All magic

Chapter 14 Wood Magic

"I, Sun Yi, swear that I will never let you go." With old hatred and new hatred, Sun Yi gritted his teeth and stared at the distant Qin Gu three people and said.

The followers lay on the ground grinning in pain. Sun Yi looked at them and was very angry. Waste, they are all waste. It seems that they have to catch some powerful men. I didn't expect that bitch to be so powerful. A desire for conquest spread to Sun Yi's whole body in an instant, and I will make you want to die sooner or later.

Leaving a few people behind, Qin Gu and the three came to the secluded place outside the forest.

"Brother, it's safe here. The scope of the survival test is far away from here, but, big brother, why did you come so far? Nangong Shenyi asked puzzledly.

"What? Didn't you tell him?" Beiming Ruoxi looked at Qin Gu doubtfully. Didn't he have such a good relationship with this suspected Nangong family?

"Ha ha, I don't have time, I don't have time." Qin Gu smiled at Beiming Ruoxi and turned to Nangong Shenyi and said, "Xiaoyi, for some special reasons, your eldest brother, I can't use magic, and I can't let others know that I can magic, so you have to keep it a secret for me."

Ah? How could this happen? No wonder, brother, you are in the theoretical department again. Nangong Shenyi regretted and suddenly seemed to think of something, "Is your sister-in-law also in the theoretical department?"

"What sister-in-law, if you talk nonsense, I'll sew your mouth." Beiming Ruoxi instantly turned into a big red face.

Comfortable, little wing, your future is unlimited. Qin Gu gave Nangong Shenyi a positive look and sighed, "Of course, your sister-in-law is also in the theoretical department, in order to follow your eldest brother."

"You..." Beiming Ruoxi was about to lose his temper when he saw it. Qin Gu quickly begged for mercy. "Okay, Sister Ruoxi, I'm wrong. I'm kidding. Cough, let's get to business."

After saying that, Qin Gu asked Nangong Shenyi, "You just seemed to say that Ruoxi's sister's wooden magic is level 7?" Does it mean that the seven-level wooden magic does not need the help of earth elements? Because wood magic is too difficult to practice, and there are few people who study it, and it is not very practical, basically the written materials of wood magic are only up to level 5, and only a few people know the secrets above level 5.

"Yes, this is also what I learned after I followed the teacher." Nangong Shenyi nodded and said, "In fact, few people know the power of wood magic. You can't see anything before level 7, and its power will only be shown after level 7. Because after level 7, you don't need to use earth elements, and you can control spiritual plants.

Speaking of this, Beiming Ruoxi also temporarily forgot his shyness and listened carefully. Originally, I was going to the wood department of the college to ask about wood magic. However, he entered the theoretical department by mistake, and naturally he couldn't get some things from the wood system. Now that some people know the secret of the wooden system, they naturally need to listen carefully.

"Is it level 7 like this?" Qin Gu casually released a vine and asked puzzled, "However, it's different from what Sister Ruoxi just said."

"Brother, has your wooden magic also reached level 7? Oh, my God, please allow me, Nangong Shenyi, to follow you forever. Nangong Shenyi said with a pious face.

"Okay, let's talk about this vine first." Qin Gu curled his lips. This is a matter of any dynasty, and he still follows around. Beiming Ruoxi looked at Qin Gu in surprise. It was so powerful. I remember that his brother said that he was defeated by the murderer's wind magic. He didn't expect the wood system to be so powerful. Who is he?

"Brother, after level 7, you not only need to release magic, but also you have to start communicating with plants. For example, sister-in-law... sister-in-law." Nangong Shenyi saw Beiming Ruoxi's bad eyes and decisively changed her title, "When she released the vines, she must have wanted to restrain the enemy and punish the enemy. With this to sense the right plants, they can be released at will.

Xiaoyi, your position is not firm. How can you be shaken by threats? Qin Gu gave Nangong Shenyi a dissatisfied look. Nangong Shenyi hurriedly bowed his head to express his powerlessness. Even you were afraid of the eldest brother just now. What can I do?

"Yes, that's what I thought at that time." Beiming Ruoxi didn't notice the intersection of the eyes of the two men and gradually understood the wooden magic. At this moment, she was very excited. "When I taught my brother a lesson, I felt a spiritual relationship with the vines. The wooden magic instantly improved, and it could be released without the help of earth elements. Only after the evaluation did I know that my wooden magic had actually advanced to level 7.

The relationship is that Bei Minghao, a boy, has completed Ruoxi's sister, and Qin Gu sighed for a while. He is really a lucky star. Not long after he came into contact with him, I didn't have much magic for a year, and I actually improved my current strength. It seems that I will have to practice him more to improve myself in the future.

"Brother, try it quickly. Communicate with the wooden element in your mind what kind of damage you want to cause to the enemy." Nangong Shenyi hit Qin Gu's thoughts and was excited.

"OK, I'll try to see." Qin Gu began to sense the wood element, and I want to make Ruoxi's sister fall in love with my plants. Qin Gu sensed for a long time and did not respond. Nangong Shenyi and Beiming Ruoxi looked at Qin Gu nervously.

Then I want to make myself more attractive and attract the plants of Ruoxi's sister. Half a day later, there was still no response. This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. You play with me. Qin Gu is a little angry that these plants don't cooperate. Forget it, think about something that can be used in actual combat. By the way, I want the kind of plant that can make others not see that they did it themselves, but can still hit each other. As soon as the idea came into being, Qin Gu instantly sensed a small flower, as if he was smiling at himself. That's it. Qin Gu waved his right hand, and an ordinary little yellow flower appeared at his feet.

"Self, narcissistic flower? Is it really a narcissistic flower? Nangong Shenyi lay on the ground and carefully observed the flower. Size, color, shape, this is really a narcissistic flower.

Narcissistic flower? What is it? Are you a nymphomaniac? Qin Gu looked at the little yellow flower at his feet speechlessly. What can he do with such a thing? Beiming Ruoxi is also confused, and there is nothing special about this little flower.

"Brother, this is a narcissistic flower. Your wooden magic is level eight." Nangong Shenyi couldn't hide his excitement.

"What? Level 8?" Qin Gu and Bei Ming Ruoxi screamed at the same time.

"Yes, this kind of plant that can control other people's thoughts can only be sensed at level eight." Nangong Shenyi began to explain endlessly, "Level 7 wooden magic can release plants that operate spiritual attacks, such as making enemies sleep. Level 8 plants can make the enemy cognitive. For example, this narcissistic flower, who is hit by his pollen, can make the enemy think that he is attacking you, but in fact he is attacking himself. That is to say, let the enemy have the idea that it is right to do so. Nine-level plants can affect other people's thinking and completely manipulate others. For example, if a stranger becomes his subordinate, although he has his own consciousness, he will completely obey all your orders. As for the holy level that can release the forbidden spell, even the teacher hasn't studied it all, and I don't know what it looks like.

Ha ha, little yellow flower, little yellow flower, I underestimated you. If you had been there just now, those stupid people would have beaten themselves. This is really a good thing. Qin Gu thought of it covetedly, but it was better to get to level 9 quickly. I said why I couldn't feel it just now. It turned out that it needed level 9. At that time, I can find a plant that made my sister Ruoxi fall in love with me, and then... hey hey. However, as Xiaoyi said, the wooden magic showed its power only after level seven. To be precise, it is the power of these spiritual attacks. Level 7 can make sweat medicine, level 8 is to give back to the other person, and level 9 is simply against the sky.

Beiming Ruoxi thought a few things and thought quietly.

"Brother, brother, try the effect of narcissistic flowers." Nangong Shenyi was in high spirits, and it was also the first time he saw the physical object of this plant.

"You are stupid. There is no enemy here. Otherwise, you can attack me and I'll see the effect." Qin Gu took a white look.

"No, no." Nangong Shenyi bowed his head and admitted his mistake again.

"by the way, Xiaoyi, do you know the magic level evaluation of other departments? Just like the water system can form an ice system when it reaches level 9. Since the wooden system has been completed and has reached level 8, let's see what the other levels have and what special effects they have.

"Of course, I know. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask me. I've been here for so many years..." Nangong Shenyi said angrily, but in the middle of the words, he realized that he had said something wrong and quickly stopped. "Brother, what else do you want to know? I'll tell you. However, the most accurate one is to test it with an evaluation instrument. Brother, haven't you evaluated it?

Alas, of course, I have evaluated that with the "gift" of a black ball, I was actually rated as a person abandoned by the element. Thinking of the black ball, Qin Gu suddenly thought that he had not tested the power of the black ball. Xiaoyi said that he was knowledgeable and might know what element it was and how to operate it. It looks like something dark or something, which won't cause any trouble. However, in order to get the origin of this mysterious black ball, all Qin Gu's concerns now seem so small.

"Let's not talk about the evaluation, Xiaoyi, please help me see what elemental magic this is." Thinking of doing it, Qin Gu instantly condensed a black element ball the size of a table tennis ball on the palm of his right hand.

When Beiming Ruoxi heard Qin Gu's words, he also interrupted his thoughts curiously and looked at the black ball in Qin Gu's hand. What kind of magic is this? I saw it for the first time. How many secrets does this Qin Gu have? Unconsciously, the transfer of his murder evidence turned into a secret to investigate him. Beiming Ruoxi himself did not notice the change in his mentality.

At this moment, a heartbreaking scream sounded, "No!"