All magic

Chapter 298 Nonsense Report

"The rest? What's left? Do you think a collection of artifacts can satisfy anyone's wishes? You might as well say that if you really collect all the artifacts, I'm afraid you can only achieve one wish. Let alone how important this wish is to me. Even if they want to restore the family, there can only be one between the Ximen family and the Beiming family. Qin Gu said angrily. He is really angry and helpless. But touching his bottom line, he will never give in.

"This... we can disobey. I can see that they don't know anything about artifacts." Nangong Shenyi was also helpless and didn't want to continue to dwell on this matter. Anyway, there is no eight characters yet. Let's wait until all the artifacts are collected.

Qin Gu was also calmed down when Nangong Shenyi said this. Then the two talked about something, and Nangong Shenyi left.

"Beautiful." Lying alone at night, thinking about what happened today, what Nangong Shenyi just said, tossing and turning, he couldn't sleep at all, simply called for the beauty in his body.

"Well, I'm here." After a while, the beautiful and lazy answer. I don't know if she is going to sleep or too tired. In a word, she doesn't seem to talk much.

"Oh, it's okay." Qin Gu also heard it and had to give up disturbing her. "Good night, go to bed early."


Alas, it is getting closer and closer to success, but there are more and more things. Will it return to the original world smoothly? Qin Gu was thinking nonsense and slowly fell asleep.

The world in Qin Gu's body, after he fell asleep, the beauty stood in the sky, and there was no trace of fatigue. Looking at the vast land, the world here has returned to the world that is familiar with beauty, the world of Pangu Axe...

"I'm sorry, Koya... I don't have much time." Meimei seemed to have made some determination and muttered to apologize to Qin Gu. Then she dodged and disappeared and left the world.

Qin Gu, who was sleeping, had no feeling at all, and kissed Qin Gu's forehead gently.

Maybe during this period, the beautiful peace made Qin Gu careless. However, it is no wonder that it is easy for today's beauty to quietly leave while Qin Gu is asleep without being found. It's just that she always seems to hesitate, especially when she sees Qin Gu's concern for herself, which makes her more ruthless.

But time is getting closer and closer. Meimei doesn't have time. She doesn't want those "future" that she doesn't know, but the "future" that she remembers deeply really happens. She wants to change...

After sitting beside Qin Gu for a while and looking at Qin Gu's face, his beautiful eyes turned a little red. She doesn't know what the result will be after meeting it this time, and she doesn't know if she will see Qin Gu again in the future. But for him, Meimei would rather sacrifice everything.

"Goodbye, Koya." After saying the last words, Meimei quietly left the room...

The next day, when Qin Gu got up, he found that his pillow towel was wet with tears and wiped the dry tears on his face. Qin Gu felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Did you have any bad dreams last night? Qin Gu thought to himself, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Gu, Whoo..." While Qin Gu was trying to recall, the door of the room was opened, and Beiming Ruoxi ran crying and rushed directly into Qin Gu's arms.

Well... Didn't you lock the door last night? Qin Gu was shocked, but then he was more worried about Beiming Ruoxi in his arms, "Xiaoxi, what's wrong? Don't cry."

Qin Gu felt that he was simply useless. He promised Beiming Ruoxi many times that he would never let her cry again, but the result was always...

"Wow... Xiaogu, our family, Sister Lun's family..." Beiming Ruoxi couldn't explain it clearly, but just mentioned the two major families while crying.

Your family, Sister Lun's house? Qin Gu only heard these two words clearly, but his heart was shocked. Did the officials release the news so soon?

Indeed, as Qin Gu guessed, early this day, various media focused on a piece of news released by the government. As soon as the news came out, the whole country was shocked.

"Did you hear the morning news? The Ximen family and the Beiming family..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense. Who knows if there is any secret in it? This is not something that ordinary people like us can talk about."

"What's the matter with the Ximen family before... Now they hit themselves in the face, but they didn't expect the Beiming family to..."

"Oh, don't take me with you if you die."

"What are you always afraid of? Is there any news?"

"Well, let's talk about this relationship, don't say I didn't tell you..."

Such a dialogue is taking place anywhere in the country. The news is too shocking and incredible.

However, this is only limited to people's gossip, and even various versions have been released, all kinds of outrageous, but they have not caused much impact. This has to be said to be the credit of Nangong Shenyi. After receiving the news early in the morning, he was busy. Not only with the power of the Nangong family, but also the resources of the Ximen family and the Beiming family to control the news to the lowest influence.

It not only let the people understand the situation of the Ximen family and the Beiming family, but also did not cause too much panic, but also added a little tragic color to the experience of the two families and attracted sympathy.

After comforting the sobbing and excessively sad Beiming Ruoxi, Qin Gu found the newspaper of the day, and the front page was the news released by the government.

"The Beiming family and the Ximen family were destroyed for the sake of the country?" Qin Gu shouted in surprise, but soon remembered that Xiaoxi was still ** and quickly took a look for fear of disturbing her.

Seeing that the girl was not woken up by herself and still fell asleep sweetly, Qin Gu was released. I don't know if she was tired of crying or was too happy to know the news. After being coaxed by Qin Gu, he slept in Qin Gu's **.

Qin Gu continued to look back at the newspaper and look at the bullshit news released by the government.

The Northern Ming family and the Simon family were described as heroes by the government, claiming that they clashed with local mercenaries and terrorist organizations when they came into contact with a country called Djibouti in Africa, and then suffered a devastating blow. The government not only withdrew the previous unfavorable words for the Ximen family, but also symbolically awarded a considerable number of national special honors to the Ximen family and the Beiming family. There are a lot of martyrs and models. The process between the two families and international mercenaries and feared organizations has also been introduced by Mr. Lin Lin. In a word, these two families are the heroes of the country.

This morning, people said that not only the two major families were asked, but also the country called Djibouti in Africa.

"What a mess." Qin Gu looked at this international joke report and even laughed softly, "Alas, are people really idiots? Take out such a statement to fool it?"

Qin Gu's consistent self-talk to officials and treat the people as fools is really angry and funny. Do you also expect everyone to believe this statement?

Let's not talk about whether there have been any negotiations between the country and Djibouti for this report, but as for the matter itself, there are a lot of doubts.

Among other things, the key point is that the two major families of Ximen and Beiming were actually destroyed by mercenaries and terrorist organizations. Who believes this? What does the country eat? How dare you let people come to your door and destroy such a huge force?

Well, if a fool believes this, how powerful these two international organizations are to easily destroy the two top forces in China. Internationally speaking, these are also two terrorist organizations. Why haven't they heard of them before?

However, it is a good style of officials from beginning to end. At the end of the report, officials claimed that they had united with international organizations to issue a joint clean-up statement against Djibouti's mercenaries and terrorist organizations, and a huge war on terror began.

Then, some terrorist organizations claimed responsibility for this incident and issued various words that were unfavorable to the two major families of Ximen and Beiming.

Then, countries around the world issued a harsh anti-terrorism statement with a tough attitude, and the anti-terrorism sentiment in China was also unprecedentedly high.

Finally, it goes without saying that with the joint efforts of the world, the head of a terrorist organization was arrested, the organization was destroyed, etc., and the incident came to a successful end.

But these are all later words, and they are not what Qin Gu cares about. Anyway, no matter how ridiculous the reason is, it will always help the two families to prove their reputation.

I really didn't expect the officials to make such a statement, and I didn't expect them to release it so quickly. No wonder Han Zhiyuan said that he needed the help of the Nangong family at that time. Qin Gu carefully thought about this report and had something to do with terrorist organizations, which was easy to arouse some emotions of the people. It was very necessary to rely on the power of the Nangong family to effectively control it. However, with such a rapid release, I don't know if my "father-in-law" really exerted pressure.

However, these are not what Qin Gu cares about. It doesn't matter what they like to say. As long as they are certified, some of the following actions will be much more convenient, which is enough. However, what made Qin Gu a little puzzled and uneasy was that this report did not mention a word about Xuanyuan's family.

What's going on? At that time, Han Zhiyuan clearly said that there was also a thing about the Xuanyuan family, but why didn't he say anything now? Didn't they reach a consensus? Or is there something unknown in it? Qin Gu's heart is full of doubts, but he is praying that no matter how much you toss, I hope the officials will not come to themselves again. But Qin Gu didn't know that his "exluxuriate" was basically impossible.

Qin Gu looked at the sleeping Beiming Ruoxi again, feeling both pitiful and funny. I didn't expect such a nonsense report to make this girl so excited.