tongmingfang, squirming, and the surface is covered with blue and purple patterns.

Suddenly, on the roof of the palace building next to the city, a basket-sized thing slowly rose, and two lantern-sized green light appeared on the thing, as if it were inlaid on it.

Yun Feiyang's surprised eyes are facing the two green lights.

The green light flashed a few times and then stopped moving, as if he was staring at Yun Feiyang.

"Is it the legendary python?"

The uncertain Yun Feiyang compared the thing in front of him with the python. In addition to the different colors, the thing in front of him is similar to the golden python in appearance.

However, the long tail of the python was coiled on the mountainside, staring at a pair of lantern-like green eyes, a scarlet letter with a thin arm swallowed, and a fishy smell spread in the air.

At this time, more than half of the body of the python has protrude out from afar, crossed the palace tower, and is trying to explore the city. As the python approaches, the fishy air in the air becomes stronger and stronger.

The people in the city seemed to be still on the golden ball, and they did not feel the fishy air at all, and no one found the python that had quietly approached.

When has Yun Feiyang seen such a huge strange python? He only felt that if the giant python was wrapped around his body hard, it would be estimated that the small mountainside would also be strangled.

The python waved his head and stared at the golden ball on the ground. Suddenly, the python's slender neck shrank, and its head slowly raised up, putting on a stand that wanted to attack.

A big mouth slowly opened, and suddenly, a fishy smell several times stronger than before swept towards the square.

The people in the square also seemed to smell the fishy smell in the air, and the crowd began to get a little **.

At this time, the python gave a strange cry, and then the tail wrapped around the mountainside patted the mountain wall fiercely.

In a loud noise, the giant python rose into the air with the power of a backlash and rushed straight to the old town chief.

Countless mountains and stones fell from the mountain, and many fell on the python, but did not hinder the action of the giant python at all. Many rocks rolled into the square, and several people immediately died.

panicked suddenly, and the crowd dispersed and screamed repeatedly. In the panic, they trampled on each other and suffered countless casualties.

The crowd dispersed to the empty places around, and the clouds in the center flew, and naturally they were not affected.

Several people in the central position also woke up at this time, but seeing that this huge thing was coming in an instant, they didn't know how to deal with it.

The businessmen shouted "be careful" and just instinctively avoided the side. And the old mayor seemed to be so old that he was a little slow to react. When danger came, he did not know how to avoid the attack of pythons.

And the little girl beside her fell to the ground at this time. She was already pale with fear, her limbs were paralyzed, and her body could not move at all.

" hiss!"

The python in mid-air made another strange roar, which was like a demonstration before the python predation.

With the roar of the python, there was also a smelly heat wave in the air, which was disgusting.

I saw a huge mouth of the python in the air. With a hula, the big head of the giant python quickly rushed to the ground. In one bite, he swallowed the golden ball on the ground together with the old mayor into his mouth. In the click, the big mouth of the python opened.

In just a moment, he swallowed the thing in his mouth into his abdomen, and only a faint protrusion could be seen slowly sliding down from the slender neck of the python.

The series of actions of the python are unusually clean and neat, from the python soaring into the air, screaming strangely to swallowing people, which is just a momentary effort.

It was not until the python swallowed the old mayor that the long body of the python fell from the air, and the huge impact made the python rush forward several feet.

The huge head passed through the little girl's feet, and a green eye on the left was facing the screaming little girl. If the python turns a little further to the left, the little girl is afraid that she has been run over into a pool of blood.

The python fell from the air on the square, stirring up a dust more than ten feet high and flying all over the sky.

Yun Feiyang saw that the dust on the side of the giant python was blood red, and I don't know how many people could not dodge were crushed into mud by the huge python body.