
Chapter 60 The tragic death of mother and daughter

The ghost mother and daughter were getting closer and closer to Ye Jiu. Instead, Ye Jiu was not afraid and stood quietly, as if waiting for their approach and seemed to deliberately provoke them.

"Why don't you hide?"

The ghost mother floated to Ye Jiu and asked curiously. The ghost daughter also stared at Ye Jiu curiously. At this time, their anger had disappeared, and their horrible appearance also disappeared.

The mother and daughter standing in front of Ye Jiu were so beautiful at this time. The mother was very beautiful, and her daughter was also so cute. Ye Jiu suddenly felt a little warm.

"Although you pretend to be very fierce, in fact, I can feel that you are not malicious. Say it! Why did it become like this here? I'm sure you didn't do it.

The ghost mother and daughter obviously did not expect Ye Jiu to say so, but they did not deny it. The ghost mother sighed deeply and then told Ye Jiu what had happened here.

"A year ago, there was a sudden fire here. The house was locked from the outside. None of the tenants in the house escaped and burned alive here. Later, the building was renovated, and the burned ghosts began to haunt. Over time, it became like this.

"Are you also in the previous fire? But you don't seem to have been burned to death by everyone.

Ye Jiu said her doubts, and the ghost mother looked at Ye Jiu before she said the cause of her death.

"I came here to stay with my daughter last month. Because I had no money, I lived here, but who could have thought that we were broken by those ghosts in the middle of the night, and then we became like this..."

The ghost mother burst into tears after saying that. She is not sad for herself, but for her daughter. Her daughter is still young, but she has said goodbye to the world.

"Since you are dead, why don't you be reincarnated? What are you still doing here?

"Alas! It's not that we don't want to be reincarnated, but that we can't get out of this house at all. It seems that we are fixed here and can't get out of that door at all.

Following the direction of the ghost mother's finger, Ye Jiu frowned, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait, let me check the reason."

Ye Jiu stopped saying anything and directly used his magic. After opening his eyes, he saw that there was a large rune under the house, which suppressed the ghosts in the house. It seemed that they were all locked here. It seems that the bad people behind this must be afraid of retaliation, so he asked someone to do it. Array.

"I know the reason, don't worry! I will rescue you. The formation under this house is to lock your things. When I destroy that formation, you can go out.

"Really? It's really great..."

The ghost mother and daughter shouted excitedly, which directly attracted those ghosts, but they did not dare to approach Ye Jiu.

Ye Jiu knew that they all died unjustly, so he didn't do anything to them. Don't worry, I won't accept you, but listen, if I kill people indiscriminately in the future, I will definitely accept you.

"But that damn beast killed us and locked us here forever. We must get justice for ourselves, otherwise we won't close our eyes. How can we be reincarnated..."

The messy voices around spread, and Ye Jiu also knew that they would definitely go out for revenge, so he tolerated them and asked them to only kill the livestock and not to do evil.

After they all made it right, Ye Jiu lifted the spell and untied the array here. After they were released, they all rushed to one place, but the ghost mother and daughter were reincarnated and did not go to that place with them. Yes, they were different from them, so there was no resentment.

When it was all done, Ye Jiu burned a few pieces of rune paper, then drove away the yin here, and finally knocked on the landlord's door and told him that everything was done.

After the landlord came out, Ye Jiu suddenly thought of a question, "Mr. Landlord, why didn't the ghost here hurt you? Tell me why!"

Looking at Ye Jiu's puzzled appearance, the landlord shook his head helplessly: "Alas! In these ghosts, there are my family. I just went out to buy them food, but when I came back, there was a disaster here. None of them escaped, and none of them..."

The landlord cried bitterly, and Ye Jiu also understood why he chose to live here later. He walked over and patted the landlord on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

"Don't be sad. Your family took those who died unjustly just now to avenge the murderer. Now only you can make that person accept the punishment of the law through legal channels, and you can also compensate the families of the dead."

The landlord is not a fool, and naturally understands Ye Jiu's words, so he quickly got up and called the police, and then followed Ye Jiu to the residence of the murderer he had been looking for.

"It turned out to be here..."

When the landlord got out of the car and saw the brilliant villa in front of him, he sighed. It seemed that he knew the owner of the house.

"Do you know him?" Ye Jiu asked deliberately.

The landlord's face suddenly showed anger, and then he understood why this person was so enthusiastic to help him at the beginning. Only today did he fully understand that he had been being played with.

"Xiangyun Hotel was opened by the owner of this villa for me. I finally know why he was so kind at that time..."

Seeing the landlord's vicissitudes of life, Ye Jiu felt that his heart was so painful, yes! The kind-hearted person who used to think has now become the murderer of his family, which is difficult for anyone to accept.

"So what do you do now? Do you want to sue him?"

"Well, if, not only for my dead family, but also for so many ghosts who died tragically under him. Although he helped me enthusiastically afterwards, this can never make up for his sins."

Ye Jiu didn't know whether to say anything about it or not. He thought for a moment and felt that it was necessary to say it.

"Mr. Landlord, in fact, I don't think he is helping you. The purpose of helping you build that villa is to suppress the ghosts inside, because he is unable to eliminate those ghosts, so he has to try to suppress them in that hotel, which is also to prevent those ghosts from avenging him."

"What? So that's it. Now the big stone in my heart has been put down..."

The landlord is no longer entangled, and the stone in Ye Jiu's heart has been put down. The owner of this villa also deserves it. Who made him do such a vicious thing? Ye Jiu snorted coldly and felt that he should be more strict with this owner.

"Landlord, I don't know what to call you?"

"My surname is Ding, and my name is Ding Lian."

"Hello, Uncle Ding, my name is Ye Jiu. You can call me Xiaojiu."

Ding Lian smiled faintly. He suddenly had an indescribable affection for Ye Jiu, perhaps because this person helped him solve the tragedy of a few years ago!

"What do you plan to do in the future?"

Ye Jiu thought for a moment, but still said what he thought. Ding Lian lowered his head and sighed.

"I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet. I'll make plans after I bring this person to justice."

"Uncle Ding, in fact, I think you should drive down the Xiangyun Hotel, because there is your missing place. Your family has killed an innocent mother and daughter because of resentment, and also missed the opportunity to be reincarnated, so they can no longer be reincarnated."

Hearing Ye Jiu's words, Ding Lian's mood could not calm down for a long time, "Well, this..."

"You don't want them to be wandering ghosts! Let's take that place as their shelter! As long as they are not allowed to do evil, I believe that the business of Xiangyun Hotel will become more and more prosperous in the future.

"But who still dares to live there?"

"You can use the upstairs as a hotel. This is a sideline. There is a restaurant in the place left. This is the main business, and I also took a look. The feng shui here is very good. It will definitely run from time to time in less than half a year. Believe me."

Ye Jiu said very sincerely, and Ding Lian was also moved by it. He smiled and stretched out his hand and shook Ye Jiu.

"How about you being my supernatural consultant?"

"Very good, I like this position."

Ye Jiu really likes this position, because he can not only make money, but also his own instinctive work. How can he be dissatisfied?

The police arrived soon. They surrounded the villa, and Ding Lian also explained the fire three years ago. Unfortunately, the owner of the villa has been pushed down from the upstairs by those ghosts. Although he is not dead, he has been disabled for life.

Maybe this is the biggest punishment for this person! The biggest punishment for a person is not to let him die, but to make him live worse than death. Ye Jiu put a ghost spell on that person when he left.

The purpose is to let him live in the nightmare of the wronged soul forever, and he didn't wake up one day. However, Ye Jiu was curious about who put the spell on Xiangyun Hotel at the beginning, but he couldn't ask anything, because the man was blank for the person who released the spell. It seems that the other party used the memory elimination spell.

Ye Jiu and Ding Lian comforted the families of the deceased, and distributed the murderer's compensation to the families of the deceased one by one. Ding Lian's compensation was used by him to build a restaurant, and his family also had a place to settle down.

Without anger, Xiangyun Hotel is also full of peace, and the restaurant is also very hot. As Ye Jiu said, in less than half a year, it has become famous.

With his own career and a trace of fame, Ye Jiu found that he could actually do business, so he specialized in being a supernatural consultant. There are many people in Hong Kong who believe in this kind of thing, and they are very pious, so Ye Jiu intends to take his first step from here.

"Uncle Ding, I want to ask you something else today."

Ye Jiu thieves laughed twice. In the past six months, he has had a lot of trouble with Ding Lian, but Ding Lian is also willing to help Ye Jiu, because there is no Ye Jiu's words and there is no day for him.

"Bad boy, I think of your uncle Ding as soon as something happens! OK, say it! What's the problem this time?"

"Actually, it's not difficult. I just want you to make an appointment with Chang Xinqiang, chairman of Hongxinda."

"Bad boy, what are you looking for from him? They have their own supernatural consultants.

Ding Lian glanced at Ye Jiu, but Ye Jiu did not die. He still pestered Ding Lian.

"My good Uncle Ding, his supernatural consultant has no ability at all. I have tested it, and Chang Xinqiang is not a regular customer here! He is also very good-hearted, but I saw that he has been suffering from bad luck recently, so I asked you to help make an appointment.

"That's it! That's all right! I'll tell you when he comes."

When Ye Jiu heard Ding Lian help him, he smiled and helped clean up the table. Although Ding Lian is the boss here, he has no shelf at all. He often takes the initiative to help clean up the table, and he is also hot with his employees. Therefore, his employees here love him very much, but the poor thing is that he has no family. .