
Chapter 1 Desire

Close to Wushan, the mountains are surrounded by a small village. Although there are only a dozen families, cooking smoke can be seen everywhere at the foot of the mountain at noon and evening.

The children in this village walk six or seven miles to study in the town's school every day. Because there is no boarding in the school, they can only walk through to and from school step by step, but no child has complained about anything.

Fortunately, there are no foreign disasters in the Wushan area, and the children are used to running, and there are groups of people talking and laughing, so they don't feel anything.

It's time to leave school now. Ye Jiu and several children are walking back. Today, he is in a bad mood.

Xiao Zixuan hid in the haystitch by the roadside and pressed the bitch in his arms hard. It took him a lot of effort to catch it today.

At this time, the bitch had no strength to deal with Xiao Zixuan. She lay in Xiao Zixuan's arms dying. Xiao Zixuan saw that the bitch was no longer struggling, so he smiled a few times.

"Bah, Xiao Cheng, I let your mother's people fight against the dog. Today, your dog fell into my hands, so don't blame me for being cruel, ah..."

Xiao Zixuan spit a few more mouthfuls of thick phlegm on the ground, and then took off his trousers. He was about to do something inappropriate for the bitch, when suddenly several students came on the road.

Xiao Zixuan was so scared that he didn't dare to put on his trousers, so he squatted down secretly, but he was accidentally plunged into his eyes by the grass roots, and his face sweated with pain.

"Brother Jiu, shall we peek at Xiao Zixuan's daughter-in-law take a shower in the evening?"

A fat man who was just a little more than one meter tall kept turning his eyes on the thin boy about 1.5 meters in front of him, as if he was flattering him.

Several boys in their teens walked back and gossiped. Although they were carrying dirty and patched canvas bags, no one deliberately paid attention to them.

A pair of small eyes glanced at both sides of the road, as if they were afraid that passers-by would find him, but when he heard the fat man say that he would peek at his daughter-in-law take a shower at night, Xiao Zixuan's eyes showed sparks.

"Fat, what are you looking at?"

"I just heard something behind the haystling."

"Oc's it, don't be suspicious. Where is anyone at this time?"

Walking in front of the road, Ye Jiu couldn't help shaking his head and becoming a little disdainful.

" Besides, we are not big girls. If there is anything to peek, you'd better come to my house for dinner tonight! After dinner, it's not too late for us to go to Xiao Zixuan's house.

"Brother Jiu, what's good to eat tonight?"

"Rabbits and fish and shrimp, it's up to you if you come or not." Ye Jiu is a little unhappy. He really doesn't like children who are picky about eating.

Ye Jiu's original name is Ye Hong, and he is a closed disciple of Xuan Tianzi, the 249th head of Wushan, so his teacher took the name "Lao Jiu".

However, Ye Jiu doesn't like this identity, because he has always had a dream of being a city hunter and learning from the one on TV, he can kill the villain! However, he has no ability to change everything now, so he can only endure his current identity.

In fact, Xuan Tianzi can give a good name for his disciples, but who makes Xuan Tianzi lazy? The names of his disciples are ranked according to numbers.

The big apprentice is called "Lao Yi" and the second apprentice is called "Lao Er"... All the way to Ye Hong, he ranked ninth, so he can only be called "Lao Jiu". No matter how you hear this name, it feels a little like a magic stick.

Ye Hong also complained about the master, but the master's large frame of nonsense made Ye Hong reluctantly recite the name, and it was still a lifetime!

Fortunately, Xuan Tianzi allowed Ye Hong to use his surname, so now Ye Hong has changed his name to Ye Jiu.

However, although Xuantianzi has nine apprentices, natural and man-made disasters, only the eldest brother, the eighth and the ninth have been alive so far, so Xuan Tianzi now has only four disciples.

However, Ye Jiu was the only one who stayed with Xuan Tianzi, because the eldest disciple and the second disciple had left the master 20 years ago and traveled into the world. More than 20 years have passed, and there has been no news whether he is dead or alive.

And the eight disciples, adhering to the master's last wishes, went to find the master and the second brother. This has been three years, and there has been no news.

"We will definitely go to your house tonight, Brother Jiu..."

As soon as the fat man's words were halfway through, bells and shouts came from behind him. Fat Dun and Ye Jiu turned around.

It turned out that Xiao Cheng, the village head, drove his mule back. Ye Jiu and the fat man hurried to make way, but the mule seemed to bully the fat man.

As soon as the mule arrived next to the fat man, a piece of feces excreted and almost pulled it to the fat man's feet. Fortunately, the fat man dodged quickly, otherwise he would have to win the prize.

"Damn, Uncle Cheng, does your mule have a grudge against me? Why do you poop at my feet every time you see me?

"Fat boy, the mule may not be able to hold it anymore. I'm sorry, hehe..." Xiao Cheng smiled shyly.

The fat man stared at Xiao Cheng, and Xiao Cheng didn't mind. He directly rushed the mule to continue on his way. Ye Jiu and others just looked at the fat man with a good look.

Xiao Zixuan hid hard in the haystuff. The sultry haystuff made him sweat profusely and slightly breathed. At this time, he dared not move and was afraid of being heard. He had adapted to the pain of his eyes.

He has been afraid to pull out the grassroots and is afraid of making a noise. If he hadn't been afraid of being discovered, he would have rushed out.

"Well, let's go back quickly and come out early for dinner."

As soon as Ye Jiu said to eat, the children's saliva flowed again. Ye Jiu curled his lips and glanced at several partners around him with cold eyes. His voice suddenly became indifferent.

"Regarding the fortune-telling I gave people today, I hope none of you can tell my father that if anyone accidentally spills the beans, don't blame me for turning his face."

Ye Jiu's cold voice made several little guys tremble all over. "Brother Jiu, even if you give us ten courage, we dare not leak! Don't worry!" Several big-ass guys waved their hands quickly.

The fat man looked confused: "Brother Jiu, will the consequences of that old man really be in trouble for three days?"

"Of course, my divination was taught by my master Xuan Tianzi himself. You all know his reputation. Although I can't compare with my master, my divination is not much worse than my master."

Ye Jiu's face was a little disdainful, and his mind remembered today's scene. As soon as he finished school today, he was blocked in the toilet by an old man and insisted on making himself hang up. In fact, Ye Jiu didn't know anything about divination, just to earn extra money, so he made it up.

Although Ye Jiu is in the sixth grade, he has hardly learned well in school. He either told fortunes, or burned the braids of his female classmates, or threw snakes and worms into the women's toilet, or lifted a group of girls to peek at the color of their underwear.

Ye Jiu's father's name is Ye Tianqi. He is one of the figures who are often called to lecture and education by the school, so this is also Ye Tianqi's biggest shame. Therefore, every time Ye Jiu is summoned by his parents by the school, he will inevitably be severely beaten by Ye Tianqi.

"Brother Jiu, let's go directly to Xiao Zixuan's house after dinner! Today, I heard that Xiao Zixuan went to the city to work. I don't know when he will come back. Xiao Zixuan's wife's body is quite good. It's not cost-effective to look at it for nothing.

The fat thief smiled, and his eyes became in a trance, as if he remembered something.

"Shut up. No one is allowed to say anything about the village head peeking at Xiao Zixuan's wife taking a shower. If this is spread, something will happen."

Ye Jiu doesn't really know anything. After all, he is the village head. If they spill the beans, it's not as simple as being beaten by their father. If it is serious, it is likely to affect the career of a village head, and it is also possible that he and his father will be kicked out of the mountain.

"Brother Jiu, what are you afraid of? There are no outsiders. We whispered, but Xiao Zixuan's daughter-in-law is really sad. She flattered me last time."

Black egg smiled proudly at his partners, but no one paid attention to his words, because he often bragged. Besides, how could Xiao Zixuan's daughter-in-law wink at a dark little boy? Unless her eyes are broken.

It's not that these children develop early, but there is no one to restrain and discipline them in this remote mountain village. Adults often do voyeurism and play a leading role for their children, so these big children have learned those trivial things.

"You are not allowed to let outsiders know about what you peeked at night. I can warn you that you should be careful. If you find someone, you should withdraw quickly. If you are caught, you can only admit that you are unlucky and can't confess to others."

The fat man and the half-year-old children nodded vigorously. Obviously, this was not the first time they had done such a thing.

Of course, the fat people don't understand the meaning of Xiao Zixuan's daughter-in-law's "uh-huh" sound when taking a shower, but when they heard that sound, several little kids were also very comfortable all over.

So this is also the reason why they peeked again and again. Of course, Xiao Zixuan didn't know these things before. As for whether his daughter-in-law knew it or not, that's a later story.

However, Ye Jiu and others knew that the village head often peeked at Xiao Zixuan's daughter-in-law at night, and they also bumped into the village head more than once or twice, so Ye Jiu deliberately reminded them that after all, it was not a glorious thing to be caught.

Xiao Zixuan's teeth were itching in the haystitch. He really didn't expect his wife to be so slutty that he didn't even let go of the children.

However, when he heard that the village head also peeked at it, Xiao Zixuan's eyes released murderous eyes. After seeing those little children go far away, Xiao Zixuan pulled out the grass roots of his eyes and stood up from the haystatch.

"Xiao Cheng, you are so cruel that you have paid the attention of my daughter-in-law. Well, tonight I'm going to see if you dare to come, ah... What the hell..."

After a few curses, Xiao Zixuan suddenly felt that it was cold under him. Then he remembered that his trousers had not been lifted yet. After looking around, he saw that no one had passed by, so he grabbed the bitch and got up handsomely...

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