All magic

Chapter 203 Unexpected Intelligence

The winter sun is a little lazy through the window, projecting on the face of Nangong Shenyi, with a unique loneliness and depression. Seeing such a lost sigh of Nangong Shenyi, Qin Gu's heart was also full of sadness.

Qin Gu knows why Nangong Shenyi is like this. Lin Bo was not able to "leave" after the duel, so that Nangong Shenyi could not find out about his father and his family. But Qin Gu has no choice but to do this. At that time, the Xuanyuan family led by Lin Bo was obviously soft. So many people were present, especially Liu Lao, who had taken good care of the Nangong family. Qin Gu stopped the Nangong Shenyi, who was a little excited at that time, and let Lin Bo and others leave.

Judging from the situation at that time, Qin Gu also intended to let Lin Bo go. If Qin Gu is aggressive, it will make the Xuanyuan family look a little weak, as if the Nangong family "bullying too much". Although in fact, many people understand the style of Xuanyuan family and can't wait to eradicate them in one fell swoop. But at that time, it was obviously not the best time, and it was easy for the Xuanyuan family to take advantage of it. You have to master everything. It's not good if it's too much.

In order to think about the overall situation, Qin Gu must stabilize Nangong Shenyi. He did not understand how the third brother could be so out of control. It was not until after the incident that Nangong Shenyi told Qin Gu the reason that he suddenly realized that he was also owed Xiaoyi.

"Little wing, don't worry. As I said, I will avenge your great revenge. Although it is almost impossible to get in touch with Lin Bo again now, I will find a way to get news from him. Qin Gu firmly made a guarantee to Nangong Shenyi.

"Brother, I'm fine. After waiting for more than ten years, I was a little too anxious to see the news. I really can't do too much at that time. I understand. Nangong Shenyi smiled sadly and then got up and said, "I'll go first. In the afternoon, I have to follow Uncle En to meet some elders."

"Well, come to me if you have something to do. Anyway, I will support you." Qin Gu also got up and patted Nangong Shenyi on the shoulder.

After Nangong Shenyi nodded and smiled, he left, leaving only Qin Gu alone.

There is not much time, and the pace must be accelerated. After Nangong Shenyi left, Qin Gu sorted out his thoughts. There is no need for him to do anything to integrate the Nangong family for the time being. As soon as the Xuanyuan family left, the Oriental family also intended to withdraw, and some of the remaining forces were irrelevant. Originally, rich families like the Nangong family always have some spies of other forces, and they are used to it. The most important thing now is to twist the whole Nangong family into a rope. At the same time, because of the withdrawal of the Xuanyuan family, many key positions in the Nangong family have been vacated, and it will take some time to choose the right person to replace them. The most serious loss is the elite army escort of the Nangong family, and almost 90% of the people have defected to the Xuanyuan family. Today's guards are almost in vain. Fortunately, Nangongming has been reconvening personnel these days, and at the same time temporarily lowering the conditions for selection, which is barely enough to make up the minimum number of people required by the escort.

The matter of the Nangong family is now regarded as a "family matter", and there is no need for Qin Gu to participate in it. Except for occasionally coming up with Wang Fang to give ideas for the Nangong family, the rest is to wait for them to complete the integration and carry out the next plan. Now Qin Gu is more concerned about his own "family affairs".

What happened to the blood flowing from Xuanyuan when he opened the tomb of Xuanyuan's ancestors? To be sure, my mother is by no means from the Xuanyuan family, and all that remains is the word... father, which is strange to Qin Gu. He hasn't seen his father since he was born. According to my mother, my father is dead. But every time he heard his mother say this, Qin Gu could feel that his mother was lying. My father must still be alive, and there should be some reason why I can't stay with my mother. However, my mother doesn't seem to have any intention of blaming her. On the contrary, she can see that she still loves deeply. Father? Where the hell are you? What kind of person is he? Qin Gu couldn't help asking himself.

In addition, Qin Gu also has many doubts about the Oriental family. Just as he cleaned up the Xuanyuan family, he unconsciously learned something from a person. That person is Dongfang Yong, who is fully responsible for all the activities of the Oriental family in the Nangong family. It is this person who seems to have a good status in the oriental family, who was accidentally affected by Qin Gu's spiritual magic and revealed a lot of secrets.

First of all, Qin Gu learned about the situation when the Beiming family was destroyed from Dongfang Yong. It's the person of the dark holy level and the holy alliance. He not only captured the northern Mingli, but also slaughtered the main force of the Northern Ming family. It seems that it is necessary to investigate this sacred alliance. Maybe you can learn about these kidnappings from the secret holy level. Contact with the Holy Alliance was mentioned on Qin Gu's schedule. Of course, the guard of the Nangong family that appeared after this to encircle and suppress the Beiming family has now known that it was the ghost of the Xuanyuan family.

Secondly, because Dongfang Yong has been undercover in the Beiming family for a long time, some information about the Beiming family was also learned by Qin Gu. Although the Beiming family has survived in name and death, its history does not seem to have anything worth paying attention to. However, in these intelligence, Qin Gu became interested in a piece of information. At that time, Bei Mingli, the suzerain of the Beiming family, had a mysterious contact with Ximen Hui, the former head of the Ximen family. Shortly after this contact, Simon Hui, the patriarch of the Simon family, who had just taken office for a short time, died in an accident, and then his brother, Simon, the father of the Simon sisters, took over as the head of the family. Although it may be just a coincidence about this matter, and there are no more clues. But Qin Gu always has a hunch that Ximen Hui's death should have something to do with his experience with Bei Mingli. Moreover, it seems that many bigger secrets are involved, and may even be related to the kidnappers in this kidnapping case. Qin Gu didn't know why he felt this way, but he was more willing to believe it. It seems that this matter is also worth investigating.

In addition to the above two things, the most important information Qin Gu learned from Dongfang Yong is Dongfang Luyang's search for artifacts. Although he didn't know much, it was enough to surprise Qin Gu. Xuanyuan Qinghong also said that the four families coveted the ten-arm compass. Is the purpose of their fancy to find the ten-arm compass? Qin Gu also remembered the signs that someone had been to the tomb of Xuanyuan's ancestors at that time, and Xuanyuan Qinghong did not know the secret of the tomb at all. Could it be that the people who entered at that time were not the Xuanyuan family, but the people of the other four families? If the people of the four families really entered the tomb and knew the secrets inside, then they could find the artifacts and coveted the ten compasses in series. The question is, how did they get into the tomb without the blood of Xuanyuan?

However, the most important thing is that Dongfang Luyang is still looking for artifacts, so what about the rest of the families? Qin Gu explored the Nangong family. Not to mention looking for the artifact, no one even knew about the artifact, so it can be ruled out. But what about Ximen and the Beiming family? Are they also looking for artifacts? Thinking of the previous information, Qin Gu felt that Ximenhui's meeting with Bei Mingli and Ximenhui's death were also related to this? I always feel that the clues are intersected, but there is no stronger evidence, so that this line does not intersect as if it were parallel lines.

Although the top priority at present is for the Xuanyuan family. But Qin Gu always felt that the thing about the artifact seemed to be more important than destroying the Xuanyuan family. It's not just because the artifact is the only way to return to the original world and save everything. Qin Gu has a feeling that the secret between several families and artifacts seems to be more critical than dealing with the Xuanyuan family. However, in any case, all this is only my sixth sense and speculation for the time being, and there is no better entry point at present. But the only certainty is that Qin Gu knows that he has been targeted by Dongfang Lvyang. To be precise, the Pangu axe in his hand has been targeted.

Qin Gu knew that not only his Pangu axe, but also Sister Lun's Kunlun mirror and Lingling's demon refining pot were also targeted. Dongfang Luyang will know this. Qin Gu doesn't believe how powerful his spies are. Ten*, either Xiaoyu or Lingling was seduced by Dongfang Luyang without knowing it, but this really can't be blamed on them. Therefore, Qin Gu kept the matter secret, and even Wang Fang did not tell him. He was afraid that this might affect everyone's unity.

Qin Gu scratched his head impatiently, always feeling some waves of unevenness and waves of rise. How can there always be these annoying things to be known by yourself? Forget it, don't think about it at all. Anyway, I learned from Dongfang Yong that Dongfang Luyang has not made any specific actions now, but he is still observing, and there is nothing to worry about for a while.

With the mentality of being naturally straight from the boat to the bridge, Qin Gu simply sorted out the information, buried it in the depths of his heart and temporarily sealed it. If you have a chance to get new information, just stuff it in and filter it. There is nothing new, so I won't think about it for the time being. When the Xuanyuan family is solved, let's focus on the investigation.

Lazyly stretching his waist, Qin Gu took out the Pangu axe and looked at the huge golden axe that had returned to its original appearance with some tears and smiles. Since the sudden change of Pangu Axe three days ago, Qin Gu's strength has also soared, and it has broken through the sacred level to another height. But similar to some situations he has experienced before, Qin Gu's strength fell back before he could feel that realm. Not only has the Pangu axe restored to its original state, but what's more disadvantageous is that the power of the fire element in the body has also been dimly "silent" and can no longer control it to receive additional power assistance. It can be said that Qin Gu's current strength is not as good as before he fought against Xuanyuan. Without the power of fire elements, with Qin Gu's current situation, if you fight with Xuan Yuan, who is full of firepower, I'm afraid it will be more or less auspicious.