All magic

Chapter 265 Western Food

In the restaurant near the Dean family manor, Qin Gu and Meimei have been sitting face to face for a while. Originally, Qin Gu wanted to get angry. At least he finally saw this girl, but when he saw that she had done something wrong, Qin Gu couldn't get angry. But he didn't want Meimei to think that he could avoid the punishment of "runaway" casually. Qin Gu pretended to be angry and didn't say a word. And Meimei naturally doesn't dare to speak, looking like a "air bag".

When the waiter came to dinner, Qin Gu couldn't help laughing when he saw Meimei's mouth-watering look. This girl is still like this. She can't control herself when she sees the food, but she can't eat fat, which is quite enviable.

Meimei really can't resist the delicious food**, but Qin Gu's fierce and evil looks, and she dares not eat it.

"hehe." After all, Qin Gu was amused by the beautiful appearance and couldn't stand it first. The originally cold face suddenly disappeared and replaced with a consistent smile. Speaking from the bottom of his heart, Qin Gu was very happy to see Meimei and see that she was still so "harmed".

"Eat it, don't swallow your saliva." Qin Gu said with a smile and took the lead in picking up the knife and fork. He wandered outside the manor for a long time and was a little hungry.

Qin Gu has already started, but Meimei still doesn't move.

Qin Gu smiled and said, "Why don't you eat? It's okay. Let's finish eating first. He thought that Meimei was still worried about blaming her and didn't dare to eat. Are you really so cruel that you don't even give them food? Then I won't let the waiter serve two copies just now.

Meimei looked at the tender beef on the dinner plate, looked at the knife and fork placed next to it, and said something that almost made Qin Gu fall, "I'm waiting for chopsticks."

Qin Gu was teased by the beautiful cuteness and gently shook the knife and fork in his hand, "See? You also have it over there. You need to use this for Western food.

"Western food?" Meimei didn't understand the word Qin Gu said. In her opinion, food is food, and she didn't eat it in her stomach in the end. Besides, why is this food so strange? You don't even need chopsticks. After complaining, Meimei still followed Qin Gu's appearance, picked up the knife and fork, and then did not move, looking straight at Qin Gu's next move.

Qin Gu smiled again, knowing that the girl was ready to learn from herself. By the way, Qin Gu is not proficient in using it himself, but he just came to here and learned to use it. However, Qin Gu learned quickly. Although he was not very gentlemanly, he could also skillfully eat the food on the plate. Seeing Meimei staring at herself like this, Qin Gu simply cut the beef and prepared to hand it to Meimei.

What Qin Gu didn't expect was that he was cutting beef, but Meimei couldn't wait. After cutting twice like herself, Meimei gave up decisively, forked up the whole piece of beef directly with a fork and bit it down.

Looking at Meimei chewing with relish, Qin Gu was a little dumbfounded, and it was the first time he saw people eating Western food like this. However, the beautiful appearance is not ugly. On the contrary, people can't help but look at it a few more times. Seeing that she eats so deliciously, they will doubt that it is really so delicious?

Of course, the people who eat in this restaurant are all important people within the Sack family. They also recognized Qin Gu, and even the distinguished guests greeted by the young master Saak in person naturally would not say anything. On the contrary, some playful children learned to eat beautifully. Instead, they started to provoke the originally quiet and noble restaurant, which suddenly became lively. This is the first time since the establishment of the restaurant.

However, the beauty that triggered these chain reactions continued to eat without knowing it, and slowly frowned a little, "This meat is not as delicious as ours."

Meimei is used to Chinese food, but she is still not used to Western food. Qin Gu just smiled and continued to eat his own.

Originally, a guest of beef was not enough to have a beautiful appetite. But today, she felt that she had made a mistake and had no appetite. Second, this beef is not as delicious as she has eaten before. After the main meal, I don't even want to eat that exquisite dessert. Or, the dessert that looks exquisite like a work of art makes Meimei feel that it is not edible.

"Well, now you can talk about what have you done these days?" Qin Gu asked with a smile. Because of the noise just now, Qin Gu was not angry at all. At this moment, he was not asking, but worried about his concern.

Naturally, Meimei could also feel the gentleness in Qin Gu's words and almost fell. She was about to answer. She immediately realized that something was wrong. She hurriedly braked and stammered, "No, nothing..."

"You're not going to take a nothing to perfunctory me, are you?" The beautiful and hurried appearance made Qin Gu more and more curious. What kind of thing is it that this girl has to hide from herself?

Of course, Qin Gu's words are more like joking. Although he is curious, if Meimei insists not to say anything, Qin Gu will not force him to ask. Now that she has found Meimei, she will no longer want to slip away from her. No matter what problems Meimei faces, she will be by her side as soon as possible.

"No, no, just..." Meimei was anxious and felt that she seemed to have hurt Qin Gu, but she still couldn't say anything. If Qin Gu knows about this, he is likely to find the devil, and the picture in his memory may actually appear. That is the greatest damage to Qin Gu, and may even lose his life. Meimei never wants this to happen.

"If you don't want to say it, don't talk about it. Everyone will have some little secrets. However, you have to promise me that you will never leave me again. Qin Gu did not force Meimei again and seriously told her.

Feering the unquestionable strong aura of Qin Gu, Meimei naturally nodded and agreed. But the next second she regretted it. How could she agree in a confused way? Not to mention that he still wants to find that guy, what if he is next to Qin Gu and that guy recovers his strength?

Meimei's memory is incomplete, so she doesn't know why the hatred between herself and the devil comes from. She only knows that they have fought a few fights, and they all won easily. Or it's not a fight, it's just a kid coming to make trouble and being kicked away by himself.

But the beauty now is not the beauty of the past. She herself knows that in her current situation, it is hard to say what will happen if she meets the devil. If it is in its heyday, it has no chance of winning at all. Now, Meimei is just guessing that the devil's strength has not fully recovered, but has it really not recovered? Or how much strength he has now, everything is unknown.

I believe that this devil is the devil. If he thinks the time is ripe, he is likely to come to find himself. This is also the most important reason why Meimei chose to take the lead in order to prevent Qin Gu from encountering it.

In Meimei's memory, the only few times she had to deal with it was that the other party took the initiative to come to her, which made Meimei worried. What should she do if it suddenly appeared when she stayed next to Qingu? That devil won't care so much. If it really allows him to find himself, and his strength has an absolute advantage, it is likely to hurt the people around him, especially Qin Gu. Don't you think Xiao Er is a victim? Although Meimei is unwilling, she has to say that what Xiao Er said is likely to be true. Look at Xiao Er's "weak" appearance now. Even if he stole his power, there is definitely the shadow of the devil in it. Fortunately, I and Xiao Er are still alive, but unfortunately the devil is also alive and has just woken up. Will I and the small valley and others around me be spared this time?

I thought a lot in an instant, and Meimei finally decided that it would be better to find an opportunity to slip away from Qin Gu. For Meimei now, time is everything. She wants to find the devil and kill it as soon as possible. This is the first time that Meimei has become murderous, just to protect her favorite Qin Gu.

"This time, you don't want to sneak away from me anymore. My strength has recovered, and you can't escape." I don't know whether Qin Gu saw the intention of beauty or a purely joking supplement. But this sentence makes the beauty as if it were struck by lightning and anxious...

While Meimei was constantly asking herself what to do, Qin Gu's phone rang. The caller was Sac. First, he apologized for neglecting Qin Gu because he was too busy with his work. Then, he asked Qin Gu's attitude, and he was ready to introduce Qin Gu to his father, Di'an. Qin Gu agreed directly to Sac's inquiry without thinking about it. First of all, he is well taken care of by Sach, and now he is always going to visit in other people's territory. Second, Qin Gu regarded Sac as a real good friend, and it was not surprising to meet his friend's family.

It's just that Qin Gu doesn't know now. When he saw old Dean, he knew something that shocked him.

Of course, this happened later, and Qin Gu still knows nothing about it. Without noticing that Meimei was a little distracted, Qin Gu paid the bill and took her out of the restaurant. Since you are going to visit Sack's father, you have to bring some gifts, which is basic courtesy. It's just that it's too late to go to the shopping malls in the city, so I have to choose something nearby. Although this neighborhood is almost the property of the Dean family, the courtesy is light and affectionate.

When Qin Gu returned to the manor with Meimei and a selected handicraft, the first person he saw was not Sak, but a strange girl...