All magic

Chapter 275 Murderer

The smell of conspiracy became stronger and stronger, and Qin Gu immediately thought of Dongfang Luyang.

"Let's go and have a look." After saying hello, Qin Gu left with Nangong Shenyi and Nangong Linu, and the others stayed in the room.

"Brother Ming." When he came to the scene of the crime, Qin Gu saw that Nangong Ming had organized people to work and stepped forward to say hello.

"Xiao Gu is coming." Nangong Ming turned around and smiled at Qin Gu, and said respectfully to the two people behind him, "Master, young lady."

Nanggong Li's cousin nodded.

"Brother Ming, how's it going?" Qin Gu looked at the busy people in the room, did not go in to disturb, and asked Nangong Ming at the door.

"Sun Hao is a captain of the escort and has the strength of nine levels of the earth system. Preliminary observation is that he died of dark magic and was killed in seconds. The other party should be a master, with a dark master above level 9. Nangong Ming answered truthfully, and Sun Hao was the dead captain.

Dark magic? Qin Gu immediately thought of the broken arm of the secret master of the Holy Alliance, but soon excluded him. That man should still stay in France at this time, and he should not have done it. Although there is also the possibility that he will come back, Qin Gu doesn't have to think so. That man has always been the leader of the Xuanyuan family, but the last time he attacked the Xuanyuan family, even if the situation reached such a critical moment, he did not appear. Qin Gu guessed that he was likely to have a rift with Xuanyuan Qinghong, and he went to France to seek asylum. Under such circumstances, it is estimated that he dares not come back without authorization, unless Xuanyuan's order. But this is unlikely. Xuanyuan will not do such a troublesome thing.

Thinking about Xuanyuan's style of doing things, you can understand one or two from the time he directly grabbed the Pangu axe. He is a person who likes to go straight. Therefore, it is impossible for him to send the dark saint of the Holy Alliance. Qin Gu didn't have to think about it, and immediately locked the suspect in the Oriental family.

"Sister Li, do you know who else has such strength?" Qin Gu turned around and asked that he was a secret master with more than nine levels of strength. Such a person should not be difficult to investigate. The reason for asking Nangong Linu is that she has been in the church for a long time and should also know many masters of oriental families. Maybe the murderer is among these people.

Nangong Linu didn't hear the meaning of Qin Gu's words. She thought for a moment and replied, "As far as I know, there are three hidden masters in China except for the Holy Alliance, but these three people have been missing for a long time, and no one knows where they are. However, I don't think they did this time, because these three people have served as guards above and should not have done such a thing. For the rest, if I judge, only the one from the Holy Alliance is the most suspected.

Nangong Shenyi listened carefully and secretly touched his nerves. The first time I heard Sister Li say something about dark magic, Nangong Shenyi had her own calculation in her heart.

Qin Gu frowned slightly after hearing this, but the person who was excluded by himself was the most suspected person in the mouth of Nangong Linu. However, Qin Gu also believed that the other three people said by Nangong Linu that they would not be murderers, which was his trust in Nangong Linu.

"Is it from abroad?" Qin Gu continued to ask that the characteristics of the murderer were so obvious that it should be easy to find out.

"I don't think so." The speaker was Nangong Ming, "Sun Hao's death was attacked at close range, that is to say, the murderer entered our Nangong family. But since I received the escort, the personnel have been closely checked, and no foreigners have come in recently. After the end of the Xuanyuan family, Nangong Ming was promoted and became the leader of the escort.

It's not foreign, and the domestic ones are also excluded. Is there anyone who doesn't know that it is done by the dark saint?

While thinking about Qin Gu, a person came out of the room and said respectfully, "Master, Miss, Team Ming, Qin Shao, I can provide some clues."

"Oh?" Qin Gu looked up at the person.

"This is Wang Meng, a team member of Sun Hao, and his good friend, who was the first to find Sun Hao's body." Nangong Ming explained the identity of the speaker, and Wang Meng smiled and nodded.

"What clue do you know?" Qin Gu asked.

"Recently, Sun Hao has made a girlfriend, and I have also met her once. She is very beautiful. It's just that he has become a little weird since he had a girlfriend. Specifically, I can't say what's wrong, but I can still feel my understanding of him for so many years. Today, I came to him for a drink, but no one responded no matter how he knocked on the door, so I thought if he was messing with his girlfriend, so I wanted to play a prank..." After that, Wang Meng became a little embarrassed. It was very difficult for him to do so.

However, no one accused him at this time. Qin Gu continued to ask, "Do you know about his girlfriend?"

"I only know that her name is Fang Lin and she works in the church. I don't know anything else." Wang Meng answered honestly.

Working in the church? Qin Gu's eyes lit up, "Can you take me to find her?"

"No problem, anytime."

"Xiao Gu, do you suspect Fang Lin?" Nangong asked.

"It should be. Look at the house, there are no traces of fighting and no traces of Sun Hao's struggle. In addition, as Wang Meng said before, the doors and windows are intact and locked. It should be a case done by acquaintances." Qin Gu nodded and said.

Nangong Ming glanced at Wang Meng and shook his head, "It shouldn't be. Wang Meng just said that Fang Lin's strength is not high, only the fifth level of fire."

"Yes, yes." Wang Meng nodded aside and echoed.

"How do you know?" Qin Gu asked Wang Meng curiously.

"Sun Hao said that he drank too much that time. I complained that he had been forgetful recently. If he had a girlfriend, he didn't want a good friend. So I didn't know until I talked about his girlfriend. Wang Meng replied.

"Anyway, let's meet first. If it's convenient, let's go now." Qin Gu thought about it and still felt that Fang Lin was the most suspicious. Anyway, let's meet first.

"Convenient, convenient." Wang Meng nodded vigorously.

"Otani, I'll go with you." Nangong Li Nv said, "I still have some connections in the church."

"It's okay." Qin Gu agreed and said to Nangong Shenyi and Nangong Ming, "Xiaoyi, Brother Ming, I'll leave it to you here. Please contact me if there is anything new."

"Don't worry."

"Leave it to me."

After the two agreed, Qin Gu wanted to take Wang Meng and Nangong Linu to the church. He didn't want to delay for a moment, and he was afraid that something new would happen.

But the more they were afraid of something, the more they became. Before the three of them came far, Qin Gu's phone rang. The caller is the Oriental Invitation Spirit that I haven't been able to contact before.

Spirit? What's wrong with you?" Qin Gu answered the phone, but he heard that the other end of the phone seemed to be crying.

"Otani, I... I killed someone." Dongfang invited Ling to sob and said something.

"Ah?" Qin Gu stopped and was a little dazed. Nangong Linu and Wang Meng did not dare to disturb and also stopped.

"Don't cry first, where are you? I'll come to you." Qin Gu comforted and said, but he was puzzled that this girl killed someone? What's going on?

"I'm in church."

Church? Hearing the answer of Dongfang's invitation, Qin Gu unconsciously had a bad idea in his heart.

"Wait for me, I'll be right there." After saying that, Qin Gu hung up the phone and turned to the two behind him and said, "It seems that we are going to speed up. Wang Meng, I will wrong you first."

Before Wang Meng understood the meaning of Qin Gu's words, he was raised by a strong lazy waist. Qin Gu put Wang Meng and Nangong Linu at his waist one by one, rushed out of the building, and directly urged the wind magic to fly towards the church.

The church at night is much quieter than during the day, but it is also full of people, mostly from oriental families. Qin Gu came with Wang Meng and Nangong Linu, which also caused a lot of **. This ** is not for Qin Gu, but for Nangong Linu. The saint has disappeared for so long and finally came back? Everyone is very excited. The saint is a symbol of the church, similar to the role of a spokesperson. The absence of the church of the saint is not so complete.

Nangong Linu once flew by Qin Gu, and her spirit was sufficient, so she quickly calmed down. Although Wang Meng was also taken by his friends to fly by, he was not as fast as Qin Gu. As soon as he landed, he felt that his stomach had turned upside down and vomited a lot before he recovered a little blood. He followed Qin Gu and Nangong Linu into the church.

Qin Gu was not afraid that someone would tell Dongfang Lvyang about his arrival, so he did not sneak around. Originally, he planned to talk to Dongfang Lvyang. But now, there are more important things. I don't know what's going on with Lingling.

Qin Gu first asked Nangong Linu to take Wang Meng to find the woman named Fang Lin, and he rushed to the Oriental Invitation Room.

"Xiao Gu." Seeing the arrival of Qin Gu, Dongfang invited him directly into his arms. Qin Gu could feel it, and the girl in his arms trembled a little.

"Okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid." Qin Gu hugged the invitation of the east and comforted him.

Seeing Qin Gu and being held in his arms, the Oriental Invitation Spirit gradually settled down and no longer trembled. Although she has also seen countless dead people, she has also killed people in the battle of the Xuanyuan family. But it's all on the battlefield, in battle. This is the first time she has killed an unarmed and innocent person with her own hands. The great condemnation and uneasiness almost overwhelmed her.

"When you were in Xuanyuan City, you were very brave. How could you be afraid of this now?" Dongfang invited Ling's mood stabilized. Qin Gu took her to sit by the bedside, hugged her and said with a smile, and then asked, "Try, what's going on?"