Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 326: Strange

Under the reminder of the shell, Yun Feiyang saw that a golden crab had attacked a Mercury next to him, and the strong cher had quickly cut the Mercury that made a call for help.

"Ah." Yun Feiyang exclaimed.

Although he knew that these monsters would eat each other, Yun Feiyang did not expect that he would see such a thrilling scene with his own eyes.

Shell looked at Yun Feiyang's appearance and comforted him, "Little brother, don't be afraid. Mercury's unique skill is that it has the skill of splitting. Even if they are torn into several pieces and thrown into the sea, each fragment can quickly grow back the lost part and grow into several complete new Mercury. Just like, sand Mercury can grow a complete new Mercury by keeping a centimeter-long wrist, while some Mercury has greater skills. As long as it has a broken arm, it can grow a complete new Mercury. Because Mercury has such amazing regeneration skills, it is a trivial matter for it to have broken arms and limbs.

Hearing the comfort of the shell, Yun Feiyang breathed a little relief. These monsters really have their own skills. Although Mercury's combat strength is very weak, the means to save lives are still very rich. Just as Yun Feiyang sighed, the turtle finally arrived at the scene of the incident.

"Little brother, stay here. If anything happens, remember to tell me loudly." With the momentum of the turtle, the shell made a leap.

Yun Feiyang was speechless at that time.

No wonder the shell kept warning him that the turtle was very fast. Yun Feiyang completely understood when he saw this scene. Shell slowly cushioned to the scene of the incident and roared, "You two scum, attack me if you have the guts."

After making this provocation, the shell quickly closed the shell tightly. The crab and the turtle next to him looked at each other silently, and the turtle slowly said, "It's stupid to attack you."

The crab and the turtle were just slightly stunned and attacked the Mercury next to them. These poor Mercury were cut into dozens of sections in a row and drifted in the water.

Looking at the turtle, I couldn't help looking at the turtle again, because they are too similar. The only difference is that the turtle's back armor has soft skin and no lines.

At this time, Yun Feiyang's mood is very stable and has no intention to take action. After all, these monsters are huge things for him at present. Even Mercury, which has been cut into more than ten sections, is much bigger than him. Although Yun Feiyang has the mentality of watching the play, he also knows that as long as he can break through the spring and no longer be affected by prohibition, his strength can be exerted.

At present, the situation is not at the most critical moment.

At this time, some monsters came from all directions. However, Yun Feiyang felt that things were a little strange. According to what the shell said just now, crabs and turtles obviously have no chance in the square well. Now that the spring is open, the monsters are busy going out, let alone not to get together. They obviously have no chance here.


Just as Yun Feiyang guessed, crabs and turtles did not blindly launch attacks, but obviously resisted, just like preventing other monsters from rushing out of the spring.

Yun Feiyang understood in a blink of an eye.

Over the years, crabs and turtles have been looking for opportunities, but they have not been successful, and today is the best opportunity. The two carnivorous monsters, who have never dared to provoke and attack, are suddenly abnormal today. Obviously, they are taking the lead and acting as the frontmen. There must be powerful monsters who want to enter from the spring's eyes and catch all the monsters among them.

Because this used to be the territory of the divine realm and full of spiritual power, the monsters present have good spiritual power. If more powerful carnivorous monsters enter the field, they will inevitably have the greatest harvest.

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang shouted loudly, "Brothers and sisters, don't be fooled by them. Strong enemies outside are breaking in. If we don't join hands, we will suffer."

After Yun Feiyang told his whole idea, the scene changed dramatically.

The turtle actually turned around, attacked several monsters around, and roared, "You two guys, prepare for defense quickly. The octopus boss is about to come in."

After saying that, the water turtle also joined the ranks of crabs and turtles, and the three spirits with strong defenses immediately protected the spring.


The octopus has eight wrists and feet, and there are many suction cups on the wrists and feet. Sometimes it sprays out black ink so that it can escape smoothly. Some octopus have quite developed brains and can distinguish themselves in the mirror, or walk out of the maze designed by scientists and eat crabs in the maze.

The typical octopus body is cystic, and the boundary between the head and the body is not obvious, with large compound eyes and eight shrinkable wrists; each wrist has two rows of fleshy suction cups, which can hold the object powerfully. The base of the wrist is connected to the webbing tissue called the skirt, and there is a mouth in the heart; there is a pair of sharp cuticles and file-shaped tongues at the mouth to drill through the shell and scrape its meat.

The octopus can not only spray ink six times in a row, but also change its color and structure like a chameleon, becoming like a stone covered with algae, and then suddenly pounce on the prey, which has no time to react to what happened.

The octopus is a very powerful animal in the ocean, and it is a bully, because the octopus itself has five. The magic weapon gives it extraordinary strength.

The first magic weapon is that there are eight tentacles floating in the sea like belts, so some fishermen call the octopus octopus. Each of the eight tentacles has 300 suction cups, which can firmly grasp the prey, and the prey that falls into its hand can't escape. Moreover, when the octopus is sleeping, there are always one or two on duty. Once they encounter the enemy, the tentacles can immediately react, wake up their companions, and let all the octopus escape.

The second magic weapon, octopus can change color. Among all marine animals, its color change is second to none, and it can produce six colors at a time. After the color changes, it can be almost the same as the surrounding scenery, making it difficult for the other party to see its existence. So it can catch prey and avoid enemies.

The third magic weapon is jet ink. It turns out that there is an ink sac in the octopus's body, which can even spray ink six times in a row. The ink is not only dark and rich, but also contains anesthetic substances, which can be used in dangerous times to stun the opponent and protect itself from escape.

The fourth magic weapon is superb regeneration ability, which can break the wrist of a strong man at a critical moment and abandon several tentacles to escape. That is to say, when the octopus encountered a strong enemy and could not escape, he had to throw a few eight tentacles to the other party. The other party was busy eating tentacles and would not attack the octopus again. Taking this opportunity, the octopus quickly slipped away. Where it is broken, the muscles can contract vigorously and will not bleed at all. In a few days, a new tentacle will grow in the place where the limb is amputated.

The fifth largest. The magic weapon is the stunt of deforming and getting out. The octopus is a mollusc. It has no bones, can deform at will, can pass through small slit holes, and can move its body inside, so the prey chased by it has nowhere to hide.

Except these five. The magic weapon, the octopus itself is particularly smart and has been proved to be able to unscrew the bottle cap, so the octopus can be said to be the spirit of the sea.

Although he has not met this octopus overlord, Yun Feiyang has known its strength.

The octopus is an invertebrate, which can pass through a gap ten times smaller than its size, so it can enter from the unformed spring. Moreover, with the assistance of crabs, turtles and turtles, the octopus overlord can easily exert his strength to the extreme. Moreover, it can command crabs, turtles and water turtles with strong defense capabilities. The water turtle is still a reverse. It can be seen that the octopus overlord is resourceful and has been calculating all this for a long time.

Although Yun Feiyang made an analysis, he had no choice but to restrain his strength and could not exert it at all. Even in the face of these monsters whose strength is not very powerful, he is still at a disadvantage.

Therefore, the best decision now is to break through the spring and confront the octopus overlord in the outside world. However, crabs, turtles and turtles are already under strict defense, and other monsters have to contain them.

The shell did not expect this to happen at all. Because crabs, turtles and turtles are on the defensive, it no longer closes its shell, but said emotionally, "Little turtles, little turtles, when you first entered, who helped you find food, who gave you a place to live, and who accompanied you to play around. Do you still have a conscience if you betray everyone for your own self-interest?

Shells are very simple. It is impossible to impress crabs and turtles, so the only thing that can cause interference from the airtight defense lineup is the turtle.

The earthy turtle said, "Don't waste your effort. Our leader is the turtle boss. If he hadn't lurked between you and learned about your arrangement, how could he arrange a plan for us?"

The crab also said, "Hey, I can't see that the turtle, which has always talked very little, is actually the ultimate behind-the-scenes planner."

Now it has reached the last minute, so crabs, turtles and water turtles are not afraid of tearing their faces at all. The words of crabs and turtles immediately made many monsters talk about it one after another. They are now helpless and can only discuss blindly.

Yun Feiyang knew that his words were light. No matter what he said, these flusters would definitely not listen to it, but the shell was different. Its prestige seemed to be very high, so Yun Feiyang approached the shell and told all his ideas.

"Is it okay?" The shell looked incredible and asked Yun Feiyang.

Yun Feiyang smiled calmly and said, "Do you have a better way?"

"No." Shell said helplessly.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "That's over. Anyway, there's nothing we can do. It's better to try my one."

"Oc, then I'll trust you once and bet on it." Shell immediately made up its mind.

After saying that, Shell shouted loudly, "The situation is urgent. Come here. I came up with an idea. If you think there is no problem, we will work together."

Hearing the order of the shell, other monsters also whispered. They suddenly felt hope and quickly gathered in the direction of the shell. Yun Feiyang took the opportunity to leave and hide in a place where the fertilized monster was not watching.

Since crabs, turtles and turtles have become an independent front, although they are curious about the discussions of other monsters, they dare not leave. After all, their main purpose is to defend the defense line. Yun Feiyang silently observed the movements of crabs, turtles and turtles. If they were a little negligent, he would have a chance.

Even if the octopus overlord is powerful, it takes time to enter from the spring, and from the perspective of the posture of crabs, turtles and water turtles, it should be difficult to do in a short time, so Yun Feiyang will judge and plan strategies.

Looking at the other strange faces, you know that what the shells said has worked, at least from their expressions. Shell's soul sensing communication seems to be quite smooth, because although these monsters have strange expressions, none of them have any objections.

Looking at all the monsters starting to unify the front, crabs, turtles and turtles looking at each other in consterance, I don't know what they are conceiving. This effect is what Yun Feiyang wants, because this scheme mainly tests the psychological endurance of crabs, turtles and turtles, and seize their psychological gaps and take the opportunity to launch attacks.

Shell also did not react immediately according to Yun Feiyang's arrangement, but remained silent, as if it was waiting for something and did not intend to launch a strong attack. If there is a strong attack, crabs, turtles and turtles will definitely make up their minds to defend. Since they have such arrangements, they must be confident that they can defend the arrival of the octopus overlord.

That's why Yun Feiyang made this kind of gambling arrangement, and Shell thought about it and felt that it was true. The crab, turtle and turtle looked at these monsters staring at the three of them, and immediately panicked.

The three turtles have the lowest IQ and said to the turtle next to them, "They must have come up with some strategy. Brother Turtle, do you want to find out what's going on?"

"No, we must stay here. They should not know what to do; besides, if they have any plans, we can still stay here." The turtle said most calmly.

So the crab, the turtle and the turtle closed their eyes together and made a state of turtle shrinkage defense at the same time. However, it didn't take long for crabs, turtles and turtles to hear cheers. So the crab, turtle and turtle opened their eyes again to see what was going on.

However, because the monsters are gathered in piles, crabs, turtles and turtles can't see what's going on.

The crab couldn't help it at this time and whispered to the turtle beside him, "Brother Turtle, do you want to go and have a look?"

"No. We must be prepared." The water turtle is solemn.

Yun Feiyang has already observed a scene in the dark, and it seems that the water turtle is indeed the most calm among them. However, Yun Feiyang was not impatient, but just watched quietly, looking for the best time.

Hearing the cheers from the monsters getting louder and louder, even the turtles were moved, and Yun Feiyang also captured this scene and had a panoramic view of these changes. At this time, only the shell was heard shouting, "Let's add more oil. As long as a new spring is opened, everyone can go out from here."

After hearing the words of the shell, the crab, the turtle and the turtle finally wavered.

Sure enough, they are constantly releasing their spiritual power. If they can really create a new spring, won't the octopus overlord's plan fail? Now that the prohibition has been eliminated, it is not impossible to create a new spring. Under the pressure of life and death, many monsters are likely to work miracles.

"Brother, you must interrupt their plan, otherwise the octopus overlord will be blamed and we will all be angry." The crab urged.

"Yes, brother, we will definitely defend with all our strength. They are now fully exerting. Once they are interrupted, they will definitely not be able to accumulate spiritual power and will definitely fail. You just need to use a little effort." The turtle became nervous when he saw that the situation was not good.

At this time, the turtle was no longer resolute and began to hesitate. After all, the pressure has been completely transferred to it. Before long, seeing the more and more excited monsters, the turtle finally couldn't stand it anymore and whispered, "I'll go and have a look and attack them tentatively. You two defend well, and I will come back as soon as possible."

Because all the monsters gathered together, and they are some distance away from crabs, turtles and turtles, the turtles make this decision. Yun Feiyang has no spiritual power at all, and his body is too small and his hiding position is very hidden, so he is not afraid of being found at all.

After carefully scanning around, the turtle felt that there was no danger, so it rushed to the place where all the monsters were concentrated. Seeing the turtle leave and speeding at high speed, Yun Feiyang knew that it had been preserving its strength before, not at all like the slow acceleration when he first rode.

This guy is really gloomy and terrible!

Although it is very close to this spring, Yun Feiyang still has no intention of action. Yun Feiyang knew that his strength was nothing at all. It was easy to be killed in seconds. Without most of the certainty, it was not worth taking this risk at all.

What Yun Feiyang is waiting for is the negligence of crabs and turtles, so that he can seize the best opportunity.

Sure enough, as designed by Yun Feiyang, crabs, turtles and turtles finally couldn't help making a tentative attack. Next, it depends on the performance of the shells. If they can get some help for him, then he will definitely not let them down.

In fact, Yun Feiyang is very satisfied with the performance of monsters such as shells, and their performance talent is indeed very unexpected. When the turtle was about to rush to the front of all the spirits, it was just hot. The spirits who were ready to do a big job suddenly rushed to the turtle under the hidden instruction of the shell.

The water turtle was too fierce and wanted to disturb everyone. Unexpectedly, this was a premeditated ambush. In this case, crabs and turtles were also affected, and they were stunned for a moment.

is now, the best time.

Taking advantage of the moment of distraction between crabs and turtles, Yun Feiyang sprinted towards the spring. By the time the crab and turtle reacted, Yun Feiyang had successfully penetrated into the spring.

At this time, Yun Feiyang had no sense of happiness and achievement at all. Because in the extremely narrow spring, Yun Feiyang saw a ball of meat. If there is no mistake, this is the so-called octopus overlord.