Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 333: Fight Again

Looking at the god hegemony unreservedly, Yun Feiyang stood still and shook his head dissatisfiedly. This empty chop is simply a waste.

The attack skill looks really powerful and powerful, and seems to be able to disintegrate the opponent's will. But in fact, there is no bad effect except for making Yun Feiyang feel a little hot and sweat oozing from his body.

More importantly, Yun Feiyang's ability to sense the fluctuation of elements through soul talent has been slightly reduced, obviously because this attack has led to a certain loss of fire attribute energy elements. It seems that the destroyer thinks that he has a chance to win and doesn't care about these details at all, but this is an advantage for him.

With the power of this knife, the hegemony took the opportunity to step forward. After entering the attack range, the destroyer controlled the flame knife to draw a horizontal cut from left to right, and did not pay attention to the willow branch vine in Yun Feiyang's hand at all.

did not choose to take risks. Before the approaching of the god of destruction, Yun Feiyang was ready to avoid, so he could easily avoid it. It is said that they compete, but they don't keep their hands. Although these attacks are not enough to be fatal, if they can't avoid them, they are still likely to be seriously injured.

Yun Feiyang knows that if he has been in such a passive situation, it will be extremely unfavorable to him, but he is stubborn and unwise. No longer hesitated, Yun Feiyang directly controlled all the wood energy elements in the body with soul sensing. In an instant, a green smoke wrapped his whole body.

Under the control of soul talent, this green smoke seems to have just exploded, spreading rapidly around, covering the godless overlord in a blink of an eye.

This unexpected use method immediately received a miraculous effect. You should know that the god hegemony is a native of the fairyland. Even before the war between gods and demons, when his strength is not strong, he will not encounter this kind of fight, so Yun Feiyang's move can be effective.

After being blocked by green smoke, although the destroyer did not panic and attack randomly as ordinary people, his face still lost his calm look and his footsteps began to become a little messy. The destroyer, who encountered this situation for the first time, seemed a little at a loss and really didn't know how to crack it.

After all, all people condense the energy elements of gaseous smoke into various attack weapons, defensive shields, protective armor and so on. Yun Feiyang actually did the opposite, but spread it away as a shielding smoke.

Yun Feiyang did not act rashly at this time, but seriously paid attention to the expression of the god hegemony in the smoke. After careful observation, Yun Feiyang also quickly concluded: "Now the god hegemony is at a loss, and it is the best time to attack his unpreparedness."


The willow branches and vines in Yun Feiyang's hand beat towards the face of the destroyer like a whip. Because the smoke and willow vines are controlled by his soul induction, the blow of Yun Feiyang can be said to be fast and fierce.

After getting into trouble, the first reaction of the destroyer was that Yun Feiyang would definitely take this opportunity to attack. Although his eyes could not see, his ears could hear it, so he did not move blindly, but listened carefully to the movements around him.

As expected, listening to this fierce breaking wind, the annihilation overlord knew that if this blow was real, I'm afraid his face would break his skin and bleed. Although the injury may not be serious, it is related to his face.

Because of his preparation, the god of destruction blocked the flame knife in his face, ready to resolve the offensive with a defensive posture. After seeing this reaction of the extermination overlord, Yun Feiyang slightly touched the corners of his mouth and smiled proudly, "It's really quite cooperative."

Although the flame of the flame knife is fierce, it can only defend the upper body of the overlord, and the lower body is full of loopholes and the door is open.

It was unprepared just now, but now it's unexpected. Don't think about it carefully. If the willow vine is just a whip, how can it be lethal?

Under the deliberate urging of Yun Feiyang's soul talent, the willow branches and vines began to become long and thin. In addition, his soul sense is quite strong, so Yun Feiyang seems to be profiant in controlling energy elements. He immediately let the willow branches and vines rotate and twist infinitely, avoid the burning of the violent flame of the flame knife, and quietly cling to the ground and quickly spread in the direction of the legs of the annihilation overlord.

Because the process was silent and the sight was blocked, the overlord did not find that the slender willow branches and vine had changed its trajectory before he blocked it with a flame knife.

The willow branch rattan slowly surrounded the leg of the god hegemony and began to circle up. It was not until Yun Feiyang felt that the right leg of the god god god was completely tied through soul sensing, so that he had no possibility of breaking free at all, he suddenly controlled the willow branch rattan and tightly bound the other party.

"It's not good." This is the only idea in the mind of the god of the destroyer.

An external force came from the calf, and some unstable destroyers immediately felt that the situation was wrong and wanted to cut down with a flame knife. However, before the annihilation overlord could react, Yun Feiyang had used his strength to breastfeed and tried his best to pull the willow branches and vines.

Since being shrouded in this smoke, the mentality of the destroyer has been affected, and his footsteps have been a little chaotic, which has also led to instability in the market. At this time, his leg was suddenly pulled by a strong pull. Although the destroyer wanted to keep his body balance, he still did not adjust it, so he fell down heavily.

Everything was expected by him, and the clouds that had already been prepared flew up and rushed towards the annihilation overlord who fell to the ground with the pulling force of willow branches and vines. Due to this sudden attack, the elemental energy fluctuated to a certain extent, and the flame knife in the hands of the god of destruction also became bright and dark.

Yun Feiyang knows that the fire attribute energy element is the least harmful at this time, and the success or failure will be fought here!

His legs suddenly kicked on the ground, and Yun Feiyang jumped up with the help of inertia and struggled to press towards the annihilation hegemony on the ground. The god overlord did not expect that his opponent would suddenly fight hand-to-hand, so he was unprepared. He was smashed by the weight of dozens or nearly 100 catties of Yun Feiyang. Suddenly, he was a little depressed and his strength to resist was much less.

Even if the power of the annihilation overlord returns to a normal level, the willow branches and rattan has bound the joints of the whole body, and there is a struggle to suppress the weight of Yun Feiyang's body weight, and they will not be able to struggle for a while. During this period, for Yun Feiyang, it is enough to do a lot of things. Yun Feiyang also felt that he had a chance to win, because all this was under his control.

While the overlord could not move, Yun Feiyang quickly withdrew the green smoke that had just emitted as a blocking the line of sight and compressed it quickly. In the blink of an eye, Yun Feiyang condensed and transformed into a wooden thorn slightly larger than a toothpick, and then poked directly into the throat of the annihilation without thinking about it.

The destroyer knew that he had lost. Not only did he not struggle to resist, but he did not make any screams, but his eyes revealed regret and unwillingness. Because the green smoke that blocked the line of sight suddenly disappeared, the God of War overlord clearly saw Yun Feiyang plagiarizing on the body of the god of extermination, and the wooden thorn in his hand pricked down fiercely.

"Ah!" Seeing this behind the scenes, the overlord of the God of War involuntarily screamed. After all, suppressed by his momentum, the functions of the god hegemony are affected everywhere. If this blow is implemented, the god hegemony is likely to be seriously injured.

When he saw that the wooden thorn in Yun Feiyang's hand was less than a centimeter away from his throat, the god hegemony couldn't help swallowing saliva, and the shaking Adam's apple touched the standing wooden thorn tip impartially. Because the range of the action was not large, the throat of the extermination overlord was not cut by a wooden thorn, but this slight pain made the extermination overlord can't help thinking that if the other party desperately hurts ruthlessly, then he is likely to be seriously injured.

Thinking of this, the god hegemony felt a little scared and his expression became flustered. Looking at the frightened god of destruction, Yun Feiyang smiled and withdrew the wooden thorns at the same time, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

Seeing Yun Feiyang's calm and calm appearance, the god hegemony said dejectedly, "I lost."

As soon as the voice fell, all the energy elements of Yun Feiyang were also consumed, and the transformed willow branches and vines automatically disappeared. Because the power consumption was almost, the suppression of the god overlord suddenly decreased sharply.

At this time, the God of War overlord also completely restrained his momentum. After all, the battle was over, and the god of warlord also admitted defeat.

At this time, the destroyer looked at Yun Feiyang with complicated eyes, with shame, unwillingness, and a little unconvinced. Yun Feiyang didn't seem to feel it, just collapsed to the ground and gasped.

Yun Feiyang doesn't know that the god destroyer just wants to take advantage of this competition to give him a deterrent, but the god destroyer is obviously miscalculated.

Although there are only three people in the southwest, the annihilation obviously wants to be the leader and give orders. After all, according to the strength of the god hegemony, of course deserves it. In fact, Yun Feiyang has no desire at all; and the god of war hegemony is more careless, straightforward, and has no intention of competition.

However, the god of destruction still wants to give both of them a defeat. Unfortunately, Yun Feiyang's unreasonable behavior made him lose face. Yun Feiyang did not say anything and still lay on the ground. In fact, when the God of War overlord withdrew the momentum and pressure, any discomfort completely disappeared. The reason why Yun Feiyang is still like this is that he doesn't want to embarrass the god of destruction and let him know that even if Yun Feiyang wins, it is a tragic victory and nothing.

Although it was first to reach an agreement with the annihilation, it was based on mutual need. In fact, Yun Feiyang has more favorable feelings for the God of War overlord.

Through his understanding of the overlord of the God of War, Yun Feiyang knew that he was a very cheerful person, not suspicious and had a careless personality. Of course, it was this personality that made him often deceived and had a bitter past. When he met this woman in white again, he immediately took action. It can be seen that he is a very emotional person with a cheerful personality and dares to love and hate.

On the contrary, Yun Feiyang is not very happy with this mindful god hegemony, otherwise he would not be forced to challenge and not compromise easily. Although this battle was won, it was easy to cause misunderstanding, which made the distance between the two people far away. Yun Feiyang knew that if he pretended to say something now, it would be more stimulating to destroy the god overlord.

For good, the destroyer can't lose face now, so he didn't say anything, but stayed quietly.

The overlord of the God of War did not feel anything and said, "I have to admit that Yun Feiyang's overlord does have a very high level in combat. It seems that as long as the three of us cooperate and work together, there will still be a good chance.

At this time, the overlord of the God of War became much calmer as if he had just escaped from his anger.

Yun Feiyang knew that through this incident, the overlord of the God of War must be deeply stimulated and allowed him to transform; if he can't calm down, he is still angry and angry, then there will never be a chance to revenge.

You know, the woman in white is obviously instructed, and the real enemy should be the overlord behind her.

Hearing the first half of the words of the God of War Overlord, the face of the God Overlord was still a little strange. When he heard the second half, the abnormal situation was fleeting, and his expression seemed much more natural, which should be the reason why the doubts in his heart was solved.

After all, there are three people on this trip. If any one is damaged, it will inevitably have an impact. The overlord thinks he is a person who does great things. Of course, he feels that there is no need to care about these now.

After thinking about it, the overlord of the god of destruction began to compete with the overlord of the god of war, let Yun Feiyang act as a referee, and also released the momentum as pressure.

Originally, the god of destruction overlord put forward a challenge, but in fact, he wanted the god of war to distinguish between the overlord and Yun Feiyang, and then he defeated the winner and gave orders in a name. However, since it has been miscalculated, simply make mistakes and really regard this competition as a drill as an experiment of tacit cooperation.

Since the destroyer can think so, it is naturally the best, and Yun Feiyang is also happy and relaxed.

After Yun Feiyang released the momentum, the two obviously felt the super pressure, but they were already used to the fight just now, so there was no discomfort.

"Since we just used ordinary fighting and energy to fight. So in this game, how about playing a new one and fighting with mythical beasts? The God Destroyer proposed again.

The God of War overlord nodded and responded, "Of course it can't be better."

Yun Feiyang also knew that his strength was not strong enough, and the momentum and pressure was naturally not as good as the two of them, so they could use the power of the mythical beast to fight. Yun Feiyang explores the use of thousands of fantasy beasts by himself, and the Lich King doesn't know much. Since the two want to fight with mythical beasts, Yun Feiyang is certainly very happy to observe it.

After saying that, the two began to use the combination of mythical beasts and began to change their bodies.

Yun Feiyang carefully looked at the god of destruction not far away. The purple pointed head and wide golden wings wrapped the whole body in it, revealing only two slender legs hanging in the air. Compared with those gray-white bottom-level fantasy beasts with a rough appearance, or the tall and powerful intermediate thousand fantasy beasts, this colorful thousand fantasy beast is obviously different, and Yun Feiyang has a sense of fear.

What kind of mythical beast is this? There is such a big gap with the thousand fantasy beast he got. Yun Feiyang can clearly feel the momentum and pressure brought by this thousand fantasy.

"It turned out to be an ancient fantasy beast - the king of the wing of the blade." The Lich King shouted at this time.

"Do you know what's special about it?" Yun Feiyang asked the Lich King in his mind.

"Of course, I know that the king of the front soul wing is a thousand fantasy beasts. It came from before the melee of the gods. It has great power, far from being comparable to these thousand fantasy beasts now." After saying this, the Lich King paused.

The Lich King said, "Actually, just by its name, you know that its wings are as sharp as ice fronts and can easily take lives. The body is as light as a soul and can fly quickly. It can spread its wings and fly in the sky and kill any of its enemies with lightning-like hands. More importantly, it is like a noble messenger, and all the thousands of fantastic beasts will listen to its messenger. Even if they risk their death to charge, they will die one after another.

Hearing the story of the Lich King, Yun Feiyang knew the strength of this sharp soul wing making the king. It seems that the ancient fantasy beast fruit really lives up to its reputation.

Of course, the overlord of the god of war knows that this sharp soul wing makes the king strong, so he dares not take it lightly. After all, the brighter the appearance is, the more dangerous it is. At least in terms of evolution, it is very different from these so-called top-level fantasy beasts today.

What Yun Feiyang wants to see now is what is special about the thousand fantasy beasts of the God of War overlords, which can fight against this ancient thousand fantasy beasts. At this time, the body of the God of War overlord also changed amazingly.

After seeing the change of the overlord of the God of War, the Lich King sighed and praised: "It's not simple or simple. This God of War overlord should also have special opportunities."

"What? Tell me in detail." Yun Feiyang asked as soon as he heard the tone of the Lich King.

"When the battle begins, I will explain it to you while watching it. Alas, in contrast, the ice mythical beast you have now is not in the stream at all. The Lich King sighed.

At this time, Yun Feiyang felt that his momentum had encountered a powerful impact. At this time, the sharp soul wings made the king begin to show his power. The momentum was shocked, and the surrounding force field also changed. Yun Feiyang felt that he was centered on himself, and his surroundings began to shake, and then gradually changed.

The scene changes.

In the sky, there is already a clear purple halo around the purple sun, and the faint purple makes the earth cover the upper layer of strange colors. In the distance, the boundless yellow sand is almost connected to the edge of the sky and closely connected with the dim yellow sky.

"See, this is the strength of the ancient fantasy beast, the changing scene, tilting all the favorable faces towards the wing of the soul to make the king." The Lich King suddenly opened his mouth.

is not an illusion. These are real. Yun Feiyang was moved and ignored what the Lich King said, but squatted down and grabbed a handful of yellow sand from the ground. When I saw the fine gravel sliding down from the cracks in my fingers, the clouds stood up and sprinkled the sand into the sky.

The fine sand grains floated up and raised a golden shadow. Yun Feiyang nodded slightly. Judging from the state and direction of the sand blowing, all this is indeed true.