Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 308: The Soul of Vengeance

No one expected that this final farewell speech would be so interesting. Suddenly, the people who watched it were full of applause, and no one was stingy with their praise. Even Wu Xingchen, who was the most reluctant and dissatisfied, was infected by this atmosphere. Although he did not applaud hard, he was also full of joy.

Although there are many types of magical weapons, Yun Feiyang only consumes a small amount of energy elements with the super control of his soul talent. Anyway, these magical weapons are only temporary for appearance and will not really be used in battle.

Finally, Yun Feiyang spent a little bit of wood attribute energy element transforming into a willow branch rattan in his hand. Just as everyone looked at the willow vine in surprise, Yun Feiyang seemed to know what they were thinking. His hands flew up and down like a butterfly, rubbing, kneading, pinching and pulling the willow vine!

Willow branches and rattan are constantly changing in Yun Feiyang's hands. They are tied into mini scarecrows, turn into fierce beasts, and then woven into a big grass basket, and finally woven into a rattan chair for rest!

In the warm and cheerful applause of everyone, Yun Feiyang finally ended the show. Seeing that everyone gathered around one after another, Yun Feiyang really didn't want to stay any longer, but quickly stepped into the corridor with a smile, leaving only a chic back.

Now there is still some time before dusk. Yun Feiyang suddenly has some insights through the performance just now. Yun Feiyang didn't want to waste a minute and a second. He just wanted to seize the time to turn those ideas into practical improvements, so he didn't mean to stay here at all, but planned to go straight back to the dormitory.

The rest dormitory he belongs to has already been set up as a forbidden area, which is just enough for him to practice.

Yun Feiyang took off his shoes and socks and sat cross-legged **. As usual, Yun Feiyang, who has recovered calm in his heart, does not intend to rest in **, but immediately takes out the beast crystals of various attributes to absorb attributes. At the same time, the summoned simulated split also began a tense and rhythmic forging!

Since Yunfeiyang's physical fitness has reached extremely high toughness, there is no need for a deep body training method at all. You only need to use simple and common sports postures such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and high leg-ups to carry out simple warm-up.

It is precisely because these exercises are simple enough that Yun Feiyang can be distracted and use them. When training the body, he can also practice elements. At the same time, he can also shape the holy power and change the shape of yin and yang. Although almost every item has reached or is close to the peak now, and it also has the ability to be independent, it is difficult to perform at the same time. Even if it is really done at the same time, there is no guarantee that it can always be at the peak.

At this time, Yun Feiyang intends to slow down and adjust himself in the simplest way. He wants to find a degree from it that can make all his strengths run smoothly! This is the consciousness that Yun Feiyang conceived through the elemental performance just now!

However, this method is too difficult to figure out, just like the exploration of multiple prints, which takes time and effort to match. Feeling that the efficiency is too low, Yun Feiyang simply stopped and guided the energy elements of the wood attribute to stimulate inspiration as just now. After several experiments like this, Yun Feiyang has a feeling that he has been vaguely grasped, but he can't actually implement it!

Is it possible that the body must be put on an extremely weak basis like last time to give them room to play? Yun Feiyang knows that if he does not integrate these advantages, he has no advantage over the last three titles.

In this way, Yun Feiyang did what he said and did, venting his anger, and consuming his physical strength in an extremely high-intensity way. Constantly impact and test!

The wood energy element is worthy of being the first auxiliary attribute. Although every time Yun Feiyang feels almost exhausted, after a short rest, the physical energy can recover quickly, the fatigue is swept away, and it can continue to enter the subsequent special training.

With the support of wood attribute energy elements, Yun Feiyang is not afraid that his body will be hurt by excessive fatigue, so he began to unscrupulously increase the intensity of body training and deliberately double the number of exercises in each group of movements! In the process of forging, although Yun Feiyang is tired and gasping, his lungs feel like they are going to explode, but he can always stand up under the therapeutic effect of wood energy elements!

Since he has the unique advantage of rapid recovery, it must not be wasted. Anyway, he still has a lot of wood attribute energy stones, and there is no need to be stingy at all. Yun Feiyang knows that this is definitely the best opportunity. If you can grasp it, you can transform successfully. He believes that as long as he becomes stronger, he will be a winner and have enough strength to protect everything.

Because Yun Feiyang has expectations and a strong belief in his heart, he works so hard and seriously! It was with this mentality that with the continuous improvement of strength, Yun Feiyang clenched his teeth in this difficult process and stood up with the belief in his heart!

Sweat dripped one by one, and Yun Feiyang grabbed a minute and a second, while training his body while practicing elements.

In fact, Yun Feiyang's life-like forging is not only to integrate the skills to achieve perfection, but more importantly, to let the body continue to be transformed to continuously improve its strength! After all, if you want to go to a wider fairyland, your body must meet the most basic needs, otherwise the violent and mixed yin and yang there will definitely be completely destroyed!

Although the world is composed of seven ordinary attributes, there are still special mutations and special upgraded energy elements!

Special mutant energy elements refer to special mutant energy elements that are more aggressive, such as water energy mixed with earth attributes. Special upgraded energy elements are the products of fusion by refining the same energy elements, such as water energy elements upgraded to ice energy elements, electric energy upgraded to thunder energy elements, earth energy elements upgraded to rock energy elements, etc.

As long as you have a special mutant energy element, you will have a high chance of winning against a higher-order opponent. Even if you face an opponent with a higher title, you will not fall behind! What's more, he has the top yin and yang. If he can integrate it, he will have a stronger attack advantage!

When people focus on something, time always passes quickly. It has been an afternoon under Yun Feiyang's distracted practice and training!

After hearing the warning bell outside, Yun Feiyang slowly stood up.

After standing up, Yun Feiyang immediately used the wood energy element to restore the body. At the same time, he seized the time to cool down and changed into a clean set of clothes. After bathing, the sweat on his body was also swept away. Yun Feiyang suddenly felt refreshed. He grabbed his clothes and opened the door and quickly walked out.

At this time, the sky is dark, and the purple sun is about to fall on the hillside.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I'm ready, and the final battle is about to begin!"

As long as you have a special mutant energy element, you will have a high chance of winning against a higher-order opponent. Even if you face an opponent with a higher title, you will not fall behind! What's more, he has the highest yin and yang. If he can integrate it, he will have a stronger attack advantage. He firmly believes in this belief.

Yun Feiyang ignored the eyes of others and summoned the zebra unicorn to fly out of Wulin Province. With the advantage of high air, Yun Feiyang has seen an extremely large-scale army gathered outside the city.

The zebra unicorn didn't have time to flap its wings several times. At this time, the ready army was ready to move and march towards the shortcut to the fog forest.

Because the command has been completely handed over to Wu Xingchen and those commanders, they have no intention of waiting for Yun Feiyang. Besides, Yun Feiyang now has flying mounts, and there is definitely no need to march together.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before the owner of the Su family conveyed his worries to Yun Feiyang through the communication ring. Yun Feiyang had to fly to the sky and serve as a reconnaissance guard for the time being.

"Nothing was found! Don't worry, even we don't know that we are going to march today, so how could they set up an ambush? Yun Feiyang understood the worries of the head of the Su family, so he tried his best to comfort him.

In addition to comforting the head of the Su family, Yun Feiyang especially urged Wu Xingchen and other commanders.

After a while, Yun Feiyang circled the sky again and found that there was nothing abnormal in the fog forest before flying towards the imperial city.

Because through the integration, Yun Feiyang has completed his skills. Now he only needs to win this decisive battle and end the years of hatred for Yan and Wu Xingchen. With this mentality, Yun Feiyang intends to directly challenge the imperial city again!

The last time, Yun Feiyang's strength had not broken through, and he was still alone and had no support, so he could not gain an advantage. Now, he has taken a step further and has the strong backing of the vertical and horizontal coalition, coupled with no worries, so he will be invincible enough to win the final victory!

Yun Feiyang's face is calm, driving the zebra unicorn and flying at a uniform speed. The zebra unicorn is very fast, so it won't be long before the clouds in the sky can have a panoramic view of the imperial city.

Sure enough, as expected, the situation in the imperial city at this time was the same as last time, and the streets were bustling and lively. This time, Yun Feiyang was not in the mood of wandering last time, so he flew straight to Zijin City in the center of the imperial city. His goal is not these ordinary people, but those who want to dominate this continent in Zijin City!

Yun Feiyang does not have many views and ideas about the uprising that Yan wants, but just wants to implement and implement it. Challenge the hegemony, overthrow the current imperial power, and establish a free and peaceful regime, which is also the purpose of the allied forces!

You don't need to be involved in these things too deeply.

You only need to defeat the three titles of Xiuzong, and the balance of victory will be greatly tilted towards the allied forces!

Zijin City in the center of the imperial city!

Zijin City is protected by inexplicable abundant energy elements, and Yun Feiyang clearly felt that some kind of boundary was blocking his intrusion. This kind of boundary is somewhat similar to the boundary at the fairyland level, but the fluctuation frequency of energy elements is much higher, which is less stable and easier to expose. After discovering this boundary, Yun Feiyang strengthened his conjecture between the lich and the gods.

"Today, let me step through this purple city!" Since it can no longer fly, Yun Feiyang floats down and enters Zijin City energetically!

The gate guard knew that it was not good when he saw Yun Feiyang's aggressive appearance. He didn't even say the basic questions, so he directly bombarded him with multiple prints! High-level cultivation may be superior in other places, but if you want to cause harm to Yun Feiyang, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

Yun Feiyang did not fight back at all, but simply stamped his feet, which not only resolved these attacks invisibly, but also shocked all the guards through subtle attacks! Looking at the guards lying on the ground one by one, Yun Feiyang smiled maliciously. This is the first hybrid attack after his perfect skills, but this attack is only several levels higher than before!

Between the stamped feet, Yun Feiyang has controlled his strength, spreading a mass of yin along the ground to the feet of the guard, and then transmitted it to the internal organs through his legs. Ordinary people's internal organs are very fragile, even practitioners are no exception, because they have not been specially trained at all, so once they encounter this yin, they can neither resist nor resolve it. It's just that he fainted and passed away. It was all Yun Feiyang's mercy and didn't want to kill these unarmed people who could not fight back.

After solving these guards, Yun Feiyang immediately began his revenge.

Since he said he would step through Zijin City, Yun Feiyang is really not ambiguous at all! Both feet stepped on the floor very rhythmically. Although the floor is still the hardest steel diamond, it is still smashed under the penetration of the clouds! Even if it becomes smashed, Yun Feiyang will not let it go. Through the tap of his legs, he shakes up the gravel, and then kicks them away like kicking a ball!

The impact of these gravel far exceeded the power of bullets, and soon the hero statues and those monuments standing in the distant square were knocked out one by one.

It didn't take much time for Yun Feiyang to successfully smash those heroic statues and monuments, and the buildings within a few miles were completely decadent!

Since the three titles of Xiuzong have not yet come out, then he will step through the hall until they come out! Yun Feiyang seemed to prefer these pranks very much. At this time, he raised the broken hero statues and those monuments and smashed them fiercely into the hall.


The huge anti-shock force is like an earthquake.

At this time, Yun Feiyang's move caused chaos in the hall, and also made those practitioners attack here one after another, trying to suppress Yun Feiyang's rude behavior by force. Yun Feiyang ignored it, because their attack could not cause substantial harm to him.

For a short time, with Yun Feiyang as the center, within a radius of a few miles, they were surrounded by dense practitioners. They relied on the crowd and stared at Yun Feiyang.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said in his heart, "What I want is this effect. Presumably this behavior has attracted the attention of most people. The resistance encountered by such a vertical and horizontal coalition will be greatly reduced!"

After a long stalemate, it finally attracted a group of very good practitioners. They all look very young, but they have the strength of excellent practitioners. These young practitioners spread their shawls and dress strangely. They are gloatingly discussing Yun Feiyang's taste, constantly insulting and mocking Yun Feiyang.

Now Yun Feiyang's senses are so keen that it is easy to understand their conversation comments.

Looking at their indignant look, Yun Feiyang guessed that they should be the children of the royal family in Zijin City! Because they have pure blood, they are amazingly talented and have great advantages in controlling energy elements. Coupled with the guidance experience left by their predecessors, they are naturally progressing smoothly and effortlessly!

However, their vision is not good and they lack practical experience. Although there are many people and their strength is good, the threat they can pose to him is really limited.

These royal children actually thought that Yun Feiyang was just relying on brute force and had good physical quality, so they had this impulse to try. Yun Feiyang was also unambiguous. He threw huge stones in their direction, making these royal children gray and deliberately aroused their anger with their own behavior!

These royal children also naturally ignored the advice of the guards, broke through the warning line and rushed straight to the clouds. Yun Feiyang smiled. Although he didn't pay attention to them, since this is the first time they have faced the practitioners head-on, they should let these ignorant children suffer a little! Since they look down on his brute force and make sarcastic comments on his stupidity, let them see what the reality is all about!

In the face of the illusion of eighteen weapons such as spears, bolts, knives, ges, ges, chapins, lamns, lamns, swords, hammers, grabs, halberds, bows, arrows, axes, cards, sticks, guns and forks, and controls all kinds of long-range bombardment energy elements, Yun Feiyang can't help but be shocked. Isn't this not an offensive posture? Don't these young people know that there is defense? Can posture be used? Moreover, their fighting methods are full of loopholes, and there are hundreds of ways to resolve any blow, and they can immediately fight back with dozens of killings.

"Alas!" Yun Feiyang sighed helplessly. These people obviously came to die!

However, there is no challenge in killing these young people at this time, so Yun Feiyang wants to use them to test the skills he has just obtained! At this time, a three-dimensional animation presented in slow motion appeared in Yun Feiyang's mind. In the picture, he was the viewer, facing the colorful, with the form of energy elements of close combat long-range attacks, and dozens of practitioners in motion in front of him.

Yun Feiyang suddenly moved, with a fast body method and exquisite footwork, dancing like a butterfly. The rhythm, strength and movement direction are appropriate, and it looks very beautiful.