Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 261: In the Channel

These channels lead to different directions, and you can imagine that their ends will be different.

"Now the most important thing is to meet them first. I'm very dangerous in this place." Yun Feiyang guessed that those channels should have a way to return to the previous place, and the channel in the same direction as the upper exit is most likely, at least they are in the same direction.

"But there is no guarantee that this channel is correct. Let's take a look at other channels first." Yun Feiyang was not sure. He turned around before other channels to confirm what the differences were.

Before one of the passages, Yun Feiyang stopped. Without thinking about it, he quickly entered the channel and moved rapidly towards the depths.

This channel has something that other channels do not have: two footprints, so Yun Feiyang gave up the most likely channel and chose this one without hesitation.

The two footprints have been extending to the distance of the channel. The footprints are busy, and the two shadows are slowly walking in this channel step by step. It is Long Aotian and Wei Ruoting.

Previously, they were washed here by the current. Long Aotian saw that there were many surrounding channels and chose one casually, which is the current channel.

"unlucky! Unexpectedly, I was washed to such a place, and I don't know where I will go!" Long Aotian looked unlucky and kept shaking his head in the passage.

Wei Ruoting was still depressed and silent behind Long Aotian.

"I said, you have been like this all the way. Does that flying death make you so sad?" Long Aotian was angry when he saw Wei Ruoting like this, which made him feel worse.

Wei Ruoting is still the swallow, with dull eyes, and she is numb like a puppet with Long Aotian's movements.

Long Aotian was angry, patted Wei Ruoting's hand and said coldly, "What's so good about that Yun Feiyang? Is it worth being so sad for him? My strength is ten times stronger than him. If he protects you, my ability is much better than him. If I want to do it, I don't know how many times better than him!"

When Wei Ruoting heard Long Aotian's words, her eyes fluctuated. She raised her head, looked into Long Aotian's eyes, and finally said, "Compared with him, you are not even as good as ants!"

"What did you say?" Long Aotian's face was cold, shook his hand and slapped Wei Ruoting, knocked Wei Ruoting to the ground, and said, "Am I not as good as him? His loser died a long time ago. Am I not as good as him? At least I'm still alive, at least I haven't been killed by that man, and I won't be stupid enough to sacrifice myself for others. In my opinion, Yun Feiyang is a fool. Only a fool can do such a thing. He deserves it.

Wei Ruoting looked coldly at Long Aotian on the ground. Her cheeks were red and swollen but she didn't say a word. She was disdainful in her eyes and stared straight into Long Aotian's eyes.

Looked at by such eyes, Long Aotian was even more angry. He pulled up Wei Ruoting on the ground and sneered, "Is he good? But what's the use of death? Do you still expect him to come to save you? Wake up! That idiot is dead! He can't come to save you. He's dead! Now only I can protect you. You don't know that the waste is dead!"

Wei Ruoting's eyes shed tears and screamed, "No! If he doesn't die, he won't die! He must still be alive and will come to save me. He promised to protect me!"

Long Aotian smiled ferociously and said, "Are you an idiot? He couldn't live, so he made a promise that they were all dead, and there was no one to save him. Only I can protect you now. If you don't want to die, be kind to me.

"He is not dead! He is not dead!" Wei Ruoting's eyes were full of tears, roaring crazily, and her right hand kept struggling, trying to break away Long Aotian's hand. At the same time, her left hand slapped Long Aotian's body hard, trying to let him release him.

"Crazy woman!" Long Aotian threw Wei Ruoting to the ground and shouted, "Well, I'll see if he will come to save you!" He stepped forward, punched and kicked Wei Ruoting, and kept saying, "Didn't you say that he would protect you? Let me see if he will come.

Wei Ruoting's body was constantly kicked and trampled by Long Aotian, but she gritted her teeth stubbornly and didn't say a word. Tears in her eyes couldn't help flowing down, shouting in her heart, "He must still be alive, he must still alive!"

The emotion in Wei Ruoting's eyes was clearly seen by Long Aotian. He was even more angry, and the strength on Wei Ruoting continued to increase.

Wei Ruoting always clenched her teeth, and the firmness in her eyes did not change as a result.

After a while, Long Aotian also knew that it was meaningless to go on like this. He pulled up Wei Ruoting and said fiercely, "I'll see if the waste will come. When I encounter danger, I want you to let you know that the waste will not come to save you. I want you to come and ask me to save you at that time! Come with me!"

Long Aotian pulled Wei Ruoting and continued to move forward in the channel. Wei Ruoting's strength was too far from him to resist at all, so he could only be pulled away by him.

Yun Feiyang followed the footprints left on the ground and kept moving towards the depths of the passage.

"Wei Ruoting, wait for me, I'll come soon!"

The ground is very wet, and the two footprints on it are clearly visible. Yun Feiyang keeps chasing along these footprints, but has not been able to catch up with Long Aotian and Wei Ruoting for a long time.

Long Aotian was extremely irritable and kept moving forward in the channel with Wei Ruoting. Soon, they came to a strange place.

The reason why it is strange is that there is no way to get here, and there is a bay of water in front of it, which is in the middle of the road.

Long Aotian did not dare to move forward rashly. He felt that these were unusual, which was not difficult to come up with from the stone of the previous polar door god.

"You, go and see if this pool can get through." Long Aotian stared at Wei Ruoting. At first, he wanted to let Wei Ruoting try first when he was in danger. Now is the time to need her.

Wei Ruoting didn't say anything and went straight to the pool. Now her life is in the hands of Long Aotian, and she can only obey.


Suddenly there was a sound in the water, and a shadow slowly emerged from the pool and lay on the surface of the water.

Long Aotian was shocked. The pool is really not that simple. There are people in it!

It was a woman, with her whole body**, leaning on the surface of the water, and her slim figure was clearly visible in the water. She was as beautiful as a fairy. With her eyes closed, she didn't seem to feel the existence of Long Aotian.

Wei Ruoting stopped and now doesn't need her to try. The water in this pool is unusual.

"Who are you?" Long Aotian's eyes were cold. Although he likes beautiful women, he is not a fool. It is by no means ordinary people who can appear in this place.

The woman in the water seemed not to hear Long Aotian's words and looked up on the water with her eyes closed, as if she were asleep.

Long Aotian said very clearly that they can't pass here without solving this woman. Of course, it is also a way to go back and choose another channel, but it is impossible for such a proud person to retreat. Now he pulls out the big sword behind him and is ready to do it.

"Ha ha, are you in such a hurry?" The woman in the water opened her eyes, and then sat up slowly from the surface of the water, with a perfect jade-like body standing on the surface of the water, ** facing Long Aotian.

Her body is perfect, and every inch of skin exudes deadly**. A few drops of water slipped from her clean skin, adding endless amorous feelings.

Even if he knew that he was the enemy, Long Aotian couldn't help but be stunned. This woman was so beautiful. He had been imprisoned in prison for so long. He had never seen such a woman. At this moment, he was still facing a beautiful woman with his whole body.

"There is another person behind him. Let's enjoy it together when he comes." The corners of the woman's mouth were smiling, and her rosy lips closed as she spoke, full of ** power.

Long Aotian was slightly shocked that there was someone following him. He didn't notice it at all: "Who will it be?"

Wei Ruoting looked at the passage behind her and was also full of doubts. Although she said that Yun Feiyang was not dead, she also made it clear in her heart that the real reality was that Yun Feiyang would come to save her. Now she can't imagine who would be followed.

At this time, Yun Feiyang walked to the place where Long Aotian started to hit Wei Ruouting, and he stopped here.

"The pace of this place is very chaotic. What happened?" Yun Feiyang pondered for a while, and then continued to move forward. The footprints here made him more worried about Wei Ruoting and secretly prayed that nothing would happen to her.

Long Aotian pondered for a long time. No matter who chased him, it was impossible for him to help him, because he abandoned everyone and fled by himself before, and now those people will definitely not help him again. If he hadn't been one of the promises, he would have even regarded him as an enemy. At that time, he would be more dangerous, so now he doesn't want to stay longer.

"No matter who comes, it will only be harmful to me. Now let's solve this woman first, through here!" He thought to himself and rushed over while the woman was unprepared.

"You are really an anxious man!" The woman covered her mouth and smiled softly and waved her right hand. Under her feet, the pool immediately stretched out a water injection and rushed to Long Aotian.

"Do you want to deal with me with only water?" Long Aotian was disdainful and waved his sword to splash into the water. The water injection was chopped by him and immediately cut into two halves. Long Aotian was inevitably splashed on his body by a few drops of water, but it was fine.

The woman stopped moving and stood there with a smile.

The woman did not move, but Long Aotian continued to rush forward and rushed to the pool in an instant.

The woman did not move. The water under her feet suddenly rushed up and wrapped Long Aotian's hands and feet like a vine, making him unable to move.

Long Aotian's face changed slightly, and the power contained in the water injection was beyond his imagination, and he could not move.

At this time, the woman raised her right hand and pinched her index finger to flick Long Aotian gently through the air. Her hands were stained with drops of water, and the drops on such a bullet immediately went to Long Ao Tianji, which was amazing.

Long Aotian gritted his teeth and turned his wrist to cut the sword in his hand. In this way, the water injection on his body was cut off by him with a sword, avoiding the woman's drops of water.

The woman was slightly surprised and didn't expect that Long Aotian could still move when he was entangled in water injection. She flicked again, and another drop of water went to Long Aotian's forehead.

Long Aotian raised his sword to block.


When the water ball met the sword, Long Aotian's hands were shaken, and his body was shaken far away by the force on the water drop.

"This drop of water has such power!" Long Aotian was shocked, so that the closer he got to the woman, the more dangerous he became. He dares not act rashly anymore. This woman can control the water, and she is invincible in the water, so it is impossible to rush forward to please her.

Long Aotian looked at Wei Ruoting beside him, reached out and pulled him over and stood in front of him.

Wei Ruoting was caught off guard, and her strength was much lower than that of Long Aotian, so she couldn't resist at all.

"Use this woman to stop it. I can get close without the threat of that drop of water!" Long Aotian blocked Wei Ruoting in front of him and rushed to the woman in the pool.

The woman smiled and did not pop up any more drops of water. She stood on the surface of the water without moving. Before Long Aotian pushed Wei Ruoting to the pool, she controlled the water to wrap around Wei Ruoting's body, and Long Aotian could no longer push Wei Ruoting forward.

"Hmm!" Long Aotian was angry. This strategy did not work. He knew that it was meaningless to continue to rush forward and immediately retreated.

Long Aotian retreated, but Wei Ruoting was bound there by the woman.

"This woman is useless!" Long Aotian's ugly face: "If I had known, I wouldn't have taken her!"

"Don't you save her?" The woman smiled.

"Save her?" Long Aotian sneered: "What is such a woman worth saving? It's all idiots who are willing to save her!"

The woman smiled faintly and said, "Is it okay to kill her?"

Long Aotian sneered and said, "I'm sorry, that girl, just wait for your Yun Feiyang to save you. I won't do such a thing!" Let you see what reality is!"

"Are I going to die here?" Wei Ruoting's eyes are blind. She is desperate. In this way, even if she doesn't die now, she will soon be killed by Long Aotian.

The woman suddenly smiled and said, "We have arrived!"

Long Aotian was stunned for a moment and did not react to the woman's meaning for a moment.

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed past Long Aotian and quickly rushed to Wei Ruoting in the pool.

Long Aotian was shocked, and then he understood what the woman meant, and the people who followed him arrived!

"Who is it?" Long Aotian stared and only saw the man's back and no face.

Wei Ruoting in the water looked back and fell into sluggishness in an instant. A layer of water mist quickly surged into her eyes and looked at the rushing figure stunned.

The corner of the woman's mouth smiled and popped a drop of water at the rushing person.

A ice sword shè came out and hit the drops of water, making it deviate from its original track.

The next moment, the figure had rushed to the pool and stood there.

"Do you want to save her?" The woman laughed.

The figure was silent, squatting down in front of the pool and putting his hands on the water.

The woman frowned and looked at the man puzzledly.

The pool condensed rapidly at this moment and gradually solidified towards zhōngyāng.

The woman's face changed tragically and said, "You...are you an ice-capable person?"

"Ice?" Long Aotian's face also changed again and again, looking at the figure and clenching his fists.

The water under the woman's feet was constantly freezing, and soon reached her feet. Her face changed again and again. Finally, she gritted her teeth and rushed to the passage behind her and lost her trace.

The figure rescued Wei Ruoting from the ice. Wei Ruoting stared at him, and the water in her eyes turned into two crystal drops and slipped down her cheeks. She trembled and said, "It's you... It's really you!"

Long Aotian couldn't see the man's appearance, but looking at the pool that turned into ice, his heart trembled: "Is it really him?"

"It's me!" Yun Feiyang smiled, comforted Wei Ruoting and said, "I'm fine."

Hearing this sound, Long Aotian's body was shocked.

Wei Ruoting couldn't help hugging Yun Feiyang tightly and crying loudly.

Yun Feiyang patted her gently on the back and looked back at Long Aotian on this side.

Seeing Yun Feiyang's face, Long Aotian's body trembled again. Although he had seen Yun Feiyang's ice, although he thought of Yun Feiyang when he saw these ice, Yun Feiyang was dead in his heart, so he couldn't believe it, so he was not sure.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang's appearance was in front of him. He had to believe that Yun Feiyang was still alive, which was an iron fact.

"I didn't expect you to be alive. It's really life!" Long Aotian quickly calmed down. With his strength, he didn't have to be afraid of Yun Feiyang at all. The reason why he was surprised was that things were subverted, not because he was afraid of Yun Feiyang.

"You!" Yun Fei raised his face and said coldly, "How dare you push her to the front!"

"So what?" Long Aotian sneered: "Such a woman is useless. Didn't I take her to prevent danger for me?"

"I'll make you pay the price!" Yun Feiyang's face was as heavy as water, and his words were a little colder than the ice he condensed out.

"Is it up to you?" Long Aotian smiled and didn't put Yun Feiyang's words above at all. In his opinion, Yun Feiyang is only three disasters. Although Yun Feiyang can beat the previous woman, it is only because his ability is just restrained, and there is nothing great at all.

"Wei Ruoting, wait by one side first." Yun Feiyang pushed Wei Ruoting away and said, "When I kill this bastard, I will take you away."

"That boy's ability is actually ice. Forget it, let's play with others first." ** The woman walked in the passage and turned left and right to the next place. These floors are very wet. She can sense everyone's position through those waters, so she can fully know where the other group of people have been.

Like the Earth Gate God, she has been in this place for too long, and few people can come here, so these people are her toys.

On the other side.

"Humph, do you still want to fight with me with this strength?" Long Aotian sneered and said, "Well, the earth god didn't kill you, so let me do it!"

Yun Feiyang knows that his cultivation is not as good as Long Aotian, but now they can't get along well. Even if they are defeated, they will fight to the death.

"Yun Feiyang, forget it!" Wei Ruoting suddenly grabbed Yun Feiyang and prevented him from continuing to walk to Long Aotian.

Yun Feiyang frowned and said, "Wei Ruoting, why? He did that to you just now. Anyway, he won't cooperate with us to leave here. Leaving him by his side will only cause danger.

"Yun Feiyang, forget it, he didn't do anything to me. I'm fine now, isn't I?" Wei Ruoting pleaded, "There are only a few of us now. What if you get hurt with him and meet that woman again?"

Yun Feiyang was silent, and what Wei Ruoting said made sense. With the strength of Long Aotian, it will never be easy for Yun Feiyang to win with him. At that time, it will be dangerous to meet the woman just now.