
Chapter 19 Ghost Face Man's Blood Jade 1

Huang Mao was taken back to the villa. The middle-aged man squinted and looked at Huang Mao's body for a while. Huang Mao was already out of breath on the way back, and the foreheads of the people who escorted Huang Mao back were covered with cold sweat.

"Say, what's going on?"

The middle-aged man's cold tone can't see any joys and sorrows, as if the person who died in front of him had nothing to do with him. Yes, how could he care about people who have no use value?

"Brother Hui, it's all done by that boy. You must make the decision by Brother Mao!"

Several gangsters agreed and said, the middle-aged man sneered, his eyes suddenly became bloodthirsty, and the middle-aged man wiped his lips with his hands.

"Go back first and call you when you have a task. Remember, if anyone dares to say anything about today, you will know the consequences."

"Yes, yes... We must keep our mouths shut!"

"Chopping the body of yellow hair and feeding it to the flowers and plants, and you can leave after finishing it."

After saying the last sentence, the middle-aged man went upstairs, leaving a few trembling gangsters trembling aside. They seemed to be a little incredible about the middle-aged man's methods.

"Second brother, what should I do?"

"Do it, do it according to Brother Hui's instructions."


The young gangster wanted to say something else, but he was stared at by a slightly older man, and there was no follow-up in his words.

"Listen, everyone, if you want to live, just do what Brother Hui said. In addition, in the future, you will grow your eyes and your mouth will be firm. What you should say and what you shouldn't say, I don't need to remind you anymore!"

"Yes, big brother."

Several gangsters picked up the bodies of yellow hair and walked out of the villa. The middle-aged man looked at the corners of his mouth and smiled evilly. The glass in his hand was full of bright red **, but it was not red wine, but pungent but with ** red blood...

"It hurts... Xiaojiu, slow down..."

In the ward, Ye Jiu tried his best to massage Xing Tian. Xing Tian was very uncomfortable by Ye Jiu's heavy appearance, so he howled.

"Brother Tian, don't look at me. You will know it's comfortable later."

"No, Xiaojiu, you'd better have a rest. I'm an old bone, and I can't stand your tossing like this."

Xing Tian waved his hand and motioned Ye Jiu to stop. Ye Jiu saw that Xing Tian showed the appearance of a woman and was too lazy to continue.

"Xiao Jiu, how about it? Have you heard from those people these days?

As soon as Xing Tian talked about the business, he immediately became serious. Ye Jiu frowned, because what he underwrung was a death spell in Huang Mao's body. Once the spell was launched, it would be fatal, and if it was serious, the whole family would be unlucky, and even the people who had come into contact with him were unlucky.

"It's strange..."

"Strange? What's strange?"

For Ye Jiu's words, Xing Tian is a little difficult to understand. After all, he is just an ordinary person, unlike Ye Jiu who can communicate with gods and ghosts.

Ye Jiu sighed and kept hitting the magic boundary with his hands. He seemed to want to see something, but he seemed to want to surround himself with the boundary.

"Xiaojiu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Ye Jiu ignored himself, Xing Tian felt the seriousness of the situation, and he also knew how difficult the trouble he caused this time was.

"It's okay, Brother Tian, just stay in the ward and don't go anywhere. I have laid a boundary around the ward. If there is danger approaching, I will know immediately."

Xing Tian smiled. He didn't know whether Ye Jiu had put on too much magic stick. Although he had some trust in Ye Jiu's power, the words of boundary were only found in TV or novels, so Xing Tian's words to Ye Jiu were really difficult to digest.

"Brother Tian, don't believe it. You will understand after you enjoy the benefits of the boundary. Well, I won't tell you more. I have something to verify. Remember, don't run around. I'm not responsible for anything."

Ye Jiu has always hated others doubting his ability, so this time he was a little angry with Xing Tian's attitude. Ye Jiu went out of the ward without waiting for Xing Tian to say anything.

Ye Jiu is going back to the hotel this time. He wants to learn something from the crime scene last night. He has always been very informative about his magic, but this time there is a blank.

To be clear, it is the failure of the spell. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of failure. One is that the person who casts the spell dies and the spell is automatically removed, and the other is that the person who solves the spell is stronger than the person who casts the spell.

Ye Jiu is the one who casts the spell, and he is still alive now, so it is obvious that there must be a more powerful beauty on the other side. Ye Jiu sneered. Ye Jiu has always welcomed powerful opponents.

As the saying goes: How can you grow without an opponent! It seems that Ye Jiu has found the object he was looking for down the mountain this time, which is also Ye Jiu's way of experience. Ye Jiu believes that he did not go down the mountain for nothing this time.

It was past 6 p.m. when he returned to the hotel. As soon as Ye Jiu opened the door, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Strange? Why does it smell so heavy?

Ye Jiu frowned and walked to the point of smell, but found a piece of blood jade on the ground. The blood in the jade pendant was dark black, as if the blood was mixed with strong venom.

Ye Jiu wrapped his hand in a handkerchief and then approached the piece of blood jade with his hand. He wanted to pick it up and observe it carefully, but what Ye Jiu didn't expect was that when his hand first touched the blood jade, something strange happened.

The blood in the blood jade kept pouring out of the jade pendant, and the strong stench made Ye Jiu quickly cover his mouth and nose. At this time, his stomach also rolled up. He wanted to spit out the mutton blood vermicelli soup he had just eaten.


Ye Jiu finally couldn't help it and crawled directly on the toilet and vomited. The blood jade in the room kept pouring out blood, but Ye Jiu understood that this was not true, it was just an illusion.

It is the first time that Ye Jiu has seen a person who can make illusions realistic. I'm afraid that such a method would be difficult for his master to do when he was alive. Ye Jiu admired his enemies more at this time. Of course, he also had a fear.

"Bastard, it's better not let me find you, or I will let you die!" Ye Jiu's eyes emitted a vicious light.

"Master, everything is done."

A man wearing a ghost mask stood respectfully in front of the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man shook the wine glass in his hand, and the bright red ** in the wine glass kept emitting a seductive strange smell.

The ghost-faced man looked at the red ** and swallowed twice, as if the thing in the middle-aged man's hand was the most delicious thing in the world.

"What's his reaction?"

The middle-aged man ignored the expression of the ghost-faced man at this time, but coldly asked the answer he wanted.

"Like you think, he has fear."

"Very good, there is finally something that makes me happy."

When the ghost-faced man saw the smile on the corners of the middle-aged man's mouth, the burden in his heart was also relieved. Master, can you reward your delicious **?

"Here, this is what you deserve."

The middle-aged man handed over the wine glass in his hand. The ghost-faced man took off his mask and showed a pale face, but this did not affect his beautiful face.

He had a pair of blood-red eyes, and his eyes revealed desire and wild **. The ghost-faced man took the wine glass handed over by the middle-aged man and drank it without hesitation. The bright red ** flowed out from the corners of his mouth, but the ghost-faced man did not care.

The middle-aged man stood up and wiped off the blood from the corners of the ghost-faced man's mouth with his fingers. The middle-aged man looked at the red ** stained by his fingers, smiled evilly and put it in his mouth and tasted it.

"Lan Shao Xin, you don't have much time. You know what I'm talking about."

The middle-aged man said a mismatched word to the ghost-faced man, "Master, I haven't heard you call my name for a long time, hehe..." Lan Shao Xin, I'm afraid you are the only one who can call these three words in this world.

"When everything is done, I will restore your freedom. At that time, your name will be known by many people. You can also have friends, lovers, and family in the future."

"Master, only the master can call my subordinate's name. How can other lowly creatures deserve to call me by my name?" The ghost-faced man was a little unhappy and seemed to be a little disgusted with the middle-aged man's words.

"Young Xin, you should know that I can't give you anything."

The middle-aged man doesn't know what the ghost-faced man wants, but he can't promise him anything, because he doesn't even know where his way back is.

The ghost-faced man stared into the middle-aged man's eyes. After a few minutes, he desperately put on a mask and walked out of the room. The wine glass in his hand had also turned into powder after he drank **.

"Bang..." The door was closed fiercely, and the middle-aged man sat on the sofa in a daze, and his eyes had drifted away with the back of the ghost-faced man.

After Ye Jiu vomited, his stomach felt more comfortable. After combing, he untied the spell on the blood jade. His eyes were no longer dark red **, and there was no smell of rottenness. Ye Jiu wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"It seems that I really met my opponent this time..."

After Ye Jiu muttered to himself, he fell asleep **. The night was very quiet and there was no storm coming. It seemed that the other party also intended to tease Ye Jiu.

Just like the game between cats and mice, cats always eat some mice after they are tired of playing, so Ye Jiu is not dangerous for the time being, but it will be difficult to say in the future.

"Brother Hui, everything is in your plan."

After the ghost-faced man went out, an obscene man came out of the dark room and saw that his face was no more than 25, but his flowing eyes were disgusting.

"Do you know why I use his power?"

"Brother Hui must have his own ideas, Brother Hui, as long as you give me an order, my brothers will listen to you."

The obscene man handed him a cigarette, but the middle-aged man didn't look at him, but kept staring at a charm on the coffee table.

"Brother Hui, is this the secret hidden in the blood jade?"

The obscene man was about to reach out his hand to get the rune paper, but the saber in the middle-aged man's hand was stabbed into the back of his hand, and the bright red ** dyed yellow rune paper.


A ghost crying and howling sound came from the box...