All magic

Chapter 86 Gu Jun II

"Don't say anything, Xiaogu, come up quickly now." A rigid robot more than one meter high on the stairs made a sound of Ximen Jingtong and said, "By the way, bring up Gu Jun No. 1, and I need to debug more."

Gu Jun No. 1? Qin Gu looked at the robot on the stairs with a black line. Is this the thing? It seems that he still hasn't escaped Sister Tong's claws. Qin Gu sighed, "It seems that he hasn't escaped. I'd better find Sister Tong first." Qin Gu said to Ximen Jinglun with a wry smile.

"Then let's go up together." Ximen Jinglun said with a smile, but there was a little regret in his heart.

With Gu Jun No. 1, Qin Gu and the two quickly came to Ximen Jingtong's "laboratory".

"Sister Tong, where is this thing?" Qin Gu looked around the house, which was very similar to the school laboratory, and it was also a mess of things. It's just that in the school, there is a stream to help clean it up.

"Put it on the shelf over there." Ximen Jingtong was busy tapping on the computer and said without looking back.

"Ogu, I'll make you a cup of tea first." Ximen Jinglun said to Qin Gu with some embarrassment, "Find a place to sit down first. There are usually people cleaning here, but others are not allowed to come in recently, so..."

"Sister Lun, don't bother, you're not an outsider." Qin Gu smiled and waved his hand, and was used to the "sloppy" personality of Sister Tong. Moving some annoying equipment, Qin Gu moved two chairs and sat down with Ximen Jinglun.

"It seems that it will take a while for Sister Tong to finish it." Qin Gu looked at Ximen Jingtong and knew that she didn't like to be disturbed at this time. He turned around and chatted with Ximen Jinglun, "Sister Lun, why can't you get in touch with her these days? And the text message two days ago, did something happen?

"It's a long story. We are under house arrest now." Ximen Jinglun sighed and slowly said the beginning and end of the incident, "Last time we went to visit the boss of Tianxuan Restaurant, we found that his death was very strange. So I went to check some and found that he had been killed. However, those policemen insisted on saying that they died of normal illness. My sister was stubborn and insisted on fighting against her. However, our strength is still small, and we have no choice but to come to our father. As a result, along this line, a bigger conspiracy was found. Ximen Jinglun shook his head helplessly. "He was worried that we had something to do. In order not to let us participate in it, he locked us up."

"As for the text messages two days ago..." Ximen Jinglun suddenly asked seriously, "Isn't anything wrong with you?"

"What does the accident mean?" Qin Gu asked curiously. It seemed that Sister Tong and Sister Lun really knew something. However, Sister Li has told herself so much. As for the news of the Ximen sisters, let's see if it can be supplemented.

"Is there anything wrong with the Beiming family? How are Ah Hao and Xiaoxi? Ximen Jinglun asked with concern.

"Alas!" With a sigh, Qin Gu described all the events of this period. From myself to Shanghai to participate in the competition, to the kidnapping of Xiaoxi, to the final havoc in the Nangong family. Except for hiding something irrelevant, everything else can be said.

"How could this happen?" Ximen Jinglun looked unbelievably, "How is the stream now? Has it been released by Nangong Linu?

"Not yet, because something happened to me, so I haven't contacted Sister Li yet." Qin Gu had no choice but to tell him about his wanted. By the way, how did you come here by mistake?

"However, I'm still very strange." Ximen Jinglun frowned, "What kind of Xuanyuan family and history are she talking about? How can the principal be the originator of all this?" Ximen Jinglun said doubtfully, "According to our Ximen's investigation, it seems that the Holy Alliance is playing tricks."

"What holy alliance?" Qin Gu heard this word for the first time and asked puzzledly.

Before Ximen Jinglun could answer, Ximen Jingtong came over after finishing the matter at hand, "Ok, don't talk about this. These things can be done by adults. We don't need to think so much. No matter what the Xuanyuan family is or what kind of sacred alliance it is, as long as the stinky girl of Linu let go of the stream. Although Ximen Jingtong was busy with her own affairs, the conversation between Qin Gu and Ximen Jinglun still heard word for word.

Ximen Jingtong came forward and pulled Qin Gu, "You came at a good time. I'm worried about how to test some functions of Gu Jun-2. Come on, come on, come on." It should be said that Qin Gu has been used to the right not to refuse. Ximen Jingtong pressed Qin Gu to sit on a strange metal chair, wearing a strange helmet on his head, and countless unintentional wires were pasted everywhere. After preparing all this, Ximen Jingtong moved a table from the side and put it in front of Qin Gu.

"All right, everything is ready." Ximen Jingtong said proudly, "Let's welcome my epoch-making masterpiece, Gu Jun No. 2." After saying that, Ximen Jingtong turned around, knocked in front of the computer a few times again, and then retreated aside with a smile.

"Kkakaka..." Several mechanical start-up sounds sounded. Qin Gu followed the sound and saw a robot of more than 20 centimeters, probably to his calf, pulling away the debris in front of him and walking towards him. It is completely different from the previous relatively large and rigid "Gu Jun-1". Small and flexible. The five fingers on the manipulator can even move like human fingers. This is not the most eye-catching. The first time Qin Gu saw the robot, he almost fainted again. Nothing else, just because this robot has hair. With black hair on the metal head, Qin Gu didn't know that Ximen Jingtong did it with the above technology, but... the more he looked at it, the more he felt like himself. Then look at the iron face of the robot, although it is still very three-dimensional and square. However, Ximen Jingtong cleverly designed her eyebrows, and even drew some obvious lines with recognition in her eyes, nose and mouth. If you look carefully, with more associations, you can also see thick eyebrows, big eyes, eagle hook nose. Just...

"Sister Tong, this robot is not made according to me, is it?" Qin Gu looked at Ximen Jingtong sadly and asked.

"Nonsense, of course, I did it according to you, otherwise will you be called Gu Jun?" Ximen Jingtong glanced at Qin Gu and said excitedly, "How's it going? Does it look like it? I think you are simply brothers."

Qin Gu is too lazy to complain. As soon as his eyes closed, he habitually made a dead pig look like he was not afraid of boiling water, waiting for Ximen Jingtong**.

"Up, up, up..." Not long after Qin Gu closed his eyes, the robot suddenly made a sound very similar to himself. Qin Gu quickly opened his eyes and found that the robot had come to the bottom of the table, holding a leg of the table, and kept talking in his mouth. At the same time, the body also jumped. However, he always jumped in place and couldn't climb up.

"Sister Tong, this..." Qin Gu was very surprised. Although the robot looks very funny now, it can't hide its uniqueness.

How's it going? The sound is also similar, isn't it? Ximen Jingtong said proudly, "I just did it according to your audio." Looking at this scene, Ximen Jinglun, who was sitting not far away, had already laughed and had a stomachache.

"No, Sister Tong, that's not what I'm talking about." Qin Gu hurriedly explained.

"Then what are you talking about?" Ximen Jingtong asked puzzledly, and Ximen Jinglun, who was laughing, also came over curiously.

"I mean, does this little thing have artificial intelligence?" Qin Gu asked. Being able to judge the things around you, how to make your own judgment, and even speak independently is simply the primor of the highest pursuit of human beings in the previous life, the prototype of artificial intelligence.

"It's artificial intelligence. What's wrong? Is it amazing?" Ximen Jingtong asked puzzledly, "This is what coax children to play with. Why are you so surprised?"

Uh... Qin Gu's speech. Isn't it? This is a "new world", and this kind of technology is not valued at all. However, I didn't expect that Sister Tong was so powerful that one person could make artificial intelligence.

"If you like it, when I make Gu Jun No. 3, this No. 2 will be given to you as a toy." Ximen Jingtong said with a smile, then walked over, took Gu Jun No. 2 to the table and clap his hands, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's start testing."

The robot looked directly at Qin Gu with a "expressionless face" and seemed to be ready to compete with Qin Gu.

"Since you are talking about artificial intelligence, let's test intelligence first." Ximen Jingtong smiled, "Let's have a simpler one. What is 478 times 351?"

"167778." Gu Jun 2 answered without hesitation.

Qin Gu looked at Ximen Jingtong in a daze. Is this a joke about himself?

Ximen Jingtong turned around and looked at the computer data behind him, turned around and said, "Both of you have no thinking fluctuations. However, Gu Jun 2 answered correctly without thinking. And Xiaogu, you didn't respond because you became demented. Therefore, Gu Jun No. 2 won the first one more overwhelmingly than intelligence.

"Victory, victory." Gu Jun 2 heard Ximen Jingtong's sentence and cheered happily. The left and right feet kept jumping, and the two iron hands kept "colliding" with each other, making a loud sound.

Qin Gu looked at this robot with a face that looked like himself, and then at the Ximen sisters who were already laughing and squatting on the ground. He was almost crying without tears.

God, earth, which god should send an angel to save himself. Qin Gu kept mourning in his heart, but God did not send angels, but sent the devil.