Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 177: Analysis

"Hmm!" After listening to the Bull Demon King's words, Roger couldn't help snorting coldly, "Is it too much? I don't think so. Do you have to understand that sadomasmanship blocks all the teams here with the help of one person, and what we have to deal with is sadomasochism. If we can't completely ignore other teams, what qualifications do we have to face the abusers?

Hearing Roger's words, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but be shocked. Indeed... For a long time, Yun Feiyang has been able to endure it. If he can't do it, he will not take action. But now when he hears Roger's words, there is also some reason. How can he be qualified to be an opponent of sadistic killing madman?

Thinking about it, Roger continued: "In the past, I was always worried about my own state of cultivation, but... No matter how hard I try, I can't stop my heart, so... I don't force it at all. I just follow my character. Whoever dares to annoy me, I will make him look good, hum!"

After adjusting his breathing, Yun Feiyang praised: "Well said, Roger. In fact, there are many kinds of moods. Your personality is relatively irritable and belongs to the type of fire. In fact, it is also difficult for you to cultivate your mood like water. Your current mood is also very good. You absolutely don't allow anyone to provoke and dare to provoke and offend. Destroy it all!"

"Yes, yes!" Hearing Yun Feiyang's words, Roger laughed excitedly and said, "That's what I mean. I'm not good at holding my breath. I will destroy whoever wants to provoke me. I'm simply happy. No matter what the consequences are, I'm willing to bear it. Even if I die, I won't regret it!"

"Hmm!" Hearing Roger's words, the Bull Demon King couldn't help snorting coldly, "Isn't this guy too messy? You are happy, but do you know how much trouble it will bring to the team?

"This..." Hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, Roger couldn't help but hesitate and his face turned red.

Seeing this scene, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "No, Bull Demon King... Roger is not wrong. It's you who are wrong this time!"

"Hm?" Looking at Yun Feiyang doubtfully, the Bull Demon King said puzzledly, "What! Am I wrong? Is he so random? He will cause us a lot of trouble!"

"Ha..." With a slight smile, Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "The team is everyone's support and shelter from the wind, not everyone's drag. Don't talk about the team. You know, the team is composed of you and me, or... Do you care about the trouble caused by Roger?"

"This..." After thinking for a while, the Bull Demon King's eyes gradually lit up: "I understand! I finally understood that... the real team is like this!"

Looking at the Bull Demon King puzzledly, Roger said doubtfully, "What are you talking about? Why am I still confused?

Looking at Roger with a smile, Yun Feiyang explained, "In fact, the team is just a team of like-minded friends who come together to play their strengths, make up for each other's shortcomings and help each other solve problems!"

Speaking of this, the Bull Demon King looked at Roger apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, Roger, I take back what I just said. No matter what kind of trouble you have caused, I, the Bull Demon King and the whole team must be your strong backing!"

"But..." scratched his head hesitantly, and Roger said puzzledly, "In this way, I will cause a lot of trouble to the team and bring a lot of unnecessary troubles to everyone!"

Looking at Roger with a smile, the Bull Demon King suddenly frowned and said angrily, "by the way, Roger, I have recently offended a guy. This guy is very powerful. I can't beat him. I vowed to kill me and may bring someone to kill him at any time!"

"What!" Hearing the voice of the Bull Demon King, Roger's voice suddenly rose, and his eyes turned blood red in an instant. He gasped, "Where is this rabbit now? After Xiang Yu's business was finished, there was no need for him to come to us. I immediately came to destroy them. ***... Dare to bully my teammates? Is this guy tired of living?

Looking at Roger moved, the Bull Demon King said softly, "This... This is not good. It's embarrassing to cause such a troublesome thing for everyone and bring so many unnecessary troubles to everyone!"

He stared at the Bull Demon King angrily, and Roger said angrily, "What are you talking about!" Is this troublesome? Is this annoyance? What do teammates do? He***... is just a lot of hands when fighting!"

"Puff..." Hearing Roger's vulgar words, the Bull Demon King couldn't help laughing and gave Roger a slight glance. The Bull Demon King continued, "Why don't you ask me why I offended that guy? Maybe... it's my fault!"

"Hm?" Looking at the Bull Demon King doubtfully, Roger said puzzled, "What's wrong with you today? I'm not a judge. I don't care who is right and who is wrong. For me, it's wrong to provoke my teammates. I don't care who is reasonable and who doesn't care!"

"Ha ha..." Looking at Roger with a smile, the Bull Demon King said happily, "Do you understand what a team is now? Ha ha... The team is everyone's reliance, the harbor, not the shackle that drags down everyone's action. This is the necessity of the existence of the team!"

Suddenly opened his mouth, Roger finally understood and looked at the Bull Demon King with a wry smile. Roger shook his head and said, "You girl, even if you want me to understand, you don't have to give such an example, right? I thought someone was really chasing you.

With a playful smile, the Bull Demon King tilted his head and said, "Although there are other ways to make you understand, this method is the most direct and you understand it the most profound!"

When Roger heard the words of the Bull Demon King and wanted to argue a few words, the three of them had turned the corner of the street. The gate appeared not far ahead. Looking around, about one or two hundred people surrounded a tall figure outside the gate. Looking around, there were already corpses outside the gate, and blood was everywhere.

"Quick!" With a sudden roar, the three quickly increased their speed, and in an instant, they crossed a distance of 100 meters and reached the gate.

He suddenly opened his arms and stopped the Bull Demon King and Roger, who tried to rush into the encirclement to join Xiang Yu. Yun Feiyang whispered, "Don't worry, Xiang Yu is not in danger now. Let's take a look at the situation first and find out the situation of the enemy before making a decision. Moreover... We are outside, which is the most reasonable arrangement. We should cooperate outside for a while. Down, break the enemy's encirclement in one fell swoop!"

Hearing Yun Feiyang's words, the Bull Demon King and Roger suddenly calmed down. If they rushed in to meet Xiang Yu, then even fools would know that they were together. Next... they would be besieged like Xiang Yu!

At this moment, the three of them are mixed in the crowd and no one pays attention to them at all. They only regard them as a lively audience. You know... Although Xiang Yu also belongs to the flying business group, once he acts, he does not have any marks. Otherwise, where will the business group come from? Are you qualified to rob?

After exchanging a wink with Xiang Yu in the encirclement, the three climbed up the gate tower and looked down at the whole battlefield. At the same time, Yun Feiyang gestured to signal Xiang Yu to move closer to this side.

The reason why I chose the gate tower is that it is condescending, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and can break the encirclement of the enemy. You know... Although there are two sides of the city wall, one outside and one inside, no one dares to attack from the direction of the city. Fighting is not allowed in the dream city, otherwise you will be wanted by the dream city. There is no doubt that he will die.

Seeing the arrival of his companions, Xiang Yu became more calm. He constantly observed the surrounding forms and judged the comparison of enemy and our combat power. Xiang Yu knew very well that as long as he entered the city, these guys would not dare to continue to besiege. How to enter the gate will be the key to this battle. After all... There are too many enemies here. There is no place to use the terrain, so it's good to get out of trouble.

However, since these guys dare to besiege, Xiang Yu will certainly not run away. Since he dares to come to the door, if Xiang Yu doesn't teach them a good lesson and give them a longer memory, won't it make people think that Xiang Yu is easy to bully!

As he thought about it, Xiang Yu showed a strange smile and held a sword in his right hand. Xiang Yu said provocatively, "Hey! You are fearless. I advise you not to send soldiers to death. Aren't you the Tenth Legion? The regiment leader came out and did two moves with me. What kind of hero is it just to send his men down to die? Aren't you afraid of your subordinates' cold hearts?

Hearing Xiang Yu's provocation, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but smile with appreciation. Although Roger is actually not inferior to Xiang Yu in terms of strength, the gap between the two is too far in terms of wisdom. What Yun Feiyang appreciates most is not a reckless battle like Roger and has no technical content. It has always been a cloud. What Feiyang despises.

According to Yun Feiyang's concept, any battle should cost the least. The greatest success is called victory. If you fight hard, there is nothing to be happy even if you win. What's the difference from Warcraft?

Hearing Xiang Yu's provocation, a low voice in the encirclement sounded: "Domineering knife! You are too naive. Do you think we will give you a chance to fight alone? Let me tell you, it's better to put away your cleverness. Now that we surround you, no one will stupidly fight with you!"

"Cut..." With a sword lazily, Xiang Yu said disdainfully, "Don't be so beautiful. Just say that I can't beat him? I don't believe that you will not come out to fight one-on-one when you eat me one-on-one! Such a good opportunity for Liwei, idiots will not let go!"

"That's right!" As soon as Xiang Yu's words fell, the low voice said decisively, "I admit that if it's one-to-one, I'm not your opponent, but... Although I can't defeat you alone, you're going to die here today!"

"God!" Hearing the other party's answer, the Bull Demon King took a breath of cold air and whispered, "This guy is so smart that he is not provoked by Xiang Yu, and he has resolved his tired psychology. This move is really clever to retreat as progress. In this way, his subordinates will not blame him for sending his brothers to death!"

"Hum!" With a cold hum, Yun Feiyang said disdainfully, "If you think so, you are wrong. Whether you or that guy, although they are smart people, there is no doubt that in terms of wisdom, you are far from Xiang Yu. You don't understand the horror of Xiang Yu at all!"

"Hm?" Looking at Yun Feiyang doubtfully, Roger interrupted, "Captain, I have to say a few words. Did you hold Xiang Yu too high? Didn't he just try to alienate and then fail?

A slightly glance at Roger, Yun Feiyang had the intention to take the opportunity to improve the wisdom of Roger and the Bull Demon King, so he explained carefully, "On the surface, the other party seems to have resolved Xiang Yu's alienation, but in fact, he fell into Xiang Yu's plan!"

Speaking of this, Yun Feiyang paused slightly and looked at Xiang Yu with admiration and said, "Although they are free from the trouble of alienation, at the same time, Xiang Yu successfully planted the invincible image deeply in the mind of everyone in the Ten Corps and in the minds of every spectator. This After the war, no matter whether Xiang Yu wins or loses, his name will rise!"

Hearing Yun Feiyang's words, the Bull Demon King and Roger couldn't help nodding. At the same time, Yun Feiyang continued with a smile and continued: "Also, since they have successfully planted an invincible image, I'm afraid that none of these besiegers can exert their full strength when they fight for a while. Knowing that they are invincible, human beings It is never possible to burst out potential!"

Speaking of this, Yun Feiyang couldn't help frowning and said deeply, "Isn't Xiang Yu actually trying to escape, but want to destroy all these people here? Otherwise, why did he do this!"

Looking at Xiang Yu doubtfully, Yun Feiyang fell into meditation. There were many doubts. Yun Feiyang couldn't figure it out for a moment. There must be his reason why Xiang Yu did this, but... Although it is not impossible to kill all these people, it is completely unnecessary!

After thinking for a while, Yun Feiyang's eyes suddenly lit up and said excitedly, "I understand that what Xiang Yu needs to do now is to establish an image of a hegemon and an immortal king who can compete with the sadomasman. In this way, when we set out to challenge the sadomasochism, he can rely on his power. Minghe appeal, gather everyone to share the pressure of our team!"

"Oh, my God!" Holding his head bitterly, Roger smiled bitterly, "Isn't it that complicated? Isn't it just a battle? As for thinking that far away? Won't you feel very tired in this way?"

Looking at Roger with a smile, Yun Feiyang said peacefully, "You don't understand. You will be tired if you use your brain, but what will you do? In fact, using wisdom is a very happy and satisfying thing. You can try to use more wisdom to understand the wonderful taste in the future!"

Speaking of this, Yun Feiyang took a deep breath and said decisively, "I now generally understand what Xiang Yu means. You two should be prepared. If Xiang Yu's intention is really the same as what I judged, then even if he doesn't destroy everyone here, he will never run away. If he wants to escape, he can only The enemy fled!"

"What!" Looking at Yun Feiyang in amaz, the Bull Demon King trembled and pointed to the army of two or three hundred people at the gate of the city and said incredulously, "What do you mean? Shall we fight against the Ten Legions with one team? This is impossible!"

As soon as the Bull Demon King's words fell, Roger nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, yes! It is worth boasting that you can successfully escape. It is impossible to destroy them all here or run away!"

Looking at the Bull Demon King and Roger coldly, Yun Feiyang said in a low voice, "If we can't do this, then why should we challenge the sadomasochism? You should know that sadomasochists can easily destroy ten times more people than this with the power of one person!"

"suck!" Hearing Yun Feiyang's words, the Bull Demon King and Roger couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. At the same time, Yun Feiyang continued: "This is a test. I said that if we still can't defeat the sadomasochism this time, then let's die there together!" As for the current battle, it is not a matter of whether you can win or not, but must win!"

At this point, the Bull Demon King and Roger finally completely understood that Yun Feiyang and Xiang Yu have been scared and determined to win this battle. In fact, if they can't even cope with this scene, how can they talk about finding a sadomasman? During thinking, the expressions of the Bull Demon King and Roger gradually became resolute. Since there is no way out, the only thing to think about is how to win!

Looking at the two partners who have returned to the best state with joy, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Don't be too nervous. Have some confidence in yourself. Believe me, it is not difficult for us to win. As long as we give full play to our ability, even if we lose, we will never regret it!"

"Well..." Hearing Yun Feiyang's words, the Bull Demon King and Roger said in one voice, "I understand, captain, now you issue an order, right? What should we do?"

Facing the two people's eager invitation to fight, Yun Feiyang shook his head with a smile and said, "The best team is not based on command, but on tacit understanding, so... I don't have any arrangements for this battle. You two can leave now and go to the position you think is the most ideal. Use you. The best way to help the team win!"

"What!" Looking at Yun Feiyang in horror, the Bull Demon King shouted, "But if we leave? So who will protect you? You know, the captain can't exert his power without the protection of the warrior!"

proudly straightened his chest and said disdainfully, "Although your words are very reasonable, I am not an ordinary person. After training for so long, I am no longer afraid of close combat. In fact, what I welcome most is that someone is fighting with me!"

While speaking, Yun Feiyang lowered his head silently and looked at his hands and said, "Today, I will show you how amazing the power of controlling fruit is when it is combined with ice magic. Believe me, you will not be disappointed!"

Looking at each other slightly, the Bull Demon King and Roger nodded at the same time, and then Roger said, "In this case, then we can go down, hey hey... Now, we can have a good time!" As he spoke, Roger's body flashed slightly, jumped from the high wall, and quietly mixed into the encirclement.

With Roger's departure, only the Bull Demon King and Yun Feiyang were left on the wall. Looking at Yun Feiyang worriedly, the Bull Demon King trembled and said, "You... be careful yourself!" After saying that, the Bull Demon King shouted and quickly jumped down the wall. Looking doubtfully at the direction of the disappearance of the Bull Demon King, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but look puzzled.