Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 93: Confusion

In the last life, everything in the continent of Elvina seemed to be still in front of us, but now I have come to another world. I don't know why, Yun Feiyang is a little confused. So what are you going to do after you come to this world?

Is the world its own end? Everything is so confused.

Unable to write black and white, the broken memory of a moment, freezing the scenery in front of you. At that time, you often lowered your hair, or stared into the distance, and then patted me on the shoulder. Look, the sea is far away. At that moment, along your fingertips, the moment you look up, the endless sky turned into smoke, the sea, just In front of us, in the last century, the next star, who can keep the past?

Where is the road and where should the road go? In the vicissitudes of life and wandering days, his heart has long been silent. But when he fell into his roots in Elvina, more than 10 years, he had already made him feel at home. However, the sky does not follow people's wishes, and the happy days are not far away, so they are separated from each other.

With his unknown background, the teenager stepped into a world called Jianghu, which was more dangerous than Elvina's death forest. The sinisterness of the human heart is more terrible than a simple beast. However, he still found the long-lost feeling here, the feeling of caring about himself; the person he can care about; and the ideal he deserves in the world.

But before he realized it, the ruthless heaven shred him into pieces, giving him an unreal kind of flower in the moon mirror in the water


Is everything you have just a phantom? A kind of psychology called confusion completely swallowed him up. Everything in the past has become that beautiful bubble. So what's the use of coming to this world?

If Yun Feiyang had the feeling of thousands of years, he would be confused all over his body. He felt scared because his thousands of years of loneliness had made him feel scared. Although he has only lived for more than ten years, he has something that he has not had for thousands of years, family affection, friendship...

But this has gone away from him, so after coming to this world, he felt extremely confused. What should I do when I come here? How should I get there?

All this happened in an instant, and the lake beside Yun Feiyang was already a little hot. One bubble after another.

And thick water vapor also emerged from the top of Yun Feiyang's head, falling into confusion. The heart of the martial artist is unstable, and it is possible to go crazy at any time, and these are the precursors of going crazy.

The meaning of life is like running water, ubiquitous, crossing the time and space of life. It's just that sometimes, we flow past us without being careful. It's just that when we find it, we can't find her trace, and she may flow to another river or another ocean. So, look at the "river" and sigh or look at the "yang" and sigh. However, such a traceless meaning of life made me find that the meaning of life has long been around me. It's just that I never think so. If the flow is far away, I will still make mistakes to the end and don't believe that love has come. Maybe I drank the drop of nectar evaporated by the sun, but in the end it was just a drop of nectar. Of course, the moist life is a sunny day. In those days, the beginning is the beginning, the end is the end, and the process is memory. Memories can only recall the meaning of life, such as water, which may leave traces or no trace.

To love life is to have hope. The most difficult and happiest thing is to love this life when you suffer and innocent pain.

Think of every dawn as the beginning of life and every dusk as the summary of your life.

People who understand the true meaning of life can prolong short life.

The past and the future are the process of comparing the endless and eternal circulation of nature in human life, and there is a continuous vitality in the middle. The line is consistent, inseparable and inextinible.

Waste of life is the greatest tragedy of life.

People who understand life and love life are happy.

A full life is a long life. We should measure life by behavior, not by time.

Although you are in hardship, don't be anxious. Often the fountain of life flows out of the dark.

I would rather die standing than live on my knees.

The flood of human life is rushing, and it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves without encountering islands and reefs.

Life is not a short candle, but a torch that we hold temporarily. We must burn it very brightly and give it to the next generation. Life is like a book. Fools read it casually, and smart people read it carefully. Because he knows that this book can only be read once.

Life is like Yiqi. If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game.

Life is by no means a ugly dream. How much sweat you sprinkle in the field of life, how much you will gain. For hard-working cultivators, life is always lovely.

Between the world of life, if there is a gap between white horse, it's just a sudden.

Life is like a piece of paper, which is described by the pen of life. If you neglect the paper writer, the white paper can only be painted into a pile of messy ink; a serious writer will leave a beautiful article on the white paper.

There is a difficult problem in life, that is how to make an inch of time equal to an inch of life.

Only when people devote themselves to society can they find out the meaning of that short and risky life.

Life is a gem carved by nature for human beings.

Life, as long as you make full use of it, is long-lasting.

Life is not equal to breathing, life is activity.

Life can't be twice, but many people are not good at spending it even once.

The meaning of life is to live a full life, not to live a long life.

Life is everything. Life is God. Everything is changing and moving, and this kind of movement is God. When there is life, there is the joy of sensing gods.

Life is a dangerous narrow valley that only brave people can pass through.

Because of its shortness, life should be transformed into the most magnificent history of human civilization to obtain eternity; only because of its shortness, life should double cherish every moment of youth, so that it emits as much light and heat as possible within the limited lifeline. {[ Csc:pagelist]} If you live, the world will sing, and if you die, the world will cry.

makes a person's limited life more effective, which is equivalent to prolonging a person's life.

Those who give their lives for a great cause will never be forgotten.

I have always maintained the belief that the meaning of life is to give, not to accept, nor to strive for it.

Since we have gone to the world, we have to cherish the value of life. In a sense, life is more difficult than death. Death only requires a moment of courage, but life requires a lifetime of courage.

I always feel that life itself should have a meaning, and we are by no means in vain.

People who love life are by no means losers.

It takes a lifetime to learn how to live.

Sometimes I think how good it would be if people regarded every day of life as the last day of life! This can show the value of life more.

I am willing to repeat my life again. Because I have always regretted the past and am not afraid of the future.

To cherish life, we must cherish today.

The creed of the true saint is to make good use of life and make full use of life.

Respecting life, others and one's own life is an accompaniment in the process of life and a condition of mental health.

Especially at this moment, my life has no direction, and I want to increase the power of life. I want to seize the time quickly to keep the fleeting days; I want to make up for the passing time with the effective use of time. The shorter the rest of my life, the more I want to make it full.

Whether in Elvina or in this world, then I can't give up! Whether it's yourself or friends. I must find a way back, because they are worried about me for themselves and for everyone!

The clouds sitting on the big stone with their eyes closed, with an invisible momentum swinging all over their bodies, and their long hair moved without wind. A sharp light flashed in his eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

"The road is at your feet!"